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Sperm Meets Egg Plan Chatter thread!

Ness- I put the softcups in without putting my legs up, i put it in immediately, almost as soon as he pulls out.

TTCStill- i don't think that line is dark enough yet, i'd give it a few more days.

well i ended up falling asleep and took my temperature, still high (not as high as i thought!) but still no crosshairs :( but i just know i've ovulated! i can feel all of the usual symptoms! i think my opks just didn't catch the surge. or maybe i'm being too positive. i've never skipped o before so i'm a little bit stressed.
okay so how about this question.. at the beginning of this cycle, i had spotting for two days.. and then AF came full force. did those two days count as days 1 and 2 of my cycle? i normally don't spot, so i've never had this problem before, but could i actually be on cd15 instead of 17? (i think that's what day i'm on..)

Good question! Same thing happened to me early this month and it never happens to me so I am totally confused at where I am at on my cycle! Hope someone can answer this for us! Thanks!
well i've gone ahead and added the spotting onto ff and god bless me i guess i'm on cd18. wow. anyways, i'm pretty sure i must have o'd cd13 or 14 since that's where i'm seeing the jump (check it out and see if you agree?) and i didn't use opks those days.. so that would make me 4dpo. or 5. i'm going to go with 4. i think this cycle is going to be a bust ladies :( this is the most confused i've been with my body since starting ttc.

Mamaxm, you are not out until :witch: gets you! From your chart, I think you may have ovulated around CD13. And it makes sense if you did not use OPK on that day. You still did follow SME to the best of your knowledge though so this could be your month. And you're trying Preseed and Softcups, right? Is that new to this cycle as well?

I think you still have a great shot at getting your :bfp:! I'm also guessing myself at 4-5dpo so we can go into the 2ww together.

:dust: :dust: :dust:
yes preseed and scs. CP is higher than it's ever been, can't touch it at all so maybe i'll o late? i've never o'd so early before, it's throwing me off but i'll go with it until something changes!
so i actually used an IC hpt today :haha: i was thinking maybe things were weird because i was pregnant! of course, bfn.
i'm going to continue bd'ing every night for tonight and tomorrow night just in case, i'm not even bothering with opks anymore, i think i must've gotten a bad batch.
I'm Joining! =D im using it this cycle. Last cycle i had a 30 day cycle instead of a 28 day cycle so im going to go with my having another 30 day cycle this month. im on CD 6 now and im waiting for my OPKs to come through they should be here soon =D also got some pregnancy tests on there way and hopefully they will be turning positive using this method :). AF should be due on the 16th April i might hold out untill the 17th April because im having my engagement party that night :) which would be really nice! Im also using Moon Cup.

Thankie ladies
Zoie x
well bd'd tonight CD11!

laid with hips elevated for 25 mins then popped in a softcup! managed to not lose any sperm either - bless OH after we'd bd'd he said "is there anything else you need me to do?"
aww ness, cute OH!!
13 DPO bfn, pink spotting, trying to have PMA but pretty sure the witch will be here tomorrow. i so hope she wont be - dont wanna ruin the stats on this thread!!!
thanks honeybee! Awww I hope she doesnt rear her ugly head honey :dust: and fx she stays away xx
Good evening, ladies! To those asking about whether spotting counts as day 1 and 2, it does not. I have spotting every month :( and everything I've read is that you count CD1 as the first day of a real flow. -- which for me means I never really know when CD1 is until after the fact.... :(
I've come to taking temps off my chart and changing my symptoms trying to get my crosshairs. Are any other charters using any other methods other than advanced? I was just wondering what kind of results you get with FAM or OPK. I tried changing them to see what it would do to my chart and it didn't change anything.
good news! i got a almost as dark as the line opk today with not so good urine so i assume i'm o'ing! already bd and have my softcup in, i'm feeling alot better.. arein, you're next! i'm so surprised, o has NEVER been this late before.
also, no one should worry about getting AF and ruining the statistics! it's good for them to be accurate and that should be the last thing you're thinking about while ttc :hugs: i'd rather have an accurate 30% statistic than an inaccurate 100%!
good news! i got a almost as dark as the line opk today with not so good urine so i assume i'm o'ing! already bd and have my softcup in, i'm feeling alot better.. arein, you're next! i'm so surprised, o has NEVER been this late before.
also, no one should worry about getting AF and ruining the statistics! it's good for them to be accurate and that should be the last thing you're thinking about while ttc :hugs: i'd rather have an accurate 30% statistic than an inaccurate 100%!

Hurrah mamaxm! That's great news xx glad you are feeling better!
Arein, i was looking around on FF and it says that they will only put crosshairs on your chart after three consecutive days of high temperatures, so i'm sure they'll put yours on today or tomorrow! i've had 5 days of high temperatures and it hasn't changed yet.. but i guess we'll see what happens. really i just want them to hurry up and confirm o so i can see my pregnancy points! haha! i just paid for a vip membership and i want to reap the benefits!
Hi Girls,

Can any1 help? I didnt have any fertility sticks for my CBFM bar 1 so I stupidly used it today thinking that it might show the correct status even though I have not used it any other days of the cycle. Does any1 know if this shows the incorrect reading or should it still work? It says low fertility but I always get high fertility about day 9 and im on day 14 and my CP is high as in I cant even reach it and had EWCM last night but I can only see creamy and wet today, maybe just cos I cant reach it. Also getting achy legs and stomach but I dont know the exact date I will OV as no sticks left im assuming it will be tomorrow like usual. I wish I got more sticks now will need to get OPK sticks today instead. :growlmad:
I like the odds of 100% so far. Can I jump in on this thread?
I am going to try SMEP (hope DH has eaten his spinach) for my :bfp: this cycle.
Can you put me down for the 16th?
I like the odds of 100% so far. Can I jump in on this thread?
I am going to try SMEP (hope DH has eaten his spinach) for my :bfp: this cycle.
Can you put me down for the 16th?

Welcome and GL Sophia!
Hi Girls,

Can any1 help? I didnt have any fertility sticks for my CBFM bar 1 so I stupidly used it today thinking that it might show the correct status even though I have not used it any other days of the cycle. Does any1 know if this shows the incorrect reading or should it still work? It says low fertility but I always get high fertility about day 9 and im on day 14 and my CP is high as in I cant even reach it and had EWCM last night but I can only see creamy and wet today, maybe just cos I cant reach it. Also getting achy legs and stomach but I dont know the exact date I will OV as no sticks left im assuming it will be tomorrow like usual. I wish I got more sticks now will need to get OPK sticks today instead. :growlmad:

i wouldn't trust cbfm if you haven't used it for the rest of your cycle, it's made to read your data as your cycle goes on. i would just grab some opks and use them, and if your body is telling you you're o'ing, bd!
Can I join in to please.

OH and I have done a bit of google research on the plan and I have ordered my OPK, should be here in a day or so.

Am, on CD3 at the moment.

Fingers crossed for everyone
Hi Girls,
i wouldn't trust cbfm if you haven't used it for the rest of your cycle, it's made to read your data as your cycle goes on. i would just grab some opks and use them, and if your body is telling you you're o'ing, bd!

hehe.... yeah I thought the same I think im actually ready to ovulate today getting all the signs. Either that or tomorrow. Going to bed tnite, thurs and fri. I actually called the helpline and they said monitor checks for changes in levels like you said and cant determine the status cos they havent got a different change in hormone to work with so just showed low. wish I bought more test sticks now duh :dohh:
yeah, my body is acting funky too, i either o'd yesterday or i'm o'ing today, i'm definetly getting some pains.. plus i didn't sleep last night so i took my temperature after laying down for a few hours, but when i nap later this afternoon i'm going to reset it with whatever temperature i get. i need to set an alarm and temp that way, i usually depend on OH to wake me up but his work schedule has been funky lately. i think it's too late in this cycle for me to do that though, better stick with my anytime between 10-12AM temperatures :haha:

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