Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

nell- thats great news abt everythin bein normal :) the biopsy is just a mandatory procedure..i got one too..i'm sure it will be normal ! hope ur appoint goes well nxt week & u can decide on next step. gud luck ! i agree to wat u said "why get poked if not required"

mrspttc- i guess spotting is more of gyn rather than fertility issue as nell pointed gyn did all the initial tests & wen she knew i was still spoting after my polyp removal( which she thought was the culprit) she said she couldn't help me anymore as its normal in some woman & woudn't cause a prob with preg ! she din't think of it much wen i said i spotted 3/4 times after bd..just said it could be 4rm rough sex(nooo )or 4rm my polyp..
2-3 weeks for the reports is looong ! can't u request a copy of the report like here in us..that way u don't have to wait 4r doc office !

mtshy- thanks for the info ! hope its just the dinner & will subside soon ! heard wonderful stories abt clomid..

AFM, i started my af on fri with some moderate cramps..i was scared it was gonna be like last cycle but fortunately din't last long..i have been having clots with high bleeding which is good as i always had low flow on cd2 ! thanks bvits :)

wat nell said abt her doc saying that spoting could b hormonal & wanting to use BCP, got me thinking ! i always wanted to try bcp just 4r a mnth & c if i spot b/c i never did before bcp..if i don't spot on bcp then it shud b hormonal ! too scared to try & make it worse though :(

have a great weekend ladies !
Thanks for your replies ladies :flower: it's good to hear that the Dr's have said it won't affect pregnancy chances, and my spotting is so little I'm hoping I should be ok. My spotting was mostly when I was checking my cervix, though sometimes a tiny bit on my underwear, so I'm not going to check it anymore, except around ovulation. If I don't know it's there it can't upset me lol. I'm hoping coming off the AC will help. You know I could shoot myself for not taking note of the spotting prior to TTC! I knew for at least 4 months we'd be trying "soon" but I don't recall the spotting being much more than 1-2 days before AF so I didn't think I had anything to worry about, and I'm sure it didn't have specks in it as it does now :shrug: FX'd x

Yum - to be honest I don't think the form I filled in for the sample even asked for DH address - just the doctors name & address. I suppose I could call them, but I think I'll just wait & see, & hope it's nearer 2 weeks than 3 lol! x
Hi Ladies!

I hope all is well! I found this thread in the first tri forums - a bunch of other ladies who spot before AF. Some continued to spot when they got their bfps and some didn't.

Most seem to say that it was unexplained or they never found out why they spot.

Hope you don't mind me sharing this thread.

Hi Ladies!

I hope all is well! I found this thread in the first tri forums - a bunch of other ladies who spot before AF. Some continued to spot when they got their bfps and some didn't.

Most seem to say that it was unexplained or they never found out why they spot.

Hope you don't mind me sharing this thread.


Thank you so much for this link hun, it has really put my mind at rest, there seems to be plenty spotters out there getting their BFP's including your good self. Thanks for popping back :hugs: X
Hi ladies,

Thought I'd update on what my RE found. I had a saline hysterosonogram earlier this week. They had advised to take a few painkillers ahead of time as there would likely be cramping when they injected the saline into the uterus, however I had no pain with that part. Unfortunately my cervix was very hard to get the catheter through and that part was extremely painful (I thought he was going to have to cancel the test), but finally he got it through. If not for that, there would have been no pain.

In any event, I'm glad he was able to do the test as they found 2 things that hadn't shown up on my regular ultrasounds. He found a 2 cm submucosal fibroid as well as a polyp. Apparently there are 3 types of fibroids and the type I have is the only type that is believed to cause fertility problems. He will be scheduling a hysteroscopy for me to have both the polyp and fibroid removed (so fortunately no incision) but it will be under a general anesthetic.

Although I'd rather not have any issues, I'm somewhat glad he actually found this as he said those 2 things are quite likely what is causing my spotting and the fibroid and/or polyp could possibly be the reason we haven't been able to conceive. I'm really hoping after removal, we will have better luck. I'm continuing to the end of this cycle with ultrasound and blood test monitoring to make sure my follicles grow properly and will check progesterone and corpus luteum 7 days post-ovulation to make sure there are no other issues and will then schedule the hysteroscopy.

I'm crossing my fingers that everyone in this thread has a BFP by the end of summer!
Canagirl, that IS great news they found something - both of those are simple to remove and like you say should have an instant effect on your fertility. Good Luck with the hysteroscopy.

Can'twaitforU, thank you for still thinking of us and sharing that link. That's so positive to read of pg spotters :)

AFM, CD9 and now post my hysteroscopy I've had my first proper EWCM since the BCP last year - yay! Looked a bit mucussy, well yellowy in colour I mean, but definitely stretchy and I think I still have a couple of days to go until O yet. Hope the colour isn't indicative of an infection or anything from the op, they did say they'd given me an antibiotic shot to prevent that.
I'd read that procedures can suddenly increase CM, I really hope this isn't a one off and it's back for good!
Just 2/3 days now until my fertility appointment, am I nuts to be super looking forward to this?!!
Nell, not nuts at all - really hope you get some answers! Let us know how you get on. Also, congrats on the EWCM! :)
And thanks also to cantwaitforu for the link - great to see x
Canagirl - I bet that's a weight of your mind that they found what was causing the spotting, and FX'd once they've been removed you'll get your :bfp: quickly! x

Nell - brilliant news you've now got EWCM! :thumbup: x
mrspttc, i dunno how it wrks in uk but here, v just mention that v need a copy mailed (at the time of the test )

cantwait4ru- thanks 4r the thread ! gud to c ya :)

nell- u r definately not nuts ! thats gud news abt the EWCM !i don't think its 4rm procedure.. i got little brown specs in my cm till a week after my procedure. gud luck with appnt !

canagirl- thats gud news b'coz now u can get it fixed & soon get the bcp ! mostly polyps r the common spotting culprits..i was so terrified abt my hysteroscope( first time iv) but it was like the best 2 hr sleep i had in months :) gud luck dear !

i have a doubt ladies, i thought hsg is to check the tubes ??? does that check the uterus, ovaries too ??
Hi all,

New to this board. I have a little girl 2 but been TTC #2 for nearly a year now.

Have always had spotting 2/3 days before which I know is normal for lots of people and nothing to worry about but its been getting longer and now I start spotting 7 days before AF due and continue until arrives every month.

OF course I always hope its IB which it never is.

Have now read maybe due to low progesterone? and this may make implantation difficult?

Have been to Dr's for something else and asked about stuff but given we already have a child they are not interested until we have been trying 2 years.

Does anyone have an experience or advice for this? Have you tried anything that helped... don't want to have to be pushy with Dr but if there is something wrong dont really want to wait another year to find out.

Any advice much appreciated

Good luck everyone

Hi, I havent read any of the replies as theres a lot but just wanted to mention I used to spot days before my period and they found I had a polyp in my uterus. I had it removed in March and last month was my first cycle.....I didnt have any spotting, my period started right on time and that was that. Perhaps you have been checked out and dont have a polyp but that was it for me. good luck everyone!
Yum - HSG (dye and x-ray I think) checks tubes are clear yes. A Hycosy (ultrasound with saline) checks tubes and uterus and is generally deemed more effective than a HSG. Hycosy's should pick up polyps and fibroids but are thought to still only pick up 70% of cases, a hysteroscopy being the best check for the uterus (but not tubes)
Are you having a HSG?

I had to pop back to post again today ladies......I have to share this with someone and it's probably not OK to email this to DH on his work email.
TMI warning....
OMG do I have EWCM! This morning I was impressed that after 14 cycles I finally have some fertile CM when wiping. Usually I only have the teensiest bit of CM when I check internally.
Well as the day goes on it turns out I have literally tonnes of the stuff, so much I've had to change underwear and put a pantyliner on......sorry I did say it was TMI.
Where has this all suddenly come from?!
Please let this stay until O :)
hi nell, thanks 4r the response..i'm sorry i thought hsg & hycosy r one & the, i'm not having any tests but just curious b/c i wanted to check my tubes,ov with camera like hysteroscope & doc said only lap can do that..had tvs & all ok so, no to lap..

don't worry abt tmi..nothin is tmi 4r me lol..
i have pretty gud amt of ewcm but never so much that had to wear a liner..definately get the wetty feel down there 4r a day or two..may b the procedure has cleared things & u r back to normal again:)
i usually get af on 14/15th day 4rm last day of ewcm..i'm sure it'll stay till o..i have mine 4r 4/5 days but more clearer/egg whie 4r a day/2..

i'm sure the nurse mentioned but u r not supposed to use tampons or have sex after hysteroscope till u get ok 4rm ur doc..
Thanks Yum - my Dr didn't mention not to BD, so thank you for mentioning it :flower:

It's funny you mentioning your Dr said about only a lap to check tubes, my Dr said the same. I asked her if she could check my tubes during the hysteroscopy and she said 'no' it would have to be done as a lap (i'd read about a camera look that could be done called a falloscopy but my dr doesn't offer that, not sure it's very common tbh). I mentioned the HSG and HyCosy and she said she didn't put much value in them being very good for checking tubes, she said if she really thought mine needed checking- which she doesn't as my scans all look good - then she'd rather do a lap.

But it seems here in the UK that most women have a HSG as part of a standard work up for fertility:shrug:
Update: I finally got to see my doctor to get the test results from the blood test CD3 and ultrasound. He said everything was "completely normal" and that we shouldn't have any issues getting pregnant. It's frustrating, yet making me hopeful at the same time. Have any of you ladies had this issues of spotting between OV and AF after a MC? The doctor is "guessing" that my system could still just be trying to get back to normal. Last cycle was the first time is was back to 35 days on the dot with an LP of 15 days, so maybe he's right? But it's been 5 cycles, so it's frustrating.

Thanks ladies for all your advice and support so far!
nell- ur doc din't mention abt BD ?? may b u can ! mine was diff case as i got polyp removed so had to wait till checkup so doc wud c 4r any infection & only wen all is heeled she wud give a go ! i askd the nurse & she said not to bd till i go c my doc ! sorry if i confused doc doesn't want a lap either..if i knew abt hsg earlier, i wud hav got that done at scope to avoid pain..if going to check tubes, i prefer lap as it can check 4r endo over the tubes & over ovaries which i think hsg can't !

cosmos- its gud news abt ur reports ! may b doc is right, u just need some time to get back to normal ! i understand how frustrating it can be (goin thru since 4.5 yrs now).many ppl who spot got bfp's & healthy babies ! i read that if everthin is not cleared 4rm the MC, cycle could change..i'm not tryin to scare u but just sayin wat i know !
Thanks for the encouragement yum! It is frustrating to not know the why/how of the spotting, but on the other hand I am happy that nothing SEEMS to be wrong. We tried/are trying the smep plan this month and I'm really hopeful to get the BFP here soon. I ov'd yesterday so if I'm going to start spotting it should be over the weekend. Praying it just stays away as it immediately zaps my hopes, though my OB/GYN warned me that with the "irritated cervix" any hormones could make me spot so I COULD have a healthy pregnancy going + spot. With the recent MC it's still gonna make me freak out though.

:dust: to all and hopefully we're all spot free and BFP here soon!
Good Morning Everyone. Glad I found this thread, as well. I am new to the board. I usually spot for one solid week before AF. The spotting starts 6-9 days DPO. Its horrible, because I know that nothing can implant. This month, I tried B6- it made me ovulate much earlier (LH surge on May 18-20th) Unfortunately, I started spotting on May 25th. That is a new low. The TWW was shortened to one week. I just got my blood drawn for progesterone, and I am almost hoping it comes back low so I have some idea what the problems are. I am scheduled for an HSG after my full period ends to check for any polyps and to see my tubes. This is such definitely a tough time, and I am glad to see that others are going through this and some have acheived pregnancy. If anyone has anything that has helped, feel free to share. I have an RE, but I am trying to gather as much knowledge as possible, as knowledge is power with this stuff;)
Hi girlies :flower:

I just wanted to check in to give out some hope for all you post-bcp spotters out CAN get pregnant. Because I got my BFP on Saturday, after 5 months of TTC and 9 months of horrible spotting, late ovulation and really long cycles since coming off bcp (and only 5 AFs in that time period). Woo!

In case it's of any use, I put this together! xxx:kiss:

Things I did differently this month:
• Didn’t believe my iPhone app which was predicting when I ovulated – trusted my body instead. Waited a week later than every other month because there wasn’t enough CM for me to believe I was ovulating soon – definitely glad I waited! Held off going crazy BD-ing and wearing DH out until I definitely had EWCM (CD26), then BD’d every day for the next three days. Believe that I ovulated on the night of the third day – was also using OPKs and had a positive for each of those three days! Also BD’d in this pattern the week before (from CD22): BD, BD, BD, night off, BD, BD, BD (ovulation). Before that, over the rest of the month, tried to BD every other day – though did have a few two-night gaps when I was sure I was nowhere near ovulating. FYI, I am pretty sure I O’d on Fri 6th May, CD28. My temps went up after that!
• Big one – almost forgot to mention it. Used Pre-Seed the three days we BD’d leading up to and including ovulation! DH didn’t even know about it, used it internally, with the applicator, in the bathroom before coming in to bed!
• Also tried the old Robitussin cough mixture (the red one, containing an expectorant – Guaifenesin) in the week leading up to O to improve consistency and quantity of EWCM
• Vitamins – took 100mg tabs of B6 once a day for whole month, but stopped at day of O. Also took multi-vitamin (Pregnacare Conception) so was probably getting around 110mg of B6 a day. Got a bit freaked out by that so stopped dead on O and just went back to the usual one-a-day vit!
• TRIED not to get too stressed out. Ha! But we all know how hard that is!!! ;-)

0dpo – temp 36.0 (had been between 35.8C and 36.0 for a week prior). Two dark lines days before O, but darkest line on OPK yet on this day!
1dpo – temp 36.3, still positive OPK at 7pm (three days after first one). Still some EWCM.
2dpo – temp 36.4, slightly sore throat on waking, twingey pain on left side of womb. Almost like a ‘flutter’ (believe this could’ve been egg releasing?). Also, a bit gassy and have really bad skin (have been suffering from acne – like a teenager – for past two weeks or so, grrr! Usually completely clear!). Also have slightly greasy hair and light cramps/tender bbs.
3dpo – temp 36.3, greasy hair and bad skin continues, very sleepy. Hungry hippo ALL the time – with lots of cravings for sweet things (very unusual for me as I’m a definite savoury girl!) Feeling really moody, irritable and taking it out on DH! Light cramps and slight headache too.
4dpo – temp 36.3, woke up hungry at 7am with stuffy nose and phlegmy throat. Hungry all day again, especially for chocolate. How odd! Mouth ulcer on gum – ouch! Feeling moody again in the evening…poor DH!
5dpo – Terrible night’s sleep! Hot flashes, night sweats, kept waking up, vivid dreams. Very tired. Slight temp dip at 4am, 36.2C – back up to 36.4C by 7am. Slight bloating, cramps and backaches.
6dpo – temp 36.3, tired – yawning all the time. Burping a lot too! Nice! Still feel ‘full’ and bloated, some EWCM which is unusual at this stage after O. Feel very ‘hot under my skin’ – like I’m getting ill or a fever. Very tired. Had to leave the awards ceremony I was at, at 11pm because I was tired and yawning! Slightly bloated and still some EWCM.
7dpo – temp 36.3 at 7am, but up to 36.6 an hour later. Very stuffy nose, same ‘hot under skin’ feeling. Few cramps but nothing major. Throat feels thick and mouth ulcer sore. Very tired by 10pm – had a few ‘flutters’ in my belly, almost like a pulse, a couple of times during the evening (implanatation?). Light cramps and headache.
8dpo – temp 36.3, very thick throat, very slight nausea (possibly because of thick throat). Had a bad dream. BD’d for first time since O.
9dpo – woke up to go to the toilet at 4.50am, very stuffy nose first thing (could be hayfever!). Temp 36.3 at 7am. Very achey – but did play hockey yesterday! Mild craving (odd) for asparagus – ate a whole bunch. Never do that! Feeling forgetful and a bit weepy. Slight cramps and aches all over. Slight tender bbs.
10dpo – woke up to go to the toilet at 4.40am. Temp 36.3 at 7am. Felt very nauseous on way to work – partly because of thick throat, but also really hungry – even after muesli. Picking on random things/snacks – eg. A McDonalds caramel milkshake. Never eat junk food! Had three diarroeah attacks in the afternoon and evening. Belly very bloated. Feel really cold and bit shivery in bed. Slight backaches, bodyaches, tender bbs.
11dpo – Woke up to go to the toilet at 5am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Temp 36.3 at 7am, a little faint and shaky having to stand up on tube this morning. Starving! Three more diarroeah attacks throughout the day. Could smell steak from a restaurant really strongly on walk home! Eyes a little sore and sensitive with contact lenses in. Feel very wet down there.
12dpo – woke up at 2.41am really thirsty – downed a glass of water. Diarroeah attack first thing (6am), slightly nauseous/hungry after that and a bit cold and shivery in bed. Temp 36.4 at 7am. Really tired for whole day, eyes sore. Cricked my neck stroking the cat – in a lot of pain! Huge massive flutters on right side of womb at 8.30pm – beating like a pulse. Could even see it through the skin! Lasted about half an hour. Weird!
13dpo – temp 36.7 at 7am – higher than ever before! Absolutely starving at 8am. Slept very deeply, but did wake at 5.22am to go to toilet. Stuffy nose on awakening. Tummy very swollen and tender, lots of toilet trips throughout the day! Thirsty too – drinking loads of water.
14dpo – temp 36.6 at 7am, unheard of. LP usually around 10 or 11 days! Starting to feel hopeful now. Hungry and a bit nauseous (because of hunger) first thing.
15dpo – temp 36.5 at 6am, woke up, did FMU in a pot, but was very sleepy so left it in bathroom and went back to sleep for another two hours. How did we resist it?!!! I don’t even know! Then woke up again, went back into bathroom, tested using Clearblue Digital. Immediate result – PREGNANT 2-3!!!!!!!!!!! BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Ovulation Chart

Good Morning Everyone. Glad I found this thread, as well. I am new to the board. I usually spot for one solid week before AF. The spotting starts 6-9 days DPO. Its horrible, because I know that nothing can implant. This month, I tried B6- it made me ovulate much earlier (LH surge on May 18-20th) Unfortunately, I started spotting on May 25th. That is a new low. The TWW was shortened to one week. I just got my blood drawn for progesterone, and I am almost hoping it comes back low so I have some idea what the problems are. I am scheduled for an HSG after my full period ends to check for any polyps and to see my tubes. This is such definitely a tough time, and I am glad to see that others are going through this and some have acheived pregnancy. If anyone has anything that has helped, feel free to share. I have an RE, but I am trying to gather as much knowledge as possible, as knowledge is power with this stuff;)

Welcome to you! :flower: x
MORTICIA!!!! :yipee: :happydance: Congratulations hun!! It gives me so much hope! Thanks for your symtoms etc.. too. But I have one question - any spotting?! I assume not! x

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