Soy Isoflavones! Natures Clomid!

Live_in_hope, great to see you bded before ovulation! I see you got your crosshairs... yay!!
My cm and saliva microscope didn't indicate I was ovulating either.
If you don't get a bfp this month maybe you should up your dose next month. .. can't hurt!
The first time I used soy I had a five month old baby and hadn't had a period in about a year and a half. I used vitex for 2-3 months, which I felt normalized my hormones somewhat, although still no period. Then I stopped the vitex and took soy for five days (can't remember for sure but I think I took 120, 160, 200, 200, 200). I actually ovulated either at the end of the five days or possibly the day after. Got my bfp two weeks later. I actually didnt know I was pregnant. I went to the Dr because nothing was happening and she did blood tests to see what was happening with my hormones. She tested hcg as well and rang the next day saying congratulations. :-)
This time I had my first period in like 2.5 years (with two pregnancies in that time though). Again i took vitex for a couple of months, then stopped when i got af. On cd 3-7 I took 200mg soy, ovulated cd 22 and got a bfp 10 days later.
I've been breastfeeding through both cycles.

Wow that's amazing ssjad. Very close to what I did. My doctor told me not to ttc till I have gotten my AF because my lining would be thick and its only been 4 month's so it's reassuring that you got your BFP after not having AF for 1.5 years and all was fine. Just in case I do fall pregnant which is definitely possible lol.

My last dose of Soy was 7/30 and the past few days I've had pink tinged ewcm and lower back pain and pinching pains in my ovaries? So I think I should O soon if I haven't already. I probably should have been temping but lost my thermometer. Haven't gotten a plus on OPK just negatives that are not quite as dark as the control line but then I think maybe I could have missed my surge or possibly my wee was too diluted or not concentrated enough as I drink a ton of water so I wee often haha!!
hey ladies,
Any of you ladies who use soy, did it delay ovulation for you, bring it sooner or no reql change?
Im on cd 25 and still waiting for my +opk :shrug:....a typical cycle for me would be a +opk on cd 21 with ov on cd23/24.... Although my cycles this year have been a little crazy, the past few months have been close to normal for me.... Should i up my soy dose next cycle? I took 120mg cd3-7 xxx

Have you tried starting low and up the dose as you go, I read a lot of posts back when I was ttc my ds and a lot of the gals who did this got their bfp as it seems the big dose at the end kind of forces a nice strong O. It works for me and I'm trying the same dosages this time around. Hopefully you will get your BFP and won't even have to worry about it :) good luck!
thanks ladies! :thumbup: i wondered whether taking it days 3-7 was working for me, with me having linger cycles, wondered if the effects would have worn off by the time i ov? :shrug:

I kept it the same what with being quite new to it, what do you suggest? My capsules are in 40mg so have been taking x3 so 120mg each day.... I just need to know if i definitely did ov coz i need to start my progesterone :dohh: x
thanks ladies! :thumbup: i wondered whether taking it days 3-7 was working for me, with me having linger cycles, wondered if the effects would have worn off by the time i ov? :shrug:

I kept it the same what with being quite new to it, what do you suggest? My capsules are in 40mg so have been taking x3 so 120mg each day.... I just need to know if i definitely did ov coz i need to start my progesterone :dohh: x

If it has delayed O this cycle maybe doing days 1-5 or 2-6 would bring your*O closer and maybe try 80,120,120,160,200. Just have to find what works for you :) I did 120 days 1-5 the first cycle I was ttc my ds, which didn't work for me so I tried upping the dosage gradually and it worked got my bfp my second cycle on soy which blessed me with my now 23 Month old son....we had been trying for over 10 month's. I also used Emerita pro-gest progesterone cream after Ov as I had a previous m/c at 6wks. I never got a positive opk that cycle either so I know how your feeling. I just paid attention to my cm and started the cream once cm was a tacky consistency.

As for me : still having back pain and pelvic pain and some nausea. CM starting to dry up I believe so pretty sure I missed my surge and ovulated either yesterday or the day before. I will wait a couple days to see if CM continues t o dry up. Any of you ladies have bad lower back and pelvic pain during O when on soy??
thank you for the advice! :thumbup: i will definitely up the doses next cycle! It hasnt delayed ov as such, my cycles are always on the long side. Before this year, i would ov on cd24 which was normal for me. But now its just all over the place :wacko: if i did ov when my chart said i did, then it infact brought it on earlier :shrug: so im potentially 5dpo today then :shrug: my cm is creamy/tacky and have no other pains/twinges etc....lets just see what the next few days brings...
As for backache during ov, i usually get it and thats on months without soy, right across my lower back, really aches, then as soon as i ov, it stops, like magic!same when af comes, afew days before i get the ache then as soon as she comes i get a massive relief :shrug:
hey! Well im still in this cycle! Im 12dpo! :shock: my lps are usually 8-10days!! I tested today but i dont know......i think i see something but its a squinter..... What do you think? My temp went up a little today too...

Hows everybody else doing?

eeek i really really hope do! Thank you! If so another soy virgin hits jackpot! :thumbup: xxx
I used soy Isoflavones in 2011 to conceive our second daughter (our first took 3 years naturally)

I took 100mg CD 5/6/7 then 150mg CD 8/9. Got my BFP 2 weeks later. Had my daughter in January 2012

We have since been TTC for 12 months with no luck. I used Soy Isoflavones on Cycle 5, 6 and cycle 11/12 (current cycle).. Still not conceived. I'm beginning to believe that last time was just a coincidence :(
@ Live in Hope : really hope thats a BFP for you, I see a shadow but cant see good enough on here to tell if it has color to it :) when are you testing again??

I'm still in my TWW if I O'd when I think I did. Don't think I will test till the end of the wk at the earliest but I'm very sore in my lower abdomen, not really cramping its more of an ache the whole way across and sore nips and my legs are sore..hmm not sure what that's about. I've been really hungry in the am and at night. Any symptoms for you??
thank you! I got a bfn this morning and a low temp :shrug: another day i want to wish away again.... :nope: when i woke and saw the low temp i instantly felt af-y...but once i was up it stopped so figured it was in my head :dohh: when i went to the loo to test my cm was (tmi alert)....'hanging down' from was clear, not tinged with red or anything so thats a good sign.
My boobs started hurting last night, just the odd sharp shooting pain in my left one. This morning its in both and more often...they also feel quite hot. Think i usually get this sometimes before af, so just have to wait it out...again...

I had a look on ff and looked at preg charts where they have post ov temps like mine....a few women got their bfp when their temp was below coverline so thats given me some hope xx

Your symptoms sound promising hunny! Ive had that dull ache across my abdomen for the most part of my tww! Cant believe im having a tww that is actually going to be two weeks! Its a miracle! Hope my 8-10day lps are a thing of the past now...could soy be responsible for that dya think? I started acupuncture aswell and have had 3 sessions throughout this cycle so am hoping that has helped too! Xx

Fx for us all! xxx
thank you! I got a bfn this morning and a low temp :shrug: another day i want to wish away again.... :nope: when i woke and saw the low temp i instantly felt af-y...but once i was up it stopped so figured it was in my head :dohh: when i went to the loo to test my cm was (tmi alert)....'hanging down' from was clear, not tinged with red or anything so thats a good sign.
My boobs started hurting last night, just the odd sharp shooting pain in my left one. This morning its in both and more often...they also feel quite hot. Think i usually get this sometimes before af, so just have to wait it out...again...

I had a look on ff and looked at preg charts where they have post ov temps like mine....a few women got their bfp when their temp was below coverline so thats given me some hope xx

Your symptoms sound promising hunny! Ive had that dull ache across my abdomen for the most part of my tww! Cant believe im having a tww that is actually going to be two weeks! Its a miracle! Hope my 8-10day lps are a thing of the past now...could soy be responsible for that dya think? I started acupuncture aswell and have had 3 sessions throughout this cycle so am hoping that has helped too! Xx

Fx for us all! xxx

Sorry you got a bfn but all your symptoms still sound promising as well, when I got my bfp with my DS my temp was below the coverline also and thought for sure I wasn't pregnant so there is definitely hope.
I haven't temped this time around, probably should buy a new thermometer sometime haha.
As far as Soy lengthening your LP hmm, not sure if its the soy but I know progesterone cream helped extended mine by 2 days in previous TTC cycles without Soy. Are you taking progesterone?
I have never tried acupuncture and doubt my insurance will cover that but I will look into it if I don't get my Bfp this month.
I'm either 7 or 8 dpo now and I tested this morning even though I knew I'd likely get bfn as its just so early but I swear I saw a very very faint line, probably just have line eye lol I'll test again 10 or 11 dpo. What dpo are you hun?
oooh that sounds promising!! :thumbup: thank you, that does sound promising, although.....ive had quite a day...... So i woke this morning thinking i was another bfn....then again (like the past few days) ive had much i decided to test with an opk....i got the brightest opk i have EVER seen! :shock: so i was like :wacko: now i am cd34 waiting to ov??? :cry: then somebody said you can get +opks when pregnant and many had positives just before their bfps and considering i got a faint line on a frer yesterday it could be the case.... I just really dont know what is going on :cry: ...i used orog cream last cycle with intent to use it this cycle but as ov crept up on me then it wasnt until 7dpo that i was convinced that ff was right and i did ov and by then i didnt want to start the cream, thought i would see how things go. So then i got to today13dpo and i was thrilled that id got here by myself with no cream. It was a miracle seeing as my lps are it may not be the case :shrug: so it was a good thing i didnt take the cream if i havnt actually ovd yet :shrug: ... Lets see what tomorrow brings.....again :dohh:

Wishing you lots of luck with this cycle too! You are very good if you can wait another few days before testing again.... I know preg hormones can take afew days to increase, but still, i do it everyday from 8dpo :blush: :haha: xx
oooh that sounds promising!! :thumbup: thank you, that does sound promising, although.....ive had quite a day...... So i woke this morning thinking i was another bfn....then again (like the past few days) ive had much i decided to test with an opk....i got the brightest opk i have EVER seen! :shock: so i was like :wacko: now i am cd34 waiting to ov??? :cry: then somebody said you can get +opks when pregnant and many had positives just before their bfps and considering i got a faint line on a frer yesterday it could be the case.... I just really dont know what is going on :cry: ...i used orog cream last cycle with intent to use it this cycle but as ov crept up on me then it wasnt until 7dpo that i was convinced that ff was right and i did ov and by then i didnt want to start the cream, thought i would see how things go. So then i got to today13dpo and i was thrilled that id got here by myself with no cream. It was a miracle seeing as my lps are it may not be the case :shrug: so it was a good thing i didnt take the cream if i havnt actually ovd yet :shrug: ... Lets see what tomorrow brings.....again :dohh:

Wishing you lots of luck with this cycle too! You are very good if you can wait another few days before testing again.... I know preg hormones can take afew days to increase, but still, i do it everyday from 8dpo :blush: :haha: xx

TTC can be so frustrating and our bodies can just plain confuse us at times aargh!! I believe in the opk theory as I tested it out when preggo with my DS, I think i was 4wks though and it showed a positive slightly darker than control that's awesome, maybe you O'd a day later than you thought, keep testing :) Fx for you!!!

Thank you!! I have quite a few IC's but I'll be working the next 2 days so it will kind of keep my mind off POAS lol otherwise I would probably use them all till I get my bfp or af haha!!

Forgot to add that in my reading I found out lots of ewcm or slippery cm in general is a good sign of early pregnancy as it then dries up and forms the mucus plug!!
Exciting stuff happening in here. Hopefully in the next few days there'll be a couple more soy babies cooking!

Kerrie, are you temping? It'd be interesting to see what your body is actually doing...
update from me....another bfn from me this morning.... :nope: i am being forced to believe that i am infact heading for a late ovulation....luckily we bd last night so we'll see what the next few days bring... Will try and get a bd in today at somepoint too! Got to keep up tradition and get a soy baby first time :winkwink: thank you everybody for all your help these past few days, i would have seriously lost my mind :hugs: xxxx
Hows everything going ladies???

AFM: Still testing bfn :( think I'm out!! If we didn't catch the egg, AF should start in a couple days as I'm pretty sure I did indeed O!! Just waiting now ugh!!
hey :wave: ah well she isnt here yet, so there is still hope!!how many dpo are you now?

Im 7dpo of my real tww.... Been going on forever after having what i thought was a tww before this one started! :dohh: but i definitely ovd this time and my temps are up nicely. Very good temps actually as last cycle i was on progesterone cream and every cycle before my lp temls were very low, dipping beliw coverline, short lps, so fingers crossed i get a decent lp length this time (9months would be nice):haha: but il be happy with 10days+ :thumbup: no real preg symptoms but will start on the ics tomorrow :blush: xx

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