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Stacey Solomon Smoking whilst pregnant

prawns are slightly different to a nicotine addiction.
It's tough, because whilst I completely disagree with smoking in pregnancy, (I quit when I found out I was pregnant with my first) I am also of the 'each to their own' camp. IMO Mothers have every right to make their own decisions. BUT she is in the public eye and part of what comes with being a celebrity, along with all the good stuff, is that you open yourself up to criticism. Especially if you have some kind of title of 'celebrity mother of the year' or whatever it is. As a celebrity, you put yourself out there to be judged, for better or for worse and so of course people are going to judge her on a topic that is so important to a lot of people. If I see a pregnant woman walking down the street smoking, I look at her a think what a shame. I don't think, oh what a bad mother, but I think poor baby to be honest! But then I carry on my way and of course wouldn't say anything to them. But then a woman walking down the street isn't putting herself in the public eye is she? Yes, Stacey Solomon has every right to do what she wants, it's her body after all. But she's a celebrity and it comes with the territory that she will be judged and criticised for it, in the same way as a footballer having an affair or a pop star hitting a toilet attendant in a night club!
I could say a lot on this subject as I am in the camp of being very against smoking in general, but I'll just point out one thing that a midwife said at our antenatal classes on Saturday:

On talking about the placenta, she said they can tell the placenta of a smoker as you can see the darker areas where the oxygen hasn't got through to. Enough said eh?


This is true. When examining the placenta there are dark firm areas where these bits have died off and the nutrients and oxygen etc have not been able to get through. It's very sad to see, especially when this was the lifeline of a small poorly baby that is now in special care :-( x
theres a lot of understanding ladies on here!

I was one of those thought it was the most horrific thing ever,until i became that person!

All i know is i LOVE oscar and i love this little baby with my life.

But sadly addiction is very good at throwing you into denial about the harm you could possibly doing.

There are ALOT worse things though,and i dont think anyone has the right to call anyone a disgusting person or a bad mother.
theres a lot of understanding ladies on here!

I was one of those thought it was the most horrific thing ever,until i became that person!

All i know is i LOVE oscar and i love this little baby with my life.

But sadly addiction is very good at throwing you into denial about the harm you could possibly doing.

There are ALOT worse things though,and i dont think anyone has the right to call anyone a disgusting person or a bad mother.


And in response to a few rude remarks I saw in this thread: Anyone who questions my ability to mother ought to look at themselves and see what sort of judgemental human being they will be imposing on society one day. Just sayin'.
theres a lot of understanding ladies on here!

I was one of those thought it was the most horrific thing ever,until i became that person!

All i know is i LOVE oscar and i love this little baby with my life.

But sadly addiction is very good at throwing you into denial about the harm you could possibly doing.

There are ALOT worse things though,and i dont think anyone has the right to call anyone a disgusting person or a bad mother.

I didn't say it makes a person a bad mother, yes i did say it is disgusting because thats what i think. I'm allowed to have that opinion of mothers who choose to smoke during their pregnancies, because i think it is wrong and dangerous.
Just because there are worse things a person can do doesn't some how make it ok to smoke during pregnancy!

Famous or not if a woman chooses (even tho a person feels they cant quit its still a choice)to smoke during pregnancy n that's smoking 20 or 2 they will still be judged.
It is selfish to smoke during pregnancy and no one can say it isnt
I ABSOLUTELY judge mothers that continue to smoke during pregnancy. The same as I would judge anyone that carried on the same drinking habits in pregnancy. Had Stacey been pictured just once you could assume or believe that this might have been the only cigarette she'd had and let it slide... same as if it was 1 small glass of wine on a special occasion etc... but 4 in 2 hrs? That's a LOT of smoke to be subjecting your child to.

If the same story showed her with a pint of beer or glass of wine and said she'd had 4 in 2 hrs I'm sure people would be shocked and disgusted.

It's 9 months of your life, not an eternity. There are PROVEN risks related to smoking in pregnancy, same for heavy and continued drinking, and to me, anyone that would put their child at such a clear and defined risk IS a bad example of a parent.

I love Stacey Solomon I think she's hilarious and seems like a lovely mum, and still do after seeing these pics :)

Just seen who else was in the running, Danielle Lloyd, horrible, Natasha Giggs, seriously?!
As a past smoker even I feel crap when they bad parent line gets thrown about but I understand why its not doing the best for your baby. certainly wouldnt be allowed to throw around bad parent for not breastfeeding though (in terms of doing what was healthiest for baby).......yes I went there ......

I get I have guilt even though I stopped, It is a disgusting habit and harmful. Mums do feel guilty and will backlash to being called bad parent even if they are trying to cut down and stop I think they should be helped not stressed out more by labels.
We all know smoking is bad for baby, no denying that one. As is shellfish, pate, some cheese, hot baths, mcdonalds etc etc. I hope everyone questioning her ability as a mother have cut out absolutely every single potential risk before slating Stacey, but I doubt it.
no one is saying she is a bad mother, but eating one egg or smoking 7 a day is quite different.
its just a topic of debate. I find it interesting to see what people will and wont try to do for other people (eg their kids), its sociology and human psychology.

And people's reactions, certainly on here, are even more interesting to analyse

Do you have medical science that prove that? Your one egg, could kill you (chances are slim but its there) and really there is not enough medical science to prove that smoking has caused bad effects. YES, they say it CAN, thats it, because there are a lot of healthy people who parents both smoked.

Both mine smoked, they smoked around us at all times, hell id say they are chain smokers. But, I have no breathing issues, no health issues they say people get from smoking. I dont smoke, never smoked a day in my life. I'm also very athletic, and made good choices for myself.

People always say- my parents did it to me and theres no harm, but a lot of research shows that the harm comes when you are a lot older, not just when you came out ur mums womb. E.g developing certain cancers in ur later life etc.
Just because some people got lucky by not having lots of problems due to their mother smoking, does not make it ok to do. And the main issue with this thread is that she is in the public eye and is a role model. Thats why it is being talked about, and if she can give up her favourite foods like prawns for those weeks, why can she not give up the fags - even a nicotine patch would be far better than a cigarette as that immediately cuts out a lot of the nasty chemicals you get alongside the nicotine, but she hasnt even tried that. So if that was me, I would ask myself am I doing the best I really can for my baby while he/she cant care for themselves, or can I do more things (e.g. slap a patch on instead).
As a past smoker even I feel crap when they bad parent line gets thrown about but I understand why its not doing the best for your baby. certainly wouldnt be allowed to throw around bad parent for not breastfeeding though (in terms of doing what was healthiest for baby).......yes I went there ......

I get I have guilt even though I stopped, It is a disgusting habit and harmful. Mums do feel guilty and will backlash to being called bad parent even if they are trying to cut down and stop I think they should be helped not stressed out more by labels.

I completely agree. People should understand that just because something may have been easy for them doesn't mean it will be easy for others. Yes I'm sure mothers feel guilty all the time, and I'm sure they're thinking about their children. And like you said.... you wont hear anyone saying that non breastfeeding moms are bad parents even though it is for the best interest of the child.

not saying women should smoke, just saying its not so black and white for people so it shouldn't be treated like it is. Everyone doesn't function the same way.
Shellfish, pate and blue cheese are NOT a significant risk to baby and are not even remotely comparable to inhaling toxins that are PROVEN to have a high risk of doing damage. The issue with the foods you listed is that potentially you could catch listeria from them. You're at no extra risk from getting listeria while pregnant, it's not like suddenly you're more succeptible to Listeria as soon as you have a womb squatter... it's just not a good thing to get if you are pregnant. Same for Chicken Pox or Measles or slapped cheek etc. Are we all advised to keep our toddlers from nursery just in case they pass one of these to us while pregnant? No. Because the risk is really that remote.

Now honestly. How many people do you know or have heard of who have EVER caught Listeria from a runny egg or eating pate? None? Me neither lol.

I see smoking in pregnancy as a comparable risk to driving your car without a seatbelt on, crossing a road without looking, failing to strap your child into a car seat, leaving a dog in a car on a hot day etc etc. It's a BIG risk and one that EVERYONE knows exists... so really, why take it?

I'm not making myself out to be a perfect parent. I had me a McDs at the weekend and a small glass of champers on Christmas day... but I would expect to have my capabilities questioned if I drove along with Fin led on the back seat of the car with no restraints as a newborn. After all - why would I take that risk? Of course we COULD make it to our destination with no crashes or mishaps and he might be fine... same as a mother could smoke and baby be fine. However it's undeniable that baby would be much safer and protected from harm in a car seat... same for not smoking.

Just my 2 cents. I wouldn't say it's as cut and dry as "if you smoke you're a bad parent"...but is the choice to smoke when pregnant a bad parenting choice and an example of poor parenting? Yes, absolutely xx
I'm sorry, but with all other celebrity figures, you're in the public eye. You chose to be in the public eye, so you chose to be scrutinised for your choices. Don't want to be publicly judged? Don't become a celebrity. Quite simple really. I don't think it's fair but that's the way it is.

To be honest I think the mother of the year award is stupid but I also don't think she deserves it, the facts about smoking are real, and as she's again a public figure, she's meant to be making a good impression and good choices. She hasn't. The end.

At the end of the day, it's an addiction you chose to take up. I can say this because I'm an ex smoker, I chose to start smoking. Granted, smoking is hard to give up, I've seen it first hand, but why isn't carrying your child a good enough reason to stop? If you are actively cutting down then I really support that, but I do think it's an excuse to just carry on with a couple a day. It takes a lot less time to quit completely than you think if you want to and have the willpower. But if you're not even trying then shame on you.

Do I think this makes you a bad mother? No. But I do think it makes you a selfish person.

On a completely separate note, she's 22?! She's the same age as me & I thought she was nearly 30 O___O
When got my bfp I quit smoking, ate blue cheese, got in a hot tub, enjoyed long hot baths, rode my horses, ate rare steak, had a few small glasses of wine, I knew these were all *potentially*harmful to my baby but I did them anyway :shrug: so I would feel hypocritical for condemning women who struggle to quit knowing it could be *potentially* harmful to theirs?
If Stacey had been pictured in a hot tub or with a glass of wine I'd expect an identical reaction to this one!
This was mentioned before, but I still feel the need to add that I had a friend who smoked for years before getting pregnant, and her doctor told her that quitting full-stop would give her withdrawal symptoms and stress her body to the point that he was concerned she might miscarry. It isnt widely discussed, but there are instances when continuing smoking is actually the lesser of two evils.
She is being interviewed now on this Morning if anyone isnt watching but would like to tune in :)
I'm not going to judge her for it. I know personally I haven;t touched a cigarette or a drop of alcohol or any of the food items I shouldn't - I'm doing the best I can. it's her choice and she's clearly struggling with it. I think as long as you know you're doing what you should that's all that you can do.

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