Sperm Meets Egg Plan Chatter thread!

Hi ladies need a bit of help please
call me stupid but if i stuck to this plan starting day8 then every other till ovulation i dont get how i can stick to it if i start on 8 then do 10 i should ovulate on day 12/13 so i would obviously wanna BD on 12,13,14 is this right? but surely day 11 is as important ?? more so than 14? so its only 2 BD you get in before ov or is this just as i seem to be having short cycles?
Also how do you work out your average cycle length as mine have been 24,26, 27

I have this problem, too. I'm sorry to say that I haven't quite figured it out...I usually get a peak (lh surge) on day 11 or 12...so wind up doing 8, 10, 11, 12, 13...and then we get tired and miss the last BD. I'm trying not to worry about it too much. If all we can manage is every other day BD, w/ a couple of days of 2 days in a row around O time, I'm not going to stress. I was just getting too stressed if we missed a day, and then we'd fight about it. :sad1: I'm sorry, I don't think that helped you at all...but let me know what you plan on doing. :haha:

I guess what I'm really wondering is, if you have short cycles, like us, would it make sense to start on day 6 or 7 instead of day 8?

I think im going to start day 7 (tomorrow for me)then 9,11,12,13 miss 14 and go for 15 what do you reckon? Do you use opk's? Any english ladies ordered from healthcare-uk? found them through amazon ordered yesterday when do you think they might turn up? Also what day should i start testing everyone says day 9 for a 26 day cycle?:wacko:

I think I'm starting on CD7 aswell, as I think I will probably get my +opk on day 13 then ovulate on CD14, so by having :sex: on days 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 & 17 we should have it well covered. Will probably then BD on days 20, 23 & 26 to make the 2ww go quicker LOL.

Good luck everyone:dust:
Uggghhh, just tested early! BFN, of course. Only 9DPO and used an IC that says it's not effective until 1 day after AF is due, so probably completely meaningless. But, WHY must I torture myself so? :nope:

Defo too early yet fx for you when you testing again? it is real hard not to poas i have done it loads!:hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies need a bit of help please
call me stupid but if i stuck to this plan starting day8 then every other till ovulation i dont get how i can stick to it if i start on 8 then do 10 i should ovulate on day 12/13 so i would obviously wanna BD on 12,13,14 is this right? but surely day 11 is as important ?? more so than 14? so its only 2 BD you get in before ov or is this just as i seem to be having short cycles?
Also how do you work out your average cycle length as mine have been 24,26, 27

I have this problem, too. I'm sorry to say that I haven't quite figured it out...I usually get a peak (lh surge) on day 11 or 12...so wind up doing 8, 10, 11, 12, 13...and then we get tired and miss the last BD. I'm trying not to worry about it too much. If all we can manage is every other day BD, w/ a couple of days of 2 days in a row around O time, I'm not going to stress. I was just getting too stressed if we missed a day, and then we'd fight about it. :sad1: I'm sorry, I don't think that helped you at all...but let me know what you plan on doing. :haha:

I guess what I'm really wondering is, if you have short cycles, like us, would it make sense to start on day 6 or 7 instead of day 8?

I think im going to start day 7 (tomorrow for me)then 9,11,12,13 miss 14 and go for 15 what do you reckon? Do you use opk's? Any english ladies ordered from healthcare-uk? found them through amazon ordered yesterday when do you think they might turn up? Also what day should i start testing everyone says day 9 for a 26 day cycle?:wacko:

I think I'm starting on CD7 aswell, as I think I will probably get my +opk on day 13 then ovulate on CD14, so by having :sex: on days 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 & 17 we should have it well covered. Will probably then BD on days 20, 23 & 26 to make the 2ww go quicker LOL.

Good luck everyone:dust:

so your positive opk is day before ov? do you still get positive on ov day too?
um dont know whats the best plan of action now do we do bd on 14 too or just 15 wont eggy be gone by then anyway? or shall i stick to day 8 short cycles nice but hard for this im thinking
I did last month yes, but I think I caught the tail end if the surge, they say you ovulate 12 to 36 hours after +opk. I do one early afternoon then early evening, last month I got + on the evening of day 13 then the afternoon of day 14, I definately ovulated on the night of day 14 because I felt it. So for me it's about 32 hours from first +opk.
I did last month yes, but I think I caught the tail end if the surge, they say you ovulate 12 to 36 hours after +opk. I do one early afternoon then early evening, last month I got + on the evening of day 13 then the afternoon of day 14, I definately ovulated on the night of day 14 because I felt it. So for me it's about 32 hours from first +opk.

Right not sure if i am or when i do right now so hopefully these little sticks will help my cause, may i ask what type you use ? where from?
sorry if asking lots of questions better if you ask though!!:winkwink:
Think i might do tonight 6, 8, 10 then 12,13,14 miss 15 do 16 what do you think? From info i have gathered i could ovulate between days 11-14 and most fertile dates to bd are between 10-15 so 15 is important too
I did last month yes, but I think I caught the tail end if the surge, they say you ovulate 12 to 36 hours after +opk. I do one early afternoon then early evening, last month I got + on the evening of day 13 then the afternoon of day 14, I definately ovulated on the night of day 14 because I felt it. So for me it's about 32 hours from first +opk.

Right not sure if i am or when i do right now so hopefully these little sticks will help my cause, may i ask what type you use ? where from?
sorry if asking lots of questions better if you ask though!!:winkwink:
Think i might do tonight 6, 8, 10 then 12,13,14 miss 15 do 16 what do you think? From info i have gathered i could ovulate between days 11-14 and most fertile dates to bd are between 10-15 so 15 is important too

I'm using CB digis this month but for the past few months I've used ICs, the ICs are ok, I'm just giving the CBs a try to see if they make things a bit clearer. I got them from ebay, the ICs are really cheap like £6/7 for 50 I think, the CBs I got from ebay aswell, 7 for £14.49 something like that.

Based on what you've said, those days look about right to me. I had to work out mine because I thought surely if I ovulate on day 14, day 13 is important aswell, day 12 might be too early for me, so I thought by moving up one day to the odd days instead of even that it ought to do the trick FX'd

GL hun, I've got a few day sto wait yet til I start BDing LOL
I did last month yes, but I think I caught the tail end if the surge, they say you ovulate 12 to 36 hours after +opk. I do one early afternoon then early evening, last month I got + on the evening of day 13 then the afternoon of day 14, I definately ovulated on the night of day 14 because I felt it. So for me it's about 32 hours from first +opk.

Right not sure if i am or when i do right now so hopefully these little sticks will help my cause, may i ask what type you use ? where from?
sorry if asking lots of questions better if you ask though!!:winkwink:
Think i might do tonight 6, 8, 10 then 12,13,14 miss 15 do 16 what do you think? From info i have gathered i could ovulate between days 11-14 and most fertile dates to bd are between 10-15 so 15 is important too

I'm using CB digis this month but for the past few months I've used ICs, the ICs are ok, I'm just giving the CBs a try to see if they make things a bit clearer. I got them from ebay, the ICs are really cheap like £6/7 for 50 I think, the CBs I got from ebay aswell, 7 for £14.49 something like that.

Based on what you've said, those days look about right to me. I had to work out mine because I thought surely if I ovulate on day 14, day 13 is important aswell, day 12 might be too early for me, so I thought by moving up one day to the odd days instead of even that it ought to do the trick FX'd

GL hun, I've got a few day sto wait yet til I start BDing LOL

Thankyou i ordered some yesterday only 15 though will that be enough do you think ? What day do you think i should start testing my info says day 9 what do you think hun? mine were from amazon hope they come in time have got a saliva microscope tester too :happydance:
Uggghhh, just tested early! BFN, of course. Only 9DPO and used an IC that says it's not effective until 1 day after AF is due, so probably completely meaningless. But, WHY must I torture myself so? :nope:

Defo too early yet fx for you when you testing again? it is real hard not to poas i have done it loads!:hugs::hugs:

Thanks New Mummy! I'm going to try to hold out until the 22nd, which is the day after AF is due...yeah, right! :rofl:
Hi ladies need a bit of help please
call me stupid but if i stuck to this plan starting day8 then every other till ovulation i dont get how i can stick to it if i start on 8 then do 10 i should ovulate on day 12/13 so i would obviously wanna BD on 12,13,14 is this right? but surely day 11 is as important ?? more so than 14? so its only 2 BD you get in before ov or is this just as i seem to be having short cycles?
Also how do you work out your average cycle length as mine have been 24,26, 27

I have this problem, too. I'm sorry to say that I haven't quite figured it out...I usually get a peak (lh surge) on day 11 or 12...so wind up doing 8, 10, 11, 12, 13...and then we get tired and miss the last BD. I'm trying not to worry about it too much. If all we can manage is every other day BD, w/ a couple of days of 2 days in a row around O time, I'm not going to stress. I was just getting too stressed if we missed a day, and then we'd fight about it. :sad1: I'm sorry, I don't think that helped you at all...but let me know what you plan on doing. :haha:

I guess what I'm really wondering is, if you have short cycles, like us, would it make sense to start on day 6 or 7 instead of day 8?

I think im going to start day 7 (tomorrow for me)then 9,11,12,13 miss 14 and go for 15 what do you reckon? Do you use opk's? Any english ladies ordered from healthcare-uk? found them through amazon ordered yesterday when do you think they might turn up? Also what day should i start testing everyone says day 9 for a 26 day cycle?:wacko:

I think I'm starting on CD7 aswell, as I think I will probably get my +opk on day 13 then ovulate on CD14, so by having :sex: on days 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 & 17 we should have it well covered. Will probably then BD on days 20, 23 & 26 to make the 2ww go quicker LOL.

Good luck everyone:dust:

Ok, I'm going to try CD7 next cycle, as well. :flower:
Oh and New Mummy...definitely a good idea to use the OPKs if you haven't yet. I'm using Clear Blue Fertility Monitor along w/ SMEP, but use IC cheapies just to confirm CBFM's accuracy. :rofl: Don't want to risk missing OV!:dohh:

Sorry, edited because I misread your post that you already purchased the OPKs and are just waiting for them to arrive. When I was using OPK's before CBFM, I believe I started on CD9.
Hey SMEP ladies,

hope you are all doing well!

I am due to test tomorrow - but O'd late so probably won't test until Tuesday.

According to my normal cycles AF was due today, but no sign yet...but am thinking that she is on her way soon.

Go the SMEP! Although, I must admit I didn't follow it perfectly this time...but pretty close!
Hello ladies - how is everyone today?

Im CD14, no smiley face on my OPK today but usually comes 16 or 18. Already got one :sex: in on CD12 - started later this month as we always peak too early and never manage the two in a row, and then insurance one so hopefully this will help - and then again tonight. Have ordered massage oils & candles which should be delivered tomorrow and planning to surprise DH when the smiley face arrives. Ha, nothing is going to stop me this month!!
I am sooooooo frustrated ladies...... I was gettin near positive OPK's at cd6 and now they are lighter and seem to be getting lighter rather than darker I know I haven't o'd because of my temps but this is getting on my last nerve.... I need a break I am going nuts! Urgh!!!!!!
hi all i started the smep last night day 6 instead of day 8 so next time is monday ,, just hope i get pos on okp as i didnt last cycle but im temping so that will help and got me softcups too ,, x
I am sooooooo frustrated ladies...... I was gettin near positive OPK's at cd6 and now they are lighter and seem to be getting lighter rather than darker I know I haven't o'd because of my temps but this is getting on my last nerve.... I need a break I am going nuts! Urgh!!!!!!

CD6 would be very early to O though wouldnt it? Havent you got a few more days before its like to happen?

Know what you mean though, I am getting very impatient! :growlmad:
Hi ladies need a bit of help please
call me stupid but if i stuck to this plan starting day8 then every other till ovulation i dont get how i can stick to it if i start on 8 then do 10 i should ovulate on day 12/13 so i would obviously wanna BD on 12,13,14 is this right? but surely day 11 is as important ?? more so than 14? so its only 2 BD you get in before ov or is this just as i seem to be having short cycles?
Also how do you work out your average cycle length as mine have been 24,26, 27

I have this problem, too. I'm sorry to say that I haven't quite figured it out...I usually get a peak (lh surge) on day 11 or 12...so wind up doing 8, 10, 11, 12, 13...and then we get tired and miss the last BD. I'm trying not to worry about it too much. If all we can manage is every other day BD, w/ a couple of days of 2 days in a row around O time, I'm not going to stress. I was just getting too stressed if we missed a day, and then we'd fight about it. :sad1: I'm sorry, I don't think that helped you at all...but let me know what you plan on doing. :haha:

I guess what I'm really wondering is, if you have short cycles, like us, would it make sense to start on day 6 or 7 instead of day 8?

I think im going to start day 7 (tomorrow for me)then 9,11,12,13 miss 14 and go for 15 what do you reckon? Do you use opk's? Any english ladies ordered from healthcare-uk? found them through amazon ordered yesterday when do you think they might turn up? Also what day should i start testing everyone says day 9 for a 26 day cycle?:wacko:

I think I'm starting on CD7 aswell, as I think I will probably get my +opk on day 13 then ovulate on CD14, so by having :sex: on days 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 & 17 we should have it well covered. Will probably then BD on days 20, 23 & 26 to make the 2ww go quicker LOL.

Good luck everyone:dust:

well messed up already didn't bd last night as other half to tired from work but jumped me this morning horny sex lol im sooooooo horny now but he says must stick to plan lol so tomorrow wanna rip his pqants off lol sorry if tmi lol:happydance::happydance:but anyway gonna go all out this month for my BFP come onnnnnnn good luck all x x x x
I am sooooooo frustrated ladies...... I was gettin near positive OPK's at cd6 and now they are lighter and seem to be getting lighter rather than darker I know I haven't o'd because of my temps but this is getting on my last nerve.... I need a break I am going nuts! Urgh!!!!!!

thats whats been going on with me! and my temps are going crazy!!
I am sooooooo frustrated ladies...... I was gettin near positive OPK's at cd6 and now they are lighter and seem to be getting lighter rather than darker I know I haven't o'd because of my temps but this is getting on my last nerve.... I need a break I am going nuts! Urgh!!!!!!

thats whats been going on with me! and my temps are going crazy!!

i had positive ovulation tests on day 6-7 of my cycle this month then again yesterday and today, temp been all over the place too :(
I am sooooooo frustrated ladies...... I was gettin near positive OPK's at cd6 and now they are lighter and seem to be getting lighter rather than darker I know I haven't o'd because of my temps but this is getting on my last nerve.... I need a break I am going nuts! Urgh!!!!!!

thats whats been going on with me! and my temps are going crazy!!

i had positive ovulation tests on day 6-7 of my cycle this month then again yesterday and today, temp been all over the place too :(

this is my second month charting and last month wasnt this crazy? well i did start charting at like cd 8 last month so i dont know..

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