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Spring rainbows 2016 - Come keep me company!

DISCLAIMER: I'm venting here and describing a nightmare I just had. Don't read if you have health anxieties (or get bored easily)!

Hi everyone! Will read what I've missed in a minute but need to vent. We had a very interrupted night because everyone is ill with a cold. I am as well. Currently left alone in the house because I need to work but instead I'm lying on the sofa and I keep passing out in uncomfortable positions and then having horrendous nightmares. This last one, DH and I had a fight (about ttc no less) so I stormed off to have a bath. I was feeling very dizzy though and couldn't see properly so I was worried about getting in but I'd stormed off so stayed in the bathroom anyway. When I undressed, I noticed a dark ring around my areola. I thought that it might be a pregnancy sign for a second but then thought no, way too early. So I looked again and saw that it was more like lacerations and they were all over my breast. Then I realised that there was a deep dent on the underside with a bright blue, bleeding hole/bruise. I felt around and found a golf ball size lump! Ran out of the bathroom and told DH who just stared at me in total shock and kept saying "no, it can't be". Then I woke up. WHO MESSED UP IS THAT?!?!! Now I'm forcing myself to stay awake but there's no one here to talk to so distracting myself is difficult. Think I'll try some sitcom on tv or something. Holy shit do my hormones need to calm down!
Well my lunchtime opk looks lighter than this mornings test :cry: what the hell is going on, my body should stop messing with me and just O :haha: can I also ask you lovely ladies what your experiences with O pain are? I was having little stabs of pain on my left side just a minute ago, could this be O pain? Sorry, I'm just so new to this reading your body stuff :shrug:
Jemma, I'd assume that you're ovulating now. No proof obviously but can't hurt to act as if you are. :winkwink: Short-lived, one-sided pain is always an ovulation symptom for me and your opks also suggest that there may have been a spike yesterday.
I am worried that I might have surged last night and with no opk to prove that I'm lost what dpo I'll be? We've been DTD everyday anyway pretty much so aren't missing out there but would have been nice to pinpoint my O day :shrug: Agh I'll just assume TWW now I think, bye O I'm done with you :haha:

As for your nightmares, that's so weird! Don't let them worry you or anything, sending you nothing but positive vibes :hugs:
Oh, they don't worry me! I get them a lot sometimes and I'm pretty sure they're hormone related. But they're exhausting!

I would call today O day if I was you. Sort of fits with your opks and does fit with your pain and FF's prediction, right? Any plans for (not) testing?

I'll really try to be good and wait this cycle. If I got a faint positive at say 12 or 14 dpo, there'd be no way of knowing whether it was real. Having said that, I'll probably do another FRER one morning next week in the hope that it'll be completely clear, so I can have a better idea when testing time comes.
thanks mrs rose I wish you had that crystal ball! I will prolly use a couple more days of opks. I feel wasteful lol i have gone through so many opks already, I think i will try to just test once at 7pm and see how I do. otherwise, I might just have to be content with never knowing and having just a weird cycle.

That's why I stock up on the cheapies! I bought a 50-pack of OPKs on Amazon and it also came with 10 HPTs. They've been very reliable. I think I've read that you should test between 11-2 so maybe you should bump it up a few hours if you're just gonna do one test a day? Obviously everyone is different but I think that's a common time for LH.
I bet ! Probably is hormone related, us women are a strange bunch :haha:

I am hoping the strange pricks of pain are O and not just me over analysing my body :shrug: I'll use up the rest of my opk's over the next 24 hours and see what they are like.

As for testing I would ideally like to try and contain myself long enough to be 'late', in reality I'll be testing by Wednesday next week :haha: I have LOADS of internet cheapy hpt's so I'll feed my POAS addiction with them lol The two week wait is like a lifetime but I find it really exciting at the same time! How do you feel being in TWW now? x
think I've definitely caught the end of my surge with opk's :shrug: these are my tests from today, had to tweak tone of the pics slightly as for some reason they never show how dark the line is straight off the camera... thoughts? I have put +opk on FF for yesterday for the time being


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Yeah, I'd guess LH spike yesterday and ovulation today.

Tww SUCKS. I hate it with a burning passion. I'm the most curious and impatient person in the world. To expect me to wait 2 - 2½ weeks to find out about something this big is just plain cruel.
Jemmalouise looks Like we are in the same boat with opk, I tested again today at noon an it's light I feel like I had the surge. Amygdala I hate having crazy dreams because most of the time I wake up more tired than I started lol
Hi bcos, aren't our bodies annoying!! I've never watched for O before so it's frustrating when it's not text book. Is this your first cycle tracking or have you been doing it a while? I've done 2 tests since my darkest this morning and they've progressively got lighter, only have 2 opk's left so going to do one tonight before bed and 1 in the morning with 2nd maybe 3rd urine... I have ordered some more cheapies for next month as I don't feel like I've succeeded this month :shrug: :cry:
Yeah, I'd guess LH spike yesterday and ovulation today.

Tww SUCKS. I hate it with a burning passion. I'm the most curious and impatient person in the world. To expect me to wait 2 - 2½ weeks to find out about something this big is just plain cruel.
Hopefully it flies! :hugs: Why can't we know immediately! :shrug:
Hi bcos, aren't our bodies annoying!! I've never watched for O before so it's frustrating when it's not text book. Is this your first cycle tracking or have you been doing it a while? I've done 2 tests since my darkest this morning and they've progressively got lighter, only have 2 opk's left so going to do one tonight before bed and 1 in the morning with 2nd maybe 3rd urine... I have ordered some more cheapies for next month as I don't feel like I've succeeded this month :shrug: :cry:

I used opks for one month when I got pregnant with my son but I had a positive opk then. It's just so annoying! I have not had regular cycles since I had my son. When I got Pregnant the second time and miscarried, that was just a once off lucky thing. I only tested because I had a feeling, and I had a rash on my leg I only get when pregnant lol.
Bcos, Jemma--sorry your opk's are being ambiguous. This whole ttc process can be incredibly frustrating! Hope they get darker stat!

So I got my crosshairs today, which is very exciting for this newbie! Kinda weird that I O'd the day after I got a super dark opk, but I've read it can happen. Another strange thing is I've had a ton of ewcm this cycle which is not normal for me. Last cycle I had 2 measly patches of it. FX that is a good sign! Now, it's time for more waiting once again.
MrsRose, it's meant to work like that. Opks pick up the LH surge, you ovulate 24-36 hours after that and then your temperatures rise (and you can confirm you did in fact ovulate after the third high temperature after the rise). So all as it should be!!:thumbup:

Things here are WEIRD. I had a total off day. Completely shattered (although admittedly, bad night before), nightmares when napping, hormonal-cranky when awake, weirdly hungry and full at the same time and this afternoon, I had 30 minutes of feeling really sick, despite having eaten normally before and not having had vitamins yet. The only other time I ever remember feeling like this was a week after conceiving the baby we lost. I looked it up after I got my bfp and found that some people report "implantation sickness". I'm sure that's what it was then. And I'd think that's what it was today, if it wasn't for the timing. Surely on 2dpo that's not possible? Probably just a bug but the random nausea really is odd.
Still waiting for AF over here. Sigh.
Sorry TTC! Hang in there, things will get back into balance eventually. How frustrating though!
MrsRose, it's meant to work like that. Opks pick up the LH surge, you ovulate 24-36 hours after that and then your temperatures rise (and you can confirm you did in fact ovulate after the third high temperature after the rise). So all as it should be!!:thumbup:

Things here are WEIRD. I had a total off day. Completely shattered (although admittedly, bad night before), nightmares when napping, hormonal-cranky when awake, weirdly hungry and full at the same time and this afternoon, I had 30 minutes of feeling really sick, despite having eaten normally before and not having had vitamins yet. The only other time I ever remember feeling like this was a week after conceiving the baby we lost. I looked it up after I got my bfp and found that some people report "implantation sickness". I'm sure that's what it was then. And I'd think that's what it was today, if it wasn't for the timing. Surely on 2dpo that's not possible? Probably just a bug but the random nausea really is odd.

Sorry, I meant to say that I got a super dark opk the same day I O'd. :dohh:
:brat: aggh just used my last opk and it's getting darker again... maybe earlier was a attempt at O and it's getting ready to go again... I'm getting very effed off with this malarkey :brat:
:brat: aggh just used my last opk and it's getting darker again... maybe earlier was a attempt at O and it's getting ready to go again... I'm getting very effed off with this malarkey :brat:

Ahhhhh! How annoying! I just took an opk and there was barely a line there at all so I am convinced I either missed my surge or it isn't happening for me this month. I'm done testing. I'll take a preg test in 2weeks to be sure and wait for Af.

Hope Af comes for you soon ttc I know the waiting is so annoying!

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