Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Tryandwish that's sounds horrible poor you!! Congratulations on finding the hb it'd an amazing feeling isn't it!!! I had my NT scan yesterday and a normal 12wk scan tomorrow so lucky I get to see my bean twice in one week :) so happy!! Also measuring ahead which is positive.

Hope everyone is ok?

Could you try camomile lotion for the itch? Could Maybe see if it's ok to use??
If the itch reappears then I will consider anything but for now its been 15 hours since last tablet and no itching yet. Been told to use cows udder cream or aloe vera lotion. GP told me to use my eczema cream which was useless. So glad the doc at A+E found something I could have.

Hows you and your bump?

Hi everyone just a quick one on my mobile........hope you are all doing well!!

Glad your itching has eased tryandwish!
Nimbec glad things are going well for you! :)

I went to crgw on Friday and had the bloods done so they should be back in 3-4 weeks then I go in for treatment planning!! If I'm lucky enough to get 12 eggs then I will egg share first time (not counting on that with only having 7 last time!) but anything under and il have the next cycle for myself!
I know it will take longer and the waiting is agony but it may work out better for you if you have a whole cycle to yourself as it will likely mean more embryos to choose from for transfer. More chance of success for you both. At least you have had all the bloods done in one go. One at a time with LWC just took forever!

Hey everyone ! Or sorry to hear about the itch and rash hope it's all cleared now :hugs: how cool u finding heartbeat must have been amazing :)
G3 glad u have had ur bloods done now hope the waiting goes in fast!
How is everyone else doing ?
Hi pcct,
Itch and rash all gone :happydance: stopped the chlorphenamine and it hasn't come back. :dance: It is amazing finding the heart beat. Think I have worked out how to connect the doppler to the laptop to record it so I will try it later and see if I can upload it. :thumbup:

Everyone well? :shrug:

Glad it's all gone :) Aww that would be amazing if h can record it :)
Hi everyone, not been on much for a while, just the odd quick check up to see how everyone getting on but been trying to not obsess as its been a lonnnnnggggg wait getting round to the fet cycle.

pcct not long now until your app, i bet you cant wait to get started and get a plan made up x

tryandwish im glad your itching has stopped, that must have been very frustrating, hey it would be lovely to hear your little ones hb ;) x

nimbec i bet its been great having 2 scans so close together, i cant believe how quickly all your pregnancies seem to be going! x

g3mz, im so glad you have moved on hun and found a good clinic that keeps you focusing on the good stuff, so glad they are getting stuck in straight away with your bloods etc, i really hope it all goes quickly and smoothly for you x

hope everyone else is doing well too and that your first tri has gone smoothly xx

afm, i have finished northisterone tabs yesterday and now waiting for af to start, should be sometime this next week and then i start my patches on cd1!!!

FINALLY my ET is in sight, its been such a long long journey to get to this point, im just scared as if this doesnt work we wont be able to do anything until next year now as it will be too close to christmas

Any advice from you lovely ladies would be massivly appreciated, as in what you all did in your tww, did you take asprin, or anything else you think may just have helped xx
Hey bumski

Through my 2WW I was moving very gently, no jumping or running around and even walking gently. Of course was desperate to get the bfp but was also just happy thinking of the little embie(s) growing and burrowing into the lining ready to create the placenta. I did lots of researching online to try and find out what happens on what day so I could keep track of exactly what stage the embie(s) were reaching. From 7dpo I started testing and while I expected negative I had that little bit in my head thinking "what if it(they) implanted early?". I was not disappointed by the neagtives until it was getting to 11 dpo and then g3mz told me to use FRER and then I got the bfp. So overall my advice would be to have FRER's ready and plan a few things to distract yourself (cinema, some shopping, meeting friends, anything to help the days go by a bit quicker).

As for anything I was taking. I only took the progesterone pessaries provided by the clinic, Sanatogen Mother To Be once a day and I also take Omega 3 1000mg capsules. No idea if it makes a difference to conception and implantation but I know omega 3 is very important for the brain (and I don't eat much fish so capsules is my best way of getting some on board). I didn't take any asprin or any other medication.

The wait must have been horrendous but your now so close. I have my fingers crossed so tight the this will be your last AF for a happy and healthy 9 months.:flower:


p.s. Just about to attempt recording Smidges:baby: hb :dance:
Hi all- hoping I could join?

I have started the process and am now just waiting for my genetic screening, so far I fit the criteria to egg share in all the other categories to I'm very hopeful that I get approved.

I have changed clinic and the new one seems so much more thorough than my last! I'm hoping that this all helps.

I should get my final results by the end of October. Feels forever away but I know it will come round soon enough.

Thanks for reading.
Hi Kim - No need to even ask if you can join. Everyone's welcome. :flower:
I remember the waiting for all the test results. Its awful but worth it in the end. I'm sure your new clinic will bring you better luck and it will make a difference that you have more confidence in them.:thumbup:

AFM - I managed to record Smidge's hb but only on my phone. Connecting doppler to laptop worked but there seems to be some sort of interference and it records a load of high pitched squeaking. Got it recorded quite well on my phone but its a .AMR file and B&B says its an "invalid file" so I have no idea how to upload it.

Got to go on a rescue mission now. My mum just called from town (bout 8 miles away) and she went shopping with the car headlights on so now the car battery is flat. :dohh: What a numpty! (this is not the first time she has done it either! Lol). Will have another go at uploading Smidge's hb later on today :thumbup:

Bumski hey hope u are well :) I wish i could help and give u some advice, what tryandwish has said i would deffo take the advice :thumbup: have u got a date yet for when ur appt is? or are you just waiting for af before u take the next step?

tryandwish :hi: Think i will be taken ur advice on the 2ww :thumbup: I hope u can figure out a way to up load smidges hb would be nice to hear :cloud9:
I have ran battery down once :dohh: such a bummer lol off to the rescue you gooo ! :haha:

everhopeful :hi: good to have another to join :) I am just waiting to do my test to find out if i can egg share too :) i haven't long joined this thread but i can say it has been mega helpful and the ladies are great :hugs:
Hope your new clinic gets everything moving for you.. The waiting part sucks right! the end of oct will be here before you no it!

Nimbec and g3mz hope you 2 are both well :hugs:

Afm - not really been up to much just trying to keep busy :) got my hospital appt on thursday my follow up for my op and fri i have the clinic my egg share appt so excited to finally get a plan in action again :)
Tryandwish thankyou for all that, it is really helpful, I went and stocked up on omega 3 yesterday thanks to your advice so will be starting all my vits today.
Bless your mum, I did exactly the same thing the other week, Dh kept asking if I had left lights on and I assured him that I didn't ;) oops lol.

Hi everhopeful, nice to see more people on here too, hope this month flies for you and that your new clinic is good, so have u used a different one in the past?

Hey pcct, this is a good week for you Hun, finally after all your patient waiting you can get the ball rolling, bet it's getting exciting now, look forward to your updates :)

I don't have any apps booked yet, it all depends when af turns up, I believe I start patches on cd1, but will know for sure once it's here as have to call the clinic on that day, then scan cd15 then ET cd21 as long as lining is thick enough.

While typing this I have got real bad af pains so think it's gonna be here very soon! Must be a sign lol

Any one else ever look for 'signs'?
My best hope I cling to is mil went to see a psychic earlier in the yr and she said me and Dh will be doing ivf in summer but will not complete it, I will then concieve in October!
We didn't understand what she meant by not completing ivf but now we do. She recorded it all for mil too, also said I will have twins, time will tell ay, if she is right she is one amazing psychic! Xx
hi everyone :hi: october is here looks like its going to be an exciting month for a few of us now :happydance:

welcome everhopeful like you i am waiting on the results of the screening tests they should be back by the middle-end of this month!!

bumski i have alot of faith in some psychics i have seen loads and when the can be so specific on things that cant be guessed (some just say crap like you will get a new job, you will go on holiday things that happen to most people!)
i seen one that told me i would have twin boys and it wouldnt end well then refused to read anymore as she felt i was not ready to hear it as i was only 19......2 years later i fell pregnant with identical boys and lost one at 30 weeks and my little fighter was delivered at 32 weeks after i had to fight for them to let me deliver so early, and a week later his heart rate kept dropping and he was intensive care and i was told if the pregnancy had carried to full term he probably wouldnt have made it, i knew after what the psychic had said he would stand a better chance in special care where they could help him than inside me where we had no control! i was also told by another that my daughter would have disabilities and she does but she would also be diagnosed as dyslexic when she is 8 and she is now waiting to be seen about it and she will be 8 in january!!

so i think you will soon be pregnant with twins :happydance:

hope everyone else is doing well :thumbup:
wow how awesome with the psychics i really must go see one.. but trying to find a good one can be rather hard! i too think u will be preg with twins :)
Wow that's pretty scary! It must be so hard to hear bad news off them too. Glad you're moving on now with this cycle, that's so sad about your little ones, can't believe how strong you must be to have gone through all that x

Thanks pcct, twins would be lovely as dd has grown up an only child really and it would be lovely to have two to play together, Dh may disagree though as he has younger twin brothers and helped a lot with those so may have put him off slightly lol

I also had a reading done in jan and he said I will have a little boy in 18 months, he sees twins but I won't give birth to twins, he also wrote me a monthly prediction for eg July - medical (ivf)
August - travel (went up north to visit family, only trip we had this yr)
Sept - work pressure (lost a lot of contracts recently so struggling a lot this month)
Oct - lucky (time will tell)
Nov - upset in home or family (I hope not!)
Dec - contented
Hi ladies gosh so much to catch up on sorry I've not been about!!

Hi Kim and welcome!!! Hope time flies by for you!!

Bumski that all sounds very exciting - I've never seen a psychic as I'm too worried about how I would feel - bit of a woos lol!!

Tryandwish it's amazing hearing hb isn't it!

Ever hopeful & pcct hope you are both ok!

As for things I did in 2ww I basically rested rested and rested ate no sugar caffeine or chocolate and just hoped! I also took my vitamins and tried my hardest not to poas before 9dpo! It's a horrible time but I really hope you get your little bundle this time hon!

G3mz so sorry you had such a hard time and so pleased you made the right decisions fx for you now this time - at least the ball is rolling again.

How is everyone in general? Tryandwish how many weeks are you now?

I'm now 13+4 :) beginning to relax a little and feel more positive! I also have a small bump :)

I so hope you can all join u ASAP and get your sticky bfps !
hey nimbec u must post us a little pic of ur bump :D I really hope we do all join u soon :)

I really wanna go see a spooky person now :happydance:

Bumski i have been thinking about twins as well but i would be very happy with just the one but i think i shall stick to what we agreed that is we only have 2-3 eggs and not all that great we will get the 2 transferred so only time will tell
Thanks everyone, taking all the advice i can at the minute.

So af arrived today, never been so happy to get my period lol

Have my scan booked for 16th and ET on 22nd!

Finally i can see the end now, this time next month i will know one way or the other, how scary, :/ xx
That's great u have some dates now :) bet u can't wait woo hoo

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