Starting egg share buddy wanted.

It was lovely thanks, fab weather! I wouldnt be worried about my weight if I wasn't already over weight- boo! I just don't want the midwife to start lecturing me.....:-(
Apparently your only meant to put 2lbs on in 1st tri!!! X
wow really :O i better get my finger out and loss weight then lol i know i have to be bmi under 30 for ivf but i lost 9.5lbs but put it all back on when i was on holi for 2 weeks :( but i have just joined a fitness program called metafit tonight and oh my it is so intense i couldnt walk down stair my legs where like jelly lol

but dont think i have posted to u girls to let u all no that i now have an app at hospital to see about my tube bein clipped its on the 4th of oct so god dam long away but should come round quick i think :)
Hi all :D

g3mz - Thanks for the info. Not looking forward to the bursting bladder. Not looking forward to EC either but at least I won't remember it and I can handle some soreness afterwards.

schoolteacher - Glad you had a great holiday. Are you hoping for twins or single pregnancy?

pcct - Back to school stuff in shops already so it will be Halloween stuff in no time as October gets closer :D

AFM - Had scan today with Liz and she counted 10 follies on my right and 7 on my left with one or two only 13/14mm, most around 19-21mm and one was even 24mm. :happydance: I've done my trigger shot at 9.40 tonight and will be in by 8am Weds for EC at 9.30am. Glad the injections are done with. My stomach is blue, purple and yellow form new and old bruises. Won't miss that! Feels like the time has flown by since my first jab on July 10th. Have a swollen tummy which no doubt will get worse. Can normally see my feet but now can only see my toes! Going to have a busy day tomorrow to keep me occupied so I can't worry about Weds so will be back on here Weds afternoon. Speak to you all soon :happydance:

Well done for going something about your weight pcct! I'm planning to start going swimming! Glad you have an appointment now! X

Try an wish- GL for EC it really will be fine you don't know a thing! Glad your gone with injections-I'm still on clexane til 12 weeks- boo!

I would be ecstatic to be having twins or one! Twins financially and physically on my body would be a bit scary though but ultimately an amazing gift and my family complete! X
Pcct thats great you are getting organised for your weight!

tryandwish good luck for EC !!!!!!

Schoolteacher eek when is your scan? I'm also wondering if i have 2 in there lol
Thanks ladies :) i have 9 weeks till app so guna work really hard :) and yeah oct will come round fast so no slacking for me lol
yay a nice early one i dont start work till 12 so hopefully be here when u share the news :)
schoolteacher - Good Luck for your scan. I'll be thinking of you :thumbup:

nimbec - Do you have a scan booked?

pcct - The 9 weeks will fly by. I know its easy for me to say but I remember counting down the weeks to my wedding and the weeks really did fly by. :flower:

AFM - Had EC this morning and it wasn't great. Can't say the sedation didn't work because I was drowsy and groggy but I felt it all and I remember most of it. Few finer details are hard to remember but I certainly remember how it felt. OUCH!! :cry: But on a positive note they collected 13 eggs so 7 for me and 6 for my recipient. :happydance: waiting for a phone call after 8am in the morning to find out how many embryos we have and when ET will probably be :D feeling very sore now the pain relief has worn off but the sun is meant to be out tomorrow so after the call we might be going for a nice quiet picnic somewhere (apparently the location is a surprise!:wacko:).
Will post tomorrow with news from the call :D

Hope everyone is well x

i hope so hun lol

13 eggies well done u :happydance: look 4ward to hear ur up dates :) hearing how ec goes thats something am deffo not looking 4ward to haha
Everyone told me I wouldn't be aware what was happening. Even the nurses said I would talk to them if they spoke to me during it but I wouldn't remember it afterwards. Think its just me being an awkward arse lol don't worry about the EC. While I felt it and it hurt it was bearable. I wouldn't look forward to it again but I would definitely do it again if this fails or for the next pregnancy. Sure you will be fine when your time comes around :thumbup:

:) yeah i hope so lol but i suppose once its all over with u tend to forget what it was like really :)
Yeah definitely! Thinking of them now sat in a lab and wondering when they'll make their first cell division not the EC. Looked online and I believe it should be around 40 hours after they do the ICSI. After the first 24 hours they can see if fertilisation has been successful and I think they can start seeing signs of which embryos are strongest :D

aww how amazing eh :) so exciting for u as well :)
Well done on all those lovely eggs tryandwish!! :flower:
Sorry to hear your experience with ec wasn't so good! But will be worth it when you get your bfp! Which I'm sure you will!! :)
Looking forward to hearing how many fertalised!!

Pcct even tho it's a few weeks away it must be a relief to finally know the date! Something to count down to! :)

Schoolteacher Gl for your scan today!! :flower:

How r u feeling Nimbec? :thumbup:

Hope Monday went well bumski?? :)

Afm I'm just waiting for my scan on the 22nd!! Still very nervous to get excited yet!!

Morning Ladies!

Tryandwish yey congrats i'm keeping everything crossed that you get lots of great quality fertilized embies :thumbup:

Hope your ok Bumski, how was monday?

Schoolteacher GOOD LUCK for your scan today plssss let us know how it goes!

G3mz i know how you feel i'm excactly the same but my scan is 24th August I'll be 7+5 if i make it that far :) :)

I'm ok just a little impatient counting the days down till my scan. I'm hoping i'll relax and start to enjoy/believe once i have seen hb on scan and all is ok - gosh i really really really really really hope my lil bean is ok!!
Hi everyone, sorry not been on much iv been visiting family, been checking in on you all just not had time to reply, will catch up later properly.
All well on mon, start FET in oct, xx
bumski - October will be here in no time and you'll get your lil frosties back :thumbup:

nimbec - Don't wait until your scan to enjoy it. You have your BFP so enjoy every minute of it. You'll be at 40 weeks and getting no sleep in no time :thumbup:

schoolteacher - How did your scan go?

g3mz - Sure hope I join you in the BFP club :D Testing out my trigger and its almost gone already :wacko: Thought it was in the system longer than that but I'm not complaining :D

AFM - They called at 9.20 this morning and we had 3 eggs fertilise:happydance:. He couldn't say whether it will be 3dt or 5dt yet but he said if all 3 keep doing well and are strong then it will be 5 dt (Monday) but if they start struggling and only 1 or 2 are looking strong then they will do 3dt (Saturday). I'll get a call tomorrow afternoon to hear how they're doing. Meanwhile I'm off on the picnic with a ploughman's late lunch :thumbup:
Hi all! sorry took my time getting on here! Well short story-theres one little bubba growing nicely! heard and saw heartbeat-could see head, body and an arm! So relieved its untrue! Heres why: Long story::: Started bleeding yesterday about 5pm-absolutely terrifying I would not wish this on anybody its awful-also had a stomache ache. Blood was light red and it took 4 wipes to get it all. THANKGOD my sister is a midwife so rand her and explained-even messaged her a picture of the blood on the tissue (she said dont worry, women show me their knickers all the time!) She thought it looked ok as long as it didnt continue and luckily i was having my scan today. So needless to say I didnt get any sleep last night, but thankfully no more blood. Still had the stomache ache but it wasn't cramps which is what you don't want apparently.
So on route to clinic and I really wasn't even thinking 'is it one or two?' just please god let there be one that is ok and actually something there!
Scan lady found baby quickly and found the bleeding too-you could see it as a dark patch on the screen-luckily not near baby though. They think it may actually have been the other embryo did make it for a while but then didn't continue :-( so thats a bit sad. The bleeding is coming from that area. Anywhoo-got 2 lovely pics and I may bleed so more which is scary but basically all is ok. Phew! xxxxx

G3mz-22nd will come around soon, its so exciting but nervy! xxx
Nimbec-do you have a scan date? apolgies if you have already said, hope i'm not getting muddled up?

Tryand wish-gosh that is so weird you were aware of things-I was totally out! welldone on 3 fertilised! Soon be pupo!

PCCT-right so what u gonna do to make time fly? I think plan some nice days out!

God 1st tri is so slow!!!!!!xxx
well done try and wish on 3 fert :wohoo:

school - sorry to hear about ur panic with the bleed and pain and sooooo happy u got to see ur lilltle baby and hb :happydance: sooo happy for u such a shame the other one didnt make it :( bless cant wait to see ur pics when u put them up and a huge congrats again hun :))))

Yeah plan some days out will make it fly in!! so far we r going away on the 24th-26th to boston linic to see oh kids :) really looking 4ward to that .. X

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