Starting egg share buddy wanted.

YAY loving the ticker schoolteacher! Has it started to sink in yet? Did you do anything different this cycle or is there any advice you can pass on as trying to give this a really good go but there are so many do's and dont's to remember.

Great news on the pos opk nimbec, like schoolteacher I never got a pos until very late, usually about cd 40ish, and only a few times in 5 years! Hope u caught that egg Hun :winkwink:

Hey pcct, hope yr app comes through soon so you can get stuck in with ivf, what exactly is it for? Hope it's a quick simple one for you

Hope your scan goes well g3mz, looking forward to your update, hopefully not long until EC and you will be PUPO! :happydance:

How is everything going with you tryandwish, hope your injections are going ok, Sounds horrible about the one the other day, ouch!

AFM iv done 2 so far, one being in the toilets of restaurant last night which was strange but going ok. It's fostimon 150iu daily, I keep getting dizzy spells, not sure if it's the meds or not and been very tired. Go in on we'd for blood test and 23rd for scan, EC should be 25th all being well! X
thanks :hugs: i will be getting my tubes clipped - they say gives me a even better chance of the ivf to work :)

hope everyone is doing well :)
Hello ladies :flower:

This thread has been so positive I almost didn't want to write this update :(

As you know my last scan fri showed 18 follies things were looking good!!
Today's scan was not so good!! Apparently my ovaries have gone one behind the other!! (never even knew that was possible) and they can now only see 9 follies and 10 is the cut off for egg share!! :cry:

It was awful they called the doctor into the scan and they were silent then whispering they asked me to go back to the waiting room and after what felt like forever the doctor called me in to explain!

She said I no longer have the 10 follies required to egg share and asked if I wanted to keep them for myself and pay for the treatment(which we are not in the position to do) or end Ivf now

I asked if I could just give my lady all the eggs as I don't see the point in us both suffering at least I would get some comfort in knowing I've still helped her!
They then said if I agree to do that and it turns out 8 follies contain an egg then we can go ahead with 4eggs each but not to get my hopes up!!

So I'm about to take the trigger shot in half an hour then I'm in by 8am on Wednesday morning!! Feel like I've been hit by a bus at the mo total shock!!:cry:

Hope everyone else is ok xx
g3mz :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: i'm so sorry about your follies grrrrr BUT you never know if you end up with 4 each i'm guessing thats better than none. i'm not totally sure how it works but i'm pleased that they took time to explain to you and have poss given you another option. I'm assuming that some follies may not contain eggs? It was such a kind gesture offering all your eggs to your donor you really are an amazing person!!!!! Can you try again if this cycle is not sucessful?

I am devastated but I'm more shocked that they thought I would just end it, I thought long and hard before deciding to become an egg sharer why would I put us both through this pain!! Also I am fortunate enough to already have 2 children if I can help somebody else to become a mother I'm more than willing!
I wish it was 2moro I was going in having for egg collection an extra day to over think isn't going to help!!
I'm trying not to stress to much about it but it's hard and my dh is away working so we have only spoken on the phone he will be back in a few hours can't wait to see him for a hug! :(
I'm not sure there is anything I can say to make you feel better hun but i just wanted to say i'm thinking of you and praying you have enough eggs! (((HUGS)))
Oh g3mz that is awful, how can your follies just "disappear"?
What an amazing thing you are offering to do, I understand where your coming from but don't give up all hope yet, you have 9 follies and there is a chance you will get 9 eggs, so one more than you need!
If you were to let your lady have them all this cycle are you not entitled to a free go for yourself? I'm 99% sure this is what my clinic told me, not the best solution as you are so close but worth a phone call.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow Hun, I hope with everything you get a great outcome!
Sending loads of hugs your way :hugs::hugs::hugs:Xxx
Like you Bumski I also thought I would be entitled to a free cycle as I remembered being told in our consultation but even tho a minimum of 8 eggs r needed to qualify for egg share it's 10 follicles that r required! Really sucks :(
From what I can remember ( I was crying so much I could hardly hear what was being said) I asked what had happened to the other follies and she said they might be smaller and behind the 9 they have counted and that coz egg retrieval is guided by scan they can only retrieve what they can see!! It's just so unfair I can't understand how this has happened!
Oh Hun that sounds so unfair! I can't believe it! I hope so much that you have atleast 8 eggs so you can still share, I'm keeping my fx for you tomorrow, try not to worry too much, yet another downside to all this, we have no control over any of it, but there 'is' still a chance. Try to stay positive if you can, I know, easier said than done :hugs: xxx
keeping everything crossed for u hun!!!! thinking of u :hugs:
Hi everyone not been on here in a long while. First of all schoolteacher congratulations on your news, you give me so much hope!! Xx

I need a little advice, as some of you know I had a stillborn daughter last year, mmc in feb and then got told I had blocked tubes. So my hubby and I decided we wanted to go down egg share route. I then got pregnant again but sadly ended in an ectopic. I had to take methotrexade injection on 26th June. After taking this you can't ttc for 3 months. So ladies, do you suggest I wait the 3 months before contacting clinic or contact them now to get ball rolling and to see if we get accepted? Not sure what to do and I'm desperate to try and get my 2013 rainbow. Also I pcct I read your post saying that you are having your tubes clipped, have egg share clinic advised/done this or your own gynae? I really don't want to risk another ectopic so I'm not sure if I'm best having this done too.

Any advise would be brilliant thanks xxxx
Hey i would deffo recommend getting ur tubes tied as u will have such a greater chance of the ivf to work and u will 100% reduce getting another ectopic of course! I had teh option to get it done at the clinic or my own hospital i opted to get it done at my own hospital as it is only 5 mins away the clinic is 1hr and half away. But if u do go down the ivf/ egg share route with blocked tubes u will be told to have them clipped so the embro doesnt go into damaged tube if that makes sense ?

I have been held back on treatment due to waiting for app to get my op so i would deffo say get on the fne asap and get the ball rolling :)
Hi everyone just a quick one!
I havnt long come out of theatre I had 7 eggs but they have given 4 to my lady and let me keep 3 so I have a little bit of hope to cling to! Now the agonising wait until 2moro to see if any of them fertilise!! Xx
Aw that is good g3 that they have let u continue with 3 eggs.. only takes 1 and ur chances r good :) thinking of u :hugs:
Hey g3mz, I'm so so over the moon you have some eggs!!!! I know a couple who had only 1 egg and 1 sperm! And would you believe they actually ended up with twins! 3 is 3 times the amount on a 'normal' cycle, GL Hun, now you get yourself rested I think you have had an emotional couple of days xxx

Had blood test today, went slightly messy as ended up with pains and aches down to my fingertips, and also a lot of swelling on my arm straight away but apparently just bleeding under the skin, all fine now. Clinic rung and told me to start inj num2 tonite and I have to go in on sat for more blood and a scan! Getting closer! :happydance:
G3 thats great news and as the other ladies have said it only takes one! i've got everything crossed for you!!!
Awww g3mz. Sorry I haven't been on last few days. Don't know what to say except repeat everyone else! You have got 3 which is better than none. Sending you all the best wishes and loads of good luck. :hugs::hugs::hug::hugs::hugs:

Becktoria - If your really worried about another ectopic I would seriously look further into having your tubes tied. If it was me, I think I would be on the phone to the clinic for advice and to find out how soon tests can begin as they can take a while. Sooner they start the better as the waiting is so frustrating.

schoolteacher - LOVE your tickers :thumbup:

Hope everyone else is well :thumbup:

AFM - Injections are going well. Still doing them myself and not always having to sit/lie down afterwards. Only 6 more until my first scan and hopefully stimms :happydance:

g3mz - When do you hear about the fertilisation? I have the day off work tomoz so I can check in regularly for updates. Will be thinking of you. :hug:

Good luck for fertilisation G3!!

Tryandwish greatnews that you are managing your own injections - time should move a little quicker for you now :)

Bumski thats horrid ugh well at least you are ok now!

Well as if the 2ww isn't long enough.....FF changed my 0 day from cd14 to cd16 today making me only 3dpo not 5dpo. Interestingly tho my reflexologist thought was going to have a double 0 this month and now my chart shows 2 rises.....what do you think? Its so confusing! BUT this should mean that i did actually 0....!

Hope you are all ok!!

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