Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Omg pcct how dare she speak to you like that!!! She obviously has no idea what it's like to have to struggle to conceive!! Our pregnancys are not normal pregnancys and we will do what we need to to protect them!! Can't believe how insensitive she was!!
Looks like it really is one of them days today!! Hope everyone else is having a better day than us!! :hugs:
I should be 8weeks 2 days at my scan I think! Lol x
I know I just can't forget the things she said to me today I feel so down :( she all so said that my back pain isn't pregnancy related :shock: my own doctor told me the risks of heavy lifting in early pregnancy! And she is telling me diff!! My head just feels all over the place just now :( maybe I should have said to her to read my notes then call me back in!

Wooo hoo for countdown :)
Don't let her upset you Hun everyone knows you shouldn't do heavy lifting when pregnant that's just common sense!! Something she obviously doesn't have!!
Your scan next week bet you can't wait!!! X
Yeah u r right am pinning her name in my notes on iPad to make sure I never see her again!!
Yeh not long to go can't wait, can't wait for urs too :dance:
Hi girls sounds like you's both have had a rough day! I don't understand why people are so insensitive :(
Only advice I can give is when someone is nasty, harsh etc just think about the first BFP you got and how amazing that feeling felt, sure those feelings will rush back just enough to ease the hurt for a bit.
Well I had a good day, midwives this morning- bloods taken, heard baby and she took a measurement of baby and all is well :) My scales broke as soon as they knew I was pregnant! so hopped on theirs and I have put on approx 14lb/a stone had my clothes on and later than I would usually weight myself so def not more than that so I'm happy with that at 28wks. I never got any stretch marks until I had my 3rd really as there was only a 2yr 3mth gap between 1st and 3rd so body did not get a chance to go back to pre - pregnancy weight. Just hoping I don't add to them especially above my belly button (ones I have are all below so can't see them in a bikini) I think I will get more and bad ones though as I was 7st 8lb when I fell pregnant with my first and with age and my condition (don't believe I could put weight on before op and diagnosed) I was approx 8st 12 before I got pregnant this time.
Hope everyone else is well. x
Your doing well hope - am putting off so much about going on the scales at booking in I weighted 11st9 :0 so am really scared to see want I have lbs I have put on eeekkk
Pcct- sorry about your day at the docters theres a lot like that hunnie:( !!!! They can be mean!
What are you doing about your job ?

Gmz - sorry your mum is being like that you really don't want tht :( coludir ingaine My MUM as king for Money I would be like :(
Good for the scan tho :) if you want one early can you get a private one ? Their not that much about 50£ I think ?:)!!! You done another digi yet ? X

Afm- I had my scan today I have 9 follies and quite a few smaller ones around 9-11 my EC will be on Monday :) I'll b triggering Saturday along with my last gonal & cetriode!
Am in for another scan Friday too check everything is as it should be :D !!!! Yopeeee! X
That's brilliant Beth your right on track now!! So excited for u!
Am going back after this line is up then not going back after mat leave am going to look Into doing bank work couple days a week :)
Bumski happy 30 weeks mrs!!!L the count down begins wooo hoo!!
thankyou pcct! never thought i would be here, your right its countdown now, so exciting! what a cow that dr sounds! we have one like that at our surgery and i refuse to see her any more, i went to her when ttc and asked for clomid, she refused me and started crying saying id upset her as she had been through it all herself (but took clomid and concieved) i was not a happy bunny at the time, dont let people like her get to you, we all know the risks in heavy lifting, the silly mare! x

g3mz, sounds like your hormones are kicking in hun, although i do agree its completely unfair your mum putting any added stress or worry on you, you need to concentrate on you and this little baby right now, hope you manage to keep yourself distanced from any myther hun x

betty woohoo!!! thats great news! sounds like there will be plenty of eggs on monday which is great news, looking forward to hearing all about your ivf. its so exciting! x

hey hope thanks hun (about the name) wow you are doing great with your weight! i weighed more than you do now at my first mw app lol. i dread going near scales and in all honesty iv not been weighed since, thank god! Still hoping oh comes round before baby is here, sorry i forget but has he got kids already? x

afm just trying to deal with this constant pain, getting sick of it but from what iv read online it wont go so just got to try and deal with it each day. x
Omg bumski what a cow!!!! I actually hate some doctors! I can't believe that doctor with u tho :/
Anyway bumski do u mind if I pm you please.. :)
Oh betty ec monday- how exciting!!! :)
Bumski- Is that the pain in your ribs? Mine are killing too but midwife assures me it is all normal! Only 2weeks between us so are babies will be close in age if they arrive when they are meant too.
Yes Oh has a daughter who is nearly 16yr she and her mother have always been the main cause of our arguements. Long story have mentioned some of it on here- his ex is an alcoholic and has caused loads of problems. Had to go through courts for years to gain contact (never worked with us all as ex caused too much trouble and took it out on his daughter so for last 8yrs contact is again at his mams from tea time fri till sat 6pm) then when that was sorted court -CSA (she was saying me and kids were living with him in in his then 2bed flat! Thus CSA were asking me to pay half of his bills so she could get more money! So had to go to court and prove I owned my own house and lived there! Honestly she does not stop. Last school holiday he had his daughter extra (He had few days off work and it was my stupid suggestion!) extra tues-wed and his ex refused to allow her to go home! He had her 4-5days and I never saw him and caused problems as we had plans! Thus main cause of our problems is I don't see his daughter have not for 8yrs (then only had min contact before that as years through the courts) he now wants me too and she is a complete biatch! She is the opposite to my girls, does not go to school, drinks, I believe takes drugs, shaves part of her head, major lier and attention seeker the list goes on and on!!! My daughter found her twitter few months ago and she was slagging me off!!! saying things like- people like you should not be allowed to have a baby' calling me a 'f**king psycho' and worse things but then saying she was excited to meet her baby brother!!! Like how??? You don't slag off the baby's mother and expect to still see the baby- really? Plus she does not even know me, I did everything for her and fought the courts so OH could see her!!! :( I told OH to contact her to remove the comments and she did but then secured her account. Well the other day I noticed twitter on OH ipod- strange. Got suspicious and had a look as I never knew he had twitter! Well it was hers (might upset a few of you but could not help looking) She was STILL slagging me off!!! :( Even said the sh*t is going down about her brother. I could not believe what she was writing. Also bragging about her lifestyle, lying and her photos were obscene etc etc. I so don't want to be part of that, nor do I want that for my girls or my son!!!
Oh I'm stressing over our 2nd counselling session this afternoon!!! :(
Sorry for the rant.
Wow hope what a night mare things really have been for u :hugs: least u can say u have tried your best!! There always has to be someone that interferes with things!! By the sounds of things his daughter sounds like she doesn't har a care in the world!! And is prob for the best she ain't round your girls and son - some people really just think of ten self there loss in future tho
Rant away hope it helps!! And I really do understand what your going through!! Dh said the other day he can't wait to tell everyone I'm pregnant, apart from his daughter, me trying to be positive said maybe she will be ok now it's a been a year since she kicked off about it but he said on Saturday they had met up with his mate and his kids and she really didn't like his mates little girl at all! The little girl is only 2!! And was in the play area with my 2 and her brother how can she dislike a little girl so much that she doesn't even know!! I can see major problems ahead but I'm not going to stress until I need too!
Hope counselling goes well today!!
I only have stretch marks on my bum from my last 2 pregnancys :blush:
But I was only 17 and 20 on them and weighed about 7st this time I'm 27 this year and 10st 5 to start with, I blame being able to drive I started putting weight on when I passed my driving test 3 years ago, nothing to do with my l<3ve of food honest!! :haha: so I'm guessing il prob get a load this time but I don't care coz it will be worth it!! :)

Betty omg 4 more sleeps until ec!!! So exciting!!:happydance:
I had thought about having a private scan before we go on hols but don't really see the point we get 2 scans in with the price we paid for fet so il have the one at 8wks then 10 weeks and then nhs one around 12 weeks so I'm happy with that! Then not sure what will happen as with past complications I was scanned every week with dd from 20 weeks (they refused my 12 week scan as id had one at 8 weeks then they found fluid on her brain at 20 week so dont think they will make that mistake with me again!!) and every 2 weeks with my boys from 12 weeks so I'm guessing il be kept a close eye on again this time! But I don't mind :)

Bumski sorry to hear your still in pain but the countdown is on now she will be worth every second of pain! :flower:

Pcct hope your having a better day today! :flower:

No news from me still just tired all the time :sleep: x
Hey g3 am having am much better day thanks :) seeing that am 12 weeks today tops anything that may try step in my way today!!
I blame driving as well with putting weight on :blush: and the fact that when I stopped smoking too :dohh: am actually really surprised tho a, not the size of a house with less wa
King and loving food more since I havnt smoked ... I did loss 2 st before pregnacny which I think has really helped :)
Thanks for listening girls!!!
If I thought Oh would be ok with me not seeing his daughter now baby is on the way I would not be stressing but I think he is going to def make me chose- her in my life or neither of them :(
When I was 7st myself I ate and ate to try and put the weight on. Had people call me for being skinny even doc thought I was anorexic as I'm 5ft 6''. I put a stone on after operation on my condition (inc probs with my bowels) and since then I have not been able to stop my bad eating habits :( Oh says he has not seen any woman who can eat so much as me and I need to cut out the 'junk'.
Just took my 28wk photos and last ones were 24. Oh my god I am huge!!!!! The difference between 14, 18, 24 and 28 is crazy!!!!!!!!!!! In 4wks I must have put on half a stone. Those scales at docs must have been wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh hope she really does sound like a nightmare, im really lucky in the fact i have no horrible step child to deal with! just my own lol (only joking, shes my best friend)
i dont know how id deal with all that, as we all know how protective we get over our kids as i assume your oh is too, even though she sounds like a nightmare. But i would stick to my guns where baby is concerned and only let him see who you want when you want, if she doesnt have the decency to even aknowledge you in a respectable way she should not be allowed to spend time with your child incase she trys to poison his views, thats how id look at it anyway. Tough one though, your oh needs to man up on all this and lay down some ground rules.
P.s post your bump pics, i promise i will take some, will wait for dh to not be here though, he thought i was mad taking pics of hpts and will think the same if he knows im putting belly pics on here lol x

pcct HAPPY 12 WEEKS!!! wow, how does it feel to pass that milestone? its all GROW from here on in now! bet you cant wait for your next scan to come around, baby will have grown soooooo much x

g3mz, im like you with stretch marks, was pregnant at 17/18 and only got them on my bum and boobs cuz i breastfed, now im 31 (although dont feel it lol) and worried about getting more, but i am genuinly huge now compared to what i was and i havnt noticed any yet, fx they stay away.
how you feeling? you going to get a ticker up yet? x
Well iv been a nervous wreck past few days :( I just can't seem to accept the fact I'm pregnant and enjoy it I keep thinking its going to end the way our first ivf did! Things that remind me of that time freak me out! We stopped for food in one of our regular places and all of a sudden I remembered that when I had my final big bleed last year that's where we were! And even tho we have been there many times since then now I'm pregnant it freaked me out! I kept going to the toilet and couldn't enjoy my food at all! Then last night was our date night and we go to the cinema, that's when it all started last year after we had been to the cinema, I know I'm totally crazy as we have been to the cinema every 2 weeks ever since! :wacko: but I just can't seem to shake this feeling, it's all to good to be true!! I'm doing my own head in now!!

How are you all ladies??

Bumski my dh also thought I was crazy when I kept taking photos of tests :haha:

Hope I know how you feel I'm trying to avoid the subject of dh's daughter ATM he said again last night he was dreading telling her and asked what I thought she would say! I think she will say that as long as she don't have to see me or the baby she will be ok, but he said no she will have to grow up and start coming back over, now I understand she is his daughter and I want to spend time with him and my 2 on a Saturday aswell il be willing for her to come over for the day on a Saturday but will not be willing for her to stay over as she had done some horrid things to my 2 in the past and she didn't care that they were old enough to tell me, I would be on pins thinking what her jealousy could make her do, I think I'm being more than fair and I'm not willing to change my mind on that so when the time comes I'm dreading what he's going to say, but that's a long way off yet as he agrees its not safe for her to be around me when pregnant (that says enough!)

Pcct can't wait to see your new scan pic this week!!

Betty EC 2moro you must be so excited!!:happydance::happydance:
Bumski - yeah was such an amazing feeling getting to 12 weeks I still can't believe it!! Eeeekk

G3 hey Hun sorry your having little moments :hugs: must be so hard for you! This is your take home baby! I don't think thy being pregnant feeling will ever sink in with us all - I still keep thinking just how much my life is guna change once baby is here!!
Hope- how r u doug Hun ?
Betty- woo hoo for ec so exciting!!!

Afm- nothing new really is going on still no sickness or any other preg symptoms a part from the sensitive breast ahhh - I went shopping the other day ad bought my first 2 mat top :) I all so bought a seam free bra at first I thougt mmm will this even hold me together but for £4 I thought heek ill give it a try.... I loveeee it! It hol u all in and doesn't even feel like u have one on they r so comfy , my other bras started to dig in and really hurt me so I shall defo be going out buying more of theses :) I got them from matalan as well as my mat tops :)

All so on other news - I received a letter the other day from a private scanning clinic, they are opening a new clinic not far from me and coz I signed up to bounty I have been giving an offer for 4d scan which indcludes all the checks 2 a6 glossy pics a frame see our baby move about in 4d and a DVD eeeekk all for £49.50 so I have got the booked for 26 weeks!! Can't wait!!!

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