Starting egg share buddy wanted.

I hope it's nothing hunnie !!!! You still on progestrone supp ?

EC was okay g3mz I had 16 eggs only 4 mature !!! 4 injected and 3 fert they phoned me today and all 3 are grade 1 they want me too push too blast but u think ill get them back tomaz there phoneing me before 9 too tell me how they are and confirm what Day we what we want if Its tmoz then we will have them back at 11:30 am ekkk!!!! X
Yea still on cyclogest, it's stopped for now but I don't have a good feeling this is how it started last time on and off for days then one big blob of red blood, then waited weeks for my levels to drop for the big bleed! I'm just gutted!! Dh is home now and has wrapped me in cotton wool he's making me food! Lets hope he don't burn the house down poor thing is so tired he's been driving from 4am until 7.30pm bless him!

Oh exciting!!! Bet you can't wait! How many you having transferred?? x
Yay to hubby being home Hun and looking after you... Oh has been out driving since 7.30 amd still ain't home :( theses past few days I have been missing him like crazy when he's away to work and just can't wait till he gets home :(

U r in my thoughts Hun and praying all is ok xx
2 transferred if its 3day :)

Oh no in really hope it's nothing hunnie do lots of resting :) !!!!! It's could be your cervix is abit irritated xxx
g3mz please please please keep your feet up as much as you possibly can, i bled so badly from 5 weeks and every time i put myself on strict bedrest (up for toilet only) the bleeding subsided, i really do think there is a lot to be said for it. see i9f your dr will refer you to epu without going to visit him, tell him why you dont want to be about too much, he only has to make a phone call on your behalf.
How far gone are you now? im just wondering if they will be able to see anything on a scan yet.
thinking of you hun, i know its happened before, it has to me too so i was so so sure it was over but its not always the case and bleeding is so common, esp after ivf xx

tryandwish its great to hear off you!! your poor thing still waiting for lo to arrive, i thought he/she would be here by now, hopefully its a sign of a very content baby.
keeping everything crossed its as painless and quick as poss, cant believe your a mummy any day now :) x

betty thats fantastic news about your embies! wow you could be pupo with twins tomorrow!! going to be dying to finish work to check on your update x

pcct and hope, hope your both well! iv finally joined the club and ordered my pram, its due to arrive at the end of may, cant wait now!
baby has been very very active lately, all apart from last night when i couldnt get her to move so got quite worried but i put the doppler on her and she hates it so it made her start wriggling after a minute lol
I'm 5 weeks 4days today,I know our epu won't scan until 7 weeks only bloods but that would be something! But again more waiting! Or hoping my clinic will squeeze me in for a scan Tuesday (Monday would be better but I know they don't usually do pregnancy scans on a Monday) I had been so positive past few days! Our landlord had possibly found us a lovely 4bed house and things were looking really good!
I bled extremely heavy with dd I thought I was having my period when my mother suddenly announced that I must take a test coz she thought I was pregnant! And it was positive then I had a bad experience with the epu they scanned me said it was to early to see so took bloods and told me over the phone that I had miscarried and to take a test in 2 weeks and it should be negative, but when I did it was positive and my mother dragged me down there demanding they scanned me, I was 8weeks pregnant by then and dd was ok!
They explained I may have been having twins and lost one and that's why my levels had appeared to drop but at the time! They weren't very nice about it all so I hoped I would never have to go back! And the epu is in the same hospital as our last ivf clinic that lost our bloods! They said its like a black hole there everything goes missing!

Thank you all for being so supportive :hugs:
they sound awful there, i felt really reassured at our epu, i used to feel terrible ringing all the time but they were so understanding.
I also got told no scans before 6-7 weeks so only expected bloods too but they decided to scan anyway, i was 5+5 and they could see the sac on abdominal scan, if they are a no go then beg your clinic and tell them the stress of this is getting to you, you just need to know, im sure all will be fine, esp with you having previous history with dd, maybe its a girl thing ;)
Try not to worry yourself though as it could just be baby getting a bit comfier in there, your tests have been coming on great, theres a lot to be said for that. Thinking of you xx
Hi Girls,
gmz3- please don't worry too much I bled throughout my pregnancy with my first. Sorry for intimate question but have you had sex? could be off that? With my tubal issues they scanned me at 5wks 5days and they could see baby was in the right place- fetal pole and gestasional sac seen. I would def be pushing for a scan and blood work maybe one today and then in 2days to make sure your HCG levels are doubling. My A&E were amazing and totally understood my concerns, worries and understood why I needed the reasurance. (slightly dif on their part-high risk of eptopic, for me I just wanted to know pregnancy was going to be viable) I think you need that reassurance too hun.
Betty- How exciting you could be PUPO in a few hours!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Hope you get amazing news this morning.
Tryandwish- Glad your back. Hope baby is going to make an appearance soon I went over with all mine and its not nice. So excited to find out what your having and hope labour is as easy as it can be. Please, please keep us updated!!!
pcct- scan tomorrow? Oh my 12wk scan was my favourite :) saw hin jumping around etc. In my opinion the best as you get a shock at how much they have grown and also see them fully on the screen. By 20wks they are too big to see them 'whole' in one shot.
bumski- Yeah for your pram purchase :) Are you going to share which one you bought? how's things with work? How's things with the in laws? How's the rib pain? Was in so much pain with mine last night def turned up another notch :( He is starting to get feet stuck in my ribs too- but now in a painful way, my daughter and I were laughing at me fighting with him last night as I was trying to get one of his feet out- which he did not like. He hates being proded and poked. Hope he's not a misery guts like his dad lol. Have bought a lot now and sister has given stuff to me too- Got pram, car seat, crib, moses basket (for sitting room) bouncer, baby carrier, steriliser (got avent microwave one from mothercare on offer for £11.50), his chest of draws is now FULL of clothes (think I may have gone OTT, bought more from M&S in sale online last wk and mothercare yest) Main thing I need now is a baby monitor. Oh and I need my bag for hospital sorting.
I'm so tired at moment think it might be off over doing things spent weekend doing my garden. I thought mowing the lawn would be easy- ha not with bump in the way!!! Plus I get breathless easy and feel like I'm going to faint. My garden is huge mind I hate it too much work and not landscaped the way I would like.
Hope everything goes well for you all over next few days. xxx
Nope no sex for me hope I was to scared to incase I started bleeding! Was going to wait until after our scan :(
Got an email back from clinic late last night just said bleeding can happen at this stage and to up my cyclogest to 2 a day and hopefully this will settle things, not very helpfull as I explained my scan isnt until the 28th I was hoping she would tell me to come in for a scan or bloods! So il be ringing my doctors in 5mins when they open to ask if I can be referred to epu without going in to see doc but it depends what doctor is on! x
They won't refer me without going in, I got an appointment with the doctor for 10am but I hope they are on time coz the epu is only open until 11ish!
oh gl g3mz, push them hun, if you need to get emotional to get what you want then so be it, afterall we are hormonal women lol ;)
hows the bleeding today? x

hope will update bit more later hun on pram etc, sounds like you have a bruiser in there too lol x
Il show them hormonal! Il be dragged out of there in handcuffs if they don't refer me!! I'm glad my clinic made it sound common but really thinking I could leave it until the 28th that's crazy!! If I have bloods and have to wait until Monday for the results that will be hard enough!! I can feel an expensive poas weekend comming on! Iv done a sd test and the test line is still much darker than the control and still 3+ on a digi! Just one little bit when I wiped this morning had no more! So hope this is just a scare and everything will be ok!! x
g3mz - Thinking of you :hugs: Guess you're on your way to docs now but I'll be looking out for your update of how it went. Hope less bleeding today is a good sign and baby is still safely tucked away :hugs:

pcct - How did scan go? I loved my 12 week scan too (but I was also really lucky that they were just testing a new machine so it was a really long scan and I got 3 pics for free - normally £3 each and only get offered 2!). It was the 12 week scan that we saw baby hiccup and do a full stretch but that also slightly frustrated me 'coz I couldn't feel anything. I knew baby was safe and active but I couldn't wait to feel the movements.

Hope - I will definitely be keeping you all updated. Take it easy in your garden! And if you're anything like me then packing baby's hospital bag will be easy but then packing mine seemed to take me forever. I got a bag for labour and short hosp stay, then another bag for coming home that is with the car seat, then another bag with a load of extras in just incase things don't go as planned and I have to stay in hospital for a few days. Car is full of hospital bags :dohh: Have to keep taking stuff out to fit shopping in the boot.

betty - Are you now pupo with twins? Hope it all went well. Having the embies back was my favourite part as we got to see the embies and how many people get to their babies at such early stages? There has to be some perks to the IVF journey!

bumski - My LO hates the doppler too. Was funny after first sweep as MW couldn't find HB but baby was fine as we could see all the movement. When she finally did find HB it was only for maybe 5 seconds and baby moved again. MW gave up after that :haha:

AFM - Still just waiting......:shrug:

Hope today goes well g3 :hugs:

Tryandwish my scan is tomorrow Hun :) really looking forward to it :)

Hope I got the silver cross freeway is that wat u got or the 3d one
They didn't send me to epu they sent me to the gyne ward as my pulse is fast and something to do with my eyes?? He said they need to scan to rule out ectopic! I'm at the hospital now they said there's 2 women in front of me, will keep you updated x
Good luck hunni :hugs: I have everything crossed for u and hope u r seen to very soon
Gotta go out for a bit but I'll check back in a few hours! Thinking of you and really hope it's good news! xxx

Oh gmz3-I'm glad you are waiting for a scan, it's the reasurance you need. I would push for bloods too. will be checking for your update.
pcct- I got the metropolitan 3D silver cross (mothercare sell it) it's in my utility room and boy I won't have a problem remembering how to use it when he arrives (been apart and back together so many times and been in mothercare twice to get a demo too!!!) It is all shiney as new (washed everything and aired in the garden over weekend) will have to post a pic :) You will love your scan tomorrow :)
tryandwish- Hope baby makes an appearance soon.
betty- Are you pupo with twins???
bumski- looking forward to your update :)
Well I'm still none the wiser and very annoyed!
First I got to see the idiot doctor at my surgery, first he refused to refer me to epu said they wouldn't see me until 6 weeks, even tho I'm 5+5 today! Then he decided he wanted to examine me and after looking in my eyes with his torch he picked up the phone and said he wanted me seen by gyne to rule out a possible ectopic?? He said I was tachycardic and wanted me to go straight in?
So I must say it scared and confused me as iv only had some dull aching no real pain?
Anyway we get to the hospital and wait a lifetime to be seen, the nurse was very nice said there was no point in scanning me until 6 weeks as their equipment isn't that good and it would probably cause me further worry, she took bloods and a few swabs to check for infection, then did an internal and I must say she was extremely rough about it!! She said there was no sign of blood anymore and the plan was she will ring my tonight with my beta number, if its above 2,500 she will scan me on Monday, if its under she will repeat the bloods on Saturday. So I came home feeling a bit better went to the toilet and when I wipe red blood!!!!! I'm trying to remain positive she really was rough when examining my cervix maybe she's irratated it??
So now I wait she said if she can't get the results by 2night she will ring me with them in the morning so for now I'm going to keep my feet up and try to relax x
omg what was she doing being rough when your poss bleeding! i was told complete pelvic rest when bleeding and only did internal scans as a last resort, its probably just irritated your cervix or something but it makes me so angry when people dont seem to take this as seriously as we do, hope your ok hun.
try and rest again and fx it wont be long until your scan now, an early sneaky peek on baby! :)
I did the same as you and carried on testing over the weekend, i figured they would atleast start to get lighter if my hcg was dropping, its all sounding very positive though g3mz. im sure this baby is for keeps xxx

tryandwish what have you been doing to get things going? i bet you just cant wait to meet lo now! im really excited already and i have approx 9 more weeks to wait :( x

pcct, gl for your scan tomoz, i bet its going to be brilliant! happy 13 weeks by the way and welcome to 2nd tri!!! yay x

hope iv ordered a pram from ebay, not sure whether thats a good or bad thing yet but time will tell, my favourite like you two are the silvercross prams but as a friend has one i wanted to find something a little different, i also love when you can put the carseat directly onto the frame which this one you can, just cant wait for it to arrive now. x
Hoping the pic of it will attach properly.

betty i hope today has gone well! cant wait to find out if your pupo!!! x


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