Started Fertility Testing..Need buddies...

Ultrasound is feb 9th, although we've told everyone that it is the 16th so that we have a week to come up with a reveal.. That's great they are clear! I would def do this cycle without ISO and whatever else you dr said to skip, and see how it works. I are feeling ok or a little frustrated?
Maybe considering bloods will help patience? I guess see what happens this cycle first.
Khigg, what are you guys thinking of a reveal? Swaying towards girl or boy?I am ok. More doubtful than anything. We'll see how this cycle goes. Trying to be positive. I am only temping, have minimal opks left so will just use them up, and trying not to plan bdding this time. Maybe that will help:shrug:
I can't determine what treatment/tests I get here, I just take what the Dr gives me, they don't even blood test a bfp here just PoAS and say "yep you're pregnant come back in X weeks"
Kat, how long have you been on the injectables and how does that work?
Jbubbles the bloods I am supposed to take CD 18-21 is TSH, prolactin and progesterone but I usually O CD18-21. I told the nurse when i normally O but she never told me to wait extra days, I think she wants to confirm this is true by still having me go one of these days, maybe I will go the latest day on CD 21?????
Kat, how long have you been on the injectables and how does that work?
Jbubbles the bloods I am supposed to take CD 18-21 is TSH, prolactin and progesterone but I usually O CD18-21. I told the nurse when i normally O but she never told me to wait extra days, I think she wants to confirm this is true by still having me go one of these days, maybe I will go the latest day on CD 21?????

Not long. This is my 1st IUI and I started taking Puregon on CD2 (last Friday) and am on CD5 now. I use a pen to take them (the Puregon Pen). All I have to do is put a needle on, adjust the dosage button to 50 IU, stick the needle in all the way below and to the side of my bellybutton and just press a button (that counts down as it injects from 50 to 0). Then wait at least 5 seconds before slowly taking the needle out. I got a special container to throw the used needles out in that the Clinic will dispose of when I get pregnant or it gets filled up, whatever comes first. I put the ampule in the pen on the 1st day I took the medication which was pretty easy. I go in this Friday for my 2nd U/S so they can see how many eggs are maturing (I'm hoping for 2-3 to increase my chances of a BFP) and when I can trigger.
Kat sweet Jesus that's awful! I'd never manage that I'm soo squeamish! Brr *runs and hides any the thought* I hope it goes good things for your eggies though :)

Cdelmar, that's properly silly of them, they always test people on cd21 assuming that everyone ov on cd14, she'll likely ask you to come back in another week or tell you you've not O'ed yet, how annoying!

I'm very skeptical if i o'ed yesterday, I should have, I never ov 2 days after my +opk but today's temp tells me nothing as I sometimes ov at this temp, it's a small rise and cm was indeterminate :shrug: I'll wait with starting the progesterone till tomorrow, hoping my temp will rise again and I can believe I O'ed! I had to override ff cuz it thought I O'ed 3 days ago due to my up and down temps!
Kat sweet Jesus that's awful! I'd never manage that I'm soo squeamish! Brr *runs and hides any the thought* I hope it goes good things for your eggies though :)

Cdelmar, that's properly silly of them, they always test people on cd21 assuming that everyone ov on cd14, she'll likely ask you to come back in another week or tell you you've not O'ed yet, how annoying!

I'm very skeptical if i o'ed yesterday, I should have, I never ov 2 days after my +opk but today's temp tells me nothing as I sometimes ov at this temp, it's a small rise and cm was indeterminate :shrug: I'll wait with starting the progesterone till tomorrow, hoping my temp will rise again and I can believe I O'ed! I had to override ff cuz it thought I O'ed 3 days ago due to my up and down temps!

Your answer made me :rofl: It's not so bad once you get use to it. The 1st time is the worst though. It took me a minute to pull myself together and stick the needle in. It's an extremely thin needle so you don't really feel it going in. Maybe your DH could do it for you if you end up needing to go on injectables:winkwink: Thanks, I'm hoping there are 2-3 prime eggies there ready for when I trigger:happydance: But no more than that or the clinic will cancel my IUI and I don't want that :wacko:

I'm not very good at interpreting BBT charts. I did try charting for 4 months or so but never really got into it and felt it was stressing me a bit so dropped it. I hope you soon can clearly tell you Oed so you can start progesterone:thumbup: Do you have to start on 1 DPO or can you start a day or 2 later than that without it being a problem?
Oh wow really, they cancel the IUI if you have too many eggs?? How on earth does that make sense? I hope I won't need to do those injectables ever :haha: I can't see hubby helping with that, he doesn't even want to know when ov is!

I would think it's best to confirm ov before starting but I've had such a weird month I couldn't even do that! I have a short lp so I couldn't wait any longer though.

I had the same damn temp today, some months I ov at this temp and sometimes I have really slow rises so I checked my cm/cp and it seemed post ov so I went for the progesterone today, if i haven't O'ed by now i don't want to! And just want to get to the next cycle, though I'm fairly confident I did ov, either yesterday or the day before :) here's to 2weeks shoving cream up my hoohah! :haha: I'm very interested to see if it keeps af at bay so I have a normal lp, I'm counting today as 1dpo just so I don't think I'm further along than I really am!
Oh wow really, they cancel the IUI if you have too many eggs?? How on earth does that make sense? I hope I won't need to do those injectables ever :haha: I can't see hubby helping with that, he doesn't even want to know when ov is!

I would think it's best to confirm ov before starting but I've had such a weird month I couldn't even do that! I have a short lp so I couldn't wait any longer though.

I had the same damn temp today, some months I ov at this temp and sometimes I have really slow rises so I checked my cm/cp and it seemed post ov so I went for the progesterone today, if i haven't O'ed by now i don't want to! And just want to get to the next cycle, though I'm fairly confident I did ov, either yesterday or the day before :) here's to 2weeks shoving cream up my hoohah! :haha: I'm very interested to see if it keeps af at bay so I have a normal lp, I'm counting today as 1dpo just so I don't think I'm further along than I really am!

I think it's to avoid the woman having a larger multiple pregnancy like quadruplets or more:shrug: I don't know how high the risk is of that though but maybe they don't want to take any risk at all. But yeah, more than 3 mature eggs and they cancel:nope: So hoping that doesn't happen.

Men:haha: I didn't let mine do the injections on me because I was afraid of him fumbling with everything:wacko: Here's hoping it won't be an issue :flower:

Ok here's hoping you're taking it at the right time. Wait, cream up your bum:wacko: That sounds worse to me than injecting myself :rofl: Hope that if I do need progesterone, it won't need to be taken that way:nope:
Haha nooo it's up the lady bits ^^ I've never put anything up -there- till I had the surgery to remove the polyps - Oh the horror! :(

I think this 2ww will be good, I r been getting back to my exercising so I won't be able to symptom spot cuz everything will ache from gym :haha: if i had to chose I'd say I O'ed but the minor doubt will stop me going "I'm on progesterone there's no way I'm not pregnant!" :D

I guess that makes sense with the IUI, but ivf has chances of multiples too! I'd be thrilled with more than 1, been waiting for the first long enough that I doubt several eggs will all happen to make it :D
Haha nooo it's up the lady bits ^^ I've never put anything up -there- till I had the surgery to remove the polyps - Oh the horror! :(

I think this 2ww will be good, I r been getting back to my exercising so I won't be able to symptom spot cuz everything will ache from gym :haha: if i had to chose I'd say I O'ed but the minor doubt will stop me going "I'm on progesterone there's no way I'm not pregnant!" :D

I guess that makes sense with the IUI, but ivf has chances of multiples too! I'd be thrilled with more than 1, been waiting for the first long enough that I doubt several eggs will all happen to make it :D

Ok although that doesn't sound much more fun :haha:

Yes but with IVF I think you can choose to just have 1-2 eggs put back in if you want to avoid e.g. more than twins:winkwink: I wouldn't mind twins much but preferably not more than that:haha: I mentioned the risk of twins to DH a few weeks ago and he looked scared:haha: But he agrees now that preferably no more than 2 but if it happens, it happens:flower: I was going with a secret very, very slight hope for a girl because I'd love to try having a normal mother-daughter relationship (since my own mother is emotionally abusive) with me being a super loving and supportive mother but I'll be super grateful at this point for whatever I get:thumbup:

I should really be getting more exercise, I'm feeling guilty just listening to you now:haha: But it's hard to find something I like that's TTC safe as I'm afraid Zumba won't be good when I do conceive because of all that twisting at midriff, horseback riding (plus alpine skiing) will have to wait until after I have a baby as the risk of miscarriage if I fall off is too high (although I very, very rarely fall off horses) and I hate running:wacko: It needs to be something that doesn't bother my knees to much as both of them are a Little bit wonky after 2 previous horseback riding accidents. It's winter and wicked cold here now so anything outdoors is pretty much out:nope:
I'm pretty terrible at exercise, I'm very unfit and have gained a lot of comfort eating pounds due to ttc :( i can highly recommend yoga and pilates, depending on the teacher they can either be peaceful or more intense but always at your own ability, so I do them during 2ww too cuz they're so comfortable to do and they help me stretch out and gain some muscle :) i have slipped discs in my lower back so I'm always on the hunt for gentle but meaningful exercise :)

Yeah not really a fan of sticking a tube up me once a day :haha: especially as all sexy time things are going to be a challenge I think, no 69, gotta make sure I get all his juices out before I use it at night so it doesn't come out before my body absorbs it :haha: how cheeky it all sounds!
I'm pretty terrible at exercise, I'm very unfit and have gained a lot of comfort eating pounds due to ttc :( i can highly recommend yoga and pilates, depending on the teacher they can either be peaceful or more intense but always at your own ability, so I do them during 2ww too cuz they're so comfortable to do and they help me stretch out and gain some muscle :) i have slipped discs in my lower back so I'm always on the hunt for gentle but meaningful exercise :)

Yeah not really a fan of sticking a tube up me once a day :haha: especially as all sexy time things are going to be a challenge I think, no 69, gotta make sure I get all his juices out before I use it at night so it doesn't come out before my body absorbs it :haha: how cheeky it all sounds!

Ok I'll have to look into those, maybe at my local gym:flower: Definitely won't be able to get DH to do any of those as he'll think it's too much a woman thing. Maybe he can find something else to do as he needs a bit more exercise as well:haha:

Yes it doesn't sound very sexy or fun:haha: But if it helps you get your BFP then I guess it's ok in the end:winkwink: It's amazing what we're willing to do to see those two lines:flower:
I'll do anything! Even those injections :D it's kinda sad to me though that it's taken almost a year and a half and only this cycle is the first that I actually stand a chance, I can only guess I have implanting issues due to lining being too thin + short lp, gonna be a long 2 weeks if I'm frothing like this already :D

Yeah I haven't had much luck with hubby either but I'm trying to get him to see the bonus of going to classes vs just lifting at the gym, no worries about getting stuck waiting for machines and we could find things we'd both enjoy together ^^ either way it feels great to have classes I don't worry about doing in 2ww :) i find pilates more relaxing than yoga, but sometimes I go to a class and it's really tough, you get into a hard position then hold it till you shake and then some :D other times its been all hippy meditation stretching stuff, it depends on who's teaching I guess
I'll do anything! Even those injections :D it's kinda sad to me though that it's taken almost a year and a half and only this cycle is the first that I actually stand a chance, I can only guess I have implanting issues due to lining being too thin + short lp, gonna be a long 2 weeks if I'm frothing like this already :D

Yeah I haven't had much luck with hubby either but I'm trying to get him to see the bonus of going to classes vs just lifting at the gym, no worries about getting stuck waiting for machines and we could find things we'd both enjoy together ^^ either way it feels great to have classes I don't worry about doing in 2ww :) i find pilates more relaxing than yoga, but sometimes I go to a class and it's really tough, you get into a hard position then hold it till you shake and then some :D other times its been all hippy meditation stretching stuff, it depends on who's teaching I guess

Yeah it stinks:nope: See that'd be good thing with those FSH injections for you. I read that they help make the lining really nice and that helps with implantation:winkwink: I think they may be helping with my watery CM because I'm starting to get more than I normally get at this point in my cycle:winkwink: Just hope I don't O before Friday, that's my worry at the moment (other than maturing more than 3 eggs) but I guess there's not much chance if I'm on such a mild dose:shrug:

I think my DH is a bit of the same type. Think he's more for just trying the different equipment for 1-1½ and then that's it. I don't think taking a class of any kind is him:haha: It would have to be something more masculine I think before I could get him to even consider it:haha: He's currently on the same diet as my MIL. It's the one where you eat pretty much nothing for 2 days out of the 7 day week. He's chosen Mondays and Thursdays.

OK sounds interesting, the class isn't tought by the same person:wacko: I'd probably need the more relaxed approach at first, will have to see what classes there are and if any of them seem more geared to stiff beginners:haha: It might be a good way for me to lose the last 5 kg I want to :winkwink:
That's what I don't get, why don't they give me something pre ov? I don't mind paying for it! The damn progesterone costs 477sek per 2ww! If I get a bfp using it that's 12x2wws a 477sek :o aaahhh! But yeah the lining thickens up most before ov so I don't quite understand how progesterone helps too, supposedly makes it soft and easier to implant in? :shrug:

Oh that is early for fertile cm indeed! But you'll only be cd10 on Fri so should be good :) you can still bd as normal even with the IUI right? The IUI is just designed to get the swimmers right into the uterus so they're on the right path? Doesn't hubby have to supply some swimmers beforehand, can they freeze them and stock up? So many questions! :D let's hope it doesn't come to it but if they cancelled the IUI due to too many eggs, you'd think your chances naturally would go up too :)
That's what I don't get, why don't they give me something pre ov? I don't mind paying for it! The damn progesterone costs 477sek per 2ww! If I get a bfp using it that's 12x2wws a 477sek :o aaahhh! But yeah the lining thickens up most before ov so I don't quite understand how progesterone helps too, supposedly makes it soft and easier to implant in? :shrug:

Oh that is early for fertile cm indeed! But you'll only be cd10 on Fri so should be good :) you can still bd as normal even with the IUI right? The IUI is just designed to get the swimmers right into the uterus so they're on the right path? Doesn't hubby have to supply some swimmers beforehand, can they freeze them and stock up? So many questions! :D let's hope it doesn't come to it but if they cancelled the IUI due to too many eggs, you'd think your chances naturally would go up too :)

Yeah that's strange, maybe you can ask them:shrug: Sounds expensive:wacko: We're still waiting for our bill for the hormones + pen to come in the mail and I'm not looking forward to seeing the price:wacko:

I do normally start a little early, CD6-7 seems to be the norm for the watery CM to start showing up and then it's at it's most abundant from CD11/12 and on if I O on CD13 during a natural cycle.

Yes we can but we need to abstain for about 2 days before IUI day since DH gives them the sample they'll be using on the morning of the IUI so there are as many good :spermy:s as possible. I don't think they're into freezing, maybe the fresh sample supplies the most motile and best ones and freezing may kill some of them off, I don't know:shrug:

It depends, I've been wondering if my CM has been part of the problem so if it's not the right pH or something, then maybe it kills too many off. But yeah, if it's cancelled then we'll have no choice but to try. I'm just sooo hoping it won't be now that I'm injecting myself with Puregon and we risk the money we're paying for the hormone goes to waste that way if there's no IUI to increase our chances:dohh:
I know everyone is different but cm has never been an issue as far as sperm meeting egg has been concerned for me, I basically never get ewcm, and there's always a lot of (TMI) saliva on both parts :haha: which is meant to be just as evil as regular lube and such ! Eating less sugary foods can help with the PH, or you could try having one green smoothie a day to help balance things out :) good for hormones too !

Makes sense about the swimmers, hoping you get a bit of natural BD in too just because :D it should take the pressure off knowing you'll have them swimmers popped right where they need to be so you're free to enjoy yourselves !
I know everyone is different but cm has never been an issue as far as sperm meeting egg has been concerned for me, I basically never get ewcm, and there's always a lot of (TMI) saliva on both parts :haha: which is meant to be just as evil as regular lube and such ! Eating less sugary foods can help with the PH, or you could try having one green smoothie a day to help balance things out :) good for hormones too !

Makes sense about the swimmers, hoping you get a bit of natural BD in too just because :D it should take the pressure off knowing you'll have them swimmers popped right where they need to be so you're free to enjoy yourselves !

I don't really get EWCM either, just in short spurts:nope: I tried even taking those FertileCM pills but they didn't help:shrug: I don't eat much sugary foods, just 1 little bag of candy during the weekend and a little bit of chocolate as well.

We're trying but think DH is waiting until we're a bit closer to the weekend since none would survive up to the iUI yet. I'm guessing they'll want me to trigger Saturday and the IUI will be on Monday since they're closed on Sundays. But we'll see what they say Friday.
Yeah that'll be a good plan :) it's nice you get to see them just before the weekend and then can plan accordingly!

If you're feeling brave, evening primrose oil (called nattljusolja or close in swedish at least) really worked for me but I was taking the oil and the taste made my stomach turn! It did give me ewcm though so I think I'll buy some for next month if it doesn't happen this time round :) just need to find the tablets, normally I buy off amazon UK since even with freight it's often cheaper but certain things won't ship here ;(

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