Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Hey , the spray is for down regulating Hun its buserlin/suprecur
That's great news pcct, it's all just around the corner now! I stimmed for 11 days as I started to get OHSS so had to stop, x

G3mz, so Tuesday is the day, I so hope those follies are nice and big! Just so your not going through this again, enjoy your resting afterwards Hun x
Hey , the spray is for down regulating Hun its buserlin/suprecur

Thanks hun thought it might be a aleturnitive too injections lol who am I kidding haha!!! The thought off injecting myself makes me cringe !!!! I can do my patients but on. My self is a different story ahhhhhh!!! X
Hi all ! Just dropping in quick to say that I went into labour on 14th January and my baby boy was born at 30+5 weeks by emergency csection on the 15th January at 06.36am. He is named Jackson and weighed 3lbs. It was a big shock and it's been a whirlwind every since, Jackson is being looked after really well in nicu (neonatal intensive care) but is doing really well. He is 11 days old today and has just come off his oxygen. X x x
OMG schoolteacher!!! Massive massive congratulations on the birth of your amazing little boy! That's fantastic news that he has come off his oxygen already! Aww the little mite, I hope with all my heart he does really really well so that mummy and daddy can have him home with them soon. He sounds like a nice healthy weight for his birth age, I hope you are ok too Hun, can't wait to see a pic of him when you get chance.
Jackson is such a lovely name :) he sounds like a strong little man, thinking of you both xxxx
Hey , the spray is for down regulating Hun its buserlin/suprecur

Thanks hun thought it might be a aleturnitive too injections lol who am I kidding haha!!! The thought off injecting myself makes me cringe !!!! I can do my patients but on. My self is a different story ahhhhhh!!! X

Hopefully you will get used to it very quickly Hun, I found the first time injecting really nervewracking but soon got used to it, to the point where each one got exciting strangely, I just kept reminding myself that each injection was another step closer x
Aww congrats Hun glad everything seams to be going good :) be thinking of u all
Oh wow schoolteacher congratulations!!!! In so pleased you are both doing well!!!! What a shock! He sounds a good weight though bless him and great news he's off the oxygen :)

I'd second that we'd love to see a piccy!!
Congratulations schoolteacher on the birth of your little boy!!!! Sounds like he's a strong one!! So glad to hear he's doing well!! my dd's birthday was the 15th!! Hope your ok too! :)

Bettybee1 if I don't get enough to share this time (minimum 8 eggs needed) then il give them all away and my cycle in April will be free!
My last clinic tricked me tho at my last scan I only had 9 follicles and they told me I could end the cycle (2 days before I was due for egg collection! And after telling me on a previous scan there was 18!) I asked if I could donate all and then have my free cycle as discussed in our consultation and she said I didn't qualify as I needed 10 follicles!! I broke my heart and told the dr I couldn't let the other woman down and asked if I could give them all to my recipient anyway! She agreed! On the day of ec she had a change of heart slightly! I got 7 eggs she let me give 4 away and keep 3.
I explained all this to my new clinic and they were shocked! Said strictly speaking someone with an amh of 13.59 doesn't usually qualify for egg share! But explained that I could donate in return for my own cycle if I responded poorly again!

Hi bumski, nimbec,pcct and hope41more!

Well I'm black and blue with bruises lol dh and I went to the cinema last nite and I had to go do my injection mid film! Felt awful doing it in the toilets just plain wrong! Anyway I go back into the film go to sit down completely miss my seat and end up on the floor catching my arm on the armrest on the way down! Ouch!! dh found it hilarious!!

Dd's party today keep me busy although she is totally confused bless her she was 8 2 weeks ago (but her mental age/ability is only 3/4) but we couldn't book the place she wanted for that week so now she's having her party she's not sure what's going on! I'm sure she will enjoy anyway!!
Last injections for me 2nite yay!! :)
Congratulations schoolteacheron the birth of your little BOY!!!!! I'm so glad you's are doing ok you have been on my mind a lot. So glad he is off the oxygen and fingers crossed on his way home to you soon. Love the name jackson, was actually on my list till my youngest said there was no way she was allowing it. she has a scar on the back of her head and the boy who gave her it is called that -pushed her into metal school fence age 7 and she had to go to hospital and have it glued! Honestly with all the reasons my kids are coming up with for not liking the names i do this baby will be lucky to get a nane at all!!!
gmz3- Good luck for Tuesday- Here's to lots of eggs!!! I hope the party goes smoothly and stress free and your daughter has a ball.
pcct- Do you have anymore dates yet? have you spoke to your other boss yet about time off etc? Hope the nasty one is being ok with you.
nimbec-how you feeling now after your little op?
bumski- you bought any girlie things yet? rang clinics about gender scan last week, left answer phone messages for both and had no response. Will try and ring back tomorrow.
Bettybee- nice to have a new person joining the group, i never egg shared as i got a bfp naturally after being told the only way i could conceive was via IVF (my tubes are badly damaged, twisted, blocked both ends and away from ovaries) looked into egg sharing and found these lovely girls and unfortunatly they are now stuck with me lol.
Well my life has gone from bad to horrendous- My partner and i have officially split up, he just was not accepting the pregnancy and constantly saying nasty things ie he does not want the baby (also in front of the girls!!!) Was hoping the scan might help and it lasted less than 24hrs before he was saying the same awful things. We have not spoken in over a week. You would think i had been with this man 12wks not 12yrs!!! To top it my younger sister has been just as bad since see found out im pregnant- constantly saying awful things too, have just let her say them without saying a word back until i finally snapped on fri. Think saying bad things about it to my daughters was the last straw. She said this to my 16yr old- i here your not happy about your mam being pregnant? I know it must be awful for you and i would not be happy either!!! I won't stop the kids from seeing her as i'm bigger than that but have told them if she says one thing about me i want them to say- i don't want you saying anything bad about my mam.
I am so gutted to be honest, this pregnancy is a miracle and i am meant to be happy and enjoying every minute of it. Its hard i feel like i am dealing with great news and a death all at the same time :(
Ah bettybee am the same when thinking about theses injection :dohh: am sure after the first ill be a pro lol, all tho am scared of needles am really looking forward to it :)
Hi g3 hope ur dd has a fab party - sorry to hear about ur little fall sounds sore :( I hate having to take my spary when am out never mind injections :0 we went shopping yesterday and I forgot to take my spary with me so by time I got home I was an hour n half late so had to move all the times about - we went out on a little date last night and I had to set my alarm with it being a diff time to take my spary , but I didn't hear it go off so yet again was half hr late :dohh: had to stay up till mid night to take last one!

Hi hope- no more dates yet - ill get a rough idea of dates once I get my scan :)
Havnt spoke to my other boss yet , don't think am going now as am going to take 1 week off after ec and go back after et and just do light dutys my self :)
Total sucks when people get involved in ur bizz let alone bringing ur kids into it!! Totally can't imagine what ur going thru right now :hugs: just hope things get better xx
Big hugs hope :hugs: I can imagine how upsetting it must all be! Stay strong and keep smiling you have a little miracle growing inside you and he/she needs a happy mammy don't let anybody get you down! :flower:

I'm terrible at remembering my injections pcct! Even with a reminder and alarm on my phone there has been the odd occasion iv switched it off as I was in the middle of something then forgot! Final ones for me tonight! :happydance:

Dds's party was great I'm so tired now tho!! I'm going to do my suprecur and trigger now at 8.30 then have an early night! x
Hope, I hope your ok Hun, it's sounds like your having a really tough time! I can't believe your oh could be so cruel saying awful things. You def have your priorities in order though, I'm the same, no man would ever come before my kids. No matter what your little baby is so wanted and is going to have plenty of love from you and your girls. Some blokes just don't deserve kids, I really hope your ok, x

Not long now g3mz, what time are you in tues? X

Pcct still counting down those days with you lol ;) x

Hope everyone else is good and you have all had a great weekend! Boring Monday tomorrow boooooo! Lol x
Have a good day drug free tomoz g3 will be thinking of upon tue :hugs:
Hehe me too bumski hope this week is quicker than last week :dohh:
Hi girls hope everyone is happy and well.
Well i'm struggling to be honest, time is dragging with oh not being around. I have not spoken to him or seen him in over a week. We usually talk several times a day and spend a lot of time together. I hate him so much for doing this to me and can't see a way back, if there is even a slight chance i know we will need some serious counselling. My girls are older and i don't want to make them spend time with me or for them to feel guilty that they have to. They have their own lives-boyfriends and friends. It's hard too coz my sister lives with my mam thus making family support a nightmare. My friends have busy lives aswell so feeling lonely :(
Well so far i thought i had found 2places that do gender scans about 30mins drive away. Left messages last week on their answer phones to no reply. rang again today one has shut down and still can't get through to the other one- babybond. i have to say their customer service is putting me off (phoned twice and e-mailed no response to either) next nearest is about 2hrs away so might be waiting till my 20wk scan :(
gmz3- will be thinking of you tomorrow and on here checking for update.
pcct- hope this week goes faster for you too.
bumski- have you bought anything girlie yet?
Oh hope it sounds like your having a really tough time, maybe keep a couple of nights a week aside for a 'girls' night with your daughters, cinema, DVD, meal or just pampering yourselves so you get to spend some more time together, also see what anti natel classes are around, my friend moved to Darlington a few years ago and was a single mum, she joined a sure start and met loads of people who were at similar points in life, maybe worth a go. Just keep holding onto the thought of that new life that will take up so much of your time soon. Xx
Thanks bumski- things have gotton worse :(
I went to tell one of my friends i was pregnant and she already knew!!!ex had told all his mates at a card game sat night. Apparantly all happy about it, going into detail (which is so not like him) and he talked as if nothing was wrong between us. we have not spoken in 10days!!! He then said they could tell anyone they wanted (after telling me i had to keep quiet till he got his head round it!) one of his big mouth mates had told some of my friends so i had to literally text people last night instead of telling them face to face :( Rang him, text him and went round to his in a state last night. He would not answer phone, reply to texts or answer the door!!! then he text saying he wants nothing more to do with me. He really is playing games and screwing with my head :(
Hey hope - so sorry to hear all this u r going thru :hugs: I know at the min things r so horrible for u and to hope things will change once u have ur baby , but still not the same not having hubby around to enjoy ur special moments with u just now :( I really hope things get better
Aww hope big hugs Hun! You don't need him bringing you can be so horrible and that's putting it nicely!! We are all hear to listen to you so never feel like you are alone! You will get through this!! Xx

I'm on my way home after egg collection had 11 follies today.................and 11 eggs!!! Yay!!! Will update better later as I'm still feeling a little drunk lol x
Omg g3 that is awesome!!!so does this mean u r doing ur cycle this month now :)

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