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Spring rainbows 2016 - Come keep me company!

Thanks Jemma! I'm new to opks really, have never done them seriously. And I still kind of think it's a gimmick but it gives me something to do. Do you get ovulation symptoms?

Here's what I normally find:
- "ovary pain" (a doc once told me that's actually to do with being bloated/constipated around the time of ovulation???)
- egg white cervical mucus (looks just like egg white)
- irratibility (remember that Friends episode where Monica is pissed off with Chandler for smoking but still wants to have sex because she's ovulating? Like that.)
- low cervix

Basically, for me at least, feeling a bit miserable mid-cycle usually means I'm ovulating.
My body is confusing me. No more hcg in my system. OPKs were super dark yesterday morning but not quite positive. Now they are light again. I suspect, but am not sure, that I just missed the peak OPK reading (I always peak super fast). I guess I'm just waiting for a high temp tomorrow morning to confirm.
Wow, if synchronous Oing were a sport, you ladies would be on your way to gold! :thumbup:

Certain now that I have a BFP. Line was darker today and I paid a visit to the doctor to confirm. We are going to follow my bloodwork week by week for a while. She wants me to do a scan in 2-3 weeks as well. All this is just for my piece mind. I am happy, but also cautious.

For all those Oing/ waiting to O, I am excited to keep following and offering support (if that's ok). I hope you all get BFPs, so we can start a spring rainbows preggo group! :hugs:


Nice progression! Hope this is your rainbow!
Pink, I'm so happy for you!!! I totally get that you're being cautious. I'm sure I will be, once I get another bfp. I've had 4 bfps in my life and only two children so I think for me, the initial excitement is well and truly ruined. But your bfp is a ray of hope for me. :) Will be routing for you every step of the way! :hugs:

I know what you mean. I've only been pregnant twice and both times ended in CPs. I feel like the joy of getting a BFP will never be truly happy and exciting for me since I'll just be worrying that it will be doomed again. I try not to think that way, but it's so hard since it's all I know at this point.
Thanks Amy, I shall keep an eye out for those things, I've never really noticed O as I've got pregnant straight off the pill twice, one resulted in my baby boy and the other the MMC. This time around I am watching carefully as sooo desperate to get pregnant again.

TTC, maybe you have just missed it on the opk's, just make sure you've been bd'ing so you don't miss the opportunity :D
So I had my followup with the OBGYN to talk about next steps, testing, etc. Here's a recap on what she said...maybe it will be insightful to some of you.

-She doesn't think low progesterone is what caused the MCs because they happened so early. She thinks they were more likely due to a chromosomal abnormality or clotting issue. Another possibility is a polyp or some type of obstruction preventing implantation.

-She thinks the issue is most likely with me, not DH, since I've been able to conceive. She said we can have another sperm analysis done if we want but doesn't think it's necessary at this point.

-My cycles have ranged from 25-39 days so she may have me try Clomid at some point to help regulate cycles, have stronger ovulation, etc. I’m not so sure I want to do that since I’m ovulating on my own. I’ve read some horror stories about how it messes up some people’s cycles and does other kinds of damage. I plan to research it more.

-I told her I’d had some mild cramp-like pains in my pelvic area since the latest MC and asked if it could be retained tissue. She said there shouldn’t be any tissue to retain since I MC’d so early. But that seemed a bit contradictory for her reasoning on why I should wait a cycle before TTC. She said my body needs to rebuild the uterine lining and regulate itself. However if there wasn’t much tissue in the first place, then I would think that I would shed about the same amount of lining as with AF. Plus, many people don’t even know they had a CP and continue with their TTC journey. Obviously I’m not a doctor, but I just found that a bit odd.

-Must wait 6 weeks after MC to have genetic testing and blood clotting testing done. DH will also have the genetic testing done.

-Between Cycle Days 4-6, I should have ultrasound done to check for polyps or anything unusual.

Now I'm back to worrying that this isn't a progesterone issue after all. We've already started trying again this month so if I get pregnant, I guess we'll just have to wait and see if the progesterone and baby aspirin help. If I MC again, we'll have to wait another 6 weeks to have all the bloodwork done. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't get a BFP this month so we could have the testing done.

I'm now debating whether or not to BD when DH gets home tomorrow, as FF thinks I'll O then. Any thoughts or advice?
If it was me, I'd keep trying straight away but only you can decide that of course.

I don't really understand your doctor's reasoning that it can't be progesterone because it was so early. I thought progesterone only plays a role early on??

Hope you get some answers but honestly, especially with early losses, I think most of the time the answer is "bad luck" ie random genetic problems at conception, not due to one of the parents.
Oh and TTC, it's the same here. :haha: I think I'll stop testing and just read up on what's happening with you, since I always seem to copy you. Still strong ovulation symptoms but I think in my case it's probably just a failed attempt at o. Wish I was temping now but it's such a hassle...

This is yesterday 7am and 2pm and today 7am and 2pm:


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If it was me, I'd keep trying straight away but only you can decide that of course.

I don't really understand your doctor's reasoning that it can't be progesterone because it was so early. I thought progesterone only plays a role early on??

Hope you get some answers but honestly, especially with early losses, I think most of the time the answer is "bad luck" ie random genetic problems at conception, not due to one of the parents.

Yeah, I didn't really understand the progesterone reasoning either. I thought you had to have good levels in order to implant and have the pregnancy progress. Honestly, I wonder if it was partly to cover their butts. There was a big miscommunication when I went in to have my bloodwork done with my 2nd pregnancy. I called to book an appt and told them I was pregnant again and had a CP the previous month and wanted to get my HCG and progesterone tested. However, when I got there, I asked again for the progesterone test and I was told they would not test for it. They ended up testing for it several days later after I emailed them questioning them. It turns out I did have low progesterone with both CPs. By the time I got my results it was too late to do anything. I really like my dr, but I think her office staff and nurse screwed up big time on this. I booked an appointment with a new dr that has really good reviews but the earliest I can get is June! So, I'm going to stick it out with my dr in the meantime.
Oh and TTC, it's the same here. :haha: I think I'll stop testing and just read up on what's happening with you, since I always seem to copy you. Still strong ovulation symptoms but I think in my case it's probably just a failed attempt at o. Wish I was temping now but it's such a hassle...

This is yesterday 7am and 2pm and today 7am and 2pm:

Mine are acting very similarly. They're still pretty light, but they'll get darker and then lighter throughout the day. I had really good luck with them last month but I've heard they can be a bit wonky after a MC. Also, sometimes your body will gear up to O but not actually do it, and then it will gear up again and then you'll O that time around.
Mrs Rose, I am with Amy, I'd keep at it but again that's me, you need to do what's best for you. If you are using progesterone and baby aspirin that might be the boost you need.

Amy here are mine, mornings are always darker, not sure they are getting darker over time or not, thoughts? I am trying to bear in mind that FF says I'm not due to ovulate until Saturday so I'm still 4 days away lol

(I've started doing 3 a day as of today, AM, Noon and PM, ya know, just in case)


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Mrs Rose, I am with Amy, I'd keep at it but again that's me, you need to do what's best for you. If you are using progesterone and baby aspirin that might be the boost you need.

Amy here are mine, mornings are always darker, not sure they are getting darker over time or not, thoughts? I am trying to bear in mind that FF says I'm not due to ovulate until Saturday so I'm still 4 days away lol

(I've started doing 3 a day as of today, AM, Noon and PM, ya know, just in case)

Thanks for the advice. I think we'll just go for it this month and see what happens! There are just too many unknowns at this point.
Hello Ladies I would love to join you all in this journey of TTC. briefly about me I had 1 mmc in August and have gone through 6 iui's. Im in on a break this month from meds but will still try naturally. im in between if I want to just move to ivf or try more iui's. I see my RE tomorrow to discuss my next plans.
@ Jemma the lines are getting darker so O should be really close
@ Jemma the lines are getting darker so O should be really close
Woo thank you! Welcome to our group, I am sorry for your Aug loss, but wishing you all the luck in the world for this month being a natural :dust:
Jemma, I can clearly see them getting darker as well. Would guess that it might be another few days though? I guess that would go with FF.

Mrs Rose, sounds like you might be right about the doc trying to cover her back. That's terrible really. The fact that your progesterone was low both times would make me think that may have been the reason?

Welcome Iloveme! Sounds like you've had quite the journey already. How do you feel about the prospect of IVF?
This is yesterday pm (can't remember the time), today at 7am and today at 2pm. Thoughts?
Saw your other opks too...test line needs to be as dark or darker than control. Fluctuation is normal as long as no hcg left in your system as that can give a ovulation test line x x it'll come soon I'm sure. Oh and I pretty much always go by egg white cm...havery fell pregnant twice like that

Wow, if synchronous Oing were a sport, you ladies would be on your way to gold! :thumbup:

Certain now that I have a BFP. Line was darker today and I paid a visit to the doctor to confirm. We are going to follow my bloodwork week by week for a while. She wants me to do a scan in 2-3 weeks as well. All this is just for my piece mind. I am happy, but also cautious.

For all those Oing/ waiting to O, I am excited to keep following and offering support (if that's ok). I hope you all get BFPs, so we can start a spring rainbows preggo group! :hugs:

Yay congratulations x x x

Welcome I love me x x x
Jemma, I can clearly see them getting darker as well. Would guess that it might be another few days though? I guess that would go with FF.

Mrs Rose, sounds like you might be right about the doc trying to cover her back. That's terrible really. The fact that your progesterone was low both times would make me think that may have been the reason?

Welcome Iloveme! Sounds like you've had quite the journey already. How do you feel about the prospect of IVF?

I sure hope the progesterone is the reason! I was really mad at first but I just had to move on b/c I couldn't change anything.
Im very nervous about it. But im willing to do it due to it being one step closer to having my angel, being the success rates are higher than iui. I feel really bad to even go that far just to conceive its very sad and leaves me in am emotional mess. but with faith I guess it will pull through.

Jemma, I can clearly see them getting darker as well. Would guess that it might be another few days though? I guess that would go with FF.

Mrs Rose, sounds like you might be right about the doc trying to cover her back. That's terrible really. The fact that your progesterone was low both times would make me think that may have been the reason?

Welcome Iloveme! Sounds like you've had quite the journey already. How do you feel about the prospect of IVF?
@Mrsrose I had a similar situation, I suffered with low progesterone and didn't find out from my dr. until almost 6 weeks. by then your progesterone should be at a certain level to maintain the pregnancy. my baby heartbeat stopped at 7wks4days and didn't know until almost 9 weeks. its the hardest thing ever and im sorry your going through that.

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