Sperm Meets Egg Plan Chatter thread!

Just an update from me as I haven't been on for a while... AF due yesterday still no signs and I am never one to EVER be late! Although still testing BFN!! Have a doctors appointment booked for tomorrow...

Don't you just hate the way mother nature decides to throw you a curve ball... was all on track for new cycle and she doesn't show!!!! Grrrrr very frustrating!

How is everyone else this morning?

Hey chickadee, nice to see you on here! think I have some kind of RSI from too much typing or texting:shrug: but will text ya later. Working way thry my slimming world cook book, quiche now. Weigh in Wed and better lose at least 2 pound for all this effort.

Hope everyone is ok and bring on some more BFP's!!!
ugh that's how i was last cycle cupcake, but i think it was because i had a chem.
temp is unusually high this morning, going to have to do some research on whether or not maca/femaprin/RRLT can raise your temps. usually it's in the 97.9-98.3 range before o.
well 3? days until SMEP baby dancing! so ready to just get past o and onto the 2ww.
Oh! I just read that royal jelly can diminish and reduce the signs of aging!!!

When I first heard about people using royal jelly to TTC, I was curious because years ago I used a skincare line that had a very expensive day cream containing royal jelly for that reason!
Oh my goodness sakes, a girl takes a day off and has a novel to read when she gets back. I'm trying to catch up on everyone's business.
I'm meeting my stepmother-in-law at the herbalist tonight, so very excited! Hopefully I can find out some good information and I'll pass on whatever she tells me to you guys-I think just Mamaxm and Honeybee-that are jumping on the herbal train.

I was going to mention also that I've read drinking as much as one cup of coffee a day can half your chances of conceiving. Isn't that crazy? Plus it can double your chances of miscarriage once pregnant. I can't go without my coffee in the morning but I've waaaaaaay cut back in the last 2 months. I had an awful headache for about 2 weeks when I first cut back but it's not so bad now. I drink two small cups in the morning and only buy decaf soda. Lots of water!
Mamaxm-It's not all artificial sweetners that are bad for preg, it's the sweetners that contain Saccharin which would be Sweet 'N Low or the pink packets. I don't know what you UK girls have there. Splenda is ok and so is Equal. I know you're on a vegetarian/organic diet, have you tried Agave Nectar for sweetening? It's delicious! It comes in a bottle like honey.
Im 13 DPO today, so AF due tomorrow. Thought she had arrived just now when out with my MIL, had a sudden feeling of being really wet. Made her find some toilets so i could check......but nothing there. Guess we will seewhat tomorrow brings.....

If AF starts tomorrow then il be starting on royal jelly to help imporve the quality of my eggs. I only have 1 ovary, so poor thing does the work of 2 and i worry that im not porducing lovely healthy eggs.

Hope everyone else is good????

:hugs: to anyone with AF or a BFN
ugh that's how i was last cycle cupcake, but i think it was because i had a chem.
temp is unusually high this morning, going to have to do some research on whether or not maca/femaprin/RRLT can raise your temps. usually it's in the 97.9-98.3 range before o.
well 3? days until SMEP baby dancing! so ready to just get past o and onto the 2ww.

Not sure if this helps! I found it while researching about all of these things you ladies are talking about :)

Benefits of Maca root are a higher metabolism causing fat loss and higher energy levels:

Maca is known to cause an increase in body temperature for many users. I have definitely experienced this effect, with my average basal body temperature rising from around 36.8 degrees to around 37.3 degrees after fourteen days of taking 3 teaspoons of gelatinised maca per day.

There are many reports on the web from hypothyroid patients of their body temperatures increasing by as much as 2 degrees Celsius up to and above the normal basal body temperature of around 37.0 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit). These dramatic increases in basal body temperature tend to be achieved after a couple of months of using maca root consistently.

Your thyroid is your body’s thermostat:

It is generally the case that low body temperature is indicative of poor thyroid function. While you probably wouldn’t call yourself hypothyroid unless you found your basal body temperature to be at least a degree below the average 37 degrees Celsius, a body temperature of only half a degree below 37 is a good indication that your thyroid isn’t functioning as well as it could be – Broda Barnes MD (a very influential thyroid expert) stated in 1976 that 40% of American people were hypothyroid, that is, had underactive thyroid glands.(9)

As is the case generally with maca root, there are not a wealth of studies and trials done to prove maca’s ability to benefit the thyroid. However, one case study on the internet shows a man’s T4 (thyroid hormone) level to have increased noticeably with maca according to blood tests(10).

Many people have had to reduce the dose of or stop taking their thyroid medication after a short period of using maca to avoid overstimulation – this indicates the benefits of maca root are increased thyroid hormone output, and therefore you don’t require as much thyroid hormone from an exogenous source.

Improving thyroid function and raising body temperature could help sportsmen, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts primarily by increasing the rate of fat burning. If your thyroid is brought back up to speed it means you will be burning more calories 24/7 – a primed thyroid is the key to getting really shredded!

But improved thyroid function also means a better functioning immune system, more refreshing sleep, less headaches and sinus problems, less joint pains, healthier skin, less menstrual problems for women, and the list goes on… Notice how this list mirrors the set of health complaints that maca is reputed to cure –could maca root be improving peoples’ symptoms primarily by improving their thyroids?

There are already a number of legal supplements and illegal drugs taken by bodybuilders precisely for the purpose of revving up the thyroid. Examples of legal supplements are plant based selenium, iodine or guggulsterones, and Cytomel is a drug used to treat hypothyroid patients that, although only available by prescription, is used by bodybuilders on cutting cycles.

The theory in the bodybuilding world is that, for every degree your body temperature increases you burn 7 percent more calories, and it looks like maca can get you at least one degree up!

Stimulants such as ephedra, guarana and caffeine, used by bodybuilders to increase metabolism, work by increasing Central Nervous System (CNS) activity through stimulating the adrenals. A lot of doctors feel this will, in time, ‘burn out’ the adrenals, which would cause a whole lot of problems. Despite the general consensus, I’m yet to see any evidence that coffee will ‘burn out’ your adrenals, but what is certain is that the body adapts to these stimulants after a period of time and they do become less effective.

Judging by results of thyroid patients using maca root for extended periods of time, it does not look like the benefits of maca root are temporary - if maca is indeed rejuvenating, rather than simply using, the adrenals, then there is no reason why the benefits of maca root should not be permanent.

Side note: There isn’t any documentation on whether maca root will raise your body temperature if you already have a normal body temperature. My guess would be that it may move you slightly above 37 degrees, as I’ve seen evidence that the optimum body temperature is higher than this, but given it is an adaptogenic herb that has traditionally been eaten in high quantities, I doubt it would take you above what’s optimum.

For example, whilst consistently being at 40 degrees C might help you burn fat, I doubt it’s a particularly healthy situation to be in – at this temp. you’d probably never manage to get to sleep!
Mamaxm-It's not all artificial sweetners that are bad for preg, it's the sweetners that contain Saccharin which would be Sweet 'N Low or the pink packets. I don't know what you UK girls have there. Splenda is ok and so is Equal. I know you're on a vegetarian/organic diet, have you tried Agave Nectar for sweetening? It's delicious! It comes in a bottle like honey.

I love agave! It's an ideal natural sweetener because of its low glycemic level.

I have to disagree with the comment about Splenda/sucralose and Equal/aspartame being ok...As a health & wellness consultant, I recommend to my clients to steer clear of any artificial sweeteners as much as possible. Aspartame has been found to penetrate the brain blood barrier. It can actually build up to toxic levels. I personally know a woman who suffered temporary paralysis due to her daily diet Coke habit. Bottom line is that it is chemically-derived and should be used sparingly, if at all.

Splenda claims to be derived from sugar, implying that it is a natural source of sweetener, but it also has been chemically manipulated...It is actually a chlorinated compound that can affect kidney and lung health, also containing petroleum by-products. Dr. Janet Hull has done terrific research on the dangers of Splenda. I'm sure if you google search her name and *Spenda* you'll come up with many results.

(Hope you don't mind me chiming in here, but artificial sweeteners and their misleading claims is something that gets me fired up LOL)
oh, and don't know if anyones drinking green tea, but i strongly suggest sweet leaf organic green tea, the mint and honey flavor. it is to DIE for. i normally am not a huge fan of green tea so i took my first sip today and almost fell on the ground i was so surprised! i love black tea but i have to say this beats it!
also.. altiva's red raspberry leaf tea. i know i already said it, but seriously, this stuff it good. although i'm sure any of RRL tea is just as good, because all it has is RR leaves in it. and it's good to build a strong home for your baby! and farther into the pregnancy, helps with contractions and easy labor. everyone should drink it :)

I have seen sites recommending green tea when TTC, but I have steered clear of it, since the EGCG found in it decreases the absorption of folic acid. (I do love an occasional iced green tea from Panera, but am afraid to consume it regularly).
Mamaxm-It's not all artificial sweetners that are bad for preg, it's the sweetners that contain Saccharin which would be Sweet 'N Low or the pink packets. I don't know what you UK girls have there. Splenda is ok and so is Equal. I know you're on a vegetarian/organic diet, have you tried Agave Nectar for sweetening? It's delicious! It comes in a bottle like honey.

I love agave! It's an ideal natural sweetener because of its low glycemic level.

I have to disagree with the comment about Splenda/sucralose and Equal/aspartame being ok...As a health & wellness consultant, I recommend to my clients to steer clear of any artificial sweeteners as much as possible. Aspartame has been found to penetrate the brain blood barrier. It can actually build up to toxic levels. I personally know a woman who suffered temporary paralysis due to her daily diet Coke habit. Bottom line is that it is chemically-derived and should be used sparingly, if at all.

Splenda claims to be derived from sugar, implying that it is a natural source of sweetener, but it also has been chemically manipulated...It is actually a chlorinated compound that can affect kidney and lung health, also containing petroleum by-products. Dr. Janet Hull has done terrific research on the dangers of Splenda. I'm sure if you google search her name and *Spenda* you'll come up with many results.

(Hope you don't mind me chiming in here, but artificial sweeteners and their misleading claims is something that gets me fired up LOL)

Good to know!!! My OBGYN gave me that information, she had just instructed me to stay away from Saccharin. So I went and scoured all of the sweetner labels at the store, I looked pretty crazy I'm sure. I don't care for the taste of artificial sweetners anyway, I can always taste them. What is the newest that they've put out, it's in the Vitamin Water 0? It tastes awful but I cannot remember the name for anything.
Mamaxm-It's not all artificial sweetners that are bad for preg, it's the sweetners that contain Saccharin which would be Sweet 'N Low or the pink packets. I don't know what you UK girls have there. Splenda is ok and so is Equal. I know you're on a vegetarian/organic diet, have you tried Agave Nectar for sweetening? It's delicious! It comes in a bottle like honey.

I love agave! It's an ideal natural sweetener because of its low glycemic level.

I have to disagree with the comment about Splenda/sucralose and Equal/aspartame being ok...As a health & wellness consultant, I recommend to my clients to steer clear of any artificial sweeteners as much as possible. Aspartame has been found to penetrate the brain blood barrier. It can actually build up to toxic levels. I personally know a woman who suffered temporary paralysis due to her daily diet Coke habit. Bottom line is that it is chemically-derived and should be used sparingly, if at all.

Splenda claims to be derived from sugar, implying that it is a natural source of sweetener, but it also has been chemically manipulated...It is actually a chlorinated compound that can affect kidney and lung health, also containing petroleum by-products. Dr. Janet Hull has done terrific research on the dangers of Splenda. I'm sure if you google search her name and *Spenda* you'll come up with many results.

(Hope you don't mind me chiming in here, but artificial sweeteners and their misleading claims is something that gets me fired up LOL)

Good to know!!! My OBGYN gave me that information, she had just instructed me to stay away from Saccharin. So I went and scoured all of the sweetner labels at the store, I looked pretty crazy I'm sure. I don't care for the taste of artificial sweetners anyway, I can always taste them. What is the newest that they've put out, it's in the Vitamin Water 0? It tastes awful but I cannot remember the name for anything.

I'm pretty sure that Vitamin Water Zero contains stevia. We use stevia from time to time (actually grow it in our garden-it's not bad added to iced tea with sprigs of mint) but it does have a funky aftertaste that stays with you!
I can't tolerate it at all. I can taste it in everything! So basically, there are no artificial sweetners that you can buy that are safe.
I need to stop missing days on here. It takes me far too long to catch up. Anyway, hope everyone had a good weekend.

I'll make a TTC Warriors Banner later. Gotta go to work in a mo but I will do it, I promise :)

Ok girls. I've done it now :D

If you right click on it and then click 'properties' and copy and paste the url then put
at the end it should work.


Ok girls. I've done it now :D

If you right click on it and then click 'properties' and copy and paste the url then put
at the end it should work.



Hello ladies!!! :hi: I was wondering if I could join the group. The stupid :witch: got me today :cry: so I am going to try SMEP this cycle. :thumbup: GL to everyone and lots of :dust:!!!!!!!!

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