Good luck, Dogmommy!!!
After a lot of thought and prayer, hubby and I have decided to pursue adoption. We feel like we could probably raise the funds and we ultimately feel better putting our money towards that opposed to IVF as we would hope that it would give us better results. We filled out an online application, and were accepted today. Now we have to schedule a phone conference to talk about our options and plans. We got approved today, and it seems fitting that it would be on our 3rd wedding anniversary.
We are excited. We aren't giving up on having a biological child. We are just ready to try something else. Albeit we have the option of injections before moving to IVF, we aren't sure if we are prepared to deal with the disappointment of it failing yet again.
I'll continue to let you all know how things progress.
After a lot of thought and prayer, hubby and I have decided to pursue adoption. We feel like we could probably raise the funds and we ultimately feel better putting our money towards that opposed to IVF as we would hope that it would give us better results. We filled out an online application, and were accepted today. Now we have to schedule a phone conference to talk about our options and plans. We got approved today, and it seems fitting that it would be on our 3rd wedding anniversary.

We are excited. We aren't giving up on having a biological child. We are just ready to try something else. Albeit we have the option of injections before moving to IVF, we aren't sure if we are prepared to deal with the disappointment of it failing yet again.
I'll continue to let you all know how things progress.