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"Some Mid term ttc girls got preggo... waiting on the others"

Aww go Meerya! Lainey rolled over on her 3 mth b-day, maybe Meerya will do the same. :D
I'll post pics but I need to take some so give me a day or two. Skyler lifts his head up quiet well during tummy time which I will now and forever more refer to a TT. He gets it up 90 degrees already and can hold it for a good time then slowly lowers his head back to the ground! Sometimes he's to tired and it just flops down causing him to face plant which is why I keep my hands under his chin on the floor just in case. (We have hard wood now) Need to buy a proper TT mat but they're so expensive!
So sorry I haven't checked this thread in a while, things have been crazy busy around here. The first finger foods we gave Christina were very soft carrots and tiny tiny pieces of peach. She's still not stellar with finger foods, but she's getting there. We went to my mom's house over the Labor Day weekend and C got to see all of her cousins together at the same time - my brother has 3 kids and my sister has 4, and they were all there! It was lots of fun.

Meeraya and Skyler both sounds so strong - they are doing so well! The shots really stink, but I do think they forget them quickly. Lainey is sooo cute - glad to hear she liked the cereal.
I of course posted pics in my journal! Some a few pages back and some just now.
NIDS!! I miss you! I'm not keep up with everyone very good, but since you don't have a parenting journal I have no idea how you and miss Meerya are doing. Perfectly fine I'm sure, but I still wanna know! Message me lady or update here! :hugs:
Yeah whats up with the lack of posting in this thread?
Well my excuse is Lelaina's increased activity! She's 5 months old now! :shock: She's sitting up on her own and try really hard to crawl. I think we are still at least a month away from that, but she just rolls and scoots everywhere, so in that way she has become much more mobile! She is seriously the sweetest baby ever.. always smiling and giggling at everything. Tons of fun. :) Anyways, I use to come on here when she would take a long nap.. but she doesn't seem to take long naps very often anymore, so I don't get much BnB time anymore.
Exciting times at your place chelsea! I try to get on when Skyler is sleeping to. But between that and needing to clean and do readings and assignments its hard!
I know, I often have to choose between BnB or cleaning up the house during her naps. And next week I'm starting back at school full time.. so that will be quite the adventure trying to keep up with her and school! I don't know how you've handled that from day 1!
It's manageable! The hardest part is leaving Skyler. But the best part is coming back home to him!

Good luck with classes! It was hard keeping my sanity trying to do it all the trick with a baby is to not procrastinate. I am catching up from my laziness earlier. Hopefully will be all caught up this week. Just gearing up now to submit an assignment for my distance course then I got prep for my classes this coming week. God I can't wait to graduate in april! It will so be worth it.
Thankfully, I don't have to leave her. I'm doing all my classes online so I can still be a SAHM. :D
Im here CHelsea-- just been swamped with everything..
started work part time.. wed, thu and Friday..
so its been crazy.. im still getting hang of managing home , work and Meeraya..

ok so i did an awful thing today.. i cut a tiny bit of skin of meeraya's thumb while clipping her nails today.. she cried for like 2 seconds and then started smiling..
but she had some blood.and i kept on saying sorry to her..

another thing is Meeraya is still not rolling.. hopefully soon..
she is doing half rolling - trying to put weight on one arm .
Aww, my sister accidentally clipped her daughters skin once and it freaked her out so much she still won't trim her nails... and her daughter is 4 now. She makes her husband do it. Don't worry about Meeraya not rolling yet, a lot of babies don't until the 4th month. The arm situation is confusing for them for a while. Its funny to watch her work hard for it though, huh? How has work been going?
I have bonked Skylers head on the change table, he didn't even blink but I felt bad lol.

As for rolling most babies do it around 4 months, my kid was just weird and has been doing it since 3.5 weeks!

I file skylers nails cause I am so afraid of getting his skin.
Nids! I wish you had a journal! I don't know where to find you to check up on you and meeraya!
I have a journal! I"m in the clear, whew! No evil looks coming my way.

How is everyone?
I think its too late for me to start one, but I still like to check on you all! So Nids where the hell are ya!?
How is everyone?

We are good! Lainey is gonna be 6 months on Tuesday!! So crazy! I'm gonna give her some banana for her first time. I'm really excited about that!! She already likes rice cereal quite a bit.

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