Starting egg share buddy wanted.

We now got pcct and bumski waiting for October so it will deff fly by :thumbup: we're in September already :D it'll be christmas next week!

g3mz - How are you?

Hi girls, Congratulations to all you girls who have gotton your BFP through egg share and good luck to everyone else who are soon to try. I hope you don't mind me popping in here and asking a few questions.
Quick background- I found out i have blocked tubes proximal end via HSG in June. I was in total shock and inconsolable as i have 3girls 15, 16 & 17 to my ex husband. I would love a baby with my partner of 11years. When i broke down after HSG the radiographer told me my only hope was IVF. When googling it i came across egg sharing but when i saw my FS she said she could operate lap and hysterscopy to try and unblock them and if anything else in there ie endo sort it.
Thus BIG DILEMA Egg share vs Surgery. If time was on my side i would have gone for surgery if successful try for a year then egg share. I am 35 and some places will accpet me till my 36 birthday others cut off at 35. Then there's the FSH -some cut off at 8 others 9, 10. Mine is 8.7 thus my options of clinics has been slashed i live in North east and looks like i would have to travel to London- Lister or cardiff- CRM.
I decided to first go in for surgery, have waited 13wks and go in on fri 7/9/12. Mainly to see if there is anything else stopping me from getting pregnant and confirm my blocked tubes. Decided egg sharing without knowing what was going on inside me was not a good option. I could put a baby in there that might not be able to implant. But at 35 wasting 13wks is also scary. If surgery is a success i have read there is only a 30% chance of it working due to scar tissue and damage to inside of tubes etc. So until fri i am in limbo on my next step but really considering egg sharing either way.
MAIN QUESTION- How long did it take for initial appointment to egg transfer??? I am 36 on feb 18th and if possible would like to try one round but i don't want to build my hopes up to be told it is not possible time wise. Sorry for long post :blush:
Any help or advice greatly appreciated. xxx
Hi hun and welcome!! Im not really the best one to answer question but I didn't want to read an run! The process can take a while to get started so the sooner you book an appt the better, also getting all tests down early while waiting would speed process up. I was told to expect about 2/3minths before actual egg transfer a they have to do lots of tests then get you and reciprocate on bcp together etc etc (however I got my bfp naturally while waiting) I was due to go in for initial tests a week after I got my bfp! So hence why the other ladies on the forum will be much more helpful than me, I wish you all the best tho and hope it all works out for you!!!!!!!!! The ladies on here are lovely so I'm sure you will get some great advice.
Hi hope4 if I were you I would get both balls rolling, I started down the egg share route in jan and had EC in July, tests etc take ages, sorry it's a quick post, hope you are all doing well and still thinking of u g3mz, hope your scan has gone well. Massive hugs to you.
My patches arrive on tues for FET and start northisterone on 24th sept, so FET should be roughly 23rd oct.
Bit excited but still so far away, just want it all over now because I can't plan anything, work, hols, dd birthday, bring it on, I'm ready lol
How's everyone doing? Xx
Hi Bumski glad to hear things are getting closer the time will fly by!

Hope everyone else is ok...I heard my baby's hb on the sonoline b Doppler today at home OMG how excited was/am I!!!! Hugs to everyone
Hi Hope41more,

I agree with nimbec and bumski, you need to get the ball rolling asap. My appointments were badly timed with my cycles so had to keep waiting a few weeks for the correct day of my cycle to do the next test (and had to have one test done twice which added 4 weeks to my waiting) but I had initial consultation on Jan 25th and EC on Aug 8th. It sounds quite a while but when I explain to you the tests we had done there wasn't any time wasted.

Jan 3rd - We visited the clinic to find out how it all works.
Jan25th - We had raised the cash and had our initial consultation. Next step was to have AMH bloods tested which has to be done between CD2-4 so had to wait almost 3 weeks for correct time of my cycle.
Feb 14th - Had AMH bloods taken on my CD3. Had to wait 2 weeks for results.
Feb 28th - Had low result meaning we could give up egg share scheme or repeat the test hoping it would be that little bit higher (came back 9.67 and needed to be over 10). We decided to have a baseline scan at beginning of next cycle and if they found enough antral follicles then we would repeat the AMH.
March 11th - Baseline scan on CD3 showed 18 antral follicles and they wanted to see more than 10 so we repeated the AMH. Had to wait 2 more weeks for results.
March 26th - My result came back 26.33!! :happydance: (AMH levels are not supposed to change much!) So we have to go on to the next stage. We needed another blood test and a counselling session so made the appointment but with my days in work and counsellor only available on Wednesdays we had to wait again.
Apr 11th - Had counselling session to explain fully how a resulting child from egg donation can find me when he/she reaches 18. And had more bloods taken to test for cystic fibrosis check and other chromosomal defects. Had to wait 4 weeks for the results.
May 15th - All the results were back fine and they were now searching for a recipient for my donated eggs.
May 19th - Bcp arrived with a note to start on next CD2 and I was CD8 so had to wait almost an entire cycle before starting the bcp.
I normally have a cycle between 28 and 32 days.
June 16th - After 35 day cycle period finally arrives!
June 17th - Started bcp
July 10th - Started Suprecur injection.
July 17th - Stopped bcp
July 24th - Scan
July 25th - Started Gonal F
Aug 1st - Scan
Aug 3rd - Scan
Aug 5th - Stopped Gonal F
Aug 6th - Scan and stopped Suprecur. Had trigger shot that evening.
Aug 8th - Egg collection.
Aug 11th - 3 day transfer of 2 8 cell embryos.

Hope this is helpful in someway :thumbup: Let us know how you get on :D

Aug19th - Very faint :bfp: that has been getting stronger ever since.
Wow bumski, time has already gone by so quick! Not long now :happydance:

nimbec - I have orderd a Sonoline B doppler and waiting for it to arrive (from China though so will be few more weeks). Might be about 8 weeks by the time it arrives and can't wait to hear the hb anytime I like at home :D must be so amazing :cloud9:

All that u just posted tryandwish was so helpful !it has really helped me understand everything a bit more in detail now :) Ty for that :) hope everyone is doing ok! I havnt posted on Bnb much the past few days havnt really been feeling up to it :(
If you have any other questions pcct then feel free to ask away. :thumbup: Why you not been "feeling up to it"? Hope you're ok :flower: Just re-read that long post and got to correct a few dates :dohh:

Sorry! Dates have been corrected. Starting bcp was June not July :dohh: I stopped the bcp in July! Its now all correct so hope it helps :thumbup:

Thank you :) I just haven't been feeling my self past few days :/ feeling better today. Just think I need to find some time to relax lol
Hey pcct hope your ok, great news about your app and your pack finally arriving. Xx
i know its great :happydance: its all coming to together now :O ... do of of u know what happens on ur first egg share app ?
Mine was a little different, I filled out a form about my fertility and then had a blood test to check AMH levels, that took 4 weeks to come back, then had my app with the dr and more blood tests.
At the app he went straight in to explaining the process and protocol I would be on.
I was also given a form to fill out for any possible recepients to read and one for any possible child born from my eggs once they reach 18.
I asked how long all this would take to start and he said we will be having treatment within 3 months from then!
Exciting stuff really x
ooooh all really exciting i really cant wait but already nerves are kicking in :haha: i'll be sure to up date my journal after my appt :thumbup:
Look forward to it! It's just round the corner now! Yay!

Well I was a bit silly the other day, been having af pains but no sign of af so thought I would get a hpt just to get the thought of 'what if' out my head.
Didn't want to spend a fortune so bought a Tesco twin pack.
Did one, saw nothing then when looked again, approx 10 mins (but not sure) and I could see a line!! Very faint but def there! OMG!
Trying to tell myself it's an evap, so to clear it up I will do the other, after holding pee for just 45 mins I did the other and this time I timed 10 mins, I looked at 8 mins and there it was again! And pink! Still very light but no denying it, didn't even have to take it out the case.
I shown my mum on the way work just to get a second opinion and she thought it way too obvious for evap, so held pee for a good 3 hrs and took frer!
Completely stark White negative!! Not even a hint of anything!
Silly me, note to self - NEVER TRUST TESCO HPT AGAIN!!!
It sure is... its guna be here in no time :)

OMG bloody tesco cheap test :dohh: they really should just get them off the shelf not very fair for ladies like us wanting it so bad and stupid test do that! glad u got a frer tho hun and af will no doubt be round the corner :( saying that am sure i forgot to note my last one down and shes still not here and been having pains ( i no am deffo not even a maybe preg ) am just not liking the fact she is being late :/
Thank you girls!! very much appreciate your acceptance on this thread and all the feed back.

Tryandwish- Your knowledge and long detailed post was amazing think it will help me and others a lot. So happy for your BFP!!!! Hope you have an amazing pregnancy.

Nimbec- Congratulations on your natural BFP, if you don't mind me asking was your problem unexplained or something else??? Here's to a happy 9mths.

Bumski- You had egg collection but then frozen???

I am very concerned by the time frame now and wish i had got the ball rolling 13wks ago, Clinics i rang said it only took 2mths tops so i thought i better wait till i knew all the facts after surgery. Think they might tell white lies with the competition to reel you in to their clinic. Really worried about the time frame now as i only have 5mths till i turn 36yr so Egg share might not be an option anymore so if my surgery is not a success my TTC journey will come to an end :( Really cannot take the stress of all this. Surgery on Fri is more than enough without my age the ticking time bomb going off. My oh said in jest i was past it and out of date yest!! Not the best thing to say to an infertile woman about to go for surgery. But to be honest it summed up exactly how i feel my 36th birthday in Feb is my neon out of date sticker :(
Oh i feel your pain bumski similar thing happened to me last wk. My period is like clockwork and was 4days late!! My head was telling me i could not possibly be pregnant(tubes blocked) I was having period pains upto a wk before so i could not possibly be, but my boobs were hurting telling me i might be. I refused to test coz i could not be but boy was i hoping and praying to be- then my period showed came :(
TTC is totally gut wrenching. Our minds, emotions and body play awful tricks on us. Just not fair :(
:( hope4 that's exactly like me it's dreadful having that feeling :( hate when u have a late af and then ur body plays tricks on u!

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