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Sperm Meets Egg Plan Chatter thread!

alright! so we've got 28 girls now, 11 of us should get our bfps! :happydance:
I just realized I will have to keep my appt with the FS as I will not know if I am preggo or not by then. :( Oh well it will all work out and we are all going to get BFPs this month!! PMA PMA
I am going to try the SMEP this cycle, can I please be added to April 16th?

new dates are up! this is also our last chance to have a 2010 baby :( just thinking about it makes me sad. i hope i've done it this cycle..
I am in, this sounds like fun!!! I have a couple of days to test and if BFN, I will try the plan with next :witch:

:bfp: And :dust: for everyone!!:hugs:
I am in, this sounds like fun!!! I have a couple of days to test and if BFN, I will try the plan with next :witch:

:bfp: And :dust: for everyone!!:hugs:

yes ma'am, let me know if you get your bfp! and if not, :hugs: and let me know when you're testing!
okay so my ladies who chart.. two questions.
#1- didn't sleep tonight, so i layed still in front of the tv for three hours, then took my temperature. is that okay? i absolutely MUST have a temperature for today, because i think i o'd yesterday.. i think i will nap later this afternoon though, should i take my temperature then instead?
#2- my temperature is high :happydance: and if it's correct, it means i o'd yesterday which is what i expected and what usually happens, but there are no crosshairs yet? whyyyyy?
thanks in advance!
am going to try this plan this month.... pls put me down for testing on 21st April...
Oh put me down for April 27 if the witch shows on time this month. I should O around the 10/11 and be able to test by then. Couldn't take it anymore I had to know!!:)

Reeds delighted you found the thread and are giving it a go, its so relaxed for the first time in months i kept forgetting how many dpo i was and when af was due etc. Wishing you all the luck in the world x
Oh Im sorry AreIn83 - do you OPK or use the CBFM. I hope you have, how will you find out other than temping? Im rubbish at temping

Welcome Jamerc77 and anyone else I have missed!!

Wow good luck takingforever for your BFP, If only I was that far into my cycle still a couple more days for me to OV

Lucy - so sorry to hear about that and hope next month is the lucky month for you!!

ttcstill - Hiya its suppose to start cycle day 8 but not sure why so cycle day 9 should be fine and bed every other day and then once you get peak bed peak day 1 & 2 then day after then skip a night then bed the following night.

So sorry about your migraine mamaxm I know how you feel I have had one for 3 days now and such bad toothache

Welcome maybe-baby

Good luck to you tryforbaby2 and Im also jealous 4"!! amazing lol....

AreIN83- Isnt that always the way people get pregnant so quickly and not so easy for us

Realitypuppet, good luck im testing April 8th
Hi Ladies

Can i join you, Useing sofcups for the first time this month, If no BFP again then we will do Smep next month so wanting as much info as possible to get me started so i am going back to page one off this thread, just made a cup off tea so will sit back and read:thumbup:

Congrats to everyone who got there BFP with SMEP x x

enjoy! it's so simple and it really is incredibly relaxing, when i first read about it i thought 'oh, i'm basically already doing that' but for some reason following the plan is so much easier! i've barely thought about ttc.

funny you should say that hun cos I've barely thought about ttc either, I mean obviously got my opk's and softcups but feel like I haven't put much thought in to it this month - perhaps that's the key?!

Question - do you put your softcup in after laying with your legs in the air? I've never laid with legs in the air after sex (usually just lay down and pop softcup in and stay semi-laid down for a bit after perhaps that's where I've been going wrong?!) but plan to while i'm watching one born every minute lol

Well girls so far so good. CD10 for me today and bd this morning! Do you think it matters whether you bd in the morning or eve? Because we are morning people most the time (I am far too tired come bed time I'm half asleep before I get to the top of the stairs!)

Also I am being really strict following the plan so even though I wasn't going to use opk's this cycle I am being a good girl and have stocked up on some anyway. Just done one, negative obv though a very faint line I always get them getting darker then get my positive on cd14 so that will be me bding thursday then sat, sun, mon and weds!! It's a doddle this way isn't it!

One big question though, the plan says that after you have done your 3 days in a row, one day off then one more bd for good measure it says to STOP!! Do you think we should literally not have sex between then and our af/bfp?? Because quite frankly my strictness regarding this plan would go out the window!
I think it means in terms of ttc - don't got at it like rabbits after then. Give it a few days then bd like normal :flower:

CD11 for me so bd'ing tonight!

Just a question - it says to bd every other day from CD8 but we've done every other day from CD9 will this make a huge difference? As I usualy get my +opk on CD14 and release the eggy between then and CD16, I think it makes sense for me to bd on CD11, 13, 14, 15 and 17 rather than 12, 13, 14 and 16.....

this won't matter will it??
I'm suppose it won't make an awful lot of difference Ness :flower:

We have very similar cycles I also assume I release my egg between cd14 and cd16 so I will be bd on 14, 15, 16 and 18. If you get your bfp this month and I don't then I will change to your way and if I do and you don't then you could change to bd cd8 onwards! If we both get bfp then HOORAAH! If we both get af then boo hoo! I'm going a bit mental again :wacko:

My oh made me smile this morning though as he told me last month he doesn't want to be thinking about ttc so much due to the pressure on him to perform, he just wants us to be like we used to just minus the bcp.... however this morning I went to the loo fairly soon after doing the deed and when I got back into bed he said 'should you not be laying still for a bit and giving my poor boys a chance?' lol. I explained come the weekend I will be crossing my legs and staying horizontal for as long as poss :winkwink: but bless him he is thinking about it really then!!
okay so my ladies who chart.. two questions.
#1- didn't sleep tonight, so i layed still in front of the tv for three hours, then took my temperature. is that okay? i absolutely MUST have a temperature for today, because i think i o'd yesterday.. i think i will nap later this afternoon though, should i take my temperature then instead?
#2- my temperature is high :happydance: and if it's correct, it means i o'd yesterday which is what i expected and what usually happens, but there are no crosshairs yet? whyyyyy?
thanks in advance!

During sleep, your body "resets". Your temperature goes to baseline and your hormones balance.
Thanks Ness! If you could put me down for 29 March testing then please that would be great.

Good luck all and congrats on the BFP's so far!
AreIN83- Isnt that always the way people get pregnant so quickly and not so easy for us

Realitypuppet, good luck im testing April 8th

It is that way! And it sucks. She didn't even want to tell me she was pregnant although I had given her advice on how to get pregnant as quickly as possible :dohh:
I'm suppose it won't make an awful lot of difference Ness :flower:

We have very similar cycles I also assume I release my egg between cd14 and cd16 so I will be bd on 14, 15, 16 and 18. If you get your bfp this month and I don't then I will change to your way and if I do and you don't then you could change to bd cd8 onwards! If we both get bfp then HOORAAH! If we both get af then boo hoo! I'm going a bit mental again :wacko:

My oh made me smile this morning though as he told me last month he doesn't want to be thinking about ttc so much due to the pressure on him to perform, he just wants us to be like we used to just minus the bcp.... however this morning I went to the loo fairly soon after doing the deed and when I got back into bed he said 'should you not be laying still for a bit and giving my poor boys a chance?' lol. I explained come the weekend I will be crossing my legs and staying horizontal for as long as poss :winkwink: but bless him he is thinking about it really then!!

thanks hun! I just thought for me it would make sense to bd on the day before ov, day of ov, and the day after of (i.e. CD13,14,15) and then 17 as the idea is that the sperm is there waiting for the egg and not the other way round as the egg doesnt live for long.

At least if the egg is released on CD15/16 sex on 15 and 17 should cover it at least!

Aww bless your OH!! he he I've told my OH that I'll be laying in bed with my hips up for at least 30 minutes and he has to be at my beck and call :haha:

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