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Spring rainbows 2016 - Come keep me company!

Jemma, I think that looks normal? Think LH spikes are usually fairly sudden. Mine definitely was this time. I can't believe you're off coffee AND chocolate. No way I could do that for more than 12 hours or so... :haha:

I can't remember who asked but no, I haven't been charting in years. Used to religiously for about a year and a half, for contraception purposes. If I'm not pregnant this cycle I might start again though, just to know that I'm definitely ovulating. I'm calling today 1dpo by the way. Now to make it to at least 14 without testing... I really should wait until 18dpo or so to get a more definite answer. :-/
It is really weird, I did read one persons story where they were getting +hpk's until after AF, might need it to flush out all the hcg, could be a similar case?! does hcg cause +opk's? That's all I can offer on this, you're body is going a bit mad :shrug:

Hcg does cause slight positive opks btw x x
Tell you what Amy it was hard work for about a week, usually cannot function without coffee and in the evenings a nice galaxy dipped in coffee was super :haha: Switched to tea and I've got some surprisingly nice cereal bars instead. To be honest I was scared into giving them up as although the majority of MC's are a chromosome defect the midwife at my 9 week appointment said that chocolate was harmful to a pregnancy, I don't know how true that is but I'm not taking any chances this time :shrug: But with the opk's there has defo been a shift since yesterday they are slightly darker so just waiting for the spike, FF still says tomorrow but that's only for a 28 day cycle, no idea how long my cycle is going to be just now.

If you can hang on to 18 dpo (and fair play if you do) I'll test with you at whatever dpo I am :haha:
It's a deal Jemma! (Although I fully expect to cave in beforehand, based on my not testing track record)

Chocolate can be "harmful" because of the caffeine in it but I really wouldn't worry about a little bit here or there, you'd have to have HUGE amounts. There was a study a few years back that found that women who had chocolate in pregnancy had more content 1-year-olds. :-D So that's my excuse. I will switch back to 100% decaf coffee though.
See that's what I thought, but this woman was like NO chocolate at all... bit mean isn't it :cry: I'm pretty sure I read that caffeine only affects the growth rate but then again I could be making things up :shrug: :haha: But I swear with all the supplement, vitamins and minerals we pack in when TTC I'm surprised we've not had a goodness overdose :haha:
Wow, I'll have to check into the no chocolate thing--I've never heard that! Seems a bit excessive!

For those of you with charting experience, I could really use some advice on what temp I should use today. I slept horribly last night! I’d wake up hot and sweaty and kick the blankets off, but then I’d get really cold...this kept happening all night. Then I got paranoid that my temps would be all wonky b/c of that, so then I had trouble going back to sleep. So I ended up taking my temp several times and now I’m not sure which one to use. I tried to lay really still, but I did get up to use the restroom after taking my first temp. I’m pretty sure I O’d on the 3rd based on my OPKs and yesterday’s temp spike and I’m scared that using the wrong temp today will throw off my chart.

-3:30am – 97.05 (back to my normal pre-O temps; was wide awake and after I’d been playing the hot/cold game)
-4:20am – 97.16 (higher but still low; was wide awake but laying still)
-4:45am – 97.05 (low again; was wide awake but laying still)
-5:25am – 97.48 (more in line with post-O temp; fell back into a light sleep just before taking my temp again)

Can you please let me know which temp you think I should use?
Morning Ladies :hugs: (Well morning in UK) How are we all this morning? Not done any opk's yet, being a lazy butt in bed, so nothing to report :haha:

OH had me surprised last night, was checking FF, ensuring I had all my data down for the day and was taking a real interest in the whole thing. It was quite nice he wanted to get involved with all this scientific malarkey we have to study ourselves :haha: Bless him :hugs:

That's so cute that your hubby is actively participating in charting! DH is on several vitamins/supplements and he's been really good about taking them all on his own. He even put them in a weekly pillbox so he remembers to take them every day. He said he's willing to do whatever it takes to get our baby and it's so awesome to see him actually follow through!
MrsRose, I used to do my chart by hand. On a day like the one you're describing, I would just leave a blank. Can you do that in FF? If you can't, I'd be tempted to use the last one, purely because it's the closest to a normal temp taking time. Having said that, you're not meant to use temps if you've not managed a few hours sleep before, so I'm not sure. Maybe see what happens if you don't put anything in?

AFM, I'm so pathetic. I'm 1 (read: ONE) dpo and already I wish I knew whether I'm pregnant this cycle so I can make plans for the spring. :haha: I've got this deadline and a long-ish trip I'm planning with the kids and it's annoying me that I can't say for sure when that will be. Why can't implantation make a noise? Like a little bell or something or a little batch of skin somewhere that turns green maybe? Two lines that appear on your belly? We've put a man on the moon for goodness' sake, we shouldn't have to wait two weeks to do a pregnancy test!
Yeah, my dh knows all about what a pregnancy chart looks like, what an O temp shift looks like, is a pro and looking for squinters, etc. DHs are so funny. They have to be all manly in front of their friends but secretly they are just big balls of mush.
MrsRose, I used to do my chart by hand. On a day like the one you're describing, I would just leave a blank. Can you do that in FF? If you can't, I'd be tempted to use the last one, purely because it's the closest to a normal temp taking time. Having said that, you're not meant to use temps if you've not managed a few hours sleep before, so I'm not sure. Maybe see what happens if you don't put anything in?

AFM, I'm so pathetic. I'm 1 (read: ONE) dpo and already I wish I knew whether I'm pregnant this cycle so I can make plans for the spring. :haha: I've got this deadline and a long-ish trip I'm planning with the kids and it's annoying me that I can't say for sure when that will be. Why can't implantation make a noise? Like a little bell or something or a little batch of skin somewhere that turns green maybe? Two lines that appear on your belly? We've put a man on the moon for goodness' sake, we shouldn't have to wait two weeks to do a pregnancy test!

Thanks, Amy! Yes, FF has the option to discard it. It just sucks b/c I was going to start progesterone 3dpo and now this might delay it. I rarely have 3 hours of consecutive sleep--I'm a horrible sleeper but my temps prior to what I think is O were pretty stable anyways. In fact, I think I've only had one night in the last 2 weeks where I did get 3 solid hours.

Totally know what you mean! It's like your life is kind of in limbo until you find out. You would think that this day in age we'd have some way to know sooner if you have a BFP! I also wish they had over-the-counter blood quantitative HCG tests so we could check it ourselves. Then we'd also find out a little earlier since HCG doesn't get into your urine right away.
For the progesterone, I'd assume that today was a high temperature, especially if you've had other ovulation symptoms. A wrongly measured low temp doesn't change when you ovulated after all, FF might just be a bit slower to confirm it. And it's not like you're using it for contraception, so I'd assume that your spike was a spike and you did in fact ovulate two days ago.
For the progesterone, I'd assume that today was a high temperature, especially if you've had other ovulation symptoms. A wrongly measured low temp doesn't change when you ovulated after all, FF might just be a bit slower to confirm it. And it's not like you're using it for contraception, so I'd assume that your spike was a spike and you did in fact ovulate two days ago.

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. I did a BBT adjustment through this site, https://www.whenmybaby.com/basalbodytemperature.php, and it's calculating it to be 95.35 (on the higher side). Thanks for the insight--it's my first time temping so not familiar with how FF plays with the chart!
Grr, so my opks have been much lighter today. I got close to a positive yesterday, so you guys think the surge could have happened after my last test at 5pm or do you think just no ovulation this cycle?
Could be either I guess or a third option of "not yet". Where in the world are you? If it's still morning there, there's a good chance you'll get a positive opk this afternoon. I read somewhere recently that the LH spike actually takes place mid-afternoon, so I think it's unlikely you missed it over night. But it's quite possible that you missed it between opks. Or maybe your body tried but didn't quite make it and will try again in a few days.
If it was me, I'd make sure we were covered for any possible ovulation dates until AF actually shows. Yeah, it's handy to know exactly when you ovulated but if you have sex every two days or so anyway, the exact timing doesn't matter that much.
bcos, agree with what Amy said about the lh surge in the afternoon. Last month mine happened around Noon and this month it happened at 7pm. I was surprised it happened so late but I had been monitoring all day, as late as 5pm and still no surge.
I took the last opk yesterday at 5pm. Im in the US mountain time and i tested today at 11am and 3pm, lighter line than i've seen for a while:/ my concern is I'm already at CD 21 of a who knows how long cycle lol. this irregular and sporadic cycle thing is annoying!!!!! we've had a lot of sex the past few days/weeks and i'm totally over it :dohh: LOL
I took the last opk yesterday at 5pm. Im in the US mountain time and i tested today at 11am and 3pm, lighter line than i've seen for a while:/ my concern is I'm already at CD 21 of a who knows how long cycle lol. this irregular and sporadic cycle thing is annoying!!!!! we've had a lot of sex the past few days/weeks and i'm totally over it :dohh: LOL

haha! I know, all that BD'ing is tiresome! I would continue doing the OPKs as you may gear up again and actually release an egg in a few days. I know it sucks. I wish I had a crystal ball to know what the heck is going on!
thanks mrs rose I wish you had that crystal ball! I will prolly use a couple more days of opks. I feel wasteful lol i have gone through so many opks already, I think i will try to just test once at 7pm and see how I do. otherwise, I might just have to be content with never knowing and having just a weird cycle.
Hellooooo Ladies :hugs: How are we?

I wasn't checking BnB last night and boy I need to catch up :haha:

I think the majority of us here are charting noobs so it's great we can speculate and help each other. I would have agreed with Amy on your temps Mrs Rose too. I can't complain about all the BD'ing, I bloody love it :blush:

I am feeling optimistic today, my opk this morning is the darkest it's been yet and I'm hoping to be a glaringly + later today (attached pic)


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Just read your post back a page Amy... 1 dpo and wanting to test already?!?! :haha: I don't think you'll be holding off until cd18 :hugs: I don't blame you I'm totally impatient :blush:

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