Starting egg share buddy wanted.

I know what you mean, it's so hard not to let it take over, and trust me it's done that a few times with me, I started actively ttc again when I was 25 and I'm 31 in a couple of weeks, was never on bcp after dd so all in all it's been a long time.
I feel for you waiting, if this doesn't work this time I will be right bk there myself as I took quite a bit to convince Dh to give egg sharing a go.
Did they give you a time scale as to when you should get your app?
Thank you its so nice to feel not alone :( They said to call as soon as AF arrives and should get an appt quickly....lets hope so! I've kind of forced oh into getting the tests started with the idea that it will take ages to sort out BUT at least i feel like we are doing something positive and getting the ball rolling. he's not the type i can push too hard otherwise he will just dig his heels in, so slowly slowly LOL

I'm 31 on 1st aug too so i totally relate to how your feeling!
Yeah deffo it can ne so hard some days! So u have been ttc about same time as me just over 6 Years :( at first I didn't have a clue about ivf it's all new to me and can be really scary! I only just found out about egg share from few girls on here done some research then spoke to oh about it he was a bit un sure about it at first a well as he didn't no exacty what is envolved.

Well am hoping to at least here something in the next 7 weeks as it normally takes about 12 weeks after being refered and was about 5 weeks ago I was at clinic so hope not too long
Nimbec u should never feel alone in this, we all go through it over and over, I still get down because sometimes I feel like it takes over and I know how blessed I am to already have my dd,
We are all always here if ya just want to get things off your chest, god knows I have at times (blush)
My birthday is the 8th!! So close ;)

Pcct my Dh was the same, he was not keen on egg sharing at first but after lots of persuading ( about 12 months) he finally came round, he's told me we should only try once but trying not to think to much about it.
Yeah feels like iv wasted so much time ttc, if I knew it's never going to happen I Gould just give up but there is always that 'what if?' in my head.
I'm just grateful for this website, it's been quite a rock to me, GL Hun, not long now x
bumski - I have first scan on Tues 24th and hopefully start stimms then. :happydance:

pcct - I was unemployed for a while and it all got a bit on top of me. DH was at work and I was just online most of the day on forums and researching and ended up getting completely obsessed! I was happy on the sofa all day and wasn't seeing my friends enough but I found it was stressing me out. I was thinking of nothing else and ended up banning myself from anything ttc related online. I relaxed a bit more then.

nimbec - Hope your AF arrives soon and on time so you can get your first appointment sorted. It does feel better when you get to that first appointment. :thumbup:

schoolteacher - any real symptoms yet?

Wow 12 months is a long time - we have only found in in april we needed ivf all the past years we just kept trying and trying thinking it was guna happen and i just couldnt pick up the courage to go to the docs glad i finally did but like u say u just feel u have wasted so much time trying .

I think it makes u worse if u are just sitting in all day on ya own as u end up going into deep thought and just sitting online most of the day
It can be so hard most days and yeah i am all so glad i found this page :)
Thanks everyone it really is so good not to feel alone in this!! Hope you are all ok today and the pma is still kicking in!!
It does feel so good not to feel alone and such great support chatting to other ladies going thru the same :hugs:
Well scan went well, a little TOO well perhaps. I have LOADS of follies apparently, this time she didn't give me the number, apparently they are ready for collection now but the soonest they can do is wed. Waiting for blood results though

Just as typing that the clinic has called back! :( my estrogen has come back at 27000 and should be under 20000!
The dr has advised I freeze all on wed! Gutted :(
I have to stop the fostimon and just have cetrotide and trigger at half 9. They have given me a different trigger as the one I had will make me ill.

She said depending on how I am and how many embies by day 5 they will probably freeze them for another cycle. Frustrated isn't the word! Oh well bk to the waiting game girls, I should stop moaning and get on with it lol xx
Oh no hun that must be sooooooo frustrating, however at least you have lots and lots of follies to be frozen! Thats a good thing! Will they just give u less stimms next cycle? i'm assuing thats the plan? or is there any chance you can contine this cycle??

I'm originally from near your area i'm from derbyshire! which hospital are you using?
I'm at MFS in Manchester, derby not too far away from me ;)

My follies are big enough for collection so no more stimms for me, she said my ovaries looked like two bunches of grapes, some measuring over 20mm already!
She seemed surprised I'm not in pain, feel a bit tender but presume everyone would, anyway on wed they will still continue as normal and do EC then they will keep an eye on embies, depending on the amount and how I'm feeling will depend on the next step, she said if only 1 or 2 remain then if I'm not ill they will CONSIDER putting ONE back but as it stands the dr is advising we just freeze them!

The words pi**ed off! Springs to mind but on all honesty this doesn't suprise me as AMH was so high,
I don't really know how a frozen transfer works but I presume there is no stimms in that cycle, just hoping it will not affect me sharing again as I have no other back up plan xx
Grrrr that must be frustrating lets keep everything crossed that they allow you to have at least one put back!!!! Make sure you 'beg' if needs be ;)

I can't imagine it would affect your egg sharing chances just next time they wouldnt give u as strong meds!

Keep in touch - i bet your willing the time away xx
Yeah a bit lol, what will be will be I suppose, it's not over yet so searching the net to find ways to reduce estrogen quickly, slim chance but will try anything!

Good idea hun anything is worth a go! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
Aww bumski, I got everything crossed for you that you can either find a way to drop your oestrogen or it works out so you can have one embie back. I can only imagine the frustration you must be feeling. :hug: I would be very surprised if this affects your chances for another egg share scheme in the future. You produce enough eggs and like nimbec said I would expect they will alter your medication plan.

As frustrateing and difficult as this must be just be glad you over reacted to the drugs instead of under reacting and having the whole thing cancelled completely. You have options and still a chance of getting your BFP real soon :thumbup:

Will be thinking of you weds.

Hi ladies

Bumski i really hope your levels are better for you and all goes well!

I just had to post i'm so unbelievably excited i have my first appointment booked London womens clinic Swansea YEY!!!! 7th August for scan and semen analysis and see consultant yey yey yey I actually feel like i'm getting somewhere..

However oh is less than impressed about having to do his sample there and then - blooming men!! I assume they make it the least embarrassing as possible for did your oh's cope? I'm just hoping he's be ok and not get stage fright lol!!

Hope you are all ok!! what comes after the first appt? Is that where you start planning and taking bc pill? I'm due to start another clomid round the week before i go....should i take it or not? Sorry to as silly questions!!!
Hi everyone :flower:

Tryandwish hope your scan goes well so you can start Stims :thumbup:

Fx for you Bumski for 2moro!! Hope you get to have one put back!! :hugs:

Yay nimbec so excited for you :happydance: everyone is very nice in the clinic!! And when you walk in its like you have walked into another world it's so much nicer than the rest of the hospital!!
Like your oh mine was very nervous but the nurses were down to earth so he just made a joke of it!! They will give you the option to go in with him. My oh didn't like that the room is directly behind reception but he got over it! After scan and sample they let you go away for a bit then back to see the consultant.

The next step for me was to go back on 2nd day of my period for an amh blood test think that was £90 if I remember correctly. As you can see its just more and more waiting :wacko:
But the ball is rolling now!! And even tho there had been so much waiting looking back now it hasn't been that long really!!

As for the clomid question I'm sorry I have no idea but if you ring the clinic I'm sure they would be able to help you!!

As for me 2ww driving me insane :wacko: pain has eased now on sat/sun I had bad shooting pains!! I am VERY bloated tho but I've read a lot of people get like this of cylogest pessaries it's cruel tho I look about 6 months pregnant!
I tested my trigger out........ I know I'm naughty and impatient lol but it's out of my system now!! Just hope I get to see a positive test again soon!!
Tryandwish, thankyou I so hope your right and until they tell mr otherwise there is still a chance of transfer this cycle, they will check for abdominal fluid tomorrow as it's a sign of OHSS so fx it's all ok x

Nimbec that's fantastic news!!! Oh has always hated going his part but I think they have it easy really, I find it quite funny watching him sweat over it as he is now lol ( I know I'm cruel. Lol) love him really x

G3mz I don't blame you for testing out your trigger atleast you know when you see them two lines again they are for real, look forward to your BFP Hun x

Will update when I'm back tomorrow xx
g3mz the 2ww is a horrible time but just remember you are PUPO :)

Tryandwish hope your ok have you had your scan today?

Bumski best of luck!!!!!!!!!
Well my news is expected really :nope:

Good news is they collected 32 eggs so 16 each for me and my lady :happydance:
But they found fluid so all my embies will have to be frozen as I'm now high risk for OHSS! Wounded!

I was kinda prepared for this though, my lining was a bit thin too so he said he will help with this on my FET which makes me feel a little better.

Hope your scan has gone well tryandwish, GL Hun xx

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