Starting egg share buddy wanted.

That's great g3mz! I hope it's gone well and you have some good news! My Dh always felt like he was in reception with everyone as they never seem to place these rooms in the most private of places. Look forward to your update x

I bet it's lovely having a bump nimbec! Have you started to feel baby kick and move yet? It seems to have gone really quick to me but I can imagine it doesn't to you x

How is everyone else doing?

Got my 3+ on digi yesterday, so I was please with that. I have a private scan booked for next sat as my clinic don't give them until 8 weeks! I just can't wait that long, I need to know it's all ok in there, and I want to start believing it more lol x
What a long day it's been!! Just spoke to the clinic sperm was found but none motile :( but they only checked 10% of the sample and froze the rest so its not definate that there's none. They would usually ask to wait 70days before producing another sample but with my treatment being in either jan or April depending on my response this time they have asked he goes back in 2 weeks! Going to spend some time later researching how to improve motility! And keep my fingers crossed because the impression I got is tese would be a no go as he is producing sperm it's just not motile :(

Bumski bet you can't wait for your scan see if you got one or two on the way ;)
Oh no! I hope they find some good swimmers in there g3mz! Poor Dh having to go back again, but it is all for a very good reason. Will they be taking as many samples as poss before your treatment or just see how it goes?
How are you feeling? It will be nice to take your mind of things for a little while at Xmas with the kids I bet. X

I am so looking forward to the scan, obviously I'm very nervous too but trying to stay positive so I don't stress for the next week and half!
I really think that there is 1 baby but would adore two, as we all know, after all this.
As long as it's healthy I'm going to be over the moon! Lots of praying now!

I'm really looking forward to you and pcct getting started, it's going to be exciting hearing all the news. Hey, when we all have our babies we should all meet, it would be lovely to put faces to names after all this x
Try not to be nervous bumski all will be fine! How many weeks will u been at scan? Wondering if your'll see heartbeat? Xxxx

G3- did DH have VR? Same as mine, we were on standby for tese each time but luckily never needed it, they never suggested freezing sperm for some reason I don't know why. One very bad sample he only had 7 sperm, 3 of which were 'twitching'! After taking lots of vits for a long while it went up to around a million! X

Bumski I have a bump too! Yay! Have only felt proper kicking this last week, I was getting anxious!!!! Should have had anomaly scan 2 weeks ago bug they cancelled :-( is now on tues!!

Hi pcct! Hmm I wonder in which month next year you WILL have a lovely bump too! X

AFM- still getting over chest infection!!! 3 lots of antibiotics which I'm not happy about. Back to work on Monday after sick note I'm dreading it! X
Hi schoolteacher, bet its so nice to have your bump. With dd I felt the odd flutter but no definate kicks and couldn't even be sure the fluttering was from baby until I went for my 20 week scan, as she was scanning me I seen dd kick and felt that same feeling so it confirmed it, but in all honesty it was not an extremely obvious feeling.

Not good news for me, got af pains last night and 10 mins later there was blood. It came quickly and I passed a few clots last night so it looks like I have lost this one. Bleeding stopped last night and had no more since but I'm pretty sure that it's over :(
I am absolutely devastated, this year alone has been so hard not to mention mc 2 years ago and all the ttc for 3 years before that.
We won't try again as it's just to hard to keep going through this and last time it messed me up for 12 months.
Had bloods done today as hpts are still pos, will have repeat done on mon and then a scan on we'd to confirm.
Can't stop crying, just want confirmation now so that I can start to get my head round it. :( xxx
Omg Bumski I so very much hope that you haven't lit your precious bean ((((hugs)))) I hope the days pass quickly so you have answers I really really really hope it's ok!! Thinking of you and oh xxx

Schoolteacher yuk to going back to work but imnpleased you are recovering from infection!! Good luck for Tuesday!!

As for me I'm feeling really odd just iffy I can't explain it I'm having a quiet day tomorrow.

Hope everyone else is ok!
Oh no bumski :sad1: I really do not no what to say am sending u lots of hugs and thinking of u so so much xxxxx
Thankyou girls, I wouldn't really know what to say if it was the other way round. What can ya say? I really appreciate all the support I have had from you all. I know it's maybe a bit silly but we just keep holding on to the tiny chance that there may have been twins and one will survive.
If I was still bleeding today I could accept it easier, oh I don't know, I'm just scared to accept it I think.

Hope you are all well.
Pcct how did your app go Hun? X
Nimbec I hope you feel ok after your rest tomorrow x
Oh hunny it is totally normal to cling on to hope - in sat here doing exactly that for you right now!!! And there is still a chance will you know Monday your repeat beta result or do u have to wait a few days? Thanks for my well wishes!

Gish sorry pcct I forgot to ask - also it must be close to your next appt?
Yeah bumski u did have 2 transferred so u may be right with one I am still holdin out lots of hope for u!! Just take it easy and relax if u can I know it's guna be hard for u :(

My apt went ok girls just got blood done an got moved to top of list as I need out that night coz of my appt next day as am met to be kept in over night but there doin my op first things so I can get out :) my next appt is or councillor then next they should match me :)
They will see if levels have gone down on mon and then scan to confirm but she said they can only do internal at this stage and she doesn't want to until she sees levels decrease as it may cause mc. She can't confirm yet as bleeding has stopped but it doesn't look good she said x
Yay pcct! I'm so glad it's all happening now :) you have had a long wait Hun x
Aww man she really shouldn't be saying things like that to u :/ let's all just hope u still have one strong little bean grown strong :)
aww bumski :hugs::hugs::hugs: i have everything crossed for you that everything is ok!! i remember all to well the feeling of if its happening just happen so you can draw a line and move on! but saying that you had two in there so dont loose hope yet!!!
when i was pregnant with dd i started cramping and bleeding heavily at 5-6 weeks they did beta and i was told over the phone that i had misscarried and just to do a hpt 2 weeks later and that it would be negative! only it was still positive and when i was scanned my dd was there i was 8 weeks pregnant! the hospital apologised and said there was a strong possibility i was having twins and only lost the one which would explain the beta numbers! i sooooo hope this will be the case for you to!! thinking of you hun!!

school teacher, yes my dh had vasectomy reversal last sa he had 1.5 mill count with 10% motility then when he did his bit on day of ec they said they had struggled just to find 3 sperm :( they had never suggested freezing either until we went to our new clinic but from what i could hear when they phoned with the results from last weeks sa (the kids had decided to start fighting the dogs were barking someone was knocking the door! lol) they had found sperm but didnt say how much just that they had frozen 90% and tested the other 10% and found no motile sperm :( so they havnt charged us for freezing yet as they would like to find some motile to justify freezing anymore! dh is now on a cocktail of vitamins and trying his best to loose weight too! going to phone to make him another appointment for sometime in the next week or 2 and hope for the best!
hope you recover fully from your chest infection soon!!

pcct things are really moving fast for you now so exciting!! :thumbup:

hi nimbec :hi:

hope everyone is well?? tryandwish has been quiet lately?
Hi everyone, glad everything is moving on nicely for you.
Tomorrow is my second beta, it's so scary!
I had no more bleeding since Friday still and tests are still very strong. Free is darker than the last, although the last was approx 5 days ago now. Ic are as dark as before the bleed and digi still 3+.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up as I am just going to have to go through it all again, afterall there was a lot of bleeding.
I was hoping if baby has gone my tests will atleast start to fade.
I was 5+2 when I bled so the 3+ is the one that confused me most.

G3mz, did you test after you bled? Xxx
This time I did but only with frer which was still positive but not as strong as I thought it should of been by then but my lines never became very strong my test were positive for a few weeks only faded when I had the proper bleed.
But with my dd I bled so heavily clots the lot and was screaming in agony thought there was no way I could possibly still be pregnant but my tests stayed strong!
When they do your beta 2moro will they give you the results the same day?
I'm not sure when they will give them as yesterday they said they take 24 hours to come back! Which will do my head in if I have to wait until tues. You have been through so much g3mz, xx
Aww bumski am hoping so much that I still have ur little bean snug there!! Thinking about everyday :hugs:
I think we have all been through a lot in our journeys to conceive but what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger!
Will be thinking of you Hun just try to take it easy, easier said than done I know! xx
There are some very strong ladies here....
Don't give up yet bumski, I'm so sorry your going through this. I had bright red bleeding at 7 weeks for one day the same as u then it stopped. THANK GOD I had scan booked the next day anyway- which was internal. Can they not do internal that early then?
It turned out to be fine and u could see where bleeding had come from and they said it was not near baby. Try to rest, and I hope you find out soon. I think it's positive that your still having positive hpts! To have hope will not make a bad outcome worse to deal with I have been told anyway! We will all have hope for you x x

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