Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Hi everyone just a quick update from me!
The clinic rang 1 of our eggs fertilised now it's another agonising wait to see if it survives until 2moro! If it does I'm having it put back 2moro!! I'm in a lot of pain didn't realise how sore I would feel after egg collection!
Thank you all for your support it really means a lot!

Hope everyone is well!! Xx
Thats fantastic news hun i'll keep everything crossed for you. I'm so sorry your in a lot of pain :( Just think it will all be worth it for that BFP. Try to stay relaxed I know this must be almost impossib le i cannot imagine all the emotions that are going through your head atm ((HUGS))
That's fantastic news g3mz!! Sending you loads of luck for tomorrow! Will be thinking off you, sorry your in pain, I hope you feel well soon, don't forget to get plenty of rest hun xx

Hey nimbec, two ov!! That's great! Wow twice the chance to catch it ay? GL!

Hi tryandwish, Not long now until stimms! Sounds like you are becoming a pro at this lol!

Any news yet pcct? Hopefully not too much longer for you now.

Hi bektoria, I don't know anything about getting tubes clipped etc, I would def start the journey for ivf ASAP though as it seems to take forever, GL

How are you getting on schoolteacher, any symptoms yet Hun? X

AFM I started my other jab last night and had allergic reaction, it burned quite a bit too so dr recommends antihistamines tonight and call them tomorrow to let them know how I got on, well off to do it now but really nervous as I had a big lump last night!
Good luck and will be thinking of u :dust:

Nothing yet no :( am going to docs on monday tho as i have been in so much pain lower tummy think its with my tubes been swelling and the fluid as i have been having clear discharge really bad as well when ever am in pain :(
Thanks for the replies ladies. Just got all my paperwork from GP today from stillbirth/miscarriages Lap and dye findings , blood work,etc so wanted to wait before I rang so I had everything. If they advise to have tubes clipped then that's what I will do. I will do anything. I dont know anyone who has taken methotrexade and then went on to ivf to ask for any info, I no its a very potent drug that's why u can't ttc for 3 months and wasn't sure if it would effect any tests I would need to have. So going to bite the bullet and ringtomorrow.
G3mz I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you. Wishing you lots of luck, wil be looking out for your news :) xxxx
I have to say again thank you all for your support!! :flower:
It's nice to be able to post some good news 2day :thumbup:
I am now PUPO with one beautiful 4 cell embryo! :happydance:
I feel on top of the world to have got this far! Now just praying it sticks!!
Especially as we were told that dh sperm was so poor this time that it's likely scar tissue is forming after his vasectomy reversal so he was devastated by that but the way things have been lately we have beaten so many odds lets hope it's ment to be :winkwink:
G3mz YEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOu so deserve it!!!!!! Fx it sticks - plssss take it easy now hopefully you will be announcing a bfp in a couple of weeks!! Have they told you when to test? Also just a quicki could they not do a tesa on oh where they go in and take sperm out directly....if needed - LETS PRAY YOU DONT!!!!!!
Oh g3mz that's fantastic, this little one is def meant to be, you have come this far!! Sending loads of hugs to you! X

Hi bektoria, you have been through so much! So much stronger than I could be.
It won't hurt to give them a call and atleast you will have a timescale so you know where you are. Hopefully you can get the ball rolling ASAP. X

Pcct I would try and find out what the pains and discharge is coming from, hopefully nothing too bad but you don't want to be in pain hun, hope you get some answers x

AFM nothing much to report, cetrotide inj was ok so just waiting for scan tomorrow, will update once I'm back.

Hi to everyone else, hope your all ok xx
Hi all on my phone do just a Quickie! Congrats g3mz on being pupo! My DH had a vr too, don't worry they always choose the best sperm! X
I'm ok just tired! X
Hey schoolteacher glad you are ok, bet you can't wait for your scan has it become real yet?

How are you doing g3mz? Hope your getting some rest x

Back from my scan, she counted 29 follies measuring between 11.5 - 16.5, she seemed pleased with that but I am at a risk of OHSS as my estrogen levels were slightly high on wed so waiting to get a call back with today's results, really hope they stay ok as it will mean cancelling the whole cycle! Fx though
got everything crossed for u hun - wow this thread is so positive everyone is doing so good :hugs:
Bumski that's a fab amount of follies! Keep drinking plenty to keep ohss away! Don't worry I'm sure it will be fine, I was a risk all 3 times but luckily managed to keep it away, phew! gL! As for me no it doesn't feel real yet! I have done 5 tests now, including one today as I just need to reassure myself I'm still pregnant! dH thinks I'm silly, he's like 'your pregnant' but I just keep thinking am I still pregnant!!! X

G3mz- how u feeling pupo lady? X

Evening everyone else! Hope your having a good weekend? Oh I almost forgot, DH isn't away yet but I decided to try doing my injection tonight and I did it! First time ever! And first time in almost 6 weeks DH hasn't had to do it! Very proud of myself lol! It didn't hurt a bit! X
Hi Everyone

I don't get as much time for the computer as I would like :(

g3mz - Congratulations on being pupo :wohoo: Whens your otd?

schoolteacher - Well done on doing your injection. I imagine you find it easier to do it yourself? The hardest bit is pushing the plunger down the first time but then its all fine :D I couldn't let DH do mine now as I wouldn't have control on the plunger. If it stings I stop for a second and then carry on pushing the plunger slower. Do you think you'll try and do more yourself?

bumski - Got my FX that you don't get OHSS. Your so close now :happydance:

pcct - Hope your feeling better soon and the doc can help with the pain.

Becktoria - How did the call go? What did the clinic say?

nimbec - How are you doing?

Quick question for schoolteacher and g3mz. How did you both find the EC? Was it painful at the time? I'll be fine with soreness afterwards but not sure I could lay still if it hurts at the time they are retrieving. Seen the procedure on youtube and don't like that needle!!! :nope:

AFM - No new news. Injections of Suprecur still going well and scan on Tues at 11.30am :D oh yeah, g3mz and schoolteacher, did you find the Suprecur made your period lighter? I have had the cramps but no where near my usual flow.:shrug:

Hi everyone :flower:

Wow Bumski that's a lot of follies! How r u feeling? Hope your results came back ok!! Ivf is one worry after another enough to drive us crazy!!:wacko:

Well done on injecting yourself school teacher!! That's one thing I do not miss at all!!

Nimbec they did mention they could do tesa but no guarantee they would find anything and also not sure if I would be accepted to egg share again so with the cost of Ivf plus the drugs, tese and still prob icsi there is no chance we could do it so this is really our only chance!!

I've got the photo of my embie on my phone and can't stop looking at it and hoping its not the last time il see it!!
I did feel bad that my lady only got 4 eggs to but at least one of hers must have fertilised coz I was told she was in for transfer Friday afternoon!!

The wait is killing me already!! :wacko:

Hope everyone is well and having a good weekend :thumbup:
Hi tryandwish!! I found egg collection a lot easier than expected!! It was transfer I didn't like!! having to be poked and proded with a full bladder was not nice at all!!
And yes my period was lighter than usual.
Forgot to say before my official test date is 2/8 :)
Hi tryandwish!! I found egg collection a lot easier than expected!! It was transfer I didn't like!! having to be poked and proded with a full bladder was not nice at all!!
And yes my period was lighter than usual.
Forgot to say before my official test date is 2/8 :)
Thanks g3mz - :D makes me feel better that EC isn't so bad :) and glad I'm not only one with lighter flow than usual. Feels like the Suprecur is actually doing something. Sounds silly but been wondering if I've been injecting right as I haven't had much in the way of side effects. Odd headache and really tired late afternoon but then can't sleep at bed time but don't know if thats due to the Suprecur or not.

2nd Aug will be here in no time :D

Tryandwish Im pleased you are ok and tho and things are moving along nicely!

Bumski wow lots of follies great news!

G3mz I have got everything crossed for you..when do you plan on testing?

As for me well waiting in 2ww apparently you can't see double o on a chart do it may not have been but the one o is great. Had a huge temp dip yesterday tho do I'm not overly hopeful :( I think I'll be having first appt to get the ball rolling in a couple of weeks as oh kind of agreed that we can get all tests done :) hope he won't change his mind!!!

Sorry if I've missed anyone hope your all ok!!!
Hi everyone,

Nimbec, how is the 2ww treating you? Any symptoms yet?

G3mz, wow your otd will be here in no time, think I will be like you and keep looking at embie, otd is the bit that scares me the most!

Well done for doing your own inj tryandwish, when do you start stimms?

Thanks pcct, how are you doing Hun? The worst part is being in limbo, one thing ya would think we get used to is waiting but we never do.

Don't blame ya for keeping testing schoolteacher, you deserve to see those lines Hun, would love to see your progression

Clinic rang and told me to reduce my dose from 150 to 112.5 last night, bk in on mon so will know more then, xxx
Hey everyone :) been feeling loads now! I know waiting is so horrible just want to get the hospital app thru ASAP so i can get moving on. I just can't stop thinking about it all and the longer am sitting here waiting the more crap am reading on line :haha: i cant just have 1 day i dont think about it constantly lol

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