OMG so many congratulations!
MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS to g3mz and nimbec on your BFP's and congratulations to bumski on your frosties
nimbec - Think I will be the same as you and be happy to wake up feeling sick (for a while anyway lol)
g3mz - You don't need it but good luck for you official test tomorrow
bumski - Do you only have to go through a natural cycle before FET or is there tests to do too to determine if your ready?
schoolteacher - Hope your holiday is going well and your getting some good relaxing time in
Becktoria - How are things going for you?
Hope I haven't forgotten anyone.
AFM - This thread has been so positive for everyone I hope it brings me some luck too! Going well so far. Not been on here in so long because I had family down but had scan on 24th and started gonal F on 25th. Had scan today to check progress and they counted 10 follies on right and 5 follies on left
While that sounds great I'm hoping they can see more on the day of EC as I'm pretty sure I have more follies on my left than my right as I'm more uncomfortable on my left. Scan again first thing Friday and so far EC looks good for Monday or Tues