Starting clomid in February... buddies?

I'm having a rough go this week. I went in for my 30 week ob appt and was admitted overnight to L&D for extremely high blood pressure. Thankfully it came down but my doctor wants me on bedrest. Well I went to work Friday to sort my options. Well I ended up back in L&D for high blood pressure.

So now I am off work way earlier than intended. I have some sick days and holidays but feeling a little stress about the loss of income. I have enough to last 5 weeks and then I am hoping to get short term disability pay until I have her.

My doctor is monitoring me 2x a week plus weekly endo appts so I have those to look forward to. :haha: My doctor wasn't terribly optimistic I would make it much past 36 weeks but that is the current goal.

My son was so textbook I just feel so anxious with how complicated this pregnancy feels. :(
Oh but the nurse said after my monitoring Friday that she looka great and is really doing well in spite of everything. :cloud9:
Krissie from what I have seen others around me experience and what I have read pregnancy is a crazy scary thing. But once the baby is born hopefully it wont be long before your body starts to go back to normal and blood pressure I really hope it does settle down for you though. The good thing though is that the baby is doing really well whichs means your still providing a great atmosphere for her x

Get some much needed rest as you will need it once a new baby comes xx
Thanks Angela. It truly is amazing how much the placenta does to our bodies. I'm optimistic once she is here things will go back to normal. And I have a good medical team so I feel confident everything is being monitored.
Sorry your having a hard time krissie! That was like my first pregnancy and then had a text book one with Matthew! I hope things remain ok til 36 weeks sure thays so close to term then x

Angela omg tickers!!! How exciting

For me in CD 8 or 9 and we decided to wait til after Xmas to do the injections and just e joy Matthews first xmas.. I have to take something called duphaston from boxing day onwards which is supposed to induce my period but there was no instructions as to how long it would take the process it was take for 7 and it was here by 3 days later the latest.. I'm finding it hard to find info on it and not sure when to book my day 2 scan for.. but in excited it won't be long til I'm starting everything!
That's great news red! Sounds like a solid plan to wait until after Christmas so you can enjoy it.
Red thats fantastic news hun I have everything crossed for you and really hope it works first time xx
Okay sorry for the TMI but Ive had enough of the gass and constipation already, my belly is bloated, my boobs are big and sensitive and Ive started feeling slightly queezy but only when I first wake up in the morning xx

Im feeling a little anxious as Im hitting a crucial stage wk5 when near the end the HB starts statistics state the your success increases drastically if you get past 7wk mark. Im just counting down the days to my scan xx

Itll be hard this xmas keeping the secret as we havnt really told anyone at all, we might tell close family after the scan if everything appears fine and healthy but till then only a handful know my close friend and twin sister xx

This xmas dinner is at my house it'll be hard if I get MS to hide that plus make and serve dinner and also fake drinking bubbly lol

We've decided though if all goes well at the scan then DHS mothers BDay is on new years eve so Ill surprise her in her bday card by writing lots of love from me and DH then at the bottom in brackets write oh and also from the bump turn to next page then on the next page have a copy of the scan saying to Gran and Gramps xx
Those early days can be so uncomfortable. Hopefully morning sickness won't be too bad for Christmas. That would be difficult. I find the exhaustion to be the absolute worst.

I think the mil announcement is so lovely. <3
Angela I meant to ask if there was any chance of twins after that ivf
I know Krissie it would be nice to do a surprise to his mum and dad as DH is an only child so this would be there first granchild

Red I doubt it hun as they only transferred one egg xx
Wow!!! I missed so much!

Angela congrats I'm so happy for you hun! So what's your due date? I can't wait for your scan.

Krissie I'm so sorry to hear about your BP. Do they give meds to help it?

Brandi and red I'm excited to see what January holds for you!

30 weeks here. Just enjoying the holidays and hoping Jan and feb go by fast so we can meet our little girl!
Thanks Dogmommy Im due around 12th Aug, wow 30 wks that feels like its gone so quick she will be here before you know it, you thought of any names and what type of birth you want xx
dogmommy- lovely to hear from you. Sounds like things are going well.

They did not put me on meds because my numbers ranged so widely. They actually released me back to work yesterday as they have been stable all week. My labs also came back okay but I do have elevated urine protein which could mean pre-e. So I have twice weekly monitoring now which includes non-stress tests and fluid checks with a growth scan ever two weeks.
Thats awful news Krissie being worried like that cant be easy when your heavily pregnant but atleast they're monitoring it, how do you feel about it all xx
Thats awful news Krissie being worried like that cant be easy when your heavily pregnant but atleast they're monitoring it, how do you feel about it all xx

Yea, it is a lot of extra stress for sure. But with my numbers coming down I feel better. Hopefully they don't creep up before it is safe for her to get here.
Here's hoping Krissie I have absolutely everything crossed for you xx
Well Im officially 6wks along today half way through the first Trimester MS hasnt really hit at all and apart from my boobs growing, feeling hungry alot and belly bloating I havent really got any symptoms which has got me a little worried xx the closer my scan date comes the more I get anxious as I just hope everything is okay. It feels wierd right now due to lying to everyone, none of my family really knowing and no real symptoms it doesnt feel real, does anyone else feel like that.

Im hoping going for the scan will give me the reassurance Im looking for and make everything feel real to me xx

How is everyone doing xx

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