Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

For those of you taking Angus Cactus, do keep taking it after ovulation? I have been but I've heard a lot of people stop taking it then because it could be dangerous if you are pregnant. I am about to approach ovulation and am wondering if I should stop taking it then. I've only been using it for 2 months.
As an update on my spotting, just got back from seeing the OB/GYN. After doing an exam ("luckily" I'm spotting today at 13dpo) he saw that it's coming from the tip of my cervix. He went on to explain that my hormones after the MC and hormone levels after OV could cause it to get much more irritated and having sex, exercising or even WALKING could irritate it enough to bleed some and this is likely the source. He ordered a blood test that he wants be to take on CD3 (so I assume the full hormone panel I've seen mentioned by other gals here?) and a sonogram right after AF to check all of my internal parts again.

So all and all I was told this should not effect fertility and that I might still experience this irritation and bleeding/spotting even when I'm pregnant. AF is due Saturday, still get a BFN this morning at the dr.'s office. I just thought I'd pass along the information I got so far and to see if any other ladies have been diagnosed with this before? And if so, were you able to do anything to prevent/stop/help it? Thanks!
For those of you taking Angus Cactus, do keep taking it after ovulation? I have been but I've heard a lot of people stop taking it then because it could be dangerous if you are pregnant. I am about to approach ovulation and am wondering if I should stop taking it then. I've only been using it for 2 months.

Hi, I originally stopped at ovulation because ladies on B&B said you should, then googled it & didn't find anything to suggest you should stop, so the last 3 months I continued after ovulation. My spotting practically stopped the first 2 months, then last month it was more or less worse than ever, with a bit bright red spotting like AF starting early, but on 8DPO and cramping throughout the 2WW :dohh:, however I did ovulate late, so got to a day before my AF would've been due without any spotting.... I'm not taking the AC at all this cycle, I didn't start taking it for the spotting in the first place, it was for shortening my cycle & improving my LP but really I started it prematurely, I only gave it 2 or was it 3 months to see what my body was doing then decided I had a short LP when really it wasn't so bad. I've still only got a 11 day LP so not much improvement really! My cycles are now around 31 days when it used to be 34 though so that's good. I've been taking Maca and now onto my 4th month, that also helps your hormones so it might not be the AC that's screwed things up, though I think it's more likely. Good luck hun x
mrs pttc- sorry abt all the spotting ! i get real upset too wen i c mine :cry:
does ur early spotting has anythin to do with BD? i'm just saying b/c i sometimes get a little spotting after BD ! i got mine next day/2nd day/3rd day after BD if its a week b4r actual af & once or twice in middle of mnth ! so annoying ! dont feel like BDing during spoting as it got worse once ! :nope:
its like i only have 10 day window a mnth for BD which is sometimes making my DH frustrated:cry:

Hi Yum, no we don't BD much, if anything in the 2WW so the spotting is definitely not from that!! Our :sex: is more like baby :sex: so not need after ovulation!! :rofl:

I do know what you mean about not BD'ing during spotting though, years ago I was on the depo injection and didn't get any periods but light spotting, and it really affected our sex life! x
Hi Ladies!

I'm just dropping in to see how everyone is doing. I still stalk this discussion...hope you don't mind...I just hope that one of you uncover the mystery to spotting so we can put an end to it for everyone and you can all get your much deserved BFPs.

Sending loads of babydust to you always :)


Nice to see you back cantwaitforu!! I like your little :baby: bean pic! x
Ladies, I'm a little confused and if I'm honest a bit worried, my AF stopped after a couple of days of spotting which is normal for me, I had a whole day yesterday where I had no spotting at all, and then for the first time ever this early, today I have been spotting! I've even had very light crampy type weird feelings. The funny thing is as well, this morning when I realised the spotting had started, it was the dark grey/brown almost black CM that I get in days leading up to AF! The spotting at the end of my AF is usually completely different to what it is before. How strange... I'm wondering if it's some kind of withdrawal from the AC, though when I used to stop at ovulation this didn't happen :shrug: x
Oh and I aint liking my ticker, isn't it horrible when it changes the number of months you've been TTC for!! x
Ladies, I'm a little confused and if I'm honest a bit worried, my AF stopped after a couple of days of spotting which is normal for me, I had a whole day yesterday where I had no spotting at all, and then for the first time ever this early, today I have been spotting! I've even had very light crampy type weird feelings. The funny thing is as well, this morning when I realised the spotting had started, it was the dark grey/brown almost black CM that I get in days leading up to AF! The spotting at the end of my AF is usually completely different to what it is before. How strange... I'm wondering if it's some kind of withdrawal from the AC, though when I used to stop at ovulation this didn't happen :shrug: x

I don't know about AC, but EPO made me spot for a whole week this time, until I finally realized yesterday and stopped taking it. Those things CAN mess up with you one way or the other!
Ladies, I'm a little confused and if I'm honest a bit worried, my AF stopped after a couple of days of spotting which is normal for me, I had a whole day yesterday where I had no spotting at all, and then for the first time ever this early, today I have been spotting! I've even had very light crampy type weird feelings. The funny thing is as well, this morning when I realised the spotting had started, it was the dark grey/brown almost black CM that I get in days leading up to AF! The spotting at the end of my AF is usually completely different to what it is before. How strange... I'm wondering if it's some kind of withdrawal from the AC, though when I used to stop at ovulation this didn't happen :shrug: x

I don't know about AC, but EPO made me spot for a whole week this time, until I finally realized yesterday and stopped taking it. Those things CAN mess up with you one way or the other!

Oh! I'm on EPO too! But then it's not happened to me before in this part of the cycle and I've taken it for a good few months now... x
Oh! I'm on EPO too! But then it's not happened to me before in this part of the cycle and I've taken it for a good few months now... x

Maybe AC was have some counter reaction with EPO and now that you stopped AC, EPO is full blast? I have no idea, just guessing :D But try stopping EPO for 2 days, see if spotting goes away.
Thanks soili i think I might. Just ordered some more pregnacare as I'm running out. I was debating on stopping that too but then I think I'm better off doing it one at a time & eliminating the culprit lol x x
MrsPTTC I hope you get to the bottom of it supplement wise. It does sound like stopping the AC might be a good idea if you feel you rushed into it originally. I know I rushed into supplements quite early on too - despite the fact when I first read about women TTC taking all this stuff I thought they were bonkers, I quickly found myself joining them. Now I'm just on the PNV and Omega, although I miss maca, I sort of enjoyed the taste in the end!

Cosmos, your Dr is referring to a friable cervix I think. It's very common as post O the cervix is lower and easily traumatised. It would be great if that's your cause as it's really no big deal and doesn't affect fertility at all :)

Just thought I'd mention other possible causes of spotting if it helps anyone, most of which I've eliminated for me but not all.....

*Friable cervix
*Cervical ectopy/erosion
*Uterine fibroids (usually coincides with heavy or long periods too)
*Uterine polyps
*Endometriosis (classic symptom is TWW bleeding, usually pain and other symptoms too)
*Diminished ovarian reserve (can recruit dominant follicle early in TWW causing spotting)
*Hormone imbalance (can be low progesterone or weak ovulation that causes low progesterone, can be common post childbrith/breatfeeding)
*Diet related (no official trials but many women report cutting sugar inc alcohol and generally improving their diet helps - this is also the same for improving fibroid symptoms)
oh and the one we all hate hearing...
* it really is just 'normal' for some people. The clearing out of old blood from last AF etc.
Thanks for that list Nell :) No spotting last night or today so far. I didn't take the EPO last night but am wonering if it was just cos some lining was stuck & the EPO cleared it out. Why've you stopped the Maca Nell? I thought its one of the more natural things to take? What's PNV? x
Oh PNV is pre natal vitamin, well pregnacare conception vitamins.

I stopped the maca this cycle because Maca is really for hormone imbalance (isn't it?) and I don't think I have that, my blood tests are all just fine and I want to keep things simple supplement wise now. I also ran out and as I was going on holiday and not able to make up milkshakes with it I didn't really have an option to take it tis cycle in any case.

I strangely do miss it though, I used to take a teaspoonful with a glass of milk each morning. I don't think it can do much harm tbh so I might buy some more.

Great new your spotting has eased off......mines due any day now as i'm 5dpo.
Thanks Nell, I was still a little confused after my appointment yesterday, but he did explain that if "that's all it was" then it wouldn't effect fertility at all. I think he didn't believe me much when I said it didn't get worse after BD as that's what usually irritates it and causes the spotting/bleeding. I guess that's sort of odd? Last month we didn't BD at all during my two weeks of spotting (I didn't know what was causing it at all, so we just laid off of it) and that didn't effect it at all. Though my doctor also said the slightest thing can irritate it, even walking! So I don't know how to "prevent" the bleeding if that's what it is. I figure after AF this month and all the testing I'll get some more answers though (or hopefully this month will just be our month and there won't be anymore questions! *fingers crossed*).

Thanks for shedding more light and giving me a name to work with though, and good luck to you ladies that are still trying to figure out what's going on! :dust: to all
Yes Cosmos like you I also abstained for a cycle in the TWW and saw no improvement, though if walking can cause it that might explain why.

The thing is if your dr. saw it coming from your cervix (v's just left over in the vagina) then it *may* not be from the cervix and could be coming down from the uterus instead, your doctor wouldn't be able to say for sure from a general physical.
Personally, with zero medical training, i'd lean towards it NOT being a friable cervix if you don't notice it be slightly worse after sex, even if that were the next day. A friable cervix would be more tender, more bloody from intercourse.

The annoying thing about dysfunctional uterine bleeding (or DUB) is that it's a diagnosis of elimination, which is you test to rule things out.

Sorry if you've already said but have you always had the spotting, or is it just post BCP or your miscarriage?
What tests are you having done - bloods, a hormone panel?

Whilst the miscarriage must have been incredibly sad for you it does give some insight into your spotting concerns - that you *can* get pregnant and that is a very very good sign:flower:

No problem about asking questions, I've posted here and there about it, but I don't remember what I've said in this thread. So to answer what you asked, it has just been since the miscarriage, which leads me (and the doctor) to believe it is a hormone problem that flares after OV. He ordered what I believe is a hormone blood test, as he said to take it on CD3 and an ultrasound to have done as soon as AF is over this cycle.

Even though I never had the spotting/bleeding between OV and AF before getting pregnant (and MC) a part of me wonders if something went "wrong" during that short pregnancy (it was only 6 1/2 weeks) that is causing this continued problem and no the trouble with conceiving again (I say "trouble", but it's only month 4, it's a little concerning to us though since it was our first try around for the MC pregnancy). Thanks for hearing me out!
I post regularly on another forum (I only really post on this thread on here!) and it is very common post MC (and also breastfeeding and bcp) for women to get a hormonal imbalance causing the spotting.

In those cases most women have reported the spotting stopping on it's own ie no meds or treatment as such, typically within 6months, though some say it took up to a year and for some the spotting stays for good but they do go on to still have another pregnancy with no issues.

I hope your hormone panel brings some comfort that everything is essentially ok. 4 months isn't long but I can see how you'd be anxious if you conceived first cycle before. Our bodies take a little time to heal post mc, some more than others.
I've also read that it can be easier to get pg that first cycle post bcp as we have the extra hormones still in our body giving a little boost, so that may have helped you last time too. They do say a healthy fertile woman in her 20's has only a 20-25% chance of getting pg each cycle with well timed's not quite how the sex ed teachers painted it in high school is it? :haha:

Wow, yeah, I'm still thinking my hormones are out of wack from the MC. I never experienced anything like this before when I was off or on BCP. I was actually off of them for 6 months (me and DH were very concerned with making sure they were completely out of my system) before we started TTC. Even so we were both surprised by having success on the first month. It's funny, I was in shock then and trying to figure it out, but this time around, trying for 4 months seems like forever! :dohh:

You're really helping me get some comfort on knowing I'm not alone in this problem. :hugs: Thanks and I'm still hopeful this issue will clear up on it's own and we can have a full pregnancy here soon.

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