Starting egg share buddy wanted.

I am having a scan and blood test on the 27th. It all confuses me though.
My sister had IVF and had a baby 2 months ago on ger first try.

Because of this i decided to donate.

What exactly happens?
Hun there is plenty of information on the web you should look into it that's the best information reading it of the clinics that do egg sharing I find it confusing aswell hun I really do there's a lot to take in x
Hi everyone, nice to see some new girls also going through the same x

Star wildcat, egg donating is a lovely thing to do for someone, sugardumplin is right there is loads on the net about it, do take into consideration that it can be a long process and lots of scans, blood tests, and needles.
Also the child can poss get information about you when they are 18, but of your cool with all that then it's a special thing your doing for another couple.

You don't know who the other couple is but you can find out how many babies are born from your eggs, the year they were born and the sex.

GL to you x
How is everyone doing?

Tryandwish is it your scan soon, sorry if I have missed anything iv not been on much lately x
Just popping into say hi! How are we all? Hi to new ladies, more egg sharers is great! x
Wow schoolteacher I can't believe how far along you are now, it seems to have gone in so quickly! How are you feeling? X
Bumski - It was my scan today and don't worry, I haven't been on much either and lost track of who is at what point :dohh: I know your waiting for your frosties in October and you've started some of the medication. Got my FX for you :hugs:

g3mz - That sounds really shit! For £50 I would expect a full copy of all the notes they have in that beige folder. Since when did the clinic pay for any tests? They charge the recipient over £6,000 for a cycle and she pays for her tests on top so they're talking out their arses! And so what if they did pay for the tests, your only asking for a copy of a bit of paper which they want £50 for. I don't see their problem! Whoever makes up their policies and rules needs slapping with a giant wet fish :hugs:

pcct - Not long for you to wait now. Only a few weeks isn't it? I remember how frustrating the waiting feels but it really will be all worth it one day soon :hugs:

(I'm hugging everyone today :wacko:)

schoolteacher - How are things going for you? Not long now until you start feeling some movements :thumbup: and you can have a :hugs: too :winkwink:

nimbec - How are you doing? Still sick? :hugs: I haven't been once.....YET!:happydance:

Hope41more - Did the consultant ring you back? Can they do anything for whatever is stuck to your pelvic wall causing you pain? Don't give up hope. IVF can be hard and frustrating but it could give you your :bfp: :hugs:

sugardumplin - I have no experience of your situation but I can't even imagine it. Must be so hard. Egg share gives everyone a chance at IVF and I'm sure you'll get to see your :bfp: :hugs:

Star wildcat - Which blood tests are you having on 27th? Go back to page 43 on this thread, post no #426 on Sept 2nd I have written detailed list of the tests I had and when. Hope it can help you a little. :hugs:

Hope I haven't forgotten anyone :flower:

AFM - Had scan this morning and at first I wasn't sure. Could only see Anne's face and she started to frown. I'm thinking "Don't f****ng frown!! Don't you dare go and get a doctor!" But then the frown disappeard and she said everything was fine. Called DH over to see the screen and she showed us the gestational sac, yolk sac and the baby's heart beat. We heard it too and DH nearly started crying. So we have one baby on the way not 2 (so kinda sad one didn't make it) but we still have one healthy baby doing well :happydance: I've been having very easy to deal with symptoms. Gone off sweet crap like biscuits and chocolate. Getting some niggles and twinges and few stretchy pains. Zero sickness, not even queasiness! :happydance: Some lower back ache has been my worst symptom and I get physically tired easily (need a nap after dealing with delivery at work :sleep:). Wanted nothing but fish for a while, then it was chicken curry but nothing in particular I fancy at the moment. Feel really tired in afternoons but then struggle to get to sleep at nights. Been worrying because I haven't got really strong obvious symptoms but seen the healthy heartbeat so now I'm reassured that I'm just having a really easy time of it :happydance:
Just called the clinic as I forgot to ask how my recipient did and she got a positive too!!:dance::yipee: Feel so happy I'm a bit teary. Anne said I'll probably have a letter from the recipient soon. Can't wait :D

Sorry for such a long post :dohh:

Oh that's great news tryandwish! Although there is one and not two it will make it such an easier pregnancy and birth for you, and there is more of you and Dh to spoil it rotten ;)

It's great your not having many symptoms, I was like that with dd but thought nothing of it at the time. X

G3mz, I'm sorry sorry the clinic is making things difficult for you, the last thing you need is more stress after what you have been through, I hope it all comes good soon enough for you Hun, and I quite like tryandwishes idea of slapping them with a wet fish! Made me laugh x
I too laughed at the wet fish, go and get one g3, a big smelly trout!x

Try and wish do glad scan went well, what a relief! Lucky u not much sickness, and how cool about you recipient! I never got a letter! X

Hey bumski I'm ok, sickness starting to go, replaced by headaches as I come of the steroids! U have started meds then? X
No not yet, start northisterone next sat for 7 days, I reckon transfer will be roughly 24th oct, still a bit away yet but getting there x
Hi all just a quicki to say hi sorry I've not been on I'm feeling really rough :( in pleased as means my bean is doing well but ugh yuk! I'll catch up with everybody soon!!

Bumski oct will be here b4 u know it!!

Tryandwish in so happy the scan went well and that u don't have sickness (I hope it stays away for you!)

Schoolteacher sorry bout headaches but happy sickness has gone for you!

G3 how horrid are they?! But think positive u are with a great clinic now !!!

Hope41 I hope your ok?
Pcct nearly time to start now Whoo hoo
:hi: girls hope everyone is ok :) just a little question if any of u can remember what happens at the egg share review appt? The closer it getting the more am thinking what is guna happen ect
Hi everyone :flower: how are you all?

Hi pcct I'm sure every clinics slightly different after I have been to our consultation at the new clinic today? At the last clinic I was scanned and dh sperm was checked, today we just had a chat really but that might be because I had told them we had all that not so long ago!

We went for our consultation today :thumbup:
I felt very at ease talking to the doctor there! We explained the things we were not happy with at the last clinic and she agreed its not the way they would have gone about things there! The only thing that's disappointed me is that if the lwc won't sell me my test results (dh is going to ring them the morning to ask them)
Then I will have to have them again adding 4-6 weeks to everything and as I will be having my own cycle after donating that means I'm looking at march/April before we get our turn :growlmad:
But I know it's a step I the right direction!! I just don't like waiting lol but as dh keeps reminding me we have been ttc for 3 years now so a few months isn't that bad!!
When we have got the results whichever way it might be then we can have a planning treatment appointment and start freezing dh sperm! :happydance:

I loved your comment on slapping dr thackare with a giant wet fish :haha: tryandwish really made me giggle!

Hope everyone is doing well :hugs::hugs:
Yeah I think they would be just gives me a lite idea what to expect really! Glad ur appt went well sounds like u r in good hands :thumbup: I get Wat u mean about waiting I hate it too but I try remind mysef how long we have been trying so far and that a few more months won't hurt saying that this year is flying in and march / April will be here in no time!
G3mz sounds like new clinic are great! You are entitled to your notes by law they cannot keep them from you!!! Demand them or threaten further action they will send them quick smart! I really hope time flies for you xx and for you to pcct xx
Thanks at this rate it seams it for now fxd it stays that way lol
Stupid clinic wouldn't even sell me my own blood results not even for the full price They paid! That's just mean :(

So now I'm off to have the bloods done at crgw in the morning! Have to pay for them but get the money back when they come back clear so not so bad just gutted that I have to wait 4-6 weeks for the results :( with doing the cycle for the recipient then having to wait before having my round this is going to take some time! But I know it's worth it!!
what a joke!! ur own blood results and u cant even buy them!? what sort of a clinic of that! so mean i say! hope ur doing ok tho :) like u say this time round will be well worth the wait :hugs:
G3 try phoning citizens advice they will advise you BUT they cannot keep results from you it's a legal requirement for you tone able see ALL results hun - worth a try!!!
How is everyone doing?

g3mz - Are you bothering to chase LWC further for your results? I agree with nimbec that it sounds very strange and is probably illegal. You should have full access to all your notes.

AFM - Had an ok-ish week but could have been much better. At 7+5 I got really itchy knees when I woke up. Checked them and I had loads of bites all over both knees. Covered myself in anti-histamine cream and went to work but by lunch time I realised they weren't bites 'coz they were rapidly spreading to my stomach, back, neck and getting itchier and itchier. Called doctor and got an evening appointment with a GP but she said it was allergy to something in environment or something I had eaten (but hadn't eaten anything I've never had before) and she couldn't give me anything for the rash 'coz of the pregnancy.:cry:
At home I found lanacane powder managed to relieve the itching for a while but the rash was still developing so wondered if the pregnancy was making me allergic to something I normally eat so decided to eat nothing but pasta, salt and potatoes roasted in veg oil. Did that for a day and the rash was still developing so after work I went to A+E as GP was useless. Doc was baffled as to what he could give me without harming Smidge so he spoke to his consultant and the Gynaecology dept. and they came back saying I could safely have half dose of Chlorphenamine 4mg. So I started one tablet every 8 hours and it helped so much. After 2 days of itching driving me to insanity I started to be able to tolerate the itch and it kept fading until I felt no itching at all. I'm now a week later and yesterday tried taking one every 12 hours and itching stayed away so now I'm going to try and not take them anymore. See if the rash reappears. We still have no idea what caused it but I have soken to a freind who said her daughter had the same through 2 pregnancies. Its a response to the change in hormones so I guess while most people get ms I get insane itching rashes all over :dohh: much rather be sick!! Anyone had any experience of rashes during pregnancy?

In some better news I found Smidges heart beat on the doppler at 8+4 and 8+5 :happydance: :dance:


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