Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Hi Girls

Gosh I totally agree and understand how you ladies all feel/felt. The emotional rollercoaster is uncomprehendable to anyone who has not been through it themselves! I'd love to meet up I think thats a fantastic idea!!! I think we are all at opp ends of the country - although at least we are in the SAME country! There are a few welsh girls i think.....maybe we should list where we are from and try and find a mid point?

Pcct I so understand how you feel i was sooooo pent up with jealousy and struggled to even look at pregnant women without welling up in self pitty :cry: It's the hardest thing ever and i'm sending you a massive hug :hugs:

G3 I'll be thinking of you too good luck :flower:

Bumski i'm pleased to hear all ok....looks like you have a strong one!

Hope - Its an amazing time for you and as you say your fighter has made it through the hardest part of the journey so FX for you!! Stay strong and try to relax - easier said than done i know!!

Schoolteacher so sorry you are struggling but you have to put yourself and bubs first as the girls have said....maybe pop into see the kids?? My back is causing me some greif too but nothing like yours i can't even imagine how uncomfertable you must be feeling :hugs:

Well i had a terrible day yesterday with idiot doctors a very long story but the most commical/unbelievable bit was when a stupid registrar tried to tell me that they had found the babies hb and in actual fact it was MINE! yes mine was running fast hence why i was there....she argued with me and i insisted she took my pulse at the same time ...cue embarrasment!! She was so rude to me infact i was so disgusted that when i see the consultant on the 2nd jan i will be telling her all about it!! My midwifes were horrified! Anyway i've calmed down now and am feeling ok. From my own cardiac knowledge i have looked at my ecg and can understand what is happening and that is pregnancy causing it so i'm not too concerned ...yet! lol

Hope i havent forgotten anyone!!
Pcct- It is a small world isnt it!! I live near the marsden inn just up from the coast. Enjoy your little trip to see us sand dancers.
I know exactly how you feel about finding out about pregnancies....worse one was when i found out about the girl who had the baby yest. I was staring out my sitting room window really upset about my dad (he had past away few mth before) tears in my eyes as something had reminded me of him and my partner said whats wrong? i did not want to cry so said i didn't want to talk about it, so he kept pestering me. Then he said have you found out claire is pregnant??? well that was it i ran off in uncontrolable tears and locked myself in my room and told him it was over between us!!!! Screamed at him i was upset about my dad and thats why i don't get upset and thanked him for making me feel 100times worse!!! (total emotional breakdown) Have had a lot of pregnancies and those babies born since i started TTC. My best friend and i said we would have one together...took her 6mth trying and he's one new years eve, my sisters boy turned 1- oct as well as my niece other friends etc. I got scared of going out or people saying i have something to tell you.
I think you will be joining us soon though and have heard that IVF because of tubal problems has the best success rates :)
Nimbec- I think i would be great to meet up put faces to all these girls i have poured my heart out too and know more about my TTC journey then my own family and friends. People who actually understand how we feel, why we feel and don't question it coz they have felt that way themselves.
Also had bad experience myself when i went for my scan mon. Walked in to see consultant who said 'you are here coz you had a recent loss' i was like 'NO'. Then i realised he did not have my notes lucky i took my own (had copies send from FS) handed him the finding from my operation etc. He was awful, cold, shrugged off my questions and when he did the scan only thing he said was 'im not happy with this!' nurse piped up and said 'it's the machine nothing wrong with you' he never showed me the screen, the heartbeat nothing!!! wish i had complained. He should have know why i was there, had my notes, read them and spoken to me nicely!!! then he said 'i won't be happy till your 14-15wks, make an appointment with your midwife'. Awful experience, but was just grateful he/she has a heartbeat and is were they should be.
Opps-sorry long post!!!
Oh so not not far from where we go :) we always sit at the coast with a minchelas ice cream I love sitting watching the waves! That's where my other is from so we r there quite a lot his nana just stays round from ocean road :) I love shields!
This is so hard when ur on the ttc roller coaster no one does understand unless they are or have been thru it too. And meeting up with u all would be amazing am in Scotland just outside Edinburgh :)
Hi ladies!
Well what an emotional drain yesterday was I feel like iv been run over by a bus!
We arrived at the clinic and the doctor that was going to operate came to talk to us and she was under the impression that dh had only given one sample and wanted dh to give another sample instead and then re book PESA if sample was the same!! I told her he had given 2 samples!! And tests had proved them to be dead sperm that's why the embryologist had told us to go for the procedure!! So she wouldn't take my word for it and went to look for the embryologist that confirmed everything I had already said!!
They then talked us through the procedure, they were first going to try PESA where the try to extract the sperm with a needle that's straight forward and takes around 15 minutes if that didn't work they would try TESE where they slice into his testicles and take a sample of tissue and check it for sperm!
And that's what they had to do!
We don't know for certain what the results are yet but the embryologist did say on first glance he did see a motile sperm!! So fingers crossed they will be ringing us tomorrow to tell us if we have enough motile!!

If I respond well in january I will share then if not ill donate all and have my cycle in April!

Hope everyone is well :)
Of g3 I soooooo hope Yey find enough!!!!! You both really deserve some luck you have been through the mill! Please keep us updated, I'm thinking of you!!!
Hey yeah that does sound positive got everything crossed for u both !
Thanks everyone! Poor dh is in agony bless him and VERY bruised down below they only sliced one as they seen a motile sperm so could have been worse!! I'm remaining positive as long as we got enough for a cycle dh said he would go through it again if needed!
We had talked about using doner sperm if we don't get enough but I'm hoping it won't come to that :)
g3mz- It does sound positive, if they had not found enough then from what you have said they would have looked at the other testicle (think they are just keeping their cards to their chest till they look at the sample in more detail) I really hope it's good news. Fingers crossed you respond well in Jan and can do your cycle then. You both deserve this so much. Wishing your dh a speedy recovery too. xxx
Oh g3mz I'm keeping everything crossed you get some good news! Poor Dh, he sounds like a top bloke, I don't think my Dh would go that far, hope he recovers quickly.
I will also be hoping you get to do your ivf in jan. How many eggs do you need to get? X
Pcct have they found you a match yet? Not long to go now x
Well that's me got my treatment plan in and will be starting day 21 of my January cycle :) all tho I haven't had my dec cycle yet that was ment to be here in the 6th so looks like it may be a early January cycle
Oh pcct that's a brilliant Xmas pressie for you! Are you getting excited yet? I'm excited for you xx
Had my scan today and baby is perfect measuring 40mm approx as it wouldn't keep still, it was kicking and rolling round having the time of it's life in there.
My bleed has shrunk loads too :))))
I have a tiny bleed behind the sac and a small bleed underneath but baby is now bigger than the bleeds!
I'm absolutely ecstatic and feel I can start to relax and enjoy it. So it's now being announced and it feels great! X
yay pcct :happydance: bet your so excited now!!! what is your treatment plan??

bumski thats great!! so nice to hear all this happy news today!!

dh phoned the clinic yesterday and spoke to the receptionist who confirmed we have sperm frozen!!:happydance: no idea how much but it must be enough for at least one cycle or they would not have frozen!! so we can relax now and enjoy xmas!! :winkwink:
Oh g3mz that's fantastic, you both must be over the moon. Today is obviously a very positive day! I'm glad you have had some good news! X
Aw bumski that is brill news!!!! Am so happy for u! How did u announce ?
Brill news on the sperm Hun such great news!!
I am so excited but very nervous had a little moment thinking I couldn't do this! But gave my self a shake it was just all the dates ect about getting your period and when using the spray I will bleed after but make sure I keep a note of the dates ect! Am sure once it's all sunk in ill be fine :D
Just a quicki to say YAY to all the good news today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All is good with me too - just waiting now till 2nd Jan when they will hopefully tell me if i have to have a c section and at how many weeks (due to my pacemaker & heart troubles!)
Wow loads of good news!!!
g3mz- So glad they found enough sperm to freeze. Fingers crossed you can share your eggs in Jan!!!
pcct- Excellent news, you sound a bit nervous. Crazy how we want things so bad that when it gets close we get frightened. This is your time so think positive and fingers crossed it all works out perfect for you. Hopefully you and g3mz will be doing things at same time.
pcct and g3mz- have you thought about how many embies you would put back?
Bumski- fantastic news bet your over the moon. Must have been fantasic seeing little one moving about on the screen and great news the bleeds have shrunk. Was it your scan from NHS or Fertility clinic?
Nimbec- if not a c section will they induce you early? Do you have a preference natural vs c section.
Well i had my hour long midwives appointment today. cannot believe the paperwork involved!! had one sheet when i had my last child (my god its so long ago it feels like a dream) she had to fill out books, took 50mins before she took my bloods. Now awaiting scan date for 11-14wk scan. Have opted to have all tests- done down syndrome etc especially as i'm 35yrs.
Its funny how much this LTTC journey has changed me, i cried when i put on weight with my girls, complained about all the pregnancy related problems. Now I'm ill but so what (i'm lucky to be in this position) as for putting weight on bring on the maternity clothes- going to be showing my baby bump off!!! My taste buds have completly changed my sweet tooth has been replaced with my main craving- heinz tomato soup, followed by nachos (melted cheese, salsa, sour cream etc) crisps (pickled onion monster munch) and mini cheddars. My sister rang yest to tell me tesco had the soup on offer (4tins for £2) she laughed when i told her to get me 20tins!!!
Glad everyone has good news and great hope for christmas. Bring on 2013, fingers crossed we are all holding babies this time next year!!! xxx
Yeah I was so nervous I knew right away what it was when I seem the clinics name on envelope I was shaking so bad I couldn't open it :haha: am feeling so much better now as its all sunk in! Ur so right what u say tho about waiting for it to come and when it does its frighten!!
We are only having 1 put back :) time to think positive now :)
:rofl: that's so funny about the soup! Lol ... How lovely how it be us all holding out babies next Xmas :cloud9:
Been amazing news In here for everyone :)
Hi everyone,
Well 330am and up for the loo and super thirsty. worst bit about getting up is it wakes up my 2cats and they think it's time to get up too- Its like waking a sleeping baby!youngest is now playing with a toy and has prob woke the kids as she has also been scratching on her scratch post. I got my first cat to try and ward off my broodiness but it never worked!! Got my 12wk scan appointment through the post- 9th Jan. If all looks ok will be letting people know after that. (Only my mam, siblings, my kids and best friend know at the moment)
Hope everyone is well and not too stressed with christmas preparations (like i am!). xxx

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