Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Hello girls.

I am looking at starting egg sharing at CRGW early next year hopefully.

Hope you dont mind me joining in!

Hi 4magpies, welcome to the thread! I hope your egg share goes nice and smoothly :)

Pcct, another step closer hun, hoping it's all the exciting stuff next for you x

Scan went really well yesterday, baby is perfect with perfect heartbeat and she told me all the bleeding has gone from around the sac and I only have a little bit under the sac along with a clot. She said she would be surprised if I bleed again now! So I was over the moon, but then last night, bang! Heavy bleeding again! WTF????
Iv had cramps last night and bleeding was like running a bloody tap!
I'm still bleeding heavy today but passed no clots so I'm back to square 1 again, I have to keep telling myself its blood from under the sac as there is nothing I can do for another week!
Iv rung the epu but they said I have moved my care from them up to Manchester (obviously not happy I had a scan at the clinic) iv argued it and they have said there is nothing they can do for a week which I'm getting used to hearing, so I just have to sit tight again.
Hope everyone else is having a better time.
It's my anniversary today and dd birthday tomorrow and back on bedrest so feel awful.
:hi: 4magpies welcome and good luck for ur egg share!

Glad scan went well bumski.. Until the bleed the next day :( hope ur getting plenty rest. And hope u have a lovely anniversary today and ur dd has a fab birthday tomoz :)

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Hi 4magpies :) I already spoke to you on your thread and I think you will find this one very good! :)

Oh bumski I really wish there was something I could do to make you feel better so sorry to hear you are having such a bad time :( hope you managed to make the best of your anniversary and dd birthday! Just remain positive as you have already been through so much and your baby is a little fighter!!

Hope everyone else is well :)

No news from me really dh goes in for another SA on Wednesday so hope they find some swimming!! He's been trying to hard he's been taking loads of vitamins,he's on a diet, cut down caffeine,no alcohol at all (he hasn't had even 1 drink in 8 months sinse we started ivf) he's been having cold showers!! After working 12 hours that can't be nice! But we know all this wont help the motility overnight so he will keep going with it and hope it pays off! x
Hi everyone :flower:

I know I haven't been on for AGES but hopefully I'm back :thumbup:

bumski - Can't believe what you're going through :hugs: All I can do is offer you all my positive thoughts. Hoping all the best for you :hugs:

nimbec - Hope everything is going well for you :thumbup:

pcct - Everything is moving so fast for you :D hope you get your match soon.

g3mz - Does it feel good to have started the bcp? Good luck for DH sa :thumbup:

schoolteacher - Have you had your anomaly scan? All okay?

4magpies - Everyone can join in :hugs: hope we can all help you with any questions you have as you start your journey :flower:

AFM - I have a hectic few weeks. First the assistant manager at work started her maternity leave and I am taking over her role so got more responsibility and I now have to give out orders. Then the manager went on holiday so I took over her position too just as deliveries went crazy and the whole week was manic and had to do overtime to get the work done before manager got back but she appreciated and she got me a prezzie and has given me a few hours off paid to say thank you. Then to top it off my mum went in to hospital for her second knee replacement so I have been looking after her animals and helping her in the house and doing her shopping ect. (luckily we live next door to each other!) so things are finally calming down a little. I'm getting used to being acting assistant manager and my mum is doing more things for herself again all the time. I also did my lower back in about a week and half ago and was even struggling to walk at times. Got over the worst of it in a few days but then it just kept niggling me. Remembered a trick I read about months ago to sleep with a pillow between your knees to keep your hips set correctly and so I tried it and it helped straight away. Still feel it now and then but its so much better. Any of you have niggling lower back ache? Try the pillow trick. It doesn't even feel like its my hips that are aching. It feels like its higher. About 4/5 inches above my coccyx. But seriously try the pillow :thumbup:

To finish off this essay I will show you how the "Smidge" bump is doing. First pic is 6 weeks 2 days and second pic is from 2 days ago at 17 weeks 3 days.:cloud9:



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    6 weeks + 2.jpg
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  • Bump 17 + 3.jpg
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Lovely bump Tryanwish! Glad your back an ok! I sleep with a pillow but it's not really helping- I'm have bad hip and pelvic pain- been referred to a physio as can hardly walk by evening. X

Bumski- cant believe they making u wait a week each time! X

Sorry cant remember anything else! Hi g3, nimbec and pcct! And magpies- welcome! X
Hiya everyone :) am doing good :) lovely bump pic :hugs:
Nothing new to report with me either am just waiting :)
Hope u r all well
Hi everyone, firstly i would like you all to know i have been reading this thread everyday but was just too hearbroken to say/write anything as this TTC rollercoaster really has been sooooo hard. I was so happy when i saw your FET worked and gave you your BFP bumski. I hope everything settles down and the bleeding stops again without halming the baby. So glad everyones pregnancies are progressing well and pcct sounds like you are on track with egg sharing. Know what you mean when you said you might need some time away so do what you feel best but i will be thinking of you. Well for people who can't remember me here is an update with lots of added info as i ended up in a bad place for a while and really could not post- sorry.
I had a HSG in June after trying for nearly 2yrs without any BFP. I was totally devastated and in shock when i was told both my tubes were blocked. (was at this time i looked into egg sharing) My consultant arranged for a lap & hysterscopy in sep to try and unblock them as blockage was believed to be proximal ends.
There was bad news here is what she reported word for word:-
At laparoscopy both tubes were damaged and they were kinked and pulled towards the pelvic wall on both sides. They were blocked proximally and distally, confirmed on dye test. The uterus looked normal with normal ovaries. The decision was taken not to do tubal cannulation as there is grade 3 tubal disease with bipolar disease on both sides.
-She goes on to say IVF is my only option.
I have had a awful few months my partner and i split up as he would not do IVF and even said he did not want a baby at all. We have been off and on, i stated counselling and even went back to uni to finish my degree (needed to try take my mind off things). We never had sex in sep and had sex once in oct. Well my period was late and i just believed my body was playing awful tricks on me (like we all discussed a few months ago when your period was late bumsi) so left it and left it as you do getting more upset and mixed up everyday. I could not take a test myself nor did i want too. So 10days late i went to my local clinic and explained the situation and said i wanted the pill for when my period came (could not go through this torture again) well...... pregnancy test later-
-IM PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT.... HOW?????
Total shock....shaking....had to abandon my car, my sister came to collect me and took me to A&E as i thought it must be eptopic. Had bloods taken from LMP-5wk 4days and 9000 (sat) then again yest 15000- 5wk 6days (yest) and scan confirmed baby is in the right place gestational sac and yolk sack seen!!!! STILL IN SHOCK!!!!!!!!
I'm still classed as high risk and have open access to the hosptial ward and they are arranging another scan in about a week as we have not seen the hearbeat yet. I will not settle or believe whats happening until this baby is here. But part of me is thinking this is such a miracle and a little fighter it is just meant to be.
I hope you don't mind me posting here. I know i did not do egg share but you all gave me help, advice and support when i needed it. I feel connected to you all.
Sorry for the long post. xxx
Oh my word what am amazing story!! A huge congratulations your story has defo touched my heart afer everything u have gone thru this I am amazing out come! I hope u and hubby are all ok now after all this we all know just how much lttc can strain any relationship :) thinking of u and hope u have a happy and heathy 9 months :cloud9:
Wow hope41more that is amazing news!! Congratulations!!!!! :) Proves miracles can happen!!

Tryandwish lovely bump you have now :)

Hope everyone is ok!!
Dh's SA is 2moro and I'm already stressing over it!! Going to try keep myself busy 2moro while waiting for the call from the clinic! X
Wow hope4 your story is amazing! Thankyou very much for your lovely message too. Your baby is def meant to be, I hope everything turns out perfectly and you and oh can sort things out, it really is testing at times ltttc, this baby obviously doesn't want you both giving up. Please let us know how your next scan goes too.
Absolutely massive congrats to you, you truly deserve this after all you have been through. What a lovely story to read! X

G3mz I hope dhs sample is ok tomorrow, I hope neither of you are too stressed over this, I hope they find some good little swimmers for you x
Hi everyone :hi:
I kept myself busy all day wrapping Xmas presents and putting the tree up..........then came the dreaded call :cry:
Dh's count had gone down to 0.3 mil and no motility and what's worse is that they went one step further and tested the non motile sperm and they were dead! He said the only option left is PESA and it would need to be done in December so we have to take out £1,000 loan now and cross our fingers that they find some sperm that's good enough, if not its the end of the road for us, I will still donate my eggs in January tho as planned.
We did discuss using doner sperm but dh doesn't feel happy with it but would go ahead if its what I really wanted but I wouldn't want to do anything he wasn't 100% happy with, we are extremely lucky to already have children and we both know that, and that's why I will still donate.
So 2moro I ring the clinic to book dh in for PESA and go from there
I'm trying not to give up hope just yet but trying to be realistic at the same time :wacko:

Bumski how are you? When is your scan? I sooooo hope things settle for you soon so you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy!

Hope everyone else is ok :hugs:
Oh gm3 am so sorry bout the result today :( I hope u can find some way round it its good but trying everything possible I have everything crossed for u :hugs:
g3mz- Oh i'm so sorry the news was not as you hoped. just think postive and with new hope that the PESE will work. I had to read up on what it meant, had heard of ISCI but not that. i think its lovely you will donate either way very kind thing to do-fingers crossed for you hunny. TTC is a rollercoaster and i was on it that long it made me sick literally.
Thank you girls for all your kind words and buski what you said brought a tear to my eye. My relationship has travelled this rollercoaster with me and has not done well during this whole process. i have been quite envious at how strong other peoples relationships have been on this site (i use envious as i would like that too, not to take it away from others if you know what i mean!) During the hard times he has not been there for me- emotionally or physically (he has literally left). He never came to the hospital sat and i was upset and scared. I only saw him for 5mins sat night and realised we were both so shocked and our heads were whirling with so much info- we needed time and space. I was also scared to what he might say- days after surgery he said he did not want to do IVF/egg share and infact did not even want a baby at all!!! we split up.... then on and off. from sat till last night i did not hear from him. So angry and hurt as i spent all day sat and mon in hospital not knowing if it was eptopic and thus mine and babies life at risk.
Im still in BIG SHOCK- flit from quick bursts of being ecstatic to anxious/panic. Then the questions whirling through my head- will my relationship get through this? feeling irresponsible for getting pregnant to a man who would treat me like this (not good role model to my teenage girls) I have not been taking folic acid stopped when he refused to go through IVF so now panic thinking- will i miscarry? will the baby be disabled? Im lucky i don't drink and smoke then how would i feel! sorry for rambling on and on. Soooo messed up and Sooo scared!!!! This roller coaster has been the hardest journey i have gone through, i now struggle to connect with my emotions and feeling like im waiting for the next down turn....i'm pregnant so preparing myself for a loss. Can any of you girls relate??? Im scared this TTC has literally made me crazy!!!
G3mz I am sorry for the bad news.

I hope they get some sperm when they do PESA.

Just realised you're very close to me. Which clinic are you using?

g3mz- Oh i'm so sorry the news was not as you hoped. just think postive and with new hope that the PESE will work. I had to read up on what it meant, had heard of ISCI but not that. i think its lovely you will donate either way very kind thing to do-fingers crossed for you hunny. TTC is a rollercoaster and i was on it that long it made me sick literally.
Thank you girls for all your kind words and buski what you said brought a tear to my eye. My relationship has travelled this rollercoaster with me and has not done well during this whole process. i have been quite envious at how strong other peoples relationships have been on this site (i use envious as i would like that too, not to take it away from others if you know what i mean!) During the hard times he has not been there for me- emotionally or physically (he has literally left). He never came to the hospital sat and i was upset and scared. I only saw him for 5mins sat night and realised we were both so shocked and our heads were whirling with so much info- we needed time and space. I was also scared to what he might say- days after surgery he said he did not want to do IVF/egg share and infact did not even want a baby at all!!! we split up.... then on and off. from sat till last night i did not hear from him. So angry and hurt as i spent all day sat and mon in hospital not knowing if it was eptopic and thus mine and babies life at risk.
Im still in BIG SHOCK- flit from quick bursts of being ecstatic to anxious/panic. Then the questions whirling through my head- will my relationship get through this? feeling irresponsible for getting pregnant to a man who would treat me like this (not good role model to my teenage girls) I have not been taking folic acid stopped when he refused to go through IVF so now panic thinking- will i miscarry? will the baby be disabled? Im lucky i don't drink and smoke then how would i feel! sorry for rambling on and on. Soooo messed up and Sooo scared!!!! This roller coaster has been the hardest journey i have gone through, i now struggle to connect with my emotions and feeling like im waiting for the next down turn....i'm pregnant so preparing myself for a loss. Can any of you girls relate??? Im scared this TTC has literally made me crazy!!!

I can relate to the fear of ectopic and loss, your OH sounds like my ex, treated me like dirt and to be honest I am glad I had a MC and ectopic with him, as I wouldnt wanted to have been tied to him for life and if my fertility wasnt so shit I wouldnt have ended up with my current OH who is my world, and I am his. He treats me like a princess, and cant wait for me to be pregnant with our baby. I didn't believe in love and strength as a couple like this till I met him. I am very very lucky.

Hope you sort your head out.
Hi all!

Hopeful- amazing story, I'm sorry about your worries though- baby will be fine however! X x

G3 - I'm sorry your looking at pese now, bad enough without the cost x

Oh sorry ladies I can't remember anything g else that's been said!

I have been diagnosed with SPD - symphysis pubis dysfunction, basically I can hardly walk by end of day and agony at night as pelvis separating too much. Signed of at the mo but seems pointless as it not gonna go away- but I wanna avoid crutches! X
Oh no schoolteacher :( sounds painful! Hopefully u won't need crunches.
Hope everyone is well
Hey hope everyone is doing well :) nothing new to report with me, just waiting for a match feels like ages!
Hi pcct! Quiet on here! You getting ready for Xmas? :)
I'm now on crutches! God feel like such an idiot it's really upsetting me! X

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