Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Aw no way! :( will u be on them until u have baby now?
Yes it's been very quite in here.
Yeah getting all ready for x mas just a few bits to get! What about u?
Hi everyone!! Sorry I've not been about I've had a stressful time with oh's familly and work it's totally taken it out of me. I'm now also on a heart monitor as my ticker is doing daft things (not related to my pacemaker) so things pretty bonkers here BUT bubs is fine and its V day Tuesday whoooo hoooo

I managed to get my tree and decorations up yesterday it's so cheery when they are up!

Schoolteacher sorry to hear u are in pain and on crutches :(

Hope everyone is ok ??
Hey pcct- I'm not sure about the crutches, will have to see... Not sure how I will get on with them when I'm back at work on Thursday... Oh god!! :-(
Hmm about 75% there with Xmas lol! Had to buy most stuff online this year. X

Nimbec- sorry you've had stressful time, about heart issues too! Goodness! Yay for V day coming up though! I can't wait to get decorations up- normally wait til about 10 days before as the cat always knocks stuff of it, but I think we're gonna go for it tomorrow!!!! X
Thanks school teacher! Yes my chuihuaua puppy thinks the baubles are great grrrrr!!!

Hope you manage with the crutches so sorry to hear you are struggling :(
Hi Girls, had my scan yest pregnancy has been classed as viable hearbeat seen and baby looks to be in the right place. Consultant has said that this pregnancy is very high risk due to my tubes being in such a bad state. He said he won't be happy until i am 14-15weeks.
Nimbec- Hope your ticker sorts itself out and you have no further problems.
Schoolteacher- crutches and pain must be awful. Shocked the school is allowing you back on crutches the schools up here make people stay off for health and safety reasons.
bumski-I hope your ok not heard from you in a while. Hope bleeding has stopped.
Pcct- Your IVF is just around the corner! You getting excited?
I'm in agony at moment my stomach is producing far too much acid- stomach cramps, growling, feeling constantly hungry but food does not help.Not getting any sleep. Had camera down last year-when its this bad is burns the lining of my stomach. Had managed to get off meds and had no probs for months till few days ago so pregnancy must be aggravating it. Gutted as can't take usual meds :( But hopefully will all be worth it in 9mths.
Hope that's fantastic news that scan went well! Seeing as baby has made it down tubes and is now snuggled in fx he/she stays put!!! I was also very high risk due to previous losses and medical history and its my V day today so there is hope - stay positive! Sorry to hear about your stomach :( would it be worth seeing doc to see if they am give you anything that's safe in pregnancy?

Hope everyone is ok?

Xmas is getting close now yay!! For the first time eee I feel really Christmassy :)
That Great news about your Scan hope!
Happy v at nimbec :dance:
Yeah am gettin excited that is just around the corner! Still waiting for a match tho :dohh:
2 weeks to x mas :wohoo:
Thanks Girls!!! Guess i'm scared to think about the pregnancy or get excited coz i know if something goes wrong then IVF will be my only option. Won't be able to egg share as 36 in feb and my partner said no to IVF in the end anyway. I forgot to mention he has come round think it was such a BIG SHOCK for both of us seems so sureal.
Doctor gave me a gaviscon type substance- pure yuk!!! Has helped a little but only got it today. Awful though why would i want to pour what tastes like toothpaste and is nearly as thick just after i have ate ie carbonara for tea washed down with toothpaste :( Mind anyhting to take away the pain etc.
Nimbec- Fab news on Vday!!!!!!!! have you chose a name for your little boy yet?
Pcct- So is it all go once you have a match?
2weeks till christmas this month is flying- Mind so is my tree!! I have 2cats and the youngest won't stop climbing and ruining it!!! She woke me up sat night at 1am had to go drag her out of it 6ft high and lock her out the sitting room. Then other cat wanted out at 430am. They sure are keeping me up and in practise for sleepless nights to come. xx
Eeewww really doesn't sound nice but if it helps u gotta do it :thumbup:
Yeah once we get a match its all go well once we know what prota call we will be on ect!
Aww your cats sounds so sweet getting u into practice for sure!
Was at the doctors tonight and been signed off another 4 weeks!! I almost passed out when he said 4 weeks! But that means am off all over x mad an new year!
Pcct- You off work due to having your tubes removed? (not sure if i have missed something else) I think having christmas and new year off is fab!!! Best time to be off in my opinion less stress more fun :)
Anyone know how Bumski is? she has not posted in a while and i'm concerned. Hope the bleeding has stopped and everything is ok. x
Hi all? Ive not heard from bumski no, when was her last post?

Hope- fab news on pregnancy! Naughty cats, u gotta love them though! X

Pcct - as hope said ru signed off coz of your recent op? I just come back from doc and been signed of again til the end of school term then I'm off anyway til the 7 th. I was willing to try an go back on crutches, but doc was like you can't do that!! I don't feel happy about it though :-( sad I won't see my class before crimbo, and I always feel guilty when I'm off. Anyway else get this or just me? I feel like I can't get christmassy until school breaks up next Friday! I feel no situation is right as I know I wouldn't cope at school but on the other hand I hate being stuck at home :-( x

Nimbec - yay for passing v day, now we've both got the final slog of 3rd tri coming up! Omg! Never thought I would be able to say that! X

Hi g3! U ok? X
Yeah hope I had my op on the 14th nov!
Am sure I have seen bumski in another thread was a we days ago.. Hope everything is ok :hugs:
Hi, sorry, iv been nipping on but snowed under trying to raise enough money for xmas as iv been off work for a few weeks altogether due to being on bed rest.
i have still been trying to keep up to date on how everyones doing though.

Schoolteacher, i hope your ok, sounds painful! hope its not causing too many problems for you x

Pcct, im still keeping my eye on you ;) i really cant wait for your ivf to start, its going to be so exciting x

g3mz, i hope your ok and dh is too. Still keeping everything crossed everything works out for you both, you deserve some good news x

nimbec, hope your doing ok hun, third tri soon ;) x

hope4 im glad your ok, im sure baby is going to do really well, afterall it is a very determined little one x

tryandwish, how are you doing hun, hows that bump coming along? x

AFM, iv still been bleeding but its been old blood so im not worrying over it, iv just been hit hard with 1st tri, i notice the difference in my age from last time with dd lol. :blush:
my next scan is 18th, pretty sure i will still have a lot of blood in there but i will be almost 11 weeks then, i keep telling myself i will relax after the next scan, then i bleed and i set my goal to the next one :dohh:
fx if all is well we can enjoy xmas and not overly worry. i havnt even started xmas shopping yet due to being stuck back in bed every few days so hoping to get it all done this week.

Less than two weeks until xmas, cant wait to get really excited!! :hugs:
Yeah school teacher I feel like that as well! But then u just have to think and put ur self first!
Hey bumski nice to hear u r doing ok sorry about the stupid bleed :dohh: hoping it goes away So u can just finally relax! Not long till ur scan :dance: u have a wry determined little one too Hun :hugs:
Thanks pcct x
Are you all ready for Christmas, probably your last proper drink for 9 months ;)
Think that's me all ready now :) just been picking a few bits and bobs up got the turkey week ago just got the veg ad things to get near the time ! Off to Newcastle this weekend to see other half family and give them all there gifts! An going to see dirty dancing tomorrow night too :dance:
Hopefully u can get all ur x mas in soon or order on line that's what I have done mostly this year!

I won't be drinking x mas or new year am not a big fan if drink anyway so not too fussed :)
hi ladies :hi:

4magpies i am at crgw and i think they are really good!! much better than my last clinic!! also they dont always wait to match you they now freeze donated eggs to which saves the wait! when are you looking to start?:flower:

bumski really hope you can relax after your next scan!! you have had an awful start but it will all be worth it!:thumbup:

hope41more so glad your partner has come around it must have been such a shock for both of you! :flower:

nimbec and school teacher sounds like your both having a hard time of it!! hope things ease up for both of you!!:hugs:

pcct hope they match you soon! you are so close now!!:happydance:

afm i have been very stressed out lately!! waiting for the date for PESA was really tough the clinic phoned yesterday and dh is in for it on saturday morning!! so fingers crossed for us ladies!! we were really hoping they would get him in before xmas so if it doesnt go well we will be so busy we wont have time to dwell on it!! i start injections in 2 weeks! its getting close now!! :wacko:
That's great news he is in so soon g3mz, what will happen if the PESA doesn't go to plan?
I'm keeping everything crossed for you, surely there must be some good little swimmers in there as you have already been through ivf. You really deserve this to work. X
Not long now until injections begin, oh exciting! Will you do your cycle this time round if you get enough eggs? X

Pcct, glad your nearly sorted Hun, iv decided to take dd shopping on sat to pick some pressure as she told me 'mum, I'm 13 now so it's best I pick stuff myself because no offence but any clothes you have picked in the past I havnt really liked! Didn't want to hurt your feelings though so I never said!' lol thought I was a cool mum, ha ha. X
g3mz- Will be thinking of you on sat... all my toes and fingers crossed. Like Bumski said you have done this before so surely they will find some good swimmers!!!! xxx

Bumski- Glad your back and you and baby are ok. yep this little one is determined, keep telling myself if it managed to make the journey to my womb (consultant does not even know how!) then it must be a little fighter who has been through so much already. Also if making me ill is anything to go by then he/she is doing a good jod.x

Pcct-Wow your in my neck of the woods this weekend, i live in south shields about 30mins from newcastle. It would be great if one day all us girls could meet up. Not sure about the rest of you but no one seems to understand what this process is like. It really does mess with your head- up and down, up and down!!! No wonder i feel sick lol.x

Schoolteacher-I agree with pcct you need to put yourself first and try not to feel so bad. Could you not just pop in before end of term to say Happy Christmas to your class??? Think school would understand how your feeling. What age do you teach? x

Nimbec-Hope your ticker is doing better. x

Tryandwish-Hope you pop in to see us soon. x

Well my partners friend had a little girl yest-12-12-12!!! Was lovely to here the news without feeling sad. reality sunk in a bit and got a quick rush of excitement-then blocked it out again. Has anyone else struggled with their emotions like this? TTC has made me crazy!!! After wanting it so bad it just does not seem real.
It's South Shields am going to :haha: what a small world!
Gm3 I hope ur appt goes well will be thinking if u :hugs:
Bumski lol at least ur dd had been honest lol wish I could have told my mum that when I was younger :haha: hope u have a lovely time shopping

I get every emotional when people have kids or announce there expectin I even got up set that Kate Middleton is expending lol it's crazy how it makes us all feel!
Nimbec and trying wish hope u r both doing ok

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