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Started Fertility Testing..Need buddies...

I'm currently 5 dpiui and trying to avoid symptom spotting, it just gets my hopes up too much:nope: I'll only start to get a bit excited if it's something extremely unusual for my 2WW e.g. metal taste in mouth or something like that.

No real plans other than we'll be seeing my in-laws on Sunday for lunch. I'll be giving my MIL an IUI pamphlet so she can read about it since she's been asking DH questions.
looks like it's going to be a non eventful weekend lol. as for symptom spotting as much as i try not to, it's inevitable. Thursday I felt I had many symptoms, frequent urination, headache, backache etc smh I try not to :-/ lol
Symptoms are evil :haha: I usually try and enjoy the bigger boobs though ! :D when will you two be testing ?

Has anyone on the thread tried increasing their uterine lining ? I can only assume I had the chemical because my lining is too bad for implantation, despite the progesterone gel doing an absolute miracle on my LP, I should have had AF 2 days ago :) any ideas ?
I wish I got the bigger boobs:haha:
Not sure about increasing uterine lining. I will ask at next appt bc they did say mine was a little thin although I was early. I wouldnt test until 2/7. Patience when are you testing????
I won't be testing until the 4th or 5th of February as the nurse said to test 16-17 days after the IUI. Guess it's to make sure you get an accurate answer:shrug:

I don't really know how to improve the lining but found an article with some suggestions: https://natural-fertility-info.com/thin-lining-of-the-uterus-build-the-uterine-lining-naturally.html
That'd be good if they have any suggestions JJ :) it took me 6months just to get a progesterone prescription and they still don't really care about me, just bugger off and come back in 3months ! :(

Kat i've been googling everything I can find :haha: i've tried this before, pomegranate juice, maca, milk, Fertilitea etc ! I think i'll try the pomegranate again, it's hard to know if it worked for me or not cuz AF always came !
I don't know when or if I'm going to test. Maybe if I make it to the evening of 14dpo :shrug:

And patience it looks like the gel is definitely working!!! :happydance:
You can be stronger than me ladies :haha: getting through the 2ww worth any sense of calm is a real challenge! I start planning a treat for myself got AF coming, that way I've got something to fall back on!

Man I got rolled over by uncontrollable nausea tonight, just out of nowhere :( lucky I'm off to bed to get away from it! Still waiting for that temp drop and any sign of spotting, well done gel!
Quite irritated today. Yesterday, I had a callback from a Dr I don't usually see (my dr is off until Monday) who said again no ovulation, but high testosterone. I was told all of my hormones were normal last time. So he's said PCOS (which I'm not sure I agree with as I'm fairly sure I had testing done a few years ago) and booked an ultrasound in 4-6 weeks, no mention of putting me on any medication until then. I looked up PCOS after this phone call, discovered I'd end up on something to trigger ovulation either way, so set up a call back from that Dr again today to say I couldn't see why i couldn't be started on Clomid now as was planned (by my actual Dr.) My partner rang the surgery up this morning and changed it to a physical appointment as I hate phone calls because I feel like I can't say what I need to say very well. So this is all sorted, a while after this my partner gets a phone call saying that the Dr has cancelled my appointment as he's not in charge of my care for fertility, another Dr is (who I have seen recently for an unrelated issue, nothing to do with my fertility and never has been) and that I should see her. He is standing in for my regular Dr who is on holiday this week. I am very annoyed. If he was nothing to do with my care, then why was he setting up an ultrasound? Sorry for the rant, my ever irregular period is due any time and I can't speak to my regular Dr until Monday, so I feel like it's just another month of the same; no chance of getting a bfp...
Hi All. New to the forum. TTC for over a year and finally have an appt in two weeks to start testing to see what that the hold up is. I'm nervous to find out, and even more nervous about what the next steps will be, but I guess it will better than just continuing every month relying only on hope and prayer.
Hi gals, hows everyone doing? Just got back from my doc appt. I am starting clomid and will do an iui in feb. A little nervous of possibility of twins. Also having insurance issues again. So not sure if I will proceed if this if it doesnt work. But I guess we'll see how it goes. Kat hows the symptons going? welcome dandie.
Hi Chrissie. I understand your frustration, but Im sure all info is in your file and can be read by this other doctor. I know at my office I rotate bw multiple docs but all is in my file so maybe not so much to be nervous about.
I'd like to think so, but since he didn't seem at all informed about my care I'm not so sure...I found it rather cold that my appointment was just cancelled and I was told to go to another doctor because she'd apparently been advising me about this..
9dpo, DH did SA Sunday so just waiting for call from nurse... I'll give them until next Wednesday before I call, not going to stress it :coffee:. I had a lot of symptoms on one day during this TWW but here and there I've had a symptom or two each day but nothing crazy. but I've been consistently having back pains. I sit all day for work and I checked my symptoms from previous cycles for back pains and I usually note it once during TWW (towards the end) but I've had it maybe six out of the nine days. it could be nothing or it all could be psychological lol but who knows :shrug:
Welcome dandi! Do you know what tests you'll be starting with? Possibly blood tests, an HSG and likely OHs SA, good luck!

Heychrissie man that's an awful story :( i would try calling someone else, or writing a letter of complaint to their boss! That sounds totally illogical they'd just cancel your appt, don't let them win, keep pushing for your appt!
JJ that's great news :) after hearing Kats story an IUI sounds horrible to me though :haha: I imagine twins is scary but at this point I'd be happy with 2 just from trying so long for 1, you'll do great either way :) have you got any ideas I'd the insurance doesn't go through? Natural methods that could help I mean.

Cdelmar ooh those symptoms will be the death of us all :D I'm normally able to trust my gut if I'm pg or not! I think the mind has a lot to do with it, but I hope it's not just in your head :)

Kat how are you doing?
I'm doing OK I guess. Still having breast soreness and some pains but trying not to read too much into it:shrug: Have also sometimes back pain as well. Then there was late night at 5 dpiui (maybe technically 6 dpiui since it was past midnight) I had that strong pain around my uterus but nothing really since. I've been being stupid and checking my CP almost every day even though I know that isn't a fool proof way to tell if I'm preggo or not:dohh: I'm 11 dpiui today and won't test until Tuesday as the nurse said 16 dpiui I should test.

If it's a BFN I will be starting my IUI#2 right away:happydance:
well if temp decreases tomorrow (i'll be 11dpo...lp is 13) then I know it will be a bfn and it was all in my head :haha:!

Kat, good luck!
Jbubbles I hope everything works out with your insurance!
Good Luck JJ, I can't wait to hear how February goes for you!

Patienceiav- I'm not sure what tests yet. I'm assuming a basic blood test and I know that my doctor wants to do a dye test to check my tubes. She suspects that a fibroid surgery i had in 2010 may have lead to some blockages. I don't know if that's happening at my first appointment or if we will schedule it for later though. I'm kind of nervous because I don't want any testing to interfere with being able to try in February. I'm sure I'll feel better after the first appt, but not knowing what to expect is nerve wracking.
Gonna sit the hubby down tomorrow at dinner. Thinking we will do one round and if nothing, stick with clomid and bdding. Im not sure whats eating him. He seems quiet, nervous, anxious, weird:shrug:
Hes like that though. I'll get it outta him tomorrow and make sure we are on the same page. Pulling the numbers and so far outta pocket is cheapest ....is that crazy? We are both going through some job stuff. He hates his job and has terrible insurance after his first company went bankrupt after 27 years. And me ugh. Things are changing and I might need to move on after 18 years......this was a perfect month for me. O on target, temps good, but my progesterone dropped and I can only expect AF shortly now. 14 months TTC approaching.....

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