Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

I take pregnacare too and it doesn't delay me - I typically O early on CD11!

MrsHy - good luck with the scan, FX for a dominant follie.

Wish I ovulated that early! I'm typically CD21 but have been as late as 25! I've switched the prenatals to Boots, AF came yesterday, it seems quite a bit heavier and more painful than from when I was on AC - hope that's a good sign (better lining?) :shrug: I've come off the EPO too, and I've ordered a batch of CB digi OPK's to try, I've always use IC's but out of curiosity want to check my reading of the lines on the IC's is correct! And besides it'll be nice to see a smiley face :haha:. Good luck for everyone in June. Happyshopper we've not heard from you for a while, any updates with you?

hello spotters,
hope all r doin gud

amber & sophiebee- welcome to the thread..hope u'll find some ans soon :flower:

deethehippy - thats great news abt spotting :thumbup: hope it'll tsya away forever.. did u do something diffrent this cycle ? could u pls share ? i mean like herbs,vits.

mrshy- how did ur scan go ? any updates ? hope u found the domi folli

nell- how did the followup appnt go ? any new ans ? did u strt with the pro cream & any news abt the ivf ?

mrspttc- sorry abt :witch: hope its a gud sign with xtra bleeding. i'm :boat: with bvits..did u get a chance to know abt the semen reports yet ?

cantwaitforu- gud to c u as always :flower:
Hi MrsPTTC and fellow spotters,
Sorry I haven't been around very much but I was taking a bit of a break. I was pretty down last cycle because everything I'm doing is just making the spotting worse. So I have a theory that it could possibly be stress related as its the only thing which has got worse during the past 3/4 months. That may be the reason why spotting seems to get worse when you TTC. I have attached the following link which explains it:
It could be the maca or the acupuncture but I feel a lot less anxious but its only 2DPO so a long way to go yet.
Good luck everyone
hello spotters,
hope all r doin gud

amber & sophiebee- welcome to the thread..hope u'll find some ans soon :flower:

deethehippy - thats great news abt spotting :thumbup: hope it'll tsya away forever.. did u do something diffrent this cycle ? could u pls share ? i mean like herbs,vits.

mrshy- how did ur scan go ? any updates ? hope u found the domi folli

nell- how did the followup appnt go ? any new ans ? did u strt with the pro cream & any news abt the ivf ?

mrspttc- sorry abt :witch: hope its a gud sign with xtra bleeding. i'm :boat: with bvits..did u get a chance to know abt the semen reports yet ?

cantwaitforu- gud to c u as always :flower:

Hi Yum, SA results not back yet. It'll be 2 weeks on Friday & they said 2-3 weeks to be send to the doctor. He tried ringing the fertility clinic yesterday but they wouldn't tell him anything!! Said he's got to wait :growlmad:. I'll let you all know once we get a letter. I got my blood test results back today, everything was fine & apparently my thyroid levels are good. I hate to say it but I was a bit disappointed as at least if it was my thyroid I could get treatment...but really its a good thing everything ok :thumbup: x
Hi MrsPTTC and fellow spotters,
Sorry I haven't been around very much but I was taking a bit of a break. I was pretty down last cycle because everything I'm doing is just making the spotting worse. So I have a theory that it could possibly be stress related as its the only thing which has got worse during the past 3/4 months. That may be the reason why spotting seems to get worse when you TTC. I have attached the following link which explains it:
It could be the maca or the acupuncture but I feel a lot less anxious but its only 2DPO so a long way to go yet.
Good luck everyone

Oh dear hun :hugs: hope you're feeling a bit better now. Maybe you should give up some of your vits? I feel much healthier now I've given the AC a miss, & just taking less tablets is less stressful! How long you been trying now Happyshopper? I think my ticker is changing to 9 mths tomorrow, I hate to see it change! :dohh: Glad to hear youre less anxious! People do say to relax & it'll happen, though you could punch them on the nose for saying it! :rofl: x
Thanks MrsPTTC, I did feel less anxious before the spotting arrived this morning and its only 3DPO!!! I hate this and I hate that nothing I do helps at all, in fact it only seems to makes it worse. We have been actively trying since October but was not on BC for a year before that. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday to get my progesterone tested so at least that's something. I just want to know what's wrong with me instead of guessing and getting disappointed when it doesn't work.
Anyway sorry for the rant and I'll let you know how it goes at the doctors xxx
Hi everyone! Hope everyone's OK. Good news about the thyroid Mrs PTTC but I know what you mean about wanting to have some answers. Happyshopper, I completely agree about stress. I don't know exactly when I ovulated last cycle as I thought I was having an anovulatory one - but I got a load of EWCM around day 37 so think I did ovulate - and didn't start spotting until day 47. Which would give me a spot-free LP of 10 days and a total LP of 12 days - unheard of. And I felt pretty relaxed because a) I'd been told that I'd get Clomid my next cycle so was relieved that that battle was over, b) had come back from a lovely holiday away and c) had dispensed with the daily temping and OPK-ing.

How's it going for you, yum?

As for me - went back for another ultrasound (cd 12) on Tuesday and still no dominant follicle. Sigh. So, am heading back tomorrow morning for another one. That will be cd 16.

I think that 50mg is too low a dose to be making any difference - the doc said they may increase the dose next cycle but she wants to give me some more time first. The waiting is really frustrating! Mind you, I keep telling myself that as long as I O, and perhaps have a longer LP on Clomid, that's the main thing. But I really don't know if my LP will be affected if I haven't O-ed any earlier!

Will keep you posted. Wish me luck tomorrow! xx
Hey everyone, just thought I'd give an update. I am having the craziest cycle. I don’t know what it could be. I started spotting about 6DPO, (May 25th) with a quick bright red gush that went away very fast. I had some very light spotting over the last few days, and now it seems to almost have gone away without my full red AF ever coming on??? I got my progesterone checked on May 26th, it was 22.6 and he said it looks like I ovulated on May 19th and that my numbers were great and prgesterone was not an issue with the spotting. I am confused as to where my full period is, though. Usually after about 6-7 days of spotting, I have a very heavy red flow. Now, nothing. I was taking lots of B12 and B6 this month, I wonder if this had some detrimental affect on me? Anybody else have some odd things happening after yor first month on vitamins? Thanks!!
This exact same thing happened to me two cycles ago - a red gush at 4 dpo, then spotting, then nothing, then AF came. Have no idea why. Have you tested?? I so would!! Good luck xx
Hey MrsHY-- When did you AF finally come after your spotting stopped? Was it a week? I am not going to test yet, I am so used to spotting before cycles that I feel like it is right around the corner. Or if its nothing something it wrong. Im trying to wait till Saturday at least. Ugh.
Hi TTCspotting
I'm trying to remember... but it certainly wasn't as much as a week... it was a matter of a few days. I'm sure nothing is wrong - and I'll root for some good news on Saturday! x
Me again - just had my cd16 ultrasound and still no dominant follicle emerging! Have 'lots of little ones' which is encouraging - but it looks like I'm some way away from O yet. I've got to go back next Wednesday (cd 21) for another ultrasound, and use OPKs until then just to make sure.
I'm trying really hard not to get disheartened, but Clomid just doesn't seem to be the magic bullet I thought it would be. I ovulate naturally anyway around day 25 - so it doesn't seem to be improving on that - and then I can't help thinking that if that's the case it won't make any difference to my luteal phase either.
Trying to stay positive anyway, and am hoping that next Wednesday brings better news... x
Sorry to hear it's going a bit slow MrsHy, hopefully one will grow soon - what do they do if too many grow together? Or can that not happen with clomid.
I hope this cycle works out for you, but if not i'm sure it's all learning and next cycle they'll probably just up your clomid dose to 100mg.

MrsPttc - stil have my FX your SA will be back soon, waiting for results is os irritating.

AFM......well here's TMI for a friday afternoon!
So, I'm using crinone this cycle my dr gave it to try just this one cycle. It's a vaginal prgesterone cream, it comes in nifty applicators a bit like a tampon and I use one a day. I'm only 5dpo so I won't know just yet if it's helped my spotting (due tomorrow). I don't feel any different though, not more tired like higher progesterone is meant to make you feel and my temps appear no different too. I also started feeling sore in my abdomen last night which usually preceeds my spotting.
Anyhow, this is the TMI bit......this stuff is vile. It's a gel and meant to bind to you vaginal walls and slowly release the progesterone, but when I tried to check for spotting this am all I got was a mass of white rubbery gloop, which is the now old and used crinone. It's horrid, I hope AF doesn't come of course but if she does I hope she'll manage to get all this rubbery stuff out!

On the plus side we've managed to get a cancellation for the IVF nurse appointment, so will be now going on monday to hear about the drugs etc. I'm not sure if I should mention this spotting and cramping each LP......I can't help but worry that we'll go through IVF only for my body to cramp up and spit out my lining early like it usually does at 4-6dpo.
Thanks MrsPTTC, I did feel less anxious before the spotting arrived this morning and its only 3DPO!!! I hate this and I hate that nothing I do helps at all, in fact it only seems to makes it worse. We have been actively trying since October but was not on BC for a year before that. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday to get my progesterone tested so at least that's something. I just want to know what's wrong with me instead of guessing and getting disappointed when it doesn't work.
Anyway sorry for the rant and I'll let you know how it goes at the doctors xxx

Aww 3dpo?! that's bad :grr: Worst I've had is 6DPO. Is the spotting bad? Hope your doc gets you sorted on monday :hugs: x x
_Nell. Let me know what happens! I also have cramping preceding my 5-6DPO spotting. Its so weird. My progesterone is fine. (22.6 at CD21) so I know it is not that. But it is the cramping that gets to me, like something is releasing. That is what happened to me this month, 7DPO and Im on my 10th day of it and STILL NO PERIOD! You should mention the cramping! I mentioned it to my RE, and though he didnt seem concerned becasuse of my progeserone level, I still think its relevant.

MrsHY-GOOD LUCK with the Clomid...hoping for positive news from you.
hello ladies,

ttcspotting- hope its gud news on sat dear ! fx 4r u !

mrshy- sorry abt the folli..hopefully one will grow soon :) as u said earlier,may b u need a higher dose.gud luck !

happyshopper- i'm so sorry :( 3dpo sounds real bad..r u using the pro cream & ac? haven't heard of pro cream making someone spot but with our bodies, u nver know..may b u shud stop all the herbs & c how that wrks ! big hugs dear !

nell- sorry u have u use it but hoping spoting & af will stay faaar away ! its gud news abt ivf ! if i were u, i wud mention every tiny thing to thr re :) gud luck !

afm, i'm cd15 & i think i o'd early..i used have a pretty gud 2 mnth patter before all herbs but every mnth is diff now :( but its fine as long as its not too bad..i do have some cramps or more like fulness in lower abdomen & little cramps down there before spotting & during..i'm thinking abt tryin natural pro cream this mnth but skeptic..

gud luck to all & baby dust ladies
have a gud weekend ! tc !
Hello Ladies
I had a miscarriage over xmas/new year 2010/11 and my 4 cycles since i have been spotting pink/brown for up to 5 days before AF.
I never used to get this before! Maybe i would have one light day to begin with but it would still flow to a pad or liner, with this spotting it is mostly just when i wipe (sorry if TMI!)
What is going on with me? I just wanna conceive again :(
It usually starts on day 13dpo approx (i do not chart - just go by natural signs)
then i have full flow AF by day 17. Is my luteal phase too long? My cycles are 35 days plus but have always been long.
Congrats to all you ladies who have just got BFPS btw :flower:
Any advise would be great or should i see a doc?
I prefer the 'natural' route to things so have not seen a doc yet.
Dee :flower:

Wow, I've been away for a little over a week and there are a ton of new faces around here. Welcome all, it's great to have this large group of TTC spotters cheering each other on here. :flower:

I quoted Deethehippy's post since I'm the one that's been going through the same thing. Was fine (no mid-cyle spotting at all) before I conceived and then had a MC in November, since then all 5 cycles that have come have come with (TMI) dark spotting beforehand, ranging from 4dpo (last month) to as late as 9dpo with AF averaging at 15dpo and the spotting running right up until then. My OB/GYN says there's nothing wrong with me and other than telling me my "cervix looked irritated" during the spotting last month. :dohh: I still don't know anything. Good luck with you quest to find out what's going on, I'd have some tests run @ the doc's if you're concerned with it. I'm going to demand more if I don't get a BFP in another 3 months. Out of curiosity how long were you TTC the first time around? It was our first month trying for the first one, so now that this is our six month mark this time around it's making me nervous that the spotting is causing issues?

As a bit of an update to my situation however, I have feeling very hopeful this month. I had what felt and looked more like implantation bleeding at 6dpo, but then again I had a full-on spotting in my pantyliner yesterday (nothing since), so I'm really confused! Still days left before test, ah that 2ww.
TTCspotting - yeah my progesterone is fine too (30 at 7dpo), I think my dr just wanted to try something, to see what happens! Re the cramping I've mentioned it my gynae before and she said it's fluid related, basically whenever there is a fluid release in our uterus be it cyst fluid or bleeding it can make use feel sore, tender or crampy. So it sort of goes hand in hand with the spotting I think. Oddly my AF is never sore though?!

Yum - sorry to hear your having confusing cycle hun. I tried NPC and it did nothing for me, but it's worth a try as it's pretty easy and low risk.

Cosmos - I am excited for you! I hope it was IB, fx for a BFP this cycle for you :)

Deethehippy - Sorry I missed your post entirely earlier. I would really recommend charting and temping as a first 'natural' measure. Your temps will confirm if what feels like O and seems like O from CM really is, it might be your bodys just gearing up and what seems like a long LP is maybe even anovulatory or perhaps even LUFS with a long LP (where the follie doesn't quite break out of it's shell). I think your 'late' spotting shouldn't be a problem for implantation, but I wonder why your progesterone is staying so high and falling so gradually to delay AF. I really do think charting could make things clearer or at least give you more info to chat through with a dr if you do choose to visit one :flower:
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your kind words MrsPTTC and Yum. Well I may have been mistaken or I have got a temporary reprieve as I've had no spotting today at all. It usually starts as tan coloured CM and that's what I thought I had yesterday but my CM was clear today. I am taking AC and I started prog cream last night to see if it would help. I will see what comes tomorrow xxx
Cosmos, it does sound very hopeful. FX you get your :bfp: this month xxx
Sorry MrsHYY, that your appointment didn't bring better news. I've heard that taking large doses of Vit C dramatically increases clomids effectiveness. Good luck and I hope you ovulate soon xxx
Nell ... I really hope the progesterone pessaries help this month. They may be yucky but I've heard lots of good things about them xxx
Good luck all xxx
Thanks everyone, I'm a little confused today though as (TMI) I had some light pink on the tissue after using the loo. This is totally different the the dark dark color my spotting has been since it started and yet it's really early for AF to be starting (it's been timed right at 15dpo for 3 cycles now). I'm hoping it's because of the cold/medicine making my body go crazy or maybe the little one getting comfy in there as it is very different then anything I've seen so far. Going to break down and test with a FRER tomorrow morning I think.

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