Starting clomid!

I dont get my levels checked.. as of yet.. i suppose if things dont happen i may.. though next cycle were supplementing with progesterone if i need it.. my lp is only 9 days.. so something isnt going right..

But i dont do the extra testing as my insurance wont cover it..
I dont get my levels checked.. as of yet.. i suppose if things dont happen i may.. though next cycle were supplementing with progesterone if i need it.. my lp is only 9 days.. so something isnt going right..

But i dont do the extra testing as my insurance wont cover it..

I don't know what my lp is, never have and don't really know how/if you figure it out. My gyno hasn't talked about supplementing yet. I am curious as to when AF will come this cycle with the Clomid. I am wanting it to come soon so I cen get started with the Clomid again soon. Is it possible that I haven't ovulated but still will this cycle? How often do people ovulate late and day 21 progesterone isn't accurate..?
what cd are you on now... hmm never had a day 21 test so not sure on if they are accurate or not..

Do you do opks at all or no..

your lp is the time from when you ovulate to when your af starts..
what cd are you on now... hmm never had a day 21 test so not sure on if they are accurate or not..

Do you do opks at all or no..

your lp is the time from when you ovulate to when your af starts..

I am on CD25 today. I did do an opk for the first time and I got a light pink line but my progesterone level is only a 1.2 so Dr. says I didn't ovulate as of CD21. I guess I don't have the info I need to get a proper lp.
Hmm did you opks through out your whole cycle.. you should start opks 3 days after finishing clomid.. then continue till you get your positive.. and in my opinion there could still be a chance of oing.. I o'ed cd 24 with my daughter..
Hmm did you opks through out your whole cycle.. you should start opks 3 days after finishing clomid.. then continue till you get your positive.. and in my opinion there could still be a chance of oing.. I o'ed cd 24 with my daughter..

No, I just did the one and got the faint line but it must have been false because of my day 21 results and I am hoping there is still a chance I could O, but if I am not going to I just want AF to come and wipe the slate clean so hubby and I can start over asap. Were you on Clomid the cycle you had your daughter and O'ed on CD 24?
No I wasnt.. last month was the first time i had clomid..

I got preg first cycle with my daughter.. almost 4 years ago now.. and my son took longer.. I got pregnant when my daughter was 13 months old first cycle but miscarried at 12 weeks.. and tried for 5 months got preg and miscarried again at 5 weeks, again got pregnant the next month and now have my son...

SInce having my son my cycles has gone to shit.. so here i am month 5 of ttc.. month 2 of clomid..

I would say to either test with opks or when does af normally come.. is she due soon.. its hard to say since you dont opk or chart.. I would def use opks next cycle.. :)
No I wasnt.. last month was the first time i had clomid..

I got preg first cycle with my daughter.. almost 4 years ago now.. and my son took longer.. I got pregnant when my daughter was 13 months old first cycle but miscarried at 12 weeks.. and tried for 5 months got preg and miscarried again at 5 weeks, again got pregnant the next month and now have my son...

SInce having my son my cycles has gone to shit.. so here i am month 5 of ttc.. month 2 of clomid..

I would say to either test with opks or when does af normally come.. is she due soon.. its hard to say since you dont opk or chart.. I would def use opks next cycle.. :)

Before Clomid AF usually came on the 16th give or take a few days in either direction. Not sure if Clomid will make it later... I plan on using them more religiously next cycle. Debating wether hubby and I should keep BD'ing as if I haven't ovulated yet...?!?!
Hi ladies,

Sorry to but it!! I've just got my clomid prescribed today and looking to hear your stories (ill have a read through the thread).

I'm currently cd12 and had an HSG yesterday which was clear. I was pregnant but didn't know when I had the first one carried out and had a mc and have been TTC ever since.

I have been spotting from 8dpo since my mc and wondered if anyone else has experienced this and did the clomid help?

Thanks for reading!
Hello guys this was my first time on Clomid 100 mg CD 2-6. I have officially ovulated was really hoping for an earlier date on ovulation day but didn't really do too much of a difference I normally ovulate between CD 17-21. But, did notice a lot more follies on the meds than not so hopefully we have a better chance.

Right now just in the tww started the progesterone..

Shhhh I have already been poas! Lol.
Hi! I am on CD 4 but took Clomid for the first time last month and did start with 100 mg. Boy, did my ovaries hurt..both of them! The only real side effects I had was hotflashes. I am taking it 5-9 at night since I heard it helps with side effects to take it at night. I hope this month is the month though! I hate pills and with all my vitamins, I feel like a walking medicine cabinet! hehe Good luck to you and keep in touch!

I agree the hot flashes where the only problem I had and poor hubby I made freeze at night because I would soak the sheets from sweating. Can't really complain I BCE heard worse symptoms than that. I was terrified I.would turn in to a Bitch or something also my sex drive sky rocketed.
OH my goodness.. i was sweating like a freak like last lol.. i woke up and my shirt was all wet.. gross lol.. will be worth it in the end.. :)

HOpe your all doing well.. tonight is my last night on clomid :) wahoo.. bring on the ttc :)
Hi again..just found Mindgames that started this thread in another thread...she got her BFP on March 5th! :happydance: I am happy for her but don't know how I found it...tundralife was in that thread also...her good luck will rub off on us I am sure!!

well faither! I am so disappointed. As you know, i went on vacation but before I did I got a positive OPK on a Monday but we BD on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and even monday. Anyways, I would have ovulated from Monday-Wed (not really sure how to tell when I did) I got sick on my vacation from a UTI so I went to the urgent care and had a urine test done. I told the dr that I have been on clomid so if she prescribed me something it needs to be something I can take being pregnant. So she did a serum pregnancy test and it was negative. I'm not supposed to start AF until March 20-21. So do you think I would be too early? I really thought that we had gotten it right this time. Oh and I did see mindgames on the other thread where she said she got her BFP. :) How are you btw Faither? I am sitting at the airport in houston TX making my way slowly back to AK
Aww sooo sorry about the UTI tundra.. hope it clears up fast..

Done with clomid.. wahoo.. now to wait till sat to start testing.. :) cd8 today
Still waiting for AF after my first round of 100mgs Clomid days 5-9. Day 21 bloodwork said that I didn't ovulate and went up from 1.1 without Clomid to first round of Clomid of 1.2. I started cramping this morning when I got up but no AF, been cramping on and off all day. Could this be ovulation and it is just late? Want my body to make up it's mind so that I can start my next round of Clomid if need be at 150mgs days 5-9.
i suppose its a possibility.. its hard to say, maybe buy some opks, or just dtd.. sometimes that brings on af for me.. lol
i suppose its a possibility.. its hard to say, maybe buy some opks, or just dtd.. sometimes that brings on af for me.. lol

Yes, BDing has brought AF on for me before as well...
So I am now on cd 29 which I know isn't crazy late but I usually run on a 26 day cycle. I have sore breasts and my nipples get a burning sensation I am crampy, and tired (however I think that is due to my 7 year old having her tonsils out and I am keeping an ear out for her in the night). I did have a negative hcg on cd 18. And a neg pee test yesterday. What do you think???? I hate getting my hopes up!!
Clomid I have heard can affect your cycle length.. so you just have to wait it out... do you know what dpo you are ?

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