Started Fertility Testing..Need buddies...

That's great news Kat. I am hopefully going this weekend as well. Waiting for a positive opk before I go in. Hopefully we get good news together :hugs:
I had a feeling it was going to be a boy, Khigg! Congratulations and get cracking on those names. Sadie can be #2:)
Ooh Kat, lots of growth that's good :) i would think 3 days more of injections sounds like a lot no? Hopefully they're all plumped up and happy by then :)
Yes it was good to know since I had less ovary pain these last few days than last round but perhaps my ovaries/body have gotten used to it so now it hurts less, if that makes any sense:wacko: So I was afraid there would only be 1 or maybe 2 if I was lucky but hopefully the 3 larger ones will mature in time and I'll stand with a better chance this time:happydance:

I thought 3 more days sounded like a lot but I'm assuming they know what they're doing since it's a fertility clinic and they do nothing else all day so they should know what they're doing. I didn't want to question too much as I already looked like an idiot about how much Puregon I had left and if it was enough for those 3 days, me and calculating in my head:dohh:

Sorry Khigg, great news for you:hugs: Here's hoping they're right so you don't get surprised. I remember my parents told me that the doctors swore up and down that I was a boy but they were wrong on that account :rofl: But they're probably much better at sexing now than they were back in 1978-79:haha:
Woo, tomorrow is scan day again Kat! :) will you need to inject on Friday or do they want to so u/s first?

Ah I'm happily 4dpp today, I just wish I knew why my boobs started hurting before ov, it's not normal for me and has carried on till today also, I think it'll just get worse! Normally it kicks in round 7dpo :shrug:
Woo, tomorrow is scan day again Kat! :) will you need to inject on Friday or do they want to so u/s first?

Ah I'm happily 4dpp today, I just wish I knew why my boobs started hurting before ov, it's not normal for me and has carried on till today also, I think it'll just get worse! Normally it kicks in round 7dpo :shrug:

I normally take my injections at around 9 PM so I'll find out at the U/S around 11 AM if I'll need to take a shot of Puregon tomorrow night. But my guess is yes, even if I'm ready to trigger now sincethey're closed on Sundays so I could earliest have my IUI Monday morning which Means I can first trigger Saturday night. The only thing is after tonight I won't have any left so don't know what they'll do about that. They only have Puregon in 300 and 600 IU ampules (maybe also 900 IU) for the pen. If they give me the 300 IU I won't have enough if I need to do IUI #3 and if they give me a 600 IU and IUI #2 works, I'll have bought too much. I would guess they'll have me buy a 300 IU ampule and if I need IUI #3, they can just give me another 300 IU ampule since I'm assuming I'll be at the same dose next round:shrug:

But my hopes have been dashed a bit since another member on this forum basically has said she thinks IUIs are a waste of time and money for women suffering unexplained infertility like I am since so few get their BFPs :wacko: I don't know why I'm letting her negativity get to me though but I am, a bit :dohh:

Strange, it'll be interesting to see how your cycle goes this time based on that. Maybe it's just a weird cycle:shrug: I've had a couple of those myself.
You'd think they would be able to supply you with the right amount of extra? Hope you're good to go on Friday and don't need any more :)

Don't listen to those negative nancys, your dh has slightly low spermy count right? I'm sure IUI helps this kinda stuff, so they're not all dying out before they get into your cervix and rush for that egg :D

I think it's just my hormones going haywire, I have gained a lot of weight this past year and even now just noticed some new stretch marks on my bum! :( I'm distraught, I never realised how much the pill was keeping my hormones in check, I've just fatted up pretty bad! I mean my diet isn't good, I snack a lot but it's not changed in 5 years so why now? :(
You'd think they would be able to supply you with the right amount of extra? Hope you're good to go on Friday and don't need any more :)

Don't listen to those negative nancys, your dh has slightly low spermy count right? I'm sure IUI helps this kinda stuff, so they're not all dying out before they get into your cervix and rush for that egg :D

I think it's just my hormones going haywire, I have gained a lot of weight this past year and even now just noticed some new stretch marks on my bum! :( I'm distraught, I never realised how much the pill was keeping my hormones in check, I've just fatted up pretty bad! I mean my diet isn't good, I snack a lot but it's not changed in 5 years so why now? :(

I don't think they expected me to need a few extra days:nope: Last time I was ready to trigger after U/S #2, this time they wanted me to take Puregon for 3 more days. Even if I'm ready to trigger, I'll still need Puregon for Friday night like last time. So will need to buy more but I'm assuming they'll have me buy a 300 IU ampule.

Yes DH is technically within the normal but on the low end. I don't know why she bothered me:nope: It seems her 1st IUI failed so now she wants to go straight to IVF because she's utterly convinced that IUI is hopeless. It's all based on her research and on 10 woman she's talked to that all had at least 3 failed IUIs (think one got her BFP after IUI #6) and I think that about everyone got their BFPs on their 1st IVFs except for one that got it on her 2nd IVF.

If you're interested in loosing weight, you could go pescetarian:winkwink: I'm a pescetarian (for ethical/moral reasons) and it seems to keep a lot of the weight off. I eat lots of vegetables and some fish/shellfish and beans for protein. I'll also occasionaly eat some mock duck, the kind I buy is really yummy after being prepared on a frying pan with a little oil:winkwink: I'd probably be a bit slimmer if I could avoid my weekend munching on chocolate, candy and chips though:munch: Then there's exercise but I'm not very good at getting much although I really should :haha: Maybe improving your diet will help? My DH has taken drastic measures and is currently on the 5:2 diet (my MIL is on the same one) where you choose 2 days a week to eat almost nothing. I don't remember the limit on those "starvation" days but it's very little. Although I don't know how TTC friendly it is for us women, probably not very:wacko:
:D I try to stick to a lchf type diet but I'm a vegetarian also, and the laziest person in the kitchen! I'm just so uninspired to cook food, especially low carb is so much effort! :( then we have nothing for dinner and end up with take away. I just need to be better at cooking food, we're starting with regular dishes with carbs then once we're in the swing of things to make more low carb dishes :) it's just so dairy high eating veggie, I don't like it so I'm always at war with what I eat :(
Well technically I'm not a vegetarian since I currently eat fish and seafood:blush: Think my in-laws would go nuts if I went vegetarian. My mom has also given me flack over it, despite the fact she talked about doing it herself for years :nope:

I'm hopeless in a kitchen myself. I hate cooking, it's just so stressful and I feel like I'm no good at it. Probably because my mother never tought me how and the one time I made something for her according to a recipe, she told me it tasted like crap even though it didn't :nope: I was forced to make my own food back in my college days while I lived at the dorm but it was always the same things (pasta, chicken and ground beef since it was before I went pescetarian, those powder sauces like Knorr, ready made tomato sauce, frozen potatoes you can prepare in the oven ect.) and just edible, not that tasty. My DH is trying to get me to cook, especially since I'm a housewife now but I'm not very confident with it:nope: My DH is much better at it but I always feel a bit guilty that he has to cook when he comes home from work:dohh:

Guess we both need to work on our cooking skills:haha:
I definitely do :D I'm just not inspired, tonight I have no idea what to make, back in UK it was always easy stuff, jacket potatoes with stuff, fish n chips, egg n chips, bacon sarnies :haha: etc! Now I really struggle to find stuff that's tasty, and veggie, AND low carb! I rarely succede in eating low carb :( even if you avoid obvious carbs it's still silly hard to avoid carbs in basically everything x.x sigh, I need some kinda strict thing that I never allow myself to deviate from!
I definitely do :D I'm just not inspired, tonight I have no idea what to make, back in UK it was always easy stuff, jacket potatoes with stuff, fish n chips, egg n chips, bacon sarnies :haha: etc! Now I really struggle to find stuff that's tasty, and veggie, AND low carb! I rarely succede in eating low carb :( even if you avoid obvious carbs it's still silly hard to avoid carbs in basically everything x.x sigh, I need some kinda strict thing that I never allow myself to deviate from!

Now you totally made me want fish n chips:haha: Unfortunately it looks like it'll be soup tonight. It's with Jerusalem artichokes, a frozen soup so it's easy tonight. DH will probably go more crazy this weekend.

Maybe you could try a book store and see if you can find a vegetarian book with recipes? My mother bought a book with vegetarian recipes some months ago, it's called "Plenty" by Yotam Ottolenghi. We haven't had the chance to try them yet, but the recipes look rather delicious:) Maybe we should start trying them. I really should choose a recipe and try making it this weekend:happydance:
So many veggie recipes are with pasta or things I hate :x but yeah need to give it a try! Last night was hot dogs xD at least veggie ones aren't filled with crap!
So just got back from the clinic for my 3rd U/S and it looks like only 2 of those 3 eggs in my right ovary are going to reach to mature. But that's ok, still a slightly higher chance of it working with 2 follies than if I only had 1:happydance:

I wasn't 100% ready to trigger so will need to take Puregon tonight and Saturday night, then trigger late Sunday night and have my IUI on Tuesday morning.

Had a reassuring talk with the nurse and she said it's pretty rare for the 1st IUI to work and they're always totally surprised when it does. So there's still hope of course. And she told me I'm not the oldest woman they have as most of their clients are pushing or in their 40s. She felt bad that no one in my or DH's family (other than my cousin) was understanding and her advice was to just not discuss it with them anymore. So will do. Although that should be easy seeing as how my brother and sister seem to have gone AWOL since I politely confronted them on their poor behaviour:wacko:
That's great news! :) surprising it's taking so long for it to work though, were you trying a different drug this time?

Just out of curiosity, how come you're a housewife now? You know the language, what's stopping you? :) do you guys speak Danish or English at home?
That's great news! :) surprising it's taking so long for it to work though, were you trying a different drug this time?

Just out of curiosity, how come you're a housewife now? You know the language, what's stopping you? :) do you guys speak Danish or English at home?

Nope it's been Puregon every time:shrug:

Basically I took 2 educations, one is a Masters in Biotechnology (Engineering) in 2007 and as a Lab Tech in 2011 but no one will hire me due to lack of connections and lack of experience. I've sent hundreds and hundreds of applications to no avail, even Applied for numerous jobs as a Lab assistent and supermarket jobs but then I'm told I'm too qualified. So I'm giving up since my Master's degree is becoming obsolete and have no hope of competing with people who're newly educated or all the experienced people. My Lab Tech degree seems to have been a Waste of time because either I don't have the experience or I'm too qualified because I have my almost obsolete Engineering degree. After I have the baby, I'll be applying for volunteer work at shelters since I adore animals. My hope is they'll like me enough at one point to turn me into an inspector or something so I can make just a little bit of money.

We speak Danish.
Oh Kat thats frustrating with all your education and lack of stimulation. I work in the animal field. I am practice manager for 3 animal hospitals. MAybe looking into veterinary technician? That is a degree you can start online and after an exam get licensed. Hospitals are pretty liberal about giving experience to newbies and its 100% rewarding although a ton of work and pay is on the lower end. Anyone have nice Vday plans? I am making my hubby dinner and a movie. Still waiting on that darn "O" so have to keep local :)
Oh Kat thats frustrating with all your education and lack of stimulation. I work in the animal field. I am practice manager for 3 animal hospitals. MAybe looking into veterinary technician? That is a degree you can start online and after an exam get licensed. Hospitals are pretty liberal about giving experience to newbies and its 100% rewarding although a ton of work and pay is on the lower end. Anyone have nice Vday plans? I am making my hubby dinner and a movie. Still waiting on that darn "O" so have to keep local :)

Darn it, my computer did something stupid while I was replying:grr: OK I'll try Again.

Yes it's very frustrating. My job coach that I had a couple of years ago has a contact, a man retired that worked in the biotech field. He told her after she talked to him about me and my good grades and excellent references from the company I was a Lab Tech trainee at that unfortunately many newly educated engineers in biotech end up finding jobs in totally other fields because of how hard it is to get a job in biotech if you neither have connections or 2-3 years experience.

As to taking a 3rd education, I'll pass. The problem is employers don't like hiring trainees/newly educated so they stick to hiring experienced people and the few newly educated that have good connections. I highly doubt it'll be any different for hospital work. Connections are everything, that's how it is here. My mother is an example of this: When she was around 18, she applied for a job that actually required she had a High School diploma which she didn't (her parents didn't see any point in her getting an education when she should just get married and pop babies anyway). Since her parents knew someone at the company, she got one of the jobs anyway and was the only one without the required education to get hired. So unless a company can give me a 80-90% garantee, at least, that they'll hire me afterwards, I'm not going to bother getting any more education:nope: I'm 35 going on 36 and feel like 2 educations should be ample enough to have resulted in a job. But if companies are going to keep on refusing to hire newly educated because they're too lazy to train them, then there's nothing I can do.

Which is why my best bet is getting a volunteer job. They won't hold my educations and periods of unemployment against me like the companies do. They say if you've been unemployed for 1 year or more to forget it, no one will hire you as you're seen to be either too picky in your job searching or you must be incompetent.

No other plans than DH making some lobster for me tomorrow. We'll just see one of my romantic films and relax. What will you be making your DH?
My hubby has gout. So would've loved to make veal, but that is one of his triggers :(
So I am making a roasted garlic frisee salad, Swedish Meatballs over fresh pappardelle, and citrus semifreddo. YUM!
My hubby has gout. So would've loved to make veal, but that is one of his triggers :(
So I am making a roasted garlic frisee salad, Swedish Meatballs over fresh pappardelle, and citrus semifreddo. YUM!
My hubby has gout. So would've loved to make veal, but that is one of his triggers :(
So I am making a roasted garlic frisee salad, Swedish Meatballs over fresh pappardelle, and citrus semifreddo. YUM!

Sounds good:thumbup: Do you know what movie you'll be seeing? I haven't made up my mind yet but am considering seeing "The Vow" for the 2nd time:winkwink: I bough it on Blu-Ray some months ago for cheap:happydance:

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