Starting egg share buddy wanted.

:haha: I think so bumski lol never mind roll on next week now lol x
gm3z- glad all is going to plan, shame the injections hurt more this time and weird you are injecting yourself with old womens wee lol hope all goes well for next weeks scan.
Bumski- my pregnany still won't sink in neither, thought seeing baby might help. Was lovely but i was just watching a baby on a tv!!! Is that baby really mine and inside my tummy- REALLY??? (lost my mind months ago well before i got pregnant). would you like a boy or a girl? are you paying for your gender scan, if so do you mind me asking how much?
pcct- you have had me all excited waiting for your af and forthcoming journey, think i'm as gutted as you that you got your dates wrong. Hurry up af we want you early!!!
nimbec- hope all goes smoothly tomorrow and you sleep well.
schoolteacher- i hope you and baby are ok. Hope you update us all soon.
Night ladies. x
I know hope4 am so gutted too I told Paul I got the dates wrong too and he too was bit gutted bless um... Am sure it will be here before we know it :)

I keep getting buttflies thinking bout when am preg and just how much am thinking that i know it won't sink in for Ages lol can't imagine how u ladies are feeling!
Have any of u noticed that everything on tv radio u seam to hear ivf?? Am watching a program on 4 just now called utopia and it's mentioned on that - we always have a Scottish drama called river city a couple in that have had 2/3 cycles of ivf too! Then u have corrie with Tina and that girl! A all so saw on fb a girl saying she's starting ivf soon too! Before I started going down for ivf I have never heard it anywhere :haha: it's crazy!

Oh I forgot to add as well completely off subject but. Got so excited - has anyone seen the program coming on tomorrow called saving face?? Well the surgeon that is in the program that all so done Katie pipers surgery for her face with the acid well that was the same surgeon that done my :boobs: lol
Hey everyone thought I would up u all- well af showed this morning woo hoo and I start dr tomorrow morning :shock: yes tomorrow morning!! Ahhhh am so excited
:happydance:yay! :wohoo: sooo exciting!! And so glad you didn't have to wait until next week!! All go from now!!

How is everyone else??

Hope schoolteacher is ok??? X
Yeah am so exited :) I was ment to start dr on cd21 but they want me to start tomoz so it's in sinc with the other lady - it feels amazing known that the other lady would have got a call today to start dr tomorrow as well :)
Wow lovely feeling isn't it!
I haven't been matched this time my new clinic freezes the eggs I donate! So there's no waiting as they find a lot of women that go there opt for eggs from Valencia as its totally anonymous then and nobody can be traced!
My stomach is really sore today but its prob coz of all the injections but I'd like to think its coz iv got lots of follies growing this time.........I can wish ay!! I'm excited for my scan Monday but also very nervous I really hope I respond well x
Aw that's a really good way to do :)
I hope u have some lovely follies grown Hun :) not long till ur scan to find out I have everything crossed for u Hun :)
Eeek exciting pcct! And g3 I hope you have lots of follies in there!!

My mini op was a nightmare but all ok now - ill update you with the story in a day or so I'm still really rough but just an insight...the first question asked was 'I'd there any chance u could be pregnant?!' Errrrrr YES 29 weeks pmsl !! So funny she then looked at me and laughed she hadn't even acknowledged me properly as it wa blatantly obvious with my bump - it sticks out past my boobs now!!

Hope everyone is ok!
Aw nimbec glad everything is ok Sorry it was a nightmare tho .. Hope u have a speedy recovery :hugs:
haha that's funny them not noticing I were preg
YES!!! pcct af has arrived :) Oh not long now. Do you think you got your dates right then and af was just late?
Nimbec- sorry operation was a nightmare, hopefully you will have a speedy recovery and it will all be a distant memory soon. Honestly hospital staff are so 'aware' aren't they!! when i went to see my consultant his first words were 'your here due to a resent loss' i was there for a 7wk scan to make sure baby was in the right place!! obviously had not even read my notes at all.
Hope schoolteacher is ok, wonder if baby has been born with waters leaking and the infection. Hope all is well either way- thoughts are with you if your reading.
gm3z-just noticed your ticker thing says your giving all your eggs away this cycle and then your cycle in April, i thought you were waiting to see how many eggs you produced then deciding or have i missed something??? Hope egg collection goes well on monday.
Think tryandwish has left the building lol. Hope she is ok too.
Hope your well bumski.
Well my bump is growing and i have been wondering if i can feel the baby moving-still not sinking in though. Well my sister-in-law gave me some baby things yest- bouncer, moses basket etc and as i live in a cul-de-sac knew some of my neighbours would notice me carrying in my large items. Well they did and their faces were a picture. Prob taking bets on if it is me who is pregnant or one of my girls!!! It is hitting me hard now wondering were i am going to fit a baby in this house- no room in the inn!!!
I really don't know if am honest all I know my last was on the 20th dec lol
Haha that's so funny about ur neighbours they will defo be wondering if its u or the girls.
Nice to hear you bump is grown nice :) r u going to share a bump pic? X
Hi everyone!

So glad af has arrived pcct! It's all happening now x
Nimbec, why are Drs and nurses so stupid! Hope you heal quickly x
G3mz, not long until your scan, looking forward to your update, hope there is lots of big follies growing in there, gl x
Hope, yay to the bump starting! I keep wondering if I'm really pregnant because mine is hardly there, come on bump! Lol
Hi Girls, thought i'd share my good news.
Letter today- i'm pleased to inform you that the combined test shows you are at low risk of Down syndrome. Risk estimated at lower than 1 in 50,000 :)
pcct- well main thing is af turned up and you have strated- so excited for you. My eldest showed me an idea for bump pics and have decided to go with it. Wanted to start at 12wks but she has had exams so prob start this weekend as last exam is today. Hopefully going to wear the same top for all of the photos (going to try and do 1each wk) so can really see the difference. I have been able to tell the difference in my belly since around 8wks, but i def have a little bump now. It is my 4th (wow sounds a lot and too many!!!) and you could not tell i was pregnant with my first for the entire pregnancy and nurses joked i'd leave hospital in a bikini after birth. Weighed myself for first time since being pregnant and have put on a lot around 7lb!!! Pregnancy weight checker says 1 - 4.5lb for 13wk so bit concerned, might be due to christmas and having to eat every hour otherwise i feel or am sick.
Bumski- Do you have a small bump then or can't really tell at all? have you gained much weight so far?
Great news hope :)
That's my plans for taken bump pics am going to buy the belly book and add my pic to that every week (when am preg) lol looking forward to u sharing ur pics :)
hi ladies :flower:

nimbec hope you are ok now :flower:

pcct how are you finding the nasal spray?? :thumbup:

bumski how long now until your gender scan?? im guessing girl if you are carrying small

hope41more glad to hear your good news, i have 2 children with disabilities very hard work but so rewarding!!!! im just in for a scan on monday to check how im responding then im in sometime in the week of 28th for egg collection, trying not to pin my hopes on being able to share this time but its hard think il need 10 eggs or more for it to be worth me sharing this time but i only had 7 last time, but hoping i respond better with the stimms im on now.

afm this snow couldnt have come at a worse time!!! we have a red weather alert and the snow came down pretty heavy last nite!! good job we didnt have an appointment at the clinic today as the motorway was closed where we would have needed to go!! but we do need to be there monday morning so hope it stops but its supposed to be getting worse :shrug:
Hi Hun - finding it ok makes me feel quite sick after I have sprayed it with it going to the back of my throat , nothing water doesn't sort out :thumbup: other then that it's going good , just not looking forward to the side affects starting lol
We don't have an snow here yet it's due in the next few days tho - I hope it's clear for ur appt on Monday , as much as its lovely to look at it causes so much set back!
im loving the snow, its got me out of work today so i cant complain lol. we live on a hill and i have low profile tyres on my car so it just slides down the road like its an ice rink. NO CHANCE im leaving the house yet :)

I find out the sex next sat!! it feels so weird, iv got girl in my head, everything points to that but we will see. I get more of a bump at night, its always there but its easily hidden, i cant wait for a big bump. Iv started to feel baby move too which is the most amazing feeling. I felt it first around 12-13 weeks, very light but i knew it was baby as it was whenever i used the doppler and at the place where the hb was. Last night in the bath i had that familiar feeling of it turning round, reminded me of being pg with dd. Then today it was thumps low down in my belly,

I hope the snow eases off for your app on monday g3mz, its so exciting going to the appointments, helps the time go a little quicker.
Hope you dont get any bad side effects pcct, how long will it be until you start your stimms?
Hope, thats great news about the downs test! i bet your over the moon. I didnt get it done, i just didnt want to worry myself over anything as it was such a bad 1st tri. I did get it done with dd though but nothing fazed me when i was pg then.
Aw bumski that's lovely u the feeling the baby :cloud9:
The snow is lovely to look at but so cold!! Brrrr
Can't wait till ur gender scan Hun - I really can't remember what my guess was lol!
Am hoping to go for my baseline scan next week or so waiting for my appt to come thru. Then of looks ok at scan ill start stimms but think I have to continue with the spray :shrug: I won't really no much until my next appt
Hi Girls,
pcct- hope you don't get any side effects and it goes all smoothly.
gm3z-Oh i hope you get enough eggs to share and do your own cycle that way you don't have to go through all this again. Will this be your last baby or would you want to freeze some? My eldest was born with a cleft palate, she had to use special bottles, had really bad colic, opeartion to fix palate at 7mth, operation on her ear at 11yrs, teeth at 15yrs as well as constant appoitments all year, she has just been discharged and it was nice but sad to say bye to everyone who has helped her over the years. All i want for this baby is to be healthy- my biggest wish.
Bumski- Are you excited for your scan? do you have a preference boy or girl or does your oh? Strange i am the other way round had no tests done with my girls never crossed my mind something might be wrong. I think i am just waiting for something to go wrong this time with the whole process i have been through so many ups-downs.
Snow was bad here last night, so scary to drive. Panic attacks gallore, car just did not want to stop. Sooo awful, meant to get worse again here tomorrow night and mon. Hope not were you all are especially for your appointment on mon gm3z.

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