Sperm Meets Egg Plan Chatter thread!

hi all i started the smep last night day 6 instead of day 8 so next time is monday ,, just hope i get pos on okp as i didnt last cycle but im temping so that will help and got me softcups too ,, x

Yay! Mandy........ I am using pre-seed and softcups and temping too!

I am sooooooo frustrated ladies...... I was gettin near positive OPK's at cd6 and now they are lighter and seem to be getting lighter rather than darker I know I haven't o'd because of my temps but this is getting on my last nerve.... I need a break I am going nuts! Urgh!!!!!!

CD6 would be very early to O though wouldnt it? Havent you got a few more days before its like to happen?

Know what you mean though, I am getting very impatient! :growlmad:

Yes waiting it would be way too early and I think maybe I just had a rough few days because they are getting darker now and I ususally O on CD13 so I think we are good.... having O pains this morning so the little eggy is coming.....

I am sooooooo frustrated ladies...... I was gettin near positive OPK's at cd6 and now they are lighter and seem to be getting lighter rather than darker I know I haven't o'd because of my temps but this is getting on my last nerve.... I need a break I am going nuts! Urgh!!!!!!

thats whats been going on with me! and my temps are going crazy!!

i had positive ovulation tests on day 6-7 of my cycle this month then again yesterday and today, temp been all over the place too :(

this is my second month charting and last month wasnt this crazy? well i did start charting at like cd 8 last month so i dont know..

Ladies my temps have always seemed erratic...... make sure you are taking them at the same time every morning and that you are not talking or having anything to drink or getting up before you take them as that will cause them to be off....... after a couple months of charting I can overlay my charts on FF and that really helps to see the pattern and they are pretty consistent on my overlay.
Afternoon Ladies!

I'm wishing time away here, this part of my cycle is taking AGES! I think it's just because I can't wait to get :sex: and get those :spermy: in there LOL

Well atleast the :witch: had peed off now.

:baby::dust: to everyone and GL for those :bfp:s

Yay! Mandy........ I am using pre-seed and softcups and temping too!

im using okps too but last month never got pos and so far now im not ,, only getting faint line and my cm is inbetween sticky and watery, and i got strange ache on right side of pelvis,, x
Hi everyone hope your all ok today
well day 8 for me and BD tonight trying to have a bit of fun too so not that worried we messed up the other night
opk's not arrived yet hopefully be here tomorrow when i get home from work in afternoon
How long do they take to come from the likes of ebay/amazon anyone?
Well it's day 7 for me, starting the SMEP for the first time this month, first night of :sex: tonight.

Hoping for my :bfp: on June 9th!!

:baby::dust: to you all xxx
our night off tonight lol need one!!
my opk's still not arrived:-(

I got mine a couple of days with ebay. Hopefully they will arrive tomorrow. You will be CD 10 tomorrow, when you need to use them yeah? x

wanted to start on day9 ideally only cos thats what i have found out lots of girls with short cycles do, but its not a prob got my saliva microscope and looking a little different today which is all good thank youx
Where is everyone :hi::hi: use to be such a chirpy thread and defo kept up pma come on ladies missing you:hugs::hug:
Hi everyone! Congrats to all those with bfps and sorry for those that the witch got.

I am on cd6 today and will start to bd on cd10. That's it really. Started to focus on other things in my life so it doesn't take over my brain. Even did some gardening the other day. Started to go running and do Yoga and Acupuncture which is brilliant!!! I admittedly did go to Mothercare yesterday and bought some more baby clothes...not pink this time....blue actually and some white ones lol. xx
Well ladies I hope everyone is doing good...... I am CD14 today and I am pretty sure I am 2 dpo because I got my opk on cd 12 this cycle and my temps dipped that day I have been :sex: since cd6 every other day but I didnt :sex: last night ....... I was way to tired to even consider it. we will :sex: tonight and tomorrow then take Friday off ...... which works because we have to go to Lubbock to pick up my soon to be mother-in-law who is coming to stay with us for a while.
Hi all, I'm day 17 in cycle 1dpo, we got positive OPK and fertility monitor this month so here's hoping our BD helped :D going to try again one last time tonight, this month i had horrible O pains so hoping thats a good sign also.

after almost 3years really hoping this is our month, sending baby dust out to everyone.

we have a Laparscropy and dye on 30th june so really hoping to get pregnant before that so don't need to go through with it lol :D
Well ladies I hope everyone is doing good...... I am CD14 today and I am pretty sure I am 2 dpo because I got my opk on cd 12 this cycle and my temps dipped that day I have been :sex: since cd6 every other day but I didnt :sex: last night ....... I was way to tired to even consider it. we will :sex: tonight and tomorrow then take Friday off ...... which works because we have to go to Lubbock to pick up my soon to be mother-in-law who is coming to stay with us for a while.

i think me and you are on the same boat... i posted an opk and ppl say its pos. bt it wasnt as dark as the control line, it was still dark tho... I havent gotten one like that anymore... i had tan spotting yesterday, or brown, but it looked tan.... so im not sure whats going on... Had EWCM last night and BD so idnt.. my temps are still in the 97's tho... ill post a pic of my chart
this chart shows the temps from last month and this month... this month is pink

hi everyone. I am 2dpo and I had spotting yesterday which I am totally confused from. all I can think it could be is ovulation bleeding which has never happened to me before :-S

I didnt get BD in at ALL after I got my pos OPK. I have been working nights so there is no chance. All I got to hope for is the sperm lived ready for the egg.

Missy, keeping myself occupied has really worked for me this month. Before all I would be thinking about was ttc but this month I have been so much more relaxed and it has been a lot more enjoyable.
hi girls i have just done my first opk got faint pink line so just waiting now
sure i can see ferning pattern on my saliva test too
Bd night for me too oh got lots of ewcm is that a good sign of being near to ovulation??
HI missy and ttcstill x
Hey all - just wanted to update and say that AF arrived for me today.
I am going to take a break from SMEP this month - I have followed it for the last two months, and this month want to kick back a little and not have such a 'plan'. I may be back in the future!
Good luck to all of you - I really hope that you see your BFPs soon.
Thanks for all the support and fun times - take care everyone!
Newmummy yep! Ovulation is close. I think 3-5 days is normal for ewcm. If your opk's are starting to have faint lines I reckon you will get your surge in the next couple of days.

No missy! I agree :)

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