Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Oh PNV is pre natal vitamin, well pregnacare conception vitamins.

I stopped the maca this cycle because Maca is really for hormone imbalance (isn't it?) and I don't think I have that, my blood tests are all just fine and I want to keep things simple supplement wise now. I also ran out and as I was going on holiday and not able to make up milkshakes with it I didn't really have an option to take it tis cycle in any case.

I strangely do miss it though, I used to take a teaspoonful with a glass of milk each morning. I don't think it can do much harm tbh so I might buy some more.

Great new your spotting has eased off......mines due any day now as i'm 5dpo.

:dohh: How thick I am I lol?! Maca's for good eggs too, makes them bigger and better quality, and it's also good for sperm so my DH also takes it. I've heard the powder tastes vile! So I get gelatinzed organic capsules. I get mine from here, and they also do the powder xx
hello ladies, i tuk off just 4r a day & so much goin on here :)

nell- its great news abt folli count & diminishin fibr :thumbup: i'm sure ur ovary was just shy dear ! i thought uterin fibr caused spotting but i guess i got confused with uter polyps ! have u thought abt getting a lap done so that they can luk @ ur ov & tubes too ! i wantd to get one bt my doc din't think necesry ! i think u shud re test ! our bodies ( especially the female one's) keeps changin & playing tricks ! i'm thinkin abt the AMH test on my own as i'm sure my doc wouldn't order one 4r me & insu wont cover :wacko:
thanks 4r all the info nell :flower:

mrspttc - i don't really know abt the AC,EPO but i din't start AC( after some research) as i din't wanted to make it worse but heard real graet stories ! gud that ur spotting subsided ! i'm so scared abt supplments ! my bvits made me o late( i guess) & now i'm gonna have a 33 day cycle :dohh: i heard that AC in tincture form is best !

cosmos - sorry abt MC :hugs: i'm sure u'll get some ans & great relief once u get ur tests done ! i heard some women spot b/c of adhesions left 4rm MC or procedures ! hope everythin sorts out real soon dear!

Hello everyone!
Cantwaitforu - that's such a cool picture! Thanks for checking in honey.
Yum - hello!
Mrs PTTC (am doing that from memory and sorry if it's wrongly spelled) - hello to you too!
Nell - Hi and sounds like you're getting a really thorough work-up! Maybe it is worth getting the AMH again? Sorry your holiday was a bit overshadowed by everything. Mine was too...
Don't get me wrong, I had a great time and even managed to forget about TTC for a while or so... however... I think last time I posted on here I shared that I was getting brown spotting a really wierd time (around cd18?) Well, it carried on until cd 21 but then stopped (it was always really light). Then I got a teeny bit of EWCM so we BD'd as soon as our flight touched down(!) on cd 23 and again on cd 25. On cd 30 I noticed some light brown spotting again and thought right-ho - here we go again - typical spotting 5 dpo - so should get full AF in 4-5 days time (joy). But nope, the spotting was again very light and only lasted for 2 days. Then nothing... so, I foolishly start to hope...
Today it's cd 37 and if I O'ed on days 23-25 then I should have AF by now based on my LP. I tested this morning and BFN. I really don't think I'm preg because for the last 3 days I've had another lot of EWCM - more than before. I just think my O was really, stupidly, ridiculously late this month! What a month to give up my temping though - at least it would have given me some answers!
On the plus side, I had a call from the assisted conception unit at the hospital while I was away to say that the gynae had approved me for Clomid - for three cycles and then they'll want to review again. It's arriving at my work on a bike from the drug company (!! - in an unmarked box!!) and I start taking it on cd2 so I'm just hoping I get my AF soon - for once my short LP wouldn't bother me too much if it means I can start the Clomid soon!
They want to ultrasound me on day 10 of the first cycle to check I'm not a hyper-responder. Then I can just do the other two cycles with no monitoring. They've also asked me to do OPKs day 10-20 of each cycle.
Am really hoping the next 3 months will yield success as I've pretty much pinned my hopes on Clomid... I don't want to think about it not working.
Dust to all of you lovely ladies
Cosmos - I have a really good feeling for you that your spotting will come good soon. Our fertility doesn't change overnight, so I think you have really good odds for success again soon :flower:

MrsPTTC I didn't know that maca was good for egg quality, having only a few left I really want to ensure they're mainly good eggs so I think i'll start up again. It's the powdered maca I use and yes it does smell vile, but I find i make a milkshake with it and drink it through a straw (so my nose keeps it's distance!) and after the first week or so I was really enjoying it.

Yum - You're right fibroids can cause spotting, but there are 3 kinds - fibroids on the outside of the uterus, fibroids on the inside of the uterus and fibroids in the uterus wall itself. Mine are in the wall. It's the ones on the inside that cause spotting and fertility problems - they are the easiest to remove though via a hysteroscopy, the others require full open surgery typically.
I have been thinking about getting my tubes/ov checked too, I don't know much about it though - does it have to be via a lap? I know they can do some sort of dye and xray test too I think, i've seen people refer to a HSG but not sure what it involves or shows. I'm going to call my dr this week and ask because if possible i'd like it the same day as my hysteroscopy while i'm under the anaesthetic so it'll be pain free at least!

MrsHY - do you think the travel whacked out your cycle maybe? Anovulatory even? I'm so sorry your holiday was plagued by the spotting and uncertainty. I can relate to the BD post touch down - I o'd on flight day too, just what I felt like doing with jetlag and unpacking to do :haha:
I am super impressed they're couriering the clomid to you, now that is good service. I hope the clomid does it's stuff or better still your whacked out cycle turns into a BFP :flower:
Hi ladies,

Thought I'd join in this thread as I also have spotting for days and days before AF. After going to my family doctor I was surprised (and didn't believe) when he said to me "but that shouldn't impact your fertility" - this was after telling him I spot always 3 - 7 days before AF and sometimes from right after ovulation until I get AF.

Fortunately he referred me to a fertility specialist and after meeting with him this week, I think I have finally found someone who is going to try to figure out what is going on.

He's ordered a number of tests that I'll have over the next month (just have to wait for Cycle day 1 to book everything). I've already had blood work and an ultrasound that showed nothing.

He's ordered a saline sonohysterogram where they'll inject a little liquid into the uterus and do an ultrasound to hopefully pick up any polyps that could be causing this (and also causing difficulties conceiving).

One of the other things that could be the cause of this is low progesterone. To figure this out, I will be going in for 'cycle monitoring'. Ultrasounds/blood work starting on Day 10 until I ovulate. He said if that is the problem, we have to determine what is the cause of the low progesterone as usually it is one of two things. It could be poor follicle formation/growth in the first part of the cycle. This would cause problems conceiving and would also cause low progesterone in the second half of the cycle. The treatment for this would likely be Clomid to start (even if I already ovulate, it helps with the follicle in the first half of the cycle and would help with keeping progesterone levels up in the second half of the cycle). Possibly progesterone supplements would be used as well.

If follicle development is okay, it is possible that there is a problem with the corpus luteum (produces progesterone after ovulation) or something else that results in low progesterone and progesterone supplements would be used.

Good luck to everyone. If I find out anything else this month, I'll let you know.
Hi everyone,
I'm really not happy today as I have started spotting today. I thought by taking soy, b-vitamin complex 100, maca, acupuncture and using progesterone cream would help but its done nothing this month. I'm going to the doctors on Tuesday to get my progesterone checked. I just hope the spotting is nothing serious.
Good luck to every spotter and sending lots of :dust: xxx
Welcome Canagirl, it sounds like you've got a great specialist. FX you get to the bottom of your spotting soon xxx
mrshy- sorry abt ur holiday ! may b all the travel stressed u & hence spotting..hope everythin will subside soon..clomid & u/s r really promising ! hope clomid does the trick ! fx 4r ya !

nell- yes, HSG is a test were they send dye thru ur uterus & take xray to get a better luk @ uter & f'tubes than u/s alone..the pics wud show abnormal struct, injury or blockage of uter or f'tub that could prevent egg moving 4rm f't to uterus or sperm 4rm uterus to f'tub ! and also any prob preventing ferti egg from implanting.. at times the dye would clear any little blocks in the tubes ! i think its a gud idea to get it done along with scope to avoid the inconvenience..i wish i knew this earlier so that i could have done it with my hysteroscope.. lap basically is done to luk 4r endo,cysts,tumors,adhesions on uterus/ovari/f'tubes.. also do the dye test same time..sometimes done before O to see the folli devlopment ! they can luk at the pelvic floor to get more clear pic as sometimes u/s can miss tiny things & for a much clear view on the surface of ov,f'tubes ! as it involves incision docs dont do it unless they have strong reason & some docs do it as a part of infertilty testing !

canagirl- welcome :flower:
luks like u have a gud splcst & he ordered every thing to get this sorted out ! gud luck with everythin ! fx !

happyshopper- sorry abt spotting dear :hugs: i was pretty sure with the pro cream& accupun, u wouldn't spot this mnth..may b it just needs some time to sort out ! did u find any change with the day & pattern this time around ? ur 21 day prog tests were normal ? i'm sure u might have mentioned this already but i'm confused ! sorry abt that !

mrspttc- hope u scared the spotting 4r gud :)

takecare ladies !
Hi everyone,
I'm really not happy today as I have started spotting today. I thought by taking soy, b-vitamin complex 100, maca, acupuncture and using progesterone cream would help but its done nothing this month. I'm going to the doctors on Tuesday to get my progesterone checked. I just hope the spotting is nothing serious.
Good luck to every spotter and sending lots of :dust: xxx

:hugs: hun, let us know how the docs goes. I'm going wednesday and gonna ask for my thyroid to be checked & how DH goes about getting his :spermy: tested :blush:. Might mention the spotting but I'm more bothered about getting DH checked, but I did mention the spotting when I first noticed a pattern in the first few months of TTC and she said she'd not heard of that before! :dohh: x
mrshy- sorry abt ur holiday ! may b all the travel stressed u & hence spotting..hope everythin will subside soon..clomid & u/s r really promising ! hope clomid does the trick ! fx 4r ya !

nell- yes, HSG is a test were they send dye thru ur uterus & take xray to get a better luk @ uter & f'tubes than u/s alone..the pics wud show abnormal struct, injury or blockage of uter or f'tub that could prevent egg moving 4rm f't to uterus or sperm 4rm uterus to f'tub ! and also any prob preventing ferti egg from implanting.. at times the dye would clear any little blocks in the tubes ! i think its a gud idea to get it done along with scope to avoid the inconvenience..i wish i knew this earlier so that i could have done it with my hysteroscope.. lap basically is done to luk 4r endo,cysts,tumors,adhesions on uterus/ovari/f'tubes.. also do the dye test same time..sometimes done before O to see the folli devlopment ! they can luk at the pelvic floor to get more clear pic as sometimes u/s can miss tiny things & for a much clear view on the surface of ov,f'tubes ! as it involves incision docs dont do it unless they have strong reason & some docs do it as a part of infertilty testing !

canagirl- welcome :flower:
luks like u have a gud splcst & he ordered every thing to get this sorted out ! gud luck with everythin ! fx !

happyshopper- sorry abt spotting dear :hugs: i was pretty sure with the pro cream& accupun, u wouldn't spot this mnth..may b it just needs some time to sort out ! did u find any change with the day & pattern this time around ? ur 21 day prog tests were normal ? i'm sure u might have mentioned this already but i'm confused ! sorry abt that !

mrspttc- hope u scared the spotting 4r gud :)

takecare ladies !

Ha Yum I hope so. You're so sweet hun, you always reply back to everyone and you're so helpful, thank you :flower: xx
Hi ladies,

Thought I'd join in this thread as I also have spotting for days and days before AF. After going to my family doctor I was surprised (and didn't believe) when he said to me "but that shouldn't impact your fertility" - this was after telling him I spot always 3 - 7 days before AF and sometimes from right after ovulation until I get AF.

Fortunately he referred me to a fertility specialist and after meeting with him this week, I think I have finally found someone who is going to try to figure out what is going on.

He's ordered a number of tests that I'll have over the next month (just have to wait for Cycle day 1 to book everything). I've already had blood work and an ultrasound that showed nothing.

He's ordered a saline sonohysterogram where they'll inject a little liquid into the uterus and do an ultrasound to hopefully pick up any polyps that could be causing this (and also causing difficulties conceiving).

One of the other things that could be the cause of this is low progesterone. To figure this out, I will be going in for 'cycle monitoring'. Ultrasounds/blood work starting on Day 10 until I ovulate. He said if that is the problem, we have to determine what is the cause of the low progesterone as usually it is one of two things. It could be poor follicle formation/growth in the first part of the cycle. This would cause problems conceiving and would also cause low progesterone in the second half of the cycle. The treatment for this would likely be Clomid to start (even if I already ovulate, it helps with the follicle in the first half of the cycle and would help with keeping progesterone levels up in the second half of the cycle). Possibly progesterone supplements would be used as well.

If follicle development is okay, it is possible that there is a problem with the corpus luteum (produces progesterone after ovulation) or something else that results in low progesterone and progesterone supplements would be used.

Good luck to everyone. If I find out anything else this month, I'll let you know.

Welcome hun :hi: Your signature is so sweet, about your husband, bless him :) x
Hi and welcome Canagirl, I hope your tests give you some reassurance that all is ok.


I'm 9dpo today and only just got my spotting this morning. This is the latest in 13 cycles post the BCP it's ever started, if it were like this every month i'd not be too worried and frustrated.
Usually mine starts at around 4dpo, beginning with creamy cm that has a beige tinge, then brown tinged and then full on gunky brown discharge by 6dpo. This cycle it's been cream/beige cm internally for days, although i've still had the sore tender abdomen I usually get with my spotting. Now it's here there's barely anything there at all internally and just the tiniest of red spots post a BM.

I can't think of anything different I did tbh, my temps look nothing special, I have no pg symptoms and a BFN, but i'm still pretty pleased with the extra few days spot free. Next week I have my hysteroscopy, how ironic i'm going to have my bleeding investigated and my insides messed with just as it appears to be getting better....I hope the procedure won't mess things up too much.

babydust for all
mrspttc- u r welcome ! i'm glad i could provide some support ! many times ppl on diff foirums supported me & put me at ease..:flower:

happyshopper- h r u feelin dear ? did u get ur prog checkd today? wat did the doc say ? i think it'll be a gud idea to chek prog levls wen spotting..i always have a feeling that my prog is ok on day21 but falls real soon after cd21

nell- gud news abt spotin late this mnth..hope it got fed up & will leave u soon forever :) so, u r having ur scope next week. r u getting hsg too ? wen is ur af due ? my doc din't wanted to do a scope till cd10 untill i'm clear with af/spotting as they can get a clear view of insides..may b it differs dependin on the reason 4r the procedure ! r u getting an epidural or conscious anesthesia ? dont worry,it wouldn't mess up ur cycle but instead hsg may make it even more clearer...gud luck dear!
Thanks Yum, I feel a bit better thanks. I learned yesterday that the spotting could have been caused by the progesterone cream and happily it stopped yesterday lunchtime. Like Nell, its has been creamy/beige CM and super-light. Unfortunately, its started again tonight so I'm praying that its stops shortly.
Unfortunately I couldn't get in the doctors today so I will have to make sure I get an appointment next month xxx
Good news Nell, I hope the procedure goes well xxx
Hey Yum, thanks for asking about my scope - how's your spotting going hun?

Happyshopper , I've not heard of progesterone cream causing spotting tbh. Did your dr prescribe that or is it a bioidentical cream you've bought? Hope your spotting stops shortly.

My scopes a bit complicated timing wise, i'll be relieved if it all goes to plan and I have it next wednesday.
My doctor wants to do it between AF and O, day 10 would be great for most people but I sometimes surge on Cd10 and O on CD11 so it's all a bit of a timing sqeeze really, especially when my dr only works wednesday.
AF should be here on friday or sunday as I typically have an 11 or 13 day LP (oddly never 12days!). So my hysteroscopy will be cd4 or cd6. I've checked back on my charts and AF is usually just CD1-3 for me so I should be fine, i'm a little worried i'm might have some end of AF light brown spotting though - not sure if the dr will cancel the procedure then.
My hysteroscopy is being done under GA but sadly no HSG/Hycosy at the same time. One of the things being looked at is endometrial biopsies and high level swobs, my dr won't check my tubes because the spotting i have indicates a possibility I have a uterine infection and a HSG would spread the infection possibly into my tubes.
So, annoyingly i'll have to wait to recover from the hysteroscopy and get the test results before a HSG.....which likely means I'll not be able to have it next cycle as I O so early and a HSG also must be done pre O.
It's all very frustrating and time wasting it seems, I just want to get on with some treatment tbh.
Hello all
How are we?
My Clomid arrived yesterday! Enough for the next three cycles. Now just waiting for this EPIC cycle to end (day 41 today and counting). I think I o'd on Sunday or Monday so I should start spotting on Thurs/Fri... but this month I truly don't care as I just want to crack on and start the Clomid!
Part of me still wishes I o'd when I originally thought on day 25 and that the load of EWCM I got Fri-Sun was not an indicator I was o-ing then - but in my heart I know it wasn't and there's no chance I'll be PG this cycle as we felt too jet lagged to BD at the weekend!
Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome. You are such a friendly and supportive group. I'm crossing my fingers that we ALL have happy news before the end of the year (and hopefully sooner).

Another odd thing I noticed was that the last few months I also had mid-cycle spotting that got a bit heavier each month for 3-4 days. Great, I thought. As if the before AF spotting wasn't enough to deal with. 2 cycles ago, this mid-cycle spotting never stopped and continued right up to AF. The only thing I could pinpoint is that the mid-cycle spotting started the exact same month I started drinking about 3 cups of (decaf) green tea daily (of course, because I heard this was good for TTC).

This month I had the mid-cycle spotting and thought of the green tea. I immediately stopped drinking the green tea as I found some info online that it can cause spotting for some women. After stopping it, the mid-cycle spotting cleared up in about a day and then I had the normal spotting (about 3 days this month) before AF.

Such a nuisance. I wish all our bodies just did what they are supposed to do! If I wasn't TTC, I honestly think a hysterectomy would be wonderful right about now:wacko:
Canagirl - I've not heard that about green tea, it really sounds like it made yours worse though. I totally agree with the wishing our bodies did what they're supposed to. Of all my friends i'm the only one that throughout our twenties reminded everyone we don't know we're fertile until we try, I always felt I might have problems with no real reason to think that......and yep, here I am.

MrsHy - great news about the clomid arrival. Will your first cycle be monitored? What do they actually do for that, just an ultrasound close to O? What days do you need to take it? I'm so excited for you, it must feel great to actually be starting some treatment!
Hello all
Nell - yes - the first cycle will be monitored. I will initially be taking it on days 2-6 (50 mg) and they want to see me on day 10 to check I've not had my ovaries over-stimulated and am not showing more than four mature follicles. They then want me to use OPKs for days 10-20 (and have been quite specific about making sure I BD every other day in this period!) to confirm ovulation - and to be honest I'll probably start temping again too. So I guess we'll see!
Day 42 of my cycle today and no spotting yet... I'm going to test again tomorrow morning because if it's still BFN (which with the multiple patches of EWCM this cycle I think it must be) I'm going to go to the GP early next week and get some Provera so I can get my period and hence start the Clomid!
That all sounds great MrsHY, I hope the clomid is smooth for you, I've read some people mention their temps went a little off on it, so don't be surprised. I've also heard it can be better to take it at night as you sleep through some of the initial side effects then!

Re the EWCM, that can be sign of a BFP you know - FX for you, surprising things happen when we scare our bodies with the threat of fertility treatment ;)

AFM, 12dpo today, despite the delay my spotting - if I can call it that as it's more like brown light flow - is here with a vengance. it seems it's making up for lost time this cycle and there is now tonnes of it, a lot more than usual. Sorry for TMI but it's almost tissue like and lumpy :(
I've also been in quite a lot of abdominal pain with it, the last couple of nights it has been hard to sleep.
Does anyone know what I can take for pain relief while TTC? I know NSAID's are a no-go but what about other painkillers? I know some people try a hot water bottle with AF pain but even though i'm sure i'm not pg it seems a bit risky to use in the LP.

I am so fed up of this, the last couple of days have made me think of endo again with the the amount of spotting and pain.

I read this study the other day that shows premenstrual spotting as 81% a marker for endometriosis.
Basically 4/5 people with spotting did have endometriosis and 4/5 with no spotting did not have endometriosis. It was deemed a better marker than the more commonly used heavy / painful menses.

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