That's such a lovely name hope, so strange as if we were having a boy his middle name would be Joseph after my dad and because it's a girl I'm liking hope for her middle name
I wish I could feel mine as much as you, she never stays still apparently, (she kept moving from mw Doppler yesterday) but the feeling is still so hit and miss,
I'm so so over the moon for you, I bet your girls are ecstatic!
Have you told baby's dad yet? X
Pcct how you feeling Hun? What time do you start your stimms? X
Betty, that's great news about your ohs sa! Sounds really good, keeping everything crossed your iui works first time Hun x
G3mz, have you tested all your trigger out yet? I would have bet my life on my cycle not working, I just felt fine the day before my pos hpt, absolutely no symptoms whatsoever! Don't give up hope, I was about 6 weeks before real symptoms kicked in and even then it was mild. I'm still positive about you
Nimbec how's your little man treating you? Hope your both doing well and your getting plenty of rest x