Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Hi ladies!!

Wow bumski feeling baby move must be lovely! And a constant reassurance that he/she is ok :cloud9: have you got any names in mind yet??

Pcct how's the nasal spray going??

Hope41more are you going to have a gender scan or wait until your 20 week? Also do you have any names in mind?

Well the snow has stopped here and seems to be clearing but more snow forecast for Wednesday...... I hope not! Usually I'd love to be snowed in with the kids but with having to travel nearly an hour on the motorway to our clinic it's not ideal!!
I'm feeling like crap ATM all my stomach is bruised from the injections I was coping fine with the suprecur but the menopur needles are bigger and I don't like them!! Feeling really sore and thinking now its defo coz of the bruising and not coz I'm bursting with lots of follies! But I guess 2moro will tell!!
I guess I should be excited but after my experience from my last clinic I'm more nervous!!

Right ladies question for you how do you feel about dyeing your hair while doing ivf/pregnant?.

During my last ivf I was blonde (a few shades lighter than my natural hair colour) and I didn't dye it but my roots didn't look too bad (ok so they didn't look great but it was bearable) but this time my hair is dyed like a dark red and when my roots come through they look grey :haha:
I haven't dyed for a few weeks now and was thinking about dyeing it just after ec so there's no eggs inside me? Oh I don't know?? I dyed my hair all the way through my previous pregnancys but this time I'm having to work so hard for this I'm over thinking everything!!.... I don't want to stuff it up!! :shrug:
hi gm3z- sorry your going through a hard time with injections, hopefully it will be all worth it and you get good news tomorrow. The anticipation of the 'not knowing' is tough but try and stay positive and this clinic seems to be a lot better so try not to compare the 2experiences. Plus hopefully the new meds will be working better for you. Sometimes these things are trial and error to what works best for each persons bodies.
As for hair dye i don't dye mine but i think after ec seems the best time to do it (but i'm no expert). I think your right when you have to work so hard for something your a lot more careful/cautious. If it was me once my pregnancy was classed as viable i would dye my hair without worrying. I could send myself crazy worrying about using bleach while cleaning, touching my cats etc. Good luck for tomorrow.
Hope everyone else is well. I am getting concerned about schoolteacher hope she and baby are ok.
I am thinking of having a gender scan at 16wks, place about 30mins away from me does them for £79. If not i will be finding out at my 20wk scan. Just worried if i wait they might not be able to tell, my 2nd daughter had her legs crossed at her 20wk scan thus her gender was a surprise. Everyone thought she was a boy so BIG shock when she was born. I am just desperate to know. My thoughts for this one since day1 was boy but i have proven i am not good at guessing!!!
Hey girls - spray is going good :) just been getting really bad headaches :dohh:
Fx u have responded well Hun will be thinking of u :hugs:
So gla u asked about dying r hair - I too have been thinking about that and I think after ec would be the best time :)
Hope- as far as I know round here they are not aloud to tell u the sex of baby no more so its all private gender scans everyone has to do .
Hope school teacher is doi ok :hugs:
I noticed the 2nd of dec was the last time try and wish was on I hope she is doing ok too
Hi everyone!
Had my scan not so great! 4 follies 1side 5 the other, back for a scan Thursday and possibly in on Saturday for egg collection she did say there were a few more small ones with the potential to grow but not to get my hopes up so looks like they will all be going would need 9 or 10 to be worth sharing, last time I had 9 follies I had 7 eggs. Need to have at least 4 eggs this time to give away to get my cycle in April.
Even tho I knew I'd prob have to do it this way it's still upsetting :( x
Ah gm3z sorry it's not the news you had wanted- BIG HUGS!!!!
Like she said don't build your hopes up but you could be pleasantly surprised!!! Hope all goes well for the scan on thursday and egg collection on sat. Fingers crossed you get lots of eggs-if not enough to get your egg share in April. xxx
Thanks, I didn't realise how difficult this would be, I know I offered to give all my eggs away last time but that was because I didn't want to let the recipient down. This time knowing mine will just be frozen kind of makes it harder! It's such an emotional process!
And my ec wasn't supposed to be until next week so my dd has her 8th birthday party booked for Sunday so hope it is sat they want me in and not Sunday!!
They had difficulty finding my left ovary so that stressed me out then with only being 9 follies and the shock I may be in Saturday for ec I totally forgot to ask the questions I wanted to!! Typical will ask them on Thursday!
Snow was still quite bad near our clinic I was shocked as its pretty clear by us now but giving more 2nite but I hope not!! Our scan on thurs is at 8am so will need to leave at 7am on a normal day!
Hope everyone else is well! :) x
Ah bless you gm3z you sound all streesed out- try and take some time out for you today even if it is just a relaxing bath or a cuppa with a magazine etc.
I can imagine its harder to have the eggs forzen and not know when they will be used. At least when its fresh you will know pretty quick if the other woman has gotton pregnant. What's the procedure with your eggs do they have a time limit to when they have to be used by?
I would suggesting writing your questions down and taking them with you. I did that with my consultant, would write a list and if i thought of something else would add to it. It's hard to remember everything under pressure especially when your emotions are high. Fingers crossed egg collection happens sat and you get to enjoy your daughters birthday sunday. xxx
pcct- how's things going hope there are no side effects.
Hope everyone else is well. xxx
Aw g3 so sorry to hear that hopefully things pick up in the next few days :hugs:
Hey hope- I had a few side affects fri and sat but felt great all day yesterday :) I up date everything in journal so. Tend to forget to add things here :haha:
Hi g3mz, hope your follies grow some more, I know you have tried to prepare yourself that this won't be your cycle but no matter what you are bount to have hope that there will be enough to share, atleast this way with your eggs being frozen for donor you don't have to feel guilty if you get the minimum amount, I'm still keeping everything crossed for you Hun. I hope dds birthday is a great day for you and either way hopefully it will take your mind off all this, you deserve a 'break' xx

Pcct I hope all is going well, looking forward to you starting your stimms, you have been here for all of us going through this so it's going to be nice for your turn ;) xx

Hope, sorry I forgot to answer your earlier question about the cost of the sexing scan, it's £55 so well worth it. 5 days and we will know!
How are you feeling now? Hope your getting better xx

Thinking of you all nimbec, schoolteacher and tryandwish, hope your all ok if your getting chance to read xx
Thanks bumski - I can't wait to start stims :dance: had a stressful day at work Bcoz of my bitch of a supervisor :grr: never mind tomorrows a new day! I have been so calm and relaxed the past week so I am not going to let her stress me out! So glad I didn't tell her about my ivf she will be a more bitch! She's one of theses people that only think of her self! Sorry for the little rant .
Rant away pcct we are here to listen :)

Not long until your scan bumski!! :)

Hope41more your right I will write things down, I just wanted to ask her about dyeing my hair and also how much sperm we actually got from dh's tese!!

I'm feeling a bit better today starting to get my head around it and thinking of things to do to pass the time until my go, I'm planning on decorating the rooms we still have to do and maybe book a weekend away!! x
gmz3- so glad you feel better you sound a lot less stressed. Hopefully you will get good news Thurs and egg collection sat.
Pcct- we all need a good rant now and then and we are always here to listen, i agree if she is such a bitch then she could make things worse if she knew about your IVF. Hope you have had a better day today.
Bumski- Do you mind me asking where you are getting your gender scan done??? cheapest i can find so far near me is £75- but that one says you only get 5-10mins and 2photos. Asking as some are chains so your clinc may have another near me.
Hope schoolteacher, nimbec and tryandwish are ok, thinking of you's lots and lots. xxx
Well i have been feeling loads better since i turned 13weeks (14 tomorrow) no migraine, sickness and not had to use/take anything to go to the toilet :) Hope i am not jinxing myself!!!
Yeah am not telling her nothing! When am further on in my treatment am going to either ask the other manger to put be on light dutys but I have been stressing out bout time off wither I used used a we ads holidays or sick :shrug: I won't really no the dates until I get start stims but just trying to work out what am best doing and how many days to take off at ec and then how long to take off 2ww but I know I will be taken the day off on test day !
Glad ur feeling so much better now :dance:
Hoping you get some good news at your next scan g3mz! It's good your giving yourself some tasks to get on with just incase, x
Pcct, she sounds like a nob! I agree your best keeping it from her, you don't need people like that sticking their noses in x
Hope, my scan is at 'life through the lens' I think they only have two centres but if you look really hard you may find a cheaper one. I will get a DVD of the scan or for another £5 we get 12 pics too!
When I first googled scans in my area the most expensive ones came up first but I then googles them for each smaller town near us and found one, also you could ask in 2nd tri, someone may know of a good one. The first one I booked was £79 and an hours drive away until I found this one, glad your feeling better Hun, I get the odd wave of nausea still but not feeling too bad now x

Had mil doing my head in, she asked if I'm coming straight back to work when iv had baby ( currently working for fil ) I said not straight away, her reply was, she always went straight back to work and she will have baby and also take it away for a few days this summer while I run fil business for him! WTF??? Someone's going to get a shock when baby's here, not even had it n she is planning to take it away on hol! She is a very outspoken woman and cannot take critiscm or people disagreeing so this is going to be fun! I'm planning on bf so baby ain't going nowhere! Lol xx
Yeah she is she's the type that goes in a huff if she doesn't get involved in your convo - so I won't be telling her nothing - she's cold hearted and doesn't care about anyone or anyone's feelings!
Can't believe ur mil was expecting u to go straight back to work after baby! Good job u r bf :)
I know yeah, going av keep baby stuck to my boob for as long as poss lol.
Iv re arranged my scan for 5.15 today!!!!! Arghhh I'm so excited! It's going to make all of this real now, I actually can't believe after all them years of heartache ttc, we get to find out if were having a little girl or a little boy! Xx
I know yeah, going av keep baby stuck to my boob for as long as poss lol.
Iv re arranged my scan for 5.15 today!!!!! Arghhh I'm so excited! It's going to make all of this real now, I actually can't believe after all them years of heartache ttc, we get to find out if were having a little girl or a little boy! Xx
I know yeah, going av keep baby stuck to my boob for as long as poss lol.
Iv re arranged my scan for 5.15 today!!!!! Arghhh I'm so excited! It's going to make all of this real now, I actually can't believe after all them years of heartache ttc, we get to find out if were having a little girl or a little boy! Xx
Ahhh wow can't wait to see ur pic and find out if ur carrying a little boy or girl :cloud9:
Ooooooh exciting bumski can't wait to hear how it went!! :) xx

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