Oh wow really, they cancel the IUI if you have too many eggs?? How on earth does that make sense? I hope I won't need to do those injectables ever

I can't see hubby helping with that, he doesn't even want to know when ov is!
I would think it's best to confirm ov before starting but I've had such a weird month I couldn't even do that! I have a short lp so I couldn't wait any longer though.
I had the same damn temp today, some months I ov at this temp and sometimes I have really slow rises so I checked my cm/cp and it seemed post ov so I went for the progesterone today, if i haven't O'ed by now i don't want to! And just want to get to the next cycle, though I'm fairly confident I did ov, either yesterday or the day before

here's to 2weeks shoving cream up my hoohah!

I'm very interested to see if it keeps af at bay so I have a normal lp, I'm counting today as 1dpo just so I don't think I'm further along than I really am!