schoolteacher - Your 12 week scan is so soon and your pic is amazing
g3mz - I already gave in
I tested 9dpo too and today at 10dpo. I expect them to be negative but I still have that niggling bit in my head saying "what if there's a faint positive 'coz it/they implanted early?". It doesn't bother me to see the negatives as I have only seen one positive from the trigger shot and of course I knew it was false. I'm using internet cheapies so might have to go buy myself an FRER. How much are they? Found express delivery ones on ebay for £7.75 for 2 tests. I can't buy one myself until Tues because of work so maybe ebay would be quicker. Actually I might be ale to get to duty chemist tomorrow. lol thinking as I type.
So glad things are going better for you. Won't mention it specifically so I don't jinx it for you.
bumski - So great your lady was successful. I have been wondering how my lady is doing to but too early to find out.
pcct - Enjoy your time away and I'm sure your pack will be there when you get home
nimbec - hope your next appointment is better than your last and you get to hear the hb this time
Becktoria - Are you still with us? How are you doing?
AFM - I have been symptom spotting of course.
-Sleeping more heavily according to DH
-Napping lots and loving it
-DH can see little changes in me he can't explain (helpful!)
-Been feeling little niggles and twinges similar to period cramps but lighter and I don't normally feel period coming until 2 or 3 hours before.
-Lower back ache off and on.
-Been feeling a sort of awareness of my uterus if that makes sense. No pain but just my stomach tells me when I've done enough at work and need to sit down for a bit. It's a strange one to explain.
-Sore boobs but thats usual for me about for a week before AF.
-Eating less. I normally eat like a horse (more than DH) but last few days I have been eating less and when I try to finish the last bit I thought I was going to bring it back up.
Think thats it......for now lol. I feel confident I'll see that BFP