Started Fertility Testing..Need buddies...

Yeah that'll be a good plan :) it's nice you get to see them just before the weekend and then can plan accordingly!

If you're feeling brave, evening primrose oil (called nattljusolja or close in swedish at least) really worked for me but I was taking the oil and the taste made my stomach turn! It did give me ewcm though so I think I'll buy some for next month if it doesn't happen this time round :) just need to find the tablets, normally I buy off amazon UK since even with freight it's often cheaper but certain things won't ship here ;(

Yes it'll be nice to know what's going to happen before the weekend rolls around. They're open Saturdays as well but since they're closed Sundays I won't be able to trigger before Saturday. So here's hoping that it fits in with what they see on my U/S.

I've tried Evening Primrose for months, hasn't helped much I think. Here it's called "Kæmpenatlysolie" so pretty close to the Swedish:thumbup: I was taking capsules though so don't know if the actual oil gives better results. But great they work for you:happydance: Yeah, they're also kinda expensive here as well:wacko:
I have a question Kat. Can they do 2 iuis in a month?Wishing you the best of luck this weekend :hugs:
Oh for the love of..... Same temp again! I'm really doubting I O'ed now, little tmi here but I found some watery cm outside my body this morning but thanks to the cream there's no cm inside so I'm amazed it made it out :o cp is high & firm so nothing makes sense! Sigh I really wanted to stay in bed & cry all day today :(
I have a question Kat. Can they do 2 iuis in a month?Wishing you the best of luck this weekend :hugs:

If by 2 you mean they inseminate you twice on 2 different days then no, I don't think my clinic does that. If you mean 2 seperate IUIs then I seriously doubt it because of their procedure.

The procedure is like this: You call them on CD1. They arrange for an U/S on CD2 or 3 to check for cysts and if it's your first IUI, teach you how to inject hormones with the pen. They then schedule your 2nd U/S for somewhere between CD8-CD10 to see how many eggs there are, how big they are and how thick your uterine lining is. If there are no more than 3 eggs that are mature or very close to it, they try and guess when would be the best day to trigger and perform the IUI 36 hours after you've been triggered as they expect you to O between 38-42 hours after you've been triggered.


Oh for the love of..... Same temp again! I'm really doubting I O'ed now, little tmi here but I found some watery cm outside my body this morning but thanks to the cream there's no cm inside so I'm amazed it made it out :o cp is high & firm so nothing makes sense! Sigh I really wanted to stay in bed & cry all day today :(

Oops:dohh: How is your CP normally after you O? Mine can still be on the high side but firm after I Oed but it does go down shortly after, within a couple of days. I also go completely dry. Are you sure the thermometer is working correctly? Maybe it needs new batteries?

Could you try calling your GP/GYN to ask what to do now?
I wasn't even meant to take it this month :haha: cuz i told her how tired and emotionally wrecked we were she wanted us to break till Feb, but we had 2 months break and really, they was enough and it doesn't help with the (what I expect is) the miracle cure waiting to be used :D

The temp is only a 3 digit one so not very accurate, I can't find my 4 digit one but think I'll suck it up and buy one at the chemist just to help, this one won't go past 36.5 unless my temp hits 36.6 etc

I don't normally check after ov so that's a good point, I just keep trying to check for signs I'm still fertile but it's firm at least, has gone high low and high but today's temp and the cm threw me into a panic! I guess I've only taken the progesterone for one day but I expected fully it'd make a difference to my temps :cry: they cant possibly not change when using this stuff! But the cream has dried me up so much I can barely get in there to check, it's like having a vag full of tissue bits :/ Argh! I'll try checking tonight, I guess it's too late now anyway, but I had a +opk! :( I've never had one of them and not O'ed. Sigh, sorry I'm in such a sad place today :(

How are you a doing today? :)
I wasn't even meant to take it this month :haha: cuz i told her how tired and emotionally wrecked we were she wanted us to break till Feb, but we had 2 months break and really, they was enough and it doesn't help with the (what I expect is) the miracle cure waiting to be used :D

The temp is only a 3 digit one so not very accurate, I can't find my 4 digit one but think I'll suck it up and buy one at the chemist just to help, this one won't go past 36.5 unless my temp hits 36.6 etc

I don't normally check after ov so that's a good point, I just keep trying to check for signs I'm still fertile but it's firm at least, has gone high low and high but today's temp and the cm threw me into a panic! I guess I've only taken the progesterone for one day but I expected fully it'd make a difference to my temps :cry: they cant possibly not change when using this stuff! But the cream has dried me up so much I can barely get in there to check, it's like having a vag full of tissue bits :/ Argh! I'll try checking tonight, I guess it's too late now anyway, but I had a +opk! :( I've never had one of them and not O'ed. Sigh, sorry I'm in such a sad place today :(

How are you a doing today? :)

Yeah I think the thermometer should preferably be a 4 digit one. I think you can find them on at fairly cheap prices.

I was tracking for a few months what my body does shortly before O and after O so I can tell when I've Oed just on that plus what my CM is like. I think some women still have fertile looking CM 1-2 days after O so that's something you should know if your one of these women or if you're like me and dry up right after.

I don't know about progesterone but maybe it takes a while for it to really kick in? Maybe your GP would know:shrug:

I'm doing ok but a bit nervous about what's going on with my ovaries:wacko: I'm still afraid if I'm making too many eggs or not but that shouldn't be likely as they say it's a mild dose (50 IU), right:shrug: Guess I'll know for sure on Friday at my U/S. I'll just be so upset if there are more than 3 eggs and they cancel:nope:

To make things worse my big brother and I got into a heated debate on FB recently because he didn't agree with me that telling an infertile woman to "just relax and it'll happen" is wrong and when I tried to stop the debate partly because I'm sooo not in the right emotional and mental place for a debate due to my impending IUI but also partly because he was being so adamant about his point of view (despite the fact him and his wife used 5 years on assisted conception to have their daughter, she was 41-42 when they started) that I didn't see the discussion going anywhere anyway as he was just saying what i was saying and the articles I sent wheren't changing his mind. He got mad and told me that I was only ending it because it wasn't going the way I wanted it to and to post on when I was "ready for an adult conversation" and could handle hearing a different opinion:wacko: He also said something about "keeping it real" about the tone of his replies when I told him I need support:wacko: He ended the whole thing by saying he didn't know i was just out for a rubber stamp approval and then he liked my post (so who's actually the childish one here:nope:). So I've tried writing him an email to tell him that he can't talk to me like that because it's sooo not the case but I'm expecting him to send an arrogant reply:nope: Don't think I'll read his answer for a while because I need to be in a positive mental place for my IUI. It's bad enough I'm nervous about how many eggs are in there, don't need to read his silly reply that'll just upset me:nope:
Wow, sorry he's your brother and all but what an idiot! And a total hypocrite at that!! They needed help, how dare he say women should relax and it'll happen? Insensitive asshole! That doesn't work for everyone, granted many many people don't need help but the ones like us that very obviously do, would bash his head in for such a remark!

Argh, sorry I'm glad I'll never talk to him! Let's both drop our worries and not let it ruin our month <3 I'm going to trust my +opk but not expect anything, and stop worrying about did I or not!
Wow, sorry he's your brother and all but what an idiot! And a total hypocrite at that!! They needed help, how dare he say women should relax and it'll happen? Insensitive asshole! That doesn't work for everyone, granted many many people don't need help but the ones like us that very obviously do, would bash his head in for such a remark!

Argh, sorry I'm glad I'll never talk to him! Let's both drop our worries and not let it ruin our month <3 I'm going to trust my +opk but not expect anything, and stop worrying about did I or not!

He really is:nope: I think he has issues since our mother has Narcissitic Personality Disorder, seems he has caught some of it himself. He's so arrogant:nope: He was also horrible to me since I never could get a job in this country despite taking 2 educations - I don't have the connections needed since my parents and I moved here when I was 16. He constantly told me that I never got a job because I'm negative:dohh: Where he gets these ideas from I don't know:nope: I think he has self-esteem issues and maybe is a bit jealous that I have a Master's degree while he has a Bachelor's (mine is in the sciences while his is in the social area). He lives in the US so we're not in much contact with each other which seems to be a good thing. This is the first I've heard from him since I told him and his wife we were having issues conceiving.

You're totally right and since he hasn't written back yet, it'll be that much easier:thumbup: Think it's a good idea, I'd probably try not to speculate to much as well but sometimes I'm really bad at stopping speculations:dohh: Hope you're better at it than I am:thumbup:
I'm awful but I must find a way! I'm obsesser extraordinaire :haha: I have to find a way to stop finding reasons for me to believe I've not O'ed, didn't help when my friend who went on progesterone said her temp spiked the next day...
I'm awful but I must find a way! I'm obsesser extraordinaire :haha: I have to find a way to stop finding reasons for me to believe I've not O'ed, didn't help when my friend who went on progesterone said her temp spiked the next day...

Try using that skill to convince yourself you have Oed instead, might be better for you to move on if you can convince yourself that all signs point to you have indeed Oed:haha:
You are so right :) i need to believe my body O'ed but not get too excited about the 2ww incase it didn't :haha: I'm awful for laying around feeling I'm pregnant (but tbh I conceive nearly every other month lol) I've already got sore boobs so maybe this mornings temp was just too soon from using the cream, if tomorrow's temp is up I'll know the stuff is working at least!
i used to take primrose and it gave me more cm...i have been off of it for 2 months and realize i dont get much (i dont think i ever did get much)...but i heard from someone else on another forum (i think) that said drinking a lot of water during fertile week helps a lot and i tried it one day during my fertile week of one cycle and i believed it help!
You are so right :) i need to believe my body O'ed but not get too excited about the 2ww incase it didn't :haha: I'm awful for laying around feeling I'm pregnant (but tbh I conceive nearly every other month lol) I've already got sore boobs so maybe this mornings temp was just too soon from using the cream, if tomorrow's temp is up I'll know the stuff is working at least!

Here's hoping your temp goes up tomorrow so you can clearly see you Oed:happydance:
I'm pretty sure the progesterone would spike my temps, that's why I was on stunned when nothing happened today, I did a curiosity opk and it was strong but not +, just like 2 days ago. Urgh I'm going to have a long 2ww I can tell! I can't get myself to believe I O'ed cuz then I'll think I have a shot this month!

Yes drinking lots of water definitely helps, think that's why mine is so bad :haha: I need to figure out something I can take to help my lining before ov next month, I don't understand why I've only got post ov stuff that doesn't really thicken it, just softens it up!
Random lady on the Internet just made me happy though! Since I freaked out about watery cm this morning:

" I have a lot of clear watery discharge - I've heard that's my body trying to expose of the built of Crinone"

I hope this is the case!
Random lady on the Internet just made me happy though! Since I freaked out about watery cm this morning:

" I have a lot of clear watery discharge - I've heard that's my body trying to expose of the built of Crinone"

I hope this is the case!

Here's hoping:thumbup: Otherwise try asking your GYN/RE:flower:
I don't want to get an earful cuz i started a month early :haha: knowing won't change the outcome so I'm resigned to defeat for now, if i somehow get a bfp it'll be a proper surprise not something I check for from around 7dpo haha!

My plan this 2ww is to exercise often enough that I always have aches so I can't symptom spot :haha:

Ooh Dr day for you! Can't wait to hear what's next for you :)
So just got back from the clinic and there are 2 eggs in my left ovary (no wonder that side bothered me most):happydance: I didn't ask her the sizes as she wasn't very friendly and I'm a bit shy but she said I'm ready to have my IUI on Monday and need to inject myself late Saturday night with Ovitrelle and the IUI will be Monday morning at 11:30 AM:thumbup:

The only bummer is I think some of my shots must of gone wrong because she said I had a good amount left in the ampule:wacko: I just don't get what could've gone wrong because I followed the instructions to the letter:shrug: So I need to give myself Puregon 50 IU tonight.
Woohoo great news! :D strange about the dose though, but it worked! Now to enjoy your weekend, Monday is an awesome day for you ^^
Woohoo great news! :D strange about the dose though, but it worked! Now to enjoy your weekend, Monday is an awesome day for you ^^

Yes now to enjoy my weekend as there's no risk of there being too many eggs:happydance: All the ones in my right ovary are small so none of them are even close to being mature. Told DH so he's prepared to make a sample Monday morning and expect to come a little bit later in at his job.

I looked up the Puregon Pen and it seems that the 300 IU vials (which is what I got from the clinic) can have anywhere from 50-100 extra IU in them:wacko: So maybe that explains it:shrug: Because I'm sure I did the injections like I was supposed to.

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