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"Some Mid term ttc girls got preggo... waiting on the others"

I don't want to make you cry, I just want you to be happy. I may never have met any of you but you were all pivotal in my pregnancy and birth, I just want to return the favour. Besides you can bet when it happens there will be TONS of happy tears here for you!
I am in complete agreement! I can't think of any other person on BnB AND my real life that I would want pregnant over Allison. (And that says a lot as my brother and his wife have had infertility issues for a couple years now). I just think Allison is gonna be an amazing Mom.

And speaking of crying... Tiffany your very first picture on FB of you holding your son for the first time seriously brings me to tears!! It just brings me back to that very surreal & amazing moment of first seeing my baby. So so special! :cloud9: Unfortunately, my husband and I were so much in the moment we didn't get a picture of it! :dohh: Next baby for sure.
I agree with Tiff and Chelsea. Allison you will be an amazing mom..
and I cant wait for the day when you will get your :bfp:. Few of my friends are TTC.. and as Chelsea said- I can't think of any other person in my real life that I would want pregnant over Allison.:hugs:

on a different note - Meeraya started taking bottles again :happydance:
As happy as i am for that.. im a bit sad too..
I am not breastfeeding anymore :nope:.. i m giving her EBM and soy formula..
AS i said planning to return to work in a months time.. i think getting her taking bottles is a big achievement.
Good job Meerya! :happydance: Lelaina seems to be getting over her bottle refusal. She took 1 1/2 ounces from DH while I was out of the house and she took 2 ounces from me a couple nights ago. We think she would have taken more, but we didn't fill it up that much because we weren't expecting it to work! Some nights she won't take it, but I think if I weren't here and she gets hungry, she'd definitely take one! Big relief!!
I heart you guys- you have no idea how much:hugs:

Way to go little ladies! Looks like they're getting the hang of things:happydance:
i guess i spoke too soon.. bottle refusal is back with a bang:cry::cry::cry:
i have to keep trying i think.. there is no choice for me now.. not starting her back on my boobs.. it hurts me seeing her crying and asking for boobs..

chelsea - love the new profile pic.. i guess its time to change mine too.. :winkwink:
Thanks! We call that outfit she's wearing her Rocky outfit... cause its a grey track suit.. well that's obvious if you know who Rocky is. ;)

Nids, unfortunately nothing you can do but the tuff love, eh? Tough love is NOT FUN!! But in your situation I don't think you have a choice. She's gotta learn its bottles only from here on out. Don't feel bad, you're a good mama!!
Chelsea, I love the pic - Lelaina is gorgeous and growing so fast!

Nids, so sorry the bottles are going so rough. Huge :hugs: and hope she gets the hang of it soon!

Allison, I don't know you as well as these two, but I feel like I know you well enough to know you'll make a terrific mom, and I will definitely keep good thoughts and prayers coming your way. Your time will come, I'm sure of it, and when it does, you'll be the most celebrated mid-term TTCer of them all!
Guys! Sorry I gotta brag... :blush: Lelaina rolled over the other way now! Back to front, she did it several times tonight. So now she is rolling all over the place. Then she started creeping with her butt real high up. I'm so proud of her!! She'll be 4 months next Thursday and is already doing all that. Okay, done bragging. :flower:
awwwww so cute!! its so much fun watching our babies grow..
Meeraya is now cooing and smiling very loudly :) :cloud9:
haha I know! Richard is betting she'll be crawling in the next couple months. She's super strong. I don't think I'm saying that just because I'm her Mom. I really do think she's strong for her age. But I am biased, so who knows. ;)
Looky! :D

I'll brag to! Although you might shoot me dirty looks... my skyler is taking both bottle and boobs, which ever we give to him! He is also up 3 ounces from his birth weight making him 8 whole pounds! He's got some cute chubby cheeks.

Cutie, just reading your feedback about my pic made me tear up. It's my fav pic of all.
Oh just saw the video, so freaking cute!
Thanks girls! :hugs: Tiffany that is great about him switching between boobs and bottles!! :happydance: I wish I wouldn't have listened to the advice from ppl saying to wait to give a bottle until 4-6 weeks. Go Skyler!
can i brag too? so i took Meeraya today to mother's club.
Its like group of 8-9 mothers who meet every week for 8 weeks just to discuss issues and basically just social interaction for the babies.
Meeraya was lovely there. Cooing and smiling to everyone..
and then when she was hungry she had her bottle and quietly slept after i burped her..

oh and yes She hasnt taken boobs since last thursday :thumbup:..

Tiff- Did Skyler lost some weight after he was born? Meeraya lost around 300gms in first week.
Aww good girl Meerya! So Nids, are you still producing milk or have the milk jugs dried up?

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