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Spring rainbows 2016 - Come keep me company!

@Mrsrose I had a similar situation, I suffered with low progesterone and didn't find out from my dr. until almost 6 weeks. by then your progesterone should be at a certain level to maintain the pregnancy. my baby heartbeat stopped at 7wks4days and didn't know until almost 9 weeks. its the hardest thing ever and im sorry your going through that.

Thank you. You'd think the doctors would be more on top of it knowing that it can be a life or death issue AND proactively putting you on it doesn't hurt anything. I'm sorry you had to go through it too. Although it sucks that we're in this 'club', it's nice to have such a supportive group of women that can all relate!
I had a bit of a google about progesterone but couldn't find much in terms of details. I'm wondering whether I could push for my levels being tested next time, since it doesn't seem too much bother to do so, but haven't really found out much about when this should be done and whether giving progesterone actually helps.

I've also had more hpts and opks arrive so took one each this morning. Hpt still have a faint line *sigh*. It's extremely faint so I'm not worried about mp but getting a bit exasperated. Still feel like I'm about to ovulate though and opks are getting darker so who knows.
Having ist whined, I went back to check on my opks and it looks *almost* positive. Did a second to make sure it wasn't just a duff test and again, maybe a teeny tiny bit fainter than the control line but there's definitely not much in it. So I'm thinking lots of opks today and hopefully I'll catch the spike.
Opks experts: a positive opk means I'm ovulating in the next 24-48 hours, right?
Yay go Amy !! I read it's 12-37 hours but personally definitely cover the next 24 hours 100% :D have fun :haha:
yayyy!! :happydance: I'm so jealous, mines still hovering at the same strength :haha:
Jemma, I'm ridiculously excited about this. :haha: I don't actually hold out hope for this month. Haven't seen any ewcm and I think the chances are pretty low. But just so excited that my body seems to be getting back to normal.
Hope you get darker lines soon as well! Come on little egg!!! :haha:
Congrats Amygdala. No temp shift for me. So, I'm just praying for AF now. Unfortunately, I'm still picking up remnants of hcg on an hpt.


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Definate positive there amyadala:happydance: get DTD'ing. Means you should ovulate in the next 24-48 hours I believe. One thing to remember OPKs are detecting your LH surge but doesn't necessarily mean you wil actually release an egg.....temping pinpoints that. I never got on with temping however - I tend to go my EWCM and less so...OPKs to double check.

Regards lack of CM - have you tried pre-seed? OR next cycle (hopefully theres isn't one - but just in case) try taking evening primrose oil from Day 1 until ovulation - increases CM apparently . I think I noticed a change. Taking 3000mg per day at the moment.
Jemma, I'm ridiculously excited about this. :haha: I don't actually hold out hope for this month. Haven't seen any ewcm and I think the chances are pretty low. But just so excited that my body seems to be getting back to normal.
Hope you get darker lines soon as well! Come on little egg!!! :haha:

To be honest I'm not feeling like anything is going to happen, waiting for a +opk is like waiting for the negative test all over again. Just had one of them moments when all realisation comes back that I should be 23 weeks pregnant right now, not checking opk's :( Agh sorry girls, just want some progression! :shrug:

Glad you're on the way though Amy, I really hope you catch this one :happydance:
Definate positive there amyadala:happydance: get DTD'ing. Means you should ovulate in the next 24-48 hours I believe. One thing to remember OPKs are detecting your LH surge but doesn't necessarily mean you wil actually release an egg.....temping pinpoints that. I never got on with temping however - I tend to go my EWCM and less so...OPKs to double check.

Regards lack of CM - have you tried pre-seed? OR next cycle (hopefully theres isn't one - but just in case) try taking evening primrose oil from Day 1 until ovulation - increases CM apparently . I think I noticed a change. Taking 3000mg per day at the moment.

Does EWCM mean you will ovulate? I thought that you could still get it without actually releasing an egg and that temping was the only sure way to know.
Having ist whined, I went back to check on my opks and it looks *almost* positive. Did a second to make sure it wasn't just a duff test and again, maybe a teeny tiny bit fainter than the control line but there's definitely not much in it. So I'm thinking lots of opks today and hopefully I'll catch the spike.
Opks experts: a positive opk means I'm ovulating in the next 24-48 hours, right?

I've read that O will occur within 12-48 hours. Agree it looks almost positive--super close!
Jemma, I'm ridiculously excited about this. :haha: I don't actually hold out hope for this month. Haven't seen any ewcm and I think the chances are pretty low. But just so excited that my body seems to be getting back to normal.
Hope you get darker lines soon as well! Come on little egg!!! :haha:

To be honest I'm not feeling like anything is going to happen, waiting for a +opk is like waiting for the negative test all over again. Just had one of them moments when all realisation comes back that I should be 23 weeks pregnant right now, not checking opk's :( Agh sorry girls, just want some progression! :shrug:

Glad you're on the way though Amy, I really hope you catch this one :happydance:

I had similar thoughts this morning when I was driving into work. Kept thinking that I'd be in my second trimester if I hadn't had my first CP. I know it's tough, but hang in there with the OPKs. Mine haven't been progressing much either though it was a little darker this morning. Still getting my flashing smiley faces. I brought an OPK to work today so I could test in the early afternoon! hehe! Last month I had a flashing smiley in the morning but then a solid smiley around Noon, so it can change very fast!
Mitchnorm, it's no ewcm despite EPO (OK, only for the last four days or so) and grapefruit juice. They've both helped me in the past. I have preseed but don't know if that can really help much? Because you still need ewcm past the cervix, no? Anyway, I'm not holding my breath this month. Wish I'd bothered temping though. I might dig out my thermometer and start now, with any luck I might get one more low temp and then a spike, so at least I'd have an indication whether or not there was an egg.

Jemma :hugs: You'll get there!
Definate positive there amyadala:happydance: get DTD'ing. Means you should ovulate in the next 24-48 hours I believe. One thing to remember OPKs are detecting your LH surge but doesn't necessarily mean you wil actually release an egg.....temping pinpoints that. I never got on with temping however - I tend to go my EWCM and less so...OPKs to double check.

Regards lack of CM - have you tried pre-seed? OR next cycle (hopefully theres isn't one - but just in case) try taking evening primrose oil from Day 1 until ovulation - increases CM apparently . I think I noticed a change. Taking 3000mg per day at the moment.

Does EWCM mean you will ovulate? I thought that you could still get it without actually releasing an egg and that temping was the only sure way to know.

EWCM doesn't necessarily mean you'll release an egg unfortunately. I think only temping points to that. Both recent times I've got pregnant I've gone by ewcm rather than opks.....in fact ewcm usually comes a day or so before positive opks. ...weirdly
Bah my opks are the same light line. I'm thinking either I ovulated early (not likely) before I had opks or it just isn't happening this time. It's annoying because before I got pregnant I had a cycle once every few months since my son nurses about 10 Mins a day still. Guess we are back to that -sigh-
sorry to hear that bcos, what CD are you on?

Mrs Rose, those thoughts are horrible aren't they, still chokes me up whenever I think about it :cry: I'd be showing by now, know the sex, stocking up... :growlmad: agh ! Anyway I have fx'ed for you getting that + soon!!! :thumbup:

I am only on CD11 and I know it's still early in my cycle and FF still says Saturday is my predicted day but I am so impatient with all this and the waiting is awful. I really just want to see something positive now :wacko:
Jemma, hang in there! Wednesday's almost over, the weekend will be here in no time! And what a handy time to ovulate... :winkwink:

Bcos, that sucks! Are you waiting for your son to self-wean or do you have a "deadline" in mind for him? A friend of mine had ttc her second delayed by months because she was still breastfeeding her first. But she got there eventually and is due in May. :)
On an almost unrelated note: Is anyone else "planning" for the new baby? I know there are no guarantees and I have no idea when (or if) I'll get pregnant again and whether it'll work out. But I'm determined to think positive. And as part of that, I'm still looking at baby gear and planning what we'll need. I've got a (secret!) Amazon wish list and I have to admit to buying a couple of vests and some gorgeous muslins. I don't know, I guess I find it soothing. It's what I would have been doing around now if they pregnancy had continued and I guess thinking about preparing for baby makes me feel like it's only delayed. I'm not spending big money of course, couldn't even if I wanted to. But somehow having a few little things stashed away to look at from time to time helps me believe in our happy ending.
One downside is that I'm developing very clear ideas for the (very few) things we'll need to buy when baby 3 does actually join us and I also now feel I have a perfect justification to not scrimp on those things. Uh-oh. :lol:
On an almost unrelated note: Is anyone else "planning" for the new baby? I know there are no guarantees and I have no idea when (or if) I'll get pregnant again and whether it'll work out. But I'm determined to think positive. And as part of that, I'm still looking at baby gear and planning what we'll need. I've got a (secret!) Amazon wish list and I have to admit to buying a couple of vests and some gorgeous muslins. I don't know, I guess I find it soothing. It's what I would have been doing around now if they pregnancy had continued and I guess thinking about preparing for baby makes me feel like it's only delayed. I'm not spending big money of course, couldn't even if I wanted to. But somehow having a few little things stashed away to look at from time to time helps me believe in our happy ending.
One downside is that I'm developing very clear ideas for the (very few) things we'll need to buy when baby 3 does actually join us and I also now feel I have a perfect justification to not scrimp on those things. Uh-oh. :lol:

I have a full (secret) babylist registry. So, in response to your question - yes. I've done some planning.

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