Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Omg bumski that's so unexpected from what u said! But amazing what a fighter! Hopefully clot will
Come away with out disturbing bubba! X
Oh no I will really miss you if you go :(
I completely understand if you need a break for a while though to concentrate on your treatment, sometimes it's needed to keep our sanity!
Iv left here for a break on more than one occasion.
Whatever you choose though, remember we are all here to support you whenever you need it ;) xx

Hi nimbec, they have put me at 6+2 which is what I thought, she was over the moon with the baby's progress so that's a positive, just feel like I'm sitting on a time bomb now, I daren't even use the loo! But I'm hoping each day will get better, just scared for the bleed she said I will have.
How are you doing, are you passed all the yucky symptoms now and into blooming?
I hope baby is treating you well x
Thankyou schoolteacher, can't even describe how it felt in the scan! Soooo weird! But I could have been broken hearted now, I'm just glad it's hanging on, iv got to have faith now.
Did you have your scan? X
Thank you :hugs: I have met so many lovely ladies on here and I will find t hard to have a break but it's for the best in so many ways but I will defo be back but at the min am not ready to leave just yet :haha: think once am back on my feet after recovery I will take my break :)
Don't forget to let us know before you go though, will be thinking of you and always hope everything goes well. Your number 1 and have to be prepared in the best way for yourself. Xxxx
Yeah of course I will :) I just think I will find it easy dealing with the treatment with just me as Paul rather than me just sitting on here expressing how am feeling then forgetting to tell Paul if u know what I mean lol
Defo have a break pcct if u need to do I have done before 2. X

Bumski- has the bleed come yet that she said would? Must be do nerve wracking I can't even imagine. I thank god that I only had to endure 1 bleed. Every day passed is good. X
Aww pcct definately do what is best for you we will all still be here when you return! (((hugs)))
No bleed as of yet, I'm staying in bed as much as poss, I'm dreading another bleed and every twinge makes me panic lol.
Thank ladies a break is what am defo guna have once am back on feet ect :) I will sure to let u all no once am away for a bit :) and I will still be thinking of u all when am on my break :)
How are u feeling bumski?
Nimbec, schoolteacher can't believe u r like half way thru ur pregnacys already :dance: u must a lovely bump grown :hugs: to u both

How is things g3?
Hope I havnt missed anyway
Hi all I've had a scary 24hrs was walking my chuihuaua on the common yesterday when a lady walking 5 big dogs let go of her English bull terrier it charged at us and broadsided my bump - ouch!! I was really hurting got admitted and given injections for incase there was bleeding inside but I'm ok now I'm just on way home but very frightening! All is ok with bump we are both just a bit bruised and have to take it easy!

Hope everyone's ok?
Aww nimbec what a fright u must have got :hugs: glad everything is ok tho.... Dogs can sometimes just be too overly happy to see someone and jump all over u! My dog likes to use is to have a long stretch on :haha: trying to get him to stop. Glad everything is ok tho I have a staffy and I panic when dogs bigger than him pass lol
Am actually petrified if English bull terriers!! I would have been scared
Omg nimbec! How scary! I'm so glad both you and baby are ok, it's a good job he is well protected in there. Hope you recover quickly. I have 2 staffys and the one in my avatar is the nutty one, trying to calm him down a lot as he too gets overly excited at everything, just this morning Dh left the door open downstairs and he made a run for it straight upstairs and onto the bed where I am.
I bet your poor little dog was quite scared too. X
Can't believe how much has gone on so quickly!!

Bumski sounds like you have had an awful time! Hope everything settles soon for you and you can start to enjoy your pregnancy!!
How are you now?

Nimbec must have been scary! Glad your ok!

Pcct I understand about needing to take a break I don't come on here as much as I used to but when I did the last ivf I was on here constantly i let it take over my life a bit!! But the support was also good as apart from my dh I felt like none of my friends or family really understood what I was going through. Just make sure you let us know how you are when you feel ready :)

Hi schoolteacher :)

Hope everyone is well?

Afm I don't know how to feel about it all anymore everything is depending on dh sperm now really need to find some motile!! I know that pressure isn't going to help him! Having another SA next Wednesday so fingers crossed! And the clinic phoned to move my dates by a week so EC is now the week of 28th jan. so it's just a waiting game now!
Hey thanks g3 I will sure let u all no :) like ur self it's just taking over a bit and need to stop coming on as much!

Bumski how lovely to see u have ticker back up :happydance:
Thanks pcct and g3mz, and I'm good for now. Very sickly most of the day but I really don't mind.
G3mz I really hope they manage to find some motile, what were they like at your last ivf? Were there any motile then?
I'm hoping they get some lovely strong little swimmers for you x
Hi all! Nimbec glad your ok! I hope the women apologised! X my sister was kicked in the bump by a man when she was swimming! Bet he felt like a right bad guy! X

Bumski- what's next for you another scan? X x

Hi pcct an g3! I hope u get some good sperm g3! Poor DH! X

AFM- all fine! Bump nice, quite low whatever that suggests! Lots of people saying bump quite small which is highly annoying! Very achy legs hips and back at night I'm like an old granny!!! They held interviews for my maternity cover today which I found totally weird! X
Hi schoolteacher, more bleeding for me this morning :( it wasnt as bad as the other times and didn't last as long so hoping it's just old blood like the sonographer said would happen. I have a scan tomorrow at 11 so hoping all is still ok, ms faded yesterday so got worried but I got it back a bit today. Just glad I havnt got a long wait for the scan.
How are you doing? Do you have a nice big bump now? X
Pcct I'm loving your new pic! Beautiful! X
Thank you bumski :)
Hope ur scan went well!
Yesterday wa so stressful filling my form out for egg share I hate talking about my self but am ll done done as ready to send it, wasn't sure exactly what to put on it :shrug:
Hope everyone is well :)

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