Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Wee bumski that's so exciting can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl :) I can't even guess lol af should be due Monday/ Tuesday can bet she is late grrrr

Oh yeah! Whenever you want af bloody thing is late! Lol! So it's only days now until you start stimming? Wow, how are you feeling? X
hi everyone! :hi:

wow bumski ur scan pic is amazing!! and i think he/she deffo has a guardian angel watching over them as you have been through so much you have 1 very strong little baby there!! :winkwink: soooo exciting you will soon know the sex!!

pcct yay all the waiting is nearly over bet you cant wait!! :thumbup:

hope41more how did the scan go hun??:flower:

how is everyone doing??

i have been having quick peeks but havnt had a chance to post life has been crazy!! my brothers ex had his baby but didnt tell him (we knew she was pregnant she just didnt let us know he had been born) so its been upsetting for all the family we have seen pictures on her sisters facebook but thats it :cry:
but i went with my brother to the solicitors today and the ball is rolling now so hopefully it wont take to long!
my daughter also started having hydro therapy today, im starting an asd course on friday to learn more about my sons autism and what to expect from the future!! i have their medical reviews,school statement reviews, dd's birthday next week! its crazy here:wacko:
im still struggling with my injections i seem to be finding it harder this time around......i know its strange!!
im having my baseline scan on monday and hopefully starting stimms!! havent had much time to think about it but writing this now im quite excited:happydance:
Hey bumski no I will be down reg first on nasal spray. Am feeling so bloody excited for all this to start :) really anxious too tho

G3 the wait only seamed like last week it's all happen so fast lol
Sorry things have been hectic for u at the min :hugs: hope things get better soon
Good luck for ur scan on Monday how great that u will be be stim soon :)
Hi girls..... I'M SOOOOO HAPPY :) baby is alive and kicking- what a relief!!!! I'm technically useless so will ask my daughter to show me how to post my scan pics.
As soon as she put the scanner on my belly the baby pushed and jumped up- gave me a shock. Weird thing is it still won't sink in- still feels so sureal. This whole ttc process has totally messed with my head, but know i am soooo much more grateful, appreciative etc than with my other pregnancies. I think when something is given to us on a plate it is not the same as working your butt off for it. It really has changed my persceptive on life and what matters. Not bothered if it is a boy or a girl, if i get fat etc as long as my baby is healthy.
Oh my scan showed i am 12wks today. Which confirmed my thoughts that baby was conceived on halloween. We had sex once the night before so according to shettles i'm having a boy, have to wait and see. I was sooo upset on halloween as it was the first after confirmation i could not have anymore children unless we did IVF (as you girls know we had split up as oh did not want too) halloween has been the hardest holiday for me as my girls had got too big for trick or treating etc and now go to friends parties. I was so upset and refused to see oh that day and went out to see my friend (if only i had known i was making a baby!!!). Totally seems like fate.
Bumski are you having a gender scan at 16wks??? i'm tempted to pay for a private scan as waiting till 20wks will be torture. My best friend paid for a gender scan as i told her according to the nub theory and when she had sex see was having a boy- i was right.
g3mz and pcct- it is getting sooo close for you both, i don't know exactly how the whole process works so not sure when you will be ready for egg collection etc. So looking forward to sharing your incredible journey with you's. xxx
Wooooooooooo hoopoooo :dance: :wohoo: :happydance: am so excited I have only read the first line haha am just going to read the rest waaaah
Aw hope this is amazing news :) am so happy for !! so true what u say about taken things for granted and how it changes your of thinking in life! I know if I ever become pregnant I wil not believe it one bit! Even now having ivf seam all surreal .... But wow happy 12 weeks little rainbow baby!!!
Sorry not been on but been reading. Not felt right recently and tend to go into myself a bit. Anyway!! Not good news really: my waters have broken at 30+3 weeks!! Started Wednesday night a trickle down my legs- they tried to say it was discharge at first I knew it wasn't!!! Was still gushing lots! So went back and it was confirmed, been in hospital overnight but no sign of labour, will keep you posted x
Aww schoolteacher :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
You have 2 sets of waters back and front have both gone? Have they given you steroid injections? I went into labour at 31 weeks with my boy and can remember how scared I was but my contractions eased off and he was born by c section at 32 weeks and weighed just 4lb 2oz and he's now a strong 5 year old in clothes age 6-7, would never think he was a prem baby! Hope everything is ok will be thinking of you!! :hugs:

Hope41more so glad your scan went well!! Hope you can enjoy your pregnancy now!! :flower:

Pcct just days now until you start! Have they said how long it will be until you start stimming?? :happydance:

Bumski how are you Hun??

Hope everyone else is well!

My clinic phoned this week to try move my dates again!! Can't say I was happy as I had already moved them once for them so I explained I couldn't as I have so much on and dh has arranged the time off work to help me with the kids and their appointments so I'm still in for baseline on Monday hoping to start stimms then and egg collection week of 28th jan! X
:hugs: aww school teacher . Am sure everything will be just fine thinking if you.
G3 hi good luck for ur baseline scan hope everything's looking good to go!

Afm - I got my first batch of drugs this morning ahhhh so exciting 150mg of suprecur nasal spray! Just waiting for af to show
I hope they let u start stimms g3! Thanks for telling me about your son :)
No signs of labour so hopefully I will be able to keep baby in for a few more weeks they said I gotta stay in another 24hrs. They wanna try and get me to 34 weeks but preferably 37 weeks at the latest. Already got signs of infection though and water is still coming. I have had had first steroid injection bout to have second to help with babies lungs, also on antibiotics :-( x
Yay to down regging pcct and to starting stimms g3! We've got a right spread of situations on here! X
Got everything crossed for u Hun that you can keep going for another few weeks or so :hugs:
Hi all!

Schoolteacher I'm crossing fingers too that you hang on another couple of weeks!

Yay pcct and g3 the process is underway!! Hope your both ok!

Sorry I've not been around I've had quite an eventful time. Not sure how to condense it but here goes... Had some heart problems so had to see consultant then my back gave in (old fracture of spine) so had to see spinal specialist am now having a mini op next Wednesday :( that in its self ment visiting more consultants and getting them to communicate grrrr on top of this my dad has been very poorly with tachycardia and a virus so was hospitalised (ment visiting and a 400mile round trip) not that I would have had it any other way!! Bubs is fine - measuring a bit small but nothing to worry about. It has been confirmed that I will have a section between 36-38 weeks :)

Hope everyone is ok?! (((Hugs))) to all!!!
Sorry about all your problems nimbec! If I make it to 37 weeks our babies will still be close together! Let's see!!! X
Sorry to hear nimbec :( hope everything gets better soon:hugs:

Hi school teacher i cant remember if it was yourself or not that's had a itch rash at the start of your pregnancy ? What it is, thes a lady I speak to on here who has just started experiencing the same problem and just wondering what it was u had and how you stopped it ect
Thanks guys! School teacher I'm having preggy brain moment how many weeks are you now? It's getting scary isn't it eeek exciting too tho!

Pcct there was a lady on a thread that I chat to that got given antihistamines some are ok I think but has to e given by doc!
Aw yeah she has been to the doctor but they havnt giving her anything , they said its a allergic reaction to something but she hasn't ate or done anything diff :shrug:
Hope I'm so so glad your scan went well, I bet it was amazing to see your little one finally, you have been very patient :) I'm so pleased all is well. What is your due date? X

Schoolteacher, I really hope your ok and baby stays put for a few more weeks, must be eager to meet it's mummy and daddy but let's just hope it's to comfy yet. I have a friend who had her sons at 28 weeks and then at 24 weeks! Both are doing amazingly well x

Pcct, that's great your first set of drugs have arrived! Countdown begins! Hope you have plenty to take your mind off it all x

G3mz, good on you for standing your ground! I hope they don't try and mess you around anymore! Still keeping everything crossed you get plenty of lovely eggs! Gl x

Nimbec, sounds like you've been having a rough time of it Hun, I hope your dad gets better soon and it's nothing too bad. Great news about knowing when your c section will be, wow it's really not far away now x

AFM, my head feels like it's ready to explode! I'm taking paracetamol but they do absolutely nothing for my headache! Do you know if there is anything else I can take? Should be going for a meal soon for dhs birthday but I can't even be arsed to do my hair lol. Oh well, it's worth it :) x
Hi all! Bumski I got to take paracetamol with codeine on permission from my GP when I had pain from a chest infection. X

Bumski - I'm 30+4 my ticker is out slightly. How u feeling? X

Pcct- is her rash on her tummy? They tried to say my rash was from the clexane injections I was having but I don't believe that as I had already been taking clexane for weeks before the rash came. I was given an anti itch cream which you could also wash with and put in the bath and a steroid cream - which is the only thing that really works I think. Perhaps that is what she needs? X

Hope- yay for scan! X

Hi g3! X
Hi Hun the rash started on her face then all over her body a part from her legs and now she is itchy all over - i shall say to her to :) thank you so much

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