Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Sounds like a good idea resting all weekend :)
I know am exciting to be starting stims but so nervous I actually can't wait to up date my first experience with my first jab lol - I think am guna miss my spray when I stop lol
Yay congrats G3 pupo with twins yipee!!! Make sure you drink loads of water too!

Pcct how exciting starting stims :) as you say not long now and you will be pupo too! Gosh it's all go on here how exciting!

Well I'm a bit stressed :( early labour has stopped but I don't have enough amniotic fluid so I'm being watched carefully another scan next wed and then they will give me a c section date :) hoping bubs is ok in there. It's so frightening when u google low fluid :(

I'm determind to stay positive!!

Hope everyone is ok!!
G3mz that's amazing, enjoy your weekend of chilling out, I'm thinking this could be the first set of twins on this thread ;) do you reckon you will hold out until OTD? X

Nimbec, step away from google, it's absolutely vile! When I had all my bleeding I purposely wouldn't google anything as girls in the same situation as me on another thread kept doing it and it terrified the hell out of them, people don't log the positive outcomes on the net as much as the bad, hence the reason you get all the scary stories. Your Drs will know what's best for you and baby Hun, I'm sure he will be just fine, he's just excited to meet his mummy :) gl x

Pcct, it's going to fly now for you, well I hope, can't believe your time has finally come lol, I'm really looking forward to you being pupo too, just think this time next week you will probably have started stimms! X

Betty, that sounds awful going through chemicals, sounds like your dr knows his stuff, ivf should work really well because your so young too x

Hey hope, how are things at home? I hope your ok. Have you had any joy finding somewhere to get a gender scan yet? X

Schoolteacher hope you and Jackson are doing well, you must be so busy at the moment but we are all thinking of you and wish you well, big kisses to Jackson too x
Yeah step away from google nimbec defo won't help :hugs: ur in good hands and u will be looked after :hugs:
Bumski I can't believe my time has finally come too :shock: when am pupo it's guna feel surreal :0
Thinking of u and ur little one school teacher :hugs:

I haven't been feeling myself today , I feel really down and just want to cry, worked hasn't helped either!! But don't wanna be a Debbie downer the past few days has been streaming with great news :)
dont be silly pcct we are here to listen to the highs and lows!! im sure we have all had a good moan at some point :haha:

nimbec hope you are ok hun must be such a worrying time but i agree with the girls google is never a good idea!! :hugs:

have you started buying things yet bumski? :)

hop everyone else is ok?? x
I know I know I have had a sleep and feeling bit better now :) am just trying to make an appt for some acupuncture :) relax my body a bit :)

How r u feeling g3
iv heard lots of good things about acupuncture!

just feeling crampy and bloated!! and fed up already today seems to be dragging!!
i promised myself and dh i wouldnt test early again but iv already been thinking about when it would show up on an early test!!:haha: x
:haha: if u can try wait until the day before ur otd orrrrrrr do it on the 14th <3
yea i thought about doing it on the 14th because we will be going out for food in the evening so we could either celebrate or it would be a distraction if it hasnt x
There was a lady on here who had ivf and her test was positive 6 days after transfer !!!!

But congrats on being PuPo with twins how exiting !!!

Btw is it routine for people too take progestrone or ought after ivf or will I have too ask for that !??? X
Yeah g3 sounds like a plan Hun - hi bettybee am sure u get giving but u could always ask just in case :)

Well that's me booked in for acupuncture on Monday after my baseline scan appt :)
last time and this time i was given pessarys to take twice a day called cyclogest but this time iv also been given estrogen tablets? my hormones are all over the place!!
oooohhhh 6 days sounds better than 16 :winkwink: x
Good luck for that hunnie some people have had good results with it :) xxx
Thanks am just doing it to relax as am so tense with work and wnpanna be as stress free as I can :)
Iv always wanted to try acupuncture, you will have to let us know how it goes, we are all here if you need to get anything of your chest pcct, like g3mz said, we have probably all had a moan at some point. Hope your ok Hun x

Betty I also got the pessaries, also I was on oestrogen patches as it was a FET and I stayed on both until I was 12 weeks. X

G3mz, I bet you cave early lol, I made it to 4dpt and started testing, at 5dp5dt I got the faintest, almost not there line in the am then went to Tesco later that day and got a faint but very there bfp! I'm keeping everything crossed so badly for you, this bit really drags doesn't it? Not going to be able to take my eye off this thread lol x

Hope everyone else is ok x

Woke up with a real strong sharp pain in the night, it was so scary, after all the bleeding I instantly expected more but touch wood all is good. Iv checked baby's hb on the Doppler so I'm at ease again....phew! :)
This Doppler has been an absolute life saver, I thought when I get pregnant I will relax and enjoy it but there is not a single day goes by that I don't worry about her. Suppose this is it for life now lol x
I don't think any of us will ever stop worrying again! Lol hope your feeling ok now bumski!! Not to long now until you will see your daughter again on your 20 week scan! Times flying!!

Afm so much for not building my hopes up, It's impossible!! And I was thinking if it does work and I can't dye my hair for 12 weeks I'm going to look very silly with blonde roots about 2-3 inches then dark red hair!!! So iv been looking at wigs online dh finds this very amusing!!:haha:
But let's face it if you look like crap you feel like crap and there's no way I would risk dyeing it!! So I thought if I could get away with wearing a wig I might even be able to grow the colour out and be left with my natural colour in better condition!! The other option is to wear hats but I'm not really a hat person! If there wasn't such a dramatic difference between my roots and hair colour I would mind so much!

Hope everyone is ok x
Oh wow gmz3- PUPO with twins!!!!!!! :) wow 16days is a long time to wait, if you count the 3days before transfer (coz that's when they fertilized your eggs) that's 19??? i would have thought you would test 11days past transfer which would be 14DPO on a natural cycle. Am i right or not clued up enough??? I def would not test until 9dpt ie 11DPO.I am sooo excited!!!
Pcct- Good luck for monday and your scan. Acupuncture is recommended highly during IVF, especially after ET. But the acupucturist will know more about it than me. Lots of girls in US do it as standard. Also here is a little story- my sister had 2girls to her ex husband, got divorced and met someone and after years together they stopped using contraception- years went by- no baby. Everyone thought he could not have kids. Then my sister and i were in a car accident and we had acupuncture on nhs. Within a few sessions she was pregnant!!!
Nimbec- try and not worry too much if they were so concerned then they would not let your little one stay in there. Fingers crossed your scans go great and little one can stay in there longer.
Bumski- i know what you mean about worrying, i'm glad i can feel the baby everyday now so that eases mine. TMI- i have been a LOT wetter down there and had a few scares especially around 10-12wk when i would get really bad pain (like severe contractions) feel really wet down there and thought i'm bleeding and having a miscarriage.
betty- i hope everything goes well for you in this process and like bumski said your chances are higher with being so young.
schoolteacher- i hope you and jackson are well and he is home soon. would love some pics :)
I'm worried about tryand wish too it's been months since she has been on.
Well i have been busy with uni last few days and feeling emotionally a lot better even though i have still not heard from HIM. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. xxx
Bumski- I will defo let I all know how it goes am so exited to feel feel relaxed lol. G3 - am worried about not been able to dye to dye my hair as well if my cycle works, so am guna try get my hair jar at some point next week before ec, am thinking about darking the blonde down a bit coz its not too bad then when my roots come in.
Hope- what a lovely story to hear about ur sister :) I was in two minds wither to try it or not or just go for a massage until I found one that specials in fertility! So guna have 2-3 shots :)

I really can't wait or Monday now :)

The moods I have been in are like very hormonal mood swings like at work yesterday I was terrible I felt like walking out my job and I felt really teary , I came home and jut went straight to bed.
All so the day before I had really bad road rage which isn't me I was gettin hot flushes too... But today am feeling much much better woo!
Oh i am soooo excited just booked my gender scan for 1030am on fri :) will be 16+2. Going to then bake a gender reveal cake and meet my friends for lunch with it on the sat. Will be nice them all finding out together. (in case you don't know what it is coz i never till my daughter told/showed me- she is american crazy!!! it's were you get the inside of a cake made pink/blue whether the sponge or the butter and you find out what gender baby is when you cut into it)Your meant to get the results sent to a cake maker so you don't know either but i can't do that!!! What's the point in paying £79 to not look at the scan and have to wait days or weeks for someone to make the cake. Would rather have a professional cake but tough i'm not waiting any longer than i have too!!!
pcct- glad your feeling better, don't beat yourself up though not your fault-it will be all the drugs, hormones raging and then all the excitment and anticipation, but just think in a few weeks it will all be over and you might be pregnant too- exciting times!!!! :)
Aww hope I seen that idea as well looks really good :) there was another one too about boxing up balloons :) woo hoo can't wait till ur gender scan now :wohoo:

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