Hey my lovely ladies sorry I've been mia, busy weekend
A - how exciting about your Dr appt

everuthings gonna be just fine sweetie, you'll see.
As missh said, don't test now, those lines have been gettin darker and darker for you, relax and enjoy your pregnancy
Karine - good news that your OH came back for a bit but annoying that he has to go away again

hang in there sweetie, you'll get that BFP in no time.
Missh & Clara - hope your settling down in to your new roles as mummies. I'm sire the baby blues will pass before you know it
Grey & prepping - hope you lovely ladies are both well
Afm - nothing to report

still got crazy amounts of spots all over my face but that's it. And a bfn on a ic this morning. Gotta dash back to work but will post properly laters xxxxx