Starting clomid in February... buddies?

Brandi- I did respond every cycle but one to clomid. (I think that cycle was just because it was old and leftover from ds.) And I o'd cd 23 on my first round of femara so pretty late.

Yea, I'm also in public education so not exactly prepared for that type of money. We should get a bit back in taxes so that might be an option.
Oh Red he's adorable! Please keep sharing. It doesn't upset me! Very happy for you.

Brandi I definitely think you should look into injectables! It might be just what you need!

Krissie I'm so sorry for your frustration. I wish you could get monitored. Not knowing what's going on is much more wearing.

Afm I had my first meeting with ivf team. Was very bummed when they said Dr is only doing cycle for women starting period before Oct 23rd with mine being due on Oct 31st ill have to wait another month!!! I'm so angry. No one told me that he only does a group at a time. Next group is Nov 10-Dec 7th. So I will more than likely fall in that group. I did get a list of all my meds and ordered them today. So I am moving forward but just annoyed with all the waiting.
That is very frustrating Dogmommy!! That seems so bizarre they would do it that way. But at least it is less than a month out so you are getting really close.

Afm, I called and made an appt to see my doctor for December 7th. I don't feel like the femara is working well for me so I want to sit down and talk about next options. I took 5 mg this cycle and have yet to o (CD 21) and all I have left is 2.5 mg. Not sure if I plan to take that next cycle or just wait until I see him. DH and I had a bit of a chat today so he is going to start some vitamins and we are going to get really serious about eating healthier.

I haven't seen my doctor since June 30th so it would be nice to show that I have put effort into losing weight. I think I have only lost about 8 lbs since then so not much in the long run of fertility improvement. Although 40 lbs ago I still could not get pregnant so I do not believe my infertility is going to be bothered by a bit of weightloss.
Krissie, that is so frustrating that you can't get any monitoring! Is this an RE or OBGYN? I can totally relate about the weight loss. Even growing up at a healthy weight, I was rarely getting a period. Not even one a year.

DogMommy, I'm so sorry you have to wait! But it looks to be coming up really quickly and will be here before you know it!

I definitely will be looking to start injections if the weight loss doesn't do anything over time.

AFM, I can't temp tomorrow. Do you want to know why? My dog, yes, my dog chewed up yet ANOTHER thermometer. He is only 9 months old, but he is a holy terror. I love him, but come on. He has ruined my last 4 thermometers. I keep it next to the bed for in the AM, and he always grabs it and runs off with it before I notice until it's missing, and then I find the pieces. Sigh.
Aww how frustrating Brandi! My 2 year old likes to take mine, pull it apart and shove it down the side of my bed.

It's just an obgyn. The closest RE we have is 1.5-2 hours away. It's so frustrating. I don't even live in that small of an area but medically we really are lacking.
Krissie does your gyno prescribe the femara? Good job on the weight loss! It's so hard to even lose a pound.

Brandi my pups are mischievous too! What Cd are you on?
Yes, my regular gyno has prescribed both my femara and clomid.

Thanks hun, I'm trying hard (most days). I really need to get back on track and really push it.
So, Krissie, what's the plan if the Femara fails this cycle? Will you try another round next month? Or are you going to wait until your appointment?

Dogmommy, I'm on cycle day 50 with no O in sight. :(
Brandi- I'm honestly not sure. I'm inclined to just not do anything until my appointment. But who knows once my cycle starts I always feel the urge to try something.

I had great success with herbs back in May so might go back to those.
Brandi so sorry to hear your not responding well to the drugs a woman on another group Im on didnt respond at all in the end she bit the bullet and paid for IVF and fell pregnant on first cycle I know its alot of money and alot to consider but if it gets you your happy bundle of joy then moving on to something else maybe worth it keep us posted on how your getting on xx

Red love the pic so happy its all gone well and I love hearing from you and how your getting on you have been were we are and your a success story it gives me hope xx

Krissie that is frustrating especially since fertility drugs have worked in the oast maybe it may be worth going back on Clomid I know the side effects weren't great but atleast you Od on them and can do progesterone shots with it xx

Dogmommy thats annoying but atleast you have a start date I so hope it works first time for you we could be starting around the same time as one another xx

AFM so sorry not been on here of late I stupidly scratched my eyeball right across the pupil which made me blind for a goid few days I couldnt focus on computer screens or drive so Ive not been able to check in xx Im getting better now vision is still slightly blurry but its healing xx On a positive note though got a letter from the hospital the other day our 3 nhs funded cycles of IVF have been approved and they will be in touch with me shortly with my appountment date for my consultation I cant believe how quickly they have approved it due to my last conversation with them I wasnt expecting to hear anything till the end of Nov so happy I could end up starting next month wish me luck xx
Brandi I'm so sorry! I wish that the clomid would work for you. I can't imagine a cycle that long :(

Krissie my acupuncturist highly recommends herbs for fertility. I hope you get some help from your gyno.

Ouch Angela! Between your tooth and eye I hope you're feeling ok. I'm so excited that you got approved! I hope our start dates are close!! Are you still temping and opks while you wait?
That's fantastic news Angela! You will be starting before you know it. Sorry about your eye, that sounds so painful.

Dogmommy- thanks. I am leaning toward the herbs again since they did work well. I'm thinking maybe December trying another clomid round but not feeling ready for that this coming cycle.
Ouch you poor thing ! I hope this is a small streak of bad luck out the way ready for good luck for your ivf, im so so excited for you. I hope the date comes in soon. You could be preggo before xmas
Cheers for the support guys my eye is getting better which is good xx Who knows I could be preggo before xmas we could start at the same time dogmommy and be bump buddies xx I dont know what the next step might be whether they want to run tests first Ive done all the tests before and everything was fine so they may just jump right in and start but whatever the outcome I can relax knowing Im approved now and to get three free attemps is amazing it makes it that little bit less stressful as this is my one and only shot if you get me xx whatever happens whether I start now or not till Jan Im happy with that too with everything going on right now to be honest due to my op on my tooth they will probably wait till that is out of the way first before starting xx

Krissie its so frustrating I wonder why your body is acting up when you responded so well in the past to fertility drugs uts so strange I hope the transition back to Clomid works for you xx

Oh and Dogmommy yes Im still temping and OPKS as Ive heard it helps the Dr as they may want to look at your charts see if anything pops out to them xx
Exciting times for you both with the ivf! I bet we start seeing lots of lovely bfps soon.
I didn't get any sleep last night because my son woke at 10pm and that was it he wanted up and was wide awake, I was so tense and stressed because that's not like him and ended up having a horrible panick attack and anxiety. It was awful. He eventually fell back to sleep by 3 am but I was too tense after to relax. I've been having trouble with my anxiety lately and I confessed to my Dr at my last check up. She referred me for counselling. I felt better after sharing it with her. No sleep always makes me anxiety sky high so I was scared when baby comes and Jamie not sleeping I will just be a big ball of anxiety!
Also two of the Jan babies have been born this week which is so scary! Poor babbas fighting for their life makes me so grateful my boy is currently safe and comfy least another few weeks I hope.
In good news I am 24 weeks and v day tomorrow! Yay
Yay for V day red rose. So sorry about your son. Hopefully you can find some ways to destress.

Angela three attempts is awesome! I only get two covered by the insurance. So I think we may transfer two if we ever get that far.

Krissie Clomid worked for you before so I have high hopes. December could be a really great month!
Yay for V day Red!!! I bet that is the best feeling. I think it is a great thing that you spoke with your doctor. Anxiety is tough!!!! Thinking of you!

Angela, sorry about your tooth and eye! You can't catch a break! I am so happy for you about the IVF starting up so quickly. How exciting! I feel like three round will give you great chances.

Dogmommy, I'm super excited for you too! It's so good that you both can do it together so you can lean on each other for support. I'm also glad that your insurance will cover two rounds! I have Blue Cross Blue Shield and the type that I have doesn't cover anything past diagnostic ultrasounds (ugh). To do IUI or IVF, our benefits in that area would cease. So, my job has open enrollment this month, and I'm going to be looking into purchasing a better plan for us in case we need to take that route.

AFM, not much to update here. I haven't gone out and bought a new thermometer because being on CD 50, if i were to ovulate, I highly doubt my egg would be viable at this point. I'm just going to keep taking that black cohosh to induce ovulation (or maybe see if I have more progesterone refills-I think I have three). I want to stay on my low carb diet for about three more weeks before I start a new cycle. That way, hopefully the carbs will be out of my system and I'll have better chances at ovulating.

I have been reading and a lot of women said that it wasn't until they started low carb that they finally got a BFP-some after trying for years! I feel like I've never given it a full opportunity to be successful. I also am trying to think of this as what it is-remedying a medical condition.

I told my mom that if someone was diabetic and wasn't eating the proper foods to stay healthy, I would think that it was dumb and that they should be doing that! Well, PCOS is the same way! I need to be eating certain foods to stay healthy and to not do that is just shooting myself in the foot.

Anyway, today makes week one of a low carb diet. I haven't been counting carbs, but I've had no bread, potatoes, corn, pasta, or sugar-other than my low carb ice cream and putting a tablespoon or so in my coffee...mmm! I also will eat breaded chicken...I know it's not super low carb with the breading, but if I get five chicken fingers/strips it is only 13 grams of carbs. I'm just trying to stay under 50 each day. The average American eats 250-350 daily!

I'm down three pounds (woohoo!), but I would like to lose 70 total (to be at 140). Only 67 to go!

Krissie-I'm sorry about the lack of response to the meds. I know how frustrating that is!!!!!! I would say definitely try the herbal route, since you've had such a great response to it!
Happy v day Red!

Brandi- yes, I need to get back on low carb. I've been thinking maybe that's why I'm not responding as well as I have in the past. While my weight is a bit lower my diet has been pretty bad.
And another positive opk on cd 24. Eh, hopefully I actually o this time.
Krissie so sorry your having so much trouble this month with O and all them positive OPKS here's hoping that its definitely O this time I have absolutely everything crossed for you xx

Red your anxiety sounds awful and being on that group were some babies are already born fighting for there lives my heart goes out to them mothers here's hoping passing V day helps your anxiety carm down hun and Im sure it was a one off with the sleep and DS settles back down xx

Brandi well done in sticking to the diet and the weight loss I really hope it works and I agree about changing your insurance even if its slightly more expensive atleast you will be covered for the future just incase xx

Dogmommy Im also thinking of transferring 2 if I get that far but unsure if Dr will with me being high risk of multiples Im a twin my mums a twin its not skipped 3 generations in my family plus mum had a very surreal dream whereby I had twins so we shall see xx I could start my first treatment in Nov AF would be due around 21st which is good timing as I have my tooth out on 22nd and all the decorating will be done plus to have some nice news to share at xmas would be amazing xx I'm feeling more relieved now we've been approved my IVF is covered all the way up to age of 40 but I want to start ASAP but Im not going to lie the whole not knowing was lying heavy on my mind thinking if we're not covered how would we afford treatment what if it didnt work first time etc.. time to get super healthy for starting treatment now and booking my first acupuncture session xx Are you doing acupuncture dogmommy xx

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