Starting egg share buddy wanted.

School teacher wow congratulations!!!!! Yey you will be the most fantastic mommy!!! You so deserve it!!!!!!!! Keep in touch!
Woo hoo huge congratulations ur finally guna be a mummy so happy for I both that it worked this time for u : hugs:
I know-scary but exciting thought!! Rang clinic and booked scan already-just over a 3 week wait, its on 9th August! Oh and best news recipient lady rang just before me, she is pregnant too!!!!!!!!! :yipee:
WOW schoolteacher double celebrations!!!!!!!!! I'm so so so happy for you, truely how fantastic you have really cheered me up!!!!!!!!!

I'm CD13 today and no sign of 0 yet but its ok as don't normally 0 till CD17/18 that is if i actually o at all lol!

I'm happy too as oh has said he will think about us getting started earlier yey its progress! Even if he says no at least he's coming around to the idea rather than waiting another 2 months! I think he wants the non nutty me back rather tahn clomid me haha

Hope you have the most fabulous day - relax now take it easy and enjoy your little bean!
:happydance: omg!!! Congratulations school teacher!! :happydance:
Our first BFP in the thread!! :thumbup: so so happy for you!!

Bumski yay for starting stimming!! :)

Nimbec glad to hear your oh is coming around to the idea of starting sooner!! :thumbup:

Tryandwish I know exactly how you are feeling I'm still not coping well with the needles!! And yes sadly I'm still on suprecur to but lowered to 20 along with gonal f so 2 injections a day :cry:

Pcct how r u??

Afm I had a scan today 10 follies one side 8 on the other but not quite big enough yet :( back for a scan on Monday and prob in on Wednesday for egg collection! I know I should be excited but I'm a little disappointed I have to wait until then coz I'm feeling really uncomfortable now but I should be used to the waiting by now but i still don't like it lol
hey g3 am good thanks :)
Not long then for ur egg collection :) soon u will be getting a bfp :)
how are u?
CONGRATULATIONS SCHOOLTEACHER :happydance::happydance::happydance:

It must feel so amazing to see those 2 pink lines and to know your recipient has done it too :D Me and my DH are very happy for you. :happydance:

G3mz - It might be a bit more waiting but you're so close now!

bumski - Hope your stimms go well :thumbup:

pcct - How are you doing?

nimbec - Your CD18 will be here in no time! :dust: for your 2ww

AFM - I know its not long until my scan but its still quite a few needles away :wacko: This mornings injection was bad. Put the needle in and it really hurt. Held it but it wouldn't settle so had to remove it and try the other side. It was fine then and was the best jab yet but where I tried first was hurting me for a few hours. Guess I caught a nerve :cry: Hope I don't do it again!

Tryandwish that sounds horrible :( do you mind me asking ladies what type of injection are the go subcutaneous ie just under the skin so needle goes in at an angle or into the muscle ie needle goes in vertically. I'm a nurse so just rights this should mean i can do my own but oh no its sooooo deffirent doing it to your self i will be battling with my innerself for sure!!

Hope you are all ok! oh is out fishing for the day so i'm going to instigate conversation tonight in the hope that he agrees we can start....lets hope he catches a fish so he's in a good mood! mind you i normally hope he doesn't as i don't really like the thought of it!
Hi nimbec! The injections are subcutaneous so the needle goes in at a right angle to your belly. I think that the laides doing them themselves are really brave! DH does all mine, but as I said the other day-he goes away for a week soon...eeekkkk!!!!! I hope you can talk DH round! :) x

Tryandwish your doing so well with the injections! its funny how some hurt more than others, my DH says that sometimes they go in easy and other times theres a real resistance and those are the one that hurt!!! When is scan? x

G3mz-that an excellent amount of follies!Not long now, it does get very uncomfy and its so annoying when they keep you holding on, your like 'Nooooooooooooo!' Not much longer, you are going to be the next one on this thread pupo! xx

Hi pcct! Forgive me but what is the next step for you? x

Hi bumski! I hope I haven't missed anyone! Hope your all having a good weekend lovely egg sharers! xxxxx
Hey schoolteacher .. am just waiting to hear from the hospital to go for my final op ( tube clipped ) :( then once thats all done with i will go straight onto screening tests for egg sharing :)
yeah just waiting for the app letter to drop thru my door :D Hate waiting ! waiting game for us all :shrug: but always worth the wait :)
Definately! I'm testing my new tickers-never thought I would have them! only 247 days to go, ha ha!!!!
:wohoo: i was wondering when u where guna put them up hehe looking good :)
School teacher i'm still really excited for you!!!! YAY!!!!

Ladies a little tip from me as a nurse for injecting (sorry if you already know this but if u dont it really does make a difference!) How you insert the needle can make a difference. The needles are designed so that the sharp end is cut at a 45 degree angle. If you insert the needle with the cut angle facing towards the skin, this will be painful. However, if you insert it with the cut angle facing upwards the point will be inserted into the skin first and so will be less painful. If still struggling - with children we put ice on the site for a minuite this numbs it a bit and then doesnt hurt!

Hope you don't think im interfering!!!!

Hope you are all well!!
Quick update I just got my pos opk cd14 I have never o'd this early YAY!! fx its a good sign!!
Thanks for the tip nimbec, makes sense and no not interfering at all! Very useful will try it with the heparin X

Excellent news on positive opk! Cd14 that's fab, I never ovulated that early either due to pcos and therefore stupid long cycles! X

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