Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Ohhhh your teasing hurry back for next post!!!!!!! Glad u are doing well :hugs: am so excited to here your story and see pictures of your gawjus little boy xx
Oh me too! Can't wait to see him!!
I bet he is just amazing! Glad all went well, looking forward to reading all about it. Congratulations mummy!!! :) xx
I agree with girls YOU ARE TEASING US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you are enjoying being a mammy :) Congratulations :)
So looking forward to seeing photos :)
Well it all started Sunday 12th. I was 12 days overdue. Had no twinges or signs of labour except some EWCM the day before. Rang maternity unit and they had space for me so we went in for 9.30am. I was reluctant to be induced but by 14-15 days over the placenta has 50-60% chance of not working as efficiently and it can take quite a while for induction to work so I felt it better to be slowly induced than have the chance of ending in an emergency situation and possibly CS. They put me on the monitors and it showed I was having regular contractions though I was barely feeling them. They were just tightenings across top of my bump that I'd been having since 30 weeks. By 11 they examined me to see if I needed the pessary and cervix was still posterior, almost out of reach and no where near thin enough to start dilating. They inserted the pessary and damn....those things need designing by a woman. Obviously designed by a man 'coz the frikken thing was sharp! Not designed to be inserted anywhere, let alone up there! :cry: They then left me on the monitor another hour and the pessary was to stay in 24 hours. Monitor showed regular contractions the entire time I was on it but I was hardly feeling them :shrug:
By 1pm I told DH he may as well head home to take care of the animals as it could still be a couple of days until :baby: arrives. Spent the afternoon alternating from resting on the bed, walking corridors, crab walking the stairs and bouncing on a birthing ball. By evening a few contractions had been stronger and were moving to below my belly button but they still weren't even what I'd call uncomfortable. I was just aware of them. They put me back on the monitor at 8pm and baby wriggling constantly and my contractions were spiking all over the place. They wanted to see the contractions settle into something more regular so left me on the monitor for hour and half. They settled a little but not by much. By 10 pm I went to wash and change ready for bed and found some blood when I wiped. Not much as it was pinkish not red. Told midwives and they said it was a good sign. :happydance: Maybe I wouldn't need a drip to get me going! Got into bed and tried settling down but kept needing to pee every time I dropped off. Kept on just dozing and needed to pee again at 1.30am Monday morning. Pee'd and went back to bed still with just the tightenings and then st 1.50am I had 3 stronger and lower contractions quite close together that I couldn't sleep through so got up and started walking the corridors. Could this really be it? Could I be going into labour with just the pessary and not need any drips or have them break my waters to get me going? After half hour I told a midwife things were getting stronger and I was now quite uncomfortable with them and she wanted to see on the monitor so I had to get back into bed to be monitored again and it was pains while I was just sat in bed. Much better up and about walking. After about half hour she was happy and moved from the ward bay to a side room so I wouldn't disturb anyone else and it had en suite so I could get in the bath. By the time they had moved me to my own room they were pains and not just uncomfortable. MW then examined me at 3.15 (I think) to see where I was at and I still wasn't dilated at all and cervix wasn't fully thinned out yet. I was planning no pain relief but that was like a kick in the gut. Been contracting all day and been in pain for over an hour and I'd got no where. Instantly thinking "I cant do this! I'm in pain already and not even started dilating!". MW offered me co-codomol and I had to say yes. She also ran the bath for me so the water could help me too. Laid on my side in the bath to keep bump fully covered and MW left me to it and to pull the cord if I needed anything. In the bath felt so much better and I was actually dozing in between the contractions. I was unaware of time coz of me dozing off but I had my phone near by and wanted to balance leaving DH sleep long as possible at home but also give him time to get to hospital for the birth (we live an hour from the hospital!). By 4.50am I decided he needed to wake up, have a coffee and make his way in. Told him its not urgent, he has time to wake up a bit as I was in pain and getting them regular but wasn't dilating when they last checked. After effort of continuing to speak to him through a contraction I felt sick and hurled over edge of the bath (onto a waterproof backed bed protector thingy the MW had put down for me to get out the bath onto so I didn't make too much mess :thumbup:). 5.15 MW came back to check on me and I told her I was getting bowel pressure and is that normal this early on in labour. She asked if I needed to push. I said no but just feeling the pressure. She asked if she could check me as it sounded like I was progressing but I wasn't holding out much hope. Got out the bath and onto the bed. OMG :help: it was so much more painful out of the bath and laying on my back. MW checked and said I was 5cm :shock: YAY "Can I get in the birth pool?" (You have to be 5cm before you can get in the pool). Was amazed and overjoyed I was 5cm already and that gave me the boost I needed. I CAN DO THIS! The pain isn't that bad for half way there :happydance: Did have visions of screaming out for epidural but now that the pain is actually getting me somewhere its fine. Perfectly tolerable and I already know it'll be same for any more labours I'm lucky enough to go through. I was allowed in the pool as the induction had been minimal but it takes 20 mins to fill and I had to be monitored 20 mins before going into the pool. Oh no!! Laying on the bed was agony. Managed to lay on my right side with the monitors on but I wasn't even watching the monitor. I was too busy gripping the trolley the monitor was on waiting for 20 mins to tick by. MW came back and it hadn't been picking up my contractions properly :cry: "Please don't make me stay here another 20 minutes?!" MW said she could see my contractions from my heart rate so she was happy and I made my way down to the pool at 5.15am and dropped my towel and almost leapt into the pool. Felt so much better! I recommend labouring in the pool or bath to everyone even if not planning to deliver in the pool (saw something few pages back bout being unsure of using the water for pain relief - GET IN THE POOL! You'll be surprised how much it really helps.) By 5.45 I was wondering where DH was as it had been an hour since I called but I had told him there was no rush! Called and he wasn't far away but still told him to put his foot down as I was half way there and in the pool already. He got there at 6 and he was so much help. I got comfy with my back against side of tub with DH behind me and his arm over my shoulder so I could lean on his arm and I was then sleeping between contractions. Even though contractions were every few minutes I was apparently going straight into quite a deep sleep as I was supporting myself on my arms when awake but as Islept they kept floating to the surface and I have no recollection of that. A few times I almost slipped into the water and DH had to put his had under my jaw to keep my head up :haha: By around 7ish I think, I could feel my muscles starting to involuntarily push. I had no control so went with it. By 8am they wanted me to get out the pool so they could check me as I was pushing well but there was no sign of :baby:'s head yet. I reluctantly got out the pool and told them to be quick as they can so I could get back in. They checked and said I was officially fully dilated and baby's head was right there. I did couple of pushes on the bed and they said I was moving him down with each push but I just had to get him that bit further to stop him sliding back up. Got back in the pool and kept pushing but my contractions were short. Never more than about 30 seconds so I never had the time to get several good pushes in before the pain subsided and he slid back up. I got out the pool a while later (lost track of time by now) and tried on all fours on the bed to see if I could get him down further. I could feel him moving down but he slipped back every time. It was gone 9am when I asked how much longer they would leave me struggling as I was getting tired. They asked a consultant to come and we decided on episiotomy and ventouse so she could help me deliver him. They also then hooked me to a drip to increase the strength and length of my contractions as they were too short. Then even with consultant pulling and me pushing it still took about half hour to deliver him. At least consultant was now stopping him slipping back every time. Told them it felt like he was stuck and going to suddenly slip free. Could feel big time pressure down to my coccyx. He didn't slip free but managed to get him past that pressure into my coccyx and then the ring of fire started :nope: ouchie ouchie and I had some anaesthetic there from where she had cut me and it still frikken burned. He was crowning and my pains were still quite short so consultant held him there while we waited for the next pain and I was saying "come on pain where are you?" :haha: Then with the next pain his head was delivered "Ah thats better!" burning stopped and DH got tears in his eyes telling me his head was there and I said "I know it feels so much better!". But what I wasn't expecting was as his head was delivered the consultant suddenly changed the pulling angle from pulling down she then suddenly pulled up which was a very strange sensation. Wish she had warned me of it coz I tensed when she did that :growlmad: Just waited for the next pain then to deliver his shoulders and I knew we'd have him. (Though we were saying "him" we didn't know for sure yet of course). I asked could we still wait for his cord to stop pulsating before cutting it and MW said yes but as he was delivered the consultant instantly clamped and cut it:growlmad: Was all bit overwhelming at the time and I didn't know she had done it until they asked to take him off me to take him to the warming table and dry him off properly. MW said they had to cut it for medical reasons though we were never told what those reasons were. I think consultant didn't know and wasn't listening when I asked could we hold off cutting it. His 1 minute and 5 minute APGARs were both 9 and he was breathing and crying on his own so I can't see any reason for having had it cut :growlmad: Wish I could have seen her about to cut the cord! I'd have stopped her!.....Got to stop talking bout that part 'coz it'll get me wound up.
:baby: was on my tummy and they were rubbing him with a towel and I was just looking at proud teary eyed dad as he was going to tell me the sex. Boy. Just as we were quite certain of :happydance: Then they took him and I realised the cord had been cut :growlmad:.....
I asked for skin to skin but he came back to me wrapped up. Kept him wrapped up until they weighed him and gave him his vit K jab and then I had him skin to skin. He was a great distraction 'coz I had to be stitched up and while I couldn't feel her stitching, I could feel all the tugging and she was using stitch stuff (cord? thread? Don't know what it's called) about a foot long and tugging it all through each stitch. Why? I have no idea but didn't really care 'coz I was holding my :baby: Dad was almost in tears and already making phone calls. He was born 10.15 and by 11 the consultant had finally finished stitching me up. She had to stitch the episiotomy and I also had 2 tears and a graze on my labias so she was stitching for quite a while :cry: Turned out I couldn't deliver him myself coz he had his cord around his leg and he was bungeeing on it. Naughty baby really didn't want to come out :haha: Soon as all the stitching was done we were left alone to settle with :baby: He was being bit gizzly but to be expected after the big suction cup had been on his head! I tried breast feeding him and he latched without hurting me and fed quite well. Between both boobs he fed for 45 minutes before he was even 2 hours old :happydance: He then slept and daddy had a cuddle while I had lunch (and I'd already been fed toast by DH while :baby: was feeding - I was starving!). We were moved to a post partum ward and had a 4 bay ward to ourselves so we had some quiet :D Spent few hours then just enjoying little Korbin and trying to get myself back to normal as any time I tried to sit on edge of bed or get up I went white as a sheet and nearly passed out. Had to get myself feeling better 'coz really wanted the 6 hour discharge and my own bed. My mum, dad and brother were coming to visit around 4 and I wanted a quick shower. Managed to slowly get up and get to the shower but nearly passes out in the shower and while drying. Just managed to walk back to the ward and DH saw me n came to grab me before I fell and he helped me back to bed. I felt better for the shower once I got colour back in my cheeks. DH went out to shop to buy a copy of all the news papers and then preradiation arrived to do his 6 hour check up. Everything was fine except he has a small cyst on end of his penis and she wanted her boss to see him. She took hours to come and just wants to see him in 2 weeks (a week yesterday now) for a review so we'll find out more then. Cyst doesn't seem to bother him at all. He also has his feet turned in so we have exercises to do 3 times a day to help straighten his ankles but that's 'coz he was tucked up so tightly for an extra 13 days. We got discharged about 6.30 that evening and it was great to be home. First few days were difficult as Korbin had colic and spent hours screaming every night and when he settled he wouldn't let me put him down so I couldn't sleep but as my milk came in on day 3 his colic got better and he fed better, winded easier and so slept better. He already sleeps for up to 4 hour stints at night so I'm getting plenty of sleep considering we have a new born. Got routine going where day time is noisy and we talk to him lots but at night I'll hardly say anything and of course everything is quiet and he only goes in his moses basket at night. Sleeps in his rocker or in our arms in the day and he's a great baby :cloud9:

I know this is a huge message and not sure it will let me post it all but it better 'coz been writing this for hours! I'll add pics next :thumbup:


p.s Congratulations to anyone who managed to read all of that! Didn't realise quite how much I had written until I just clicked preview post :wacko:
tryandwish-- awww what an amazing experience am so happy for you that you had a natural birth and a speedy one with that :) glad the BF is going good :) what a lovely name too :0 hope you get some nice sleep :) enjoy this time its so precious and before you know it he will be running rings round you lol xxxxx
Here you go everyone. Sorry bout pic quality. The best pics taken with my brothers camera are too big to upload and I don't know how to resize so these are some of the pics from my blackberry :D



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Wow Hun u did amazing!!! your story was lovely to read and sounds like I had a magical experience :hugs: to think ill be in that situation too soon eeek!! So glad you and korbin are doing well so happy for you all :yipee:

Ps. Omg!!!! Just seen pictures!! what a Beauitful little boy you have made he is complelty gawjus :cry: awwwwww well done mummy :)

Ps again, from ur dp he looks just like his daddy :)
I agree pcct he's spit of his daddy!
What a lovely story to read, my mum kept trying to talk to me while I was reading and I was like 'ssshhhhhhh!' N giving her funny looks lol.
You are so brave to go through so much of that on your own and let dh get his sleep, I will be making sure dh sees every bit of pain I'm feeling lol.
Korbin is absolutely stunning! You both must be so so proud, I just can't wait now!
How much did he weigh? Xx
Thanks Ladies :D

betty - I know! Seeing it happening with my best mates baby and he's only 9 and half months but he running his mum ragged already! This week he has learnt the word no and its already his favourite word :haha:

pcct - I'm sure you'll do great when your labour comes. While things didn't quite go to plan I found that Natal Hypnotherapy really helped me. Think thats why I dilated so quickly and was able to sleep between contractions. If your interested here's a link to the website.

No need for any courses. I bought the book and the birth prep cd and just listened frequently to the disc and read the book. Also bought them second hand on ebay for £20 so it doesn't have to cost much. Recommend them to anyone nervous of the labour :thumbup:

bumski - He was 8lbs and half an ounce. Everyone says he looks like daddy but daddy disagrees 'coz the baby is cute and he isn't :haha:
The pain wasn't bad until I rang DH from pool when he was near the hospital and he didn't take long to get there by then. Daddy ended up feeling the pain as I was gripping and pulling on his hand with every pain and at one point he thought I had broken his wrist again :haha: (he broken both many times)

Ah wow tryandwish he is lush :) I agree with girls he looks just like his daddy.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. Its the first thing that has actually got me excited to meet my little man in 9wks- eeek!!!
You did so well especially as he had his cord wrapped round his legs. I so want a natural birth ie no pain relief. I was the one talking about labouring in the pool (not allowed to give birth in the pool due to postpartum haemorrhage with my 2nd) as water and heat usually help me with pain. My sister said there was no point as water is luke warm. Glad you have said it does help as it has confirmed its what I want to do.
Enjoy your little man hun :)
Hope - They kept the water hot enough for me. Even kept emptying some to add more hot so it would be warm enough for baby (though couldn't deliver in the pool in the end) and I hated them draining some as I felt heavier and pains felt worse when I wasn't floating! As we are all different though (I like cool showers, not hot ones), maybe you'll find the water luke warm too. Just try it and see :thumbup:

Congratulations tryandwish! What a great birth story and wow on the 4hrs sleep front - I'm super jealous!!

Hope everyone is ok? Sorry I've not been on for an eternity! Harrison has had terrible colic it was only just sorted out last week he is on lactose free milk with a thickener added plus his cot tilted and bingo happy baby - it turns out he has reflux not colic! Only took the docs 10 weeks to work out lol happy baby and happy mommy now!!

Can't believe he is now 11.8pounds time goes so quickly!!

Ill try and keep a bit more upto date from now on!
TryandWish- def going to try the pool :)
Nimbec- lovely to here from you. Glad your little one has gotton some help. You sound really happy :) Hope you are enjoying being a mammy.
Hope everyone else is well and happy too :)
OMG nimbec!! Korbin had colic for first few days until my milk came in and I had very little sleep! By day 3 I was in tears :cry: just needing some sleep. I have no idea how you could have coped for 10 weeks! :shrug: Well done you on coping :flower: Glad you are both now happy and getting some sleep.

Saw health visitor yesterday and she weighed Korbin. He is back to his birth weight by 10 days old. Apparently they expect birth weight to be regained by 14 days and breast fed babies often take a few days longer so he is doing very well :happydance: His jaundice is gone, his cord has fallen off and he just had his hearing screening test and seems his hearing is good in both ears :cloud9: This mammy couldn't be happier :happydance:

Hope - You'll find the pool amazing :D

Betty - Have you been given a treatment schedule yet?

How is everyone else? Schoolteacher been on at all? Hope she's doing well.

Hi everyone, nimbec I'm glad Harrison is doing better, he sounds a great weight! How has it been getting used to being a mummy? X

Tryandwish you are tempting me with the water too, I may look into it as a possibility, even just to labour in if nothing else x

Hope how's your pain doing now? Hope baby is being kind to you? Have you started to pack your hospital bag yet? X

G3mz hope your having a great holiday, not long until your scan now, how exciting x

Pcct how are you doing Hun? Your pregnancy really seems to be moving along quickly now :) not long until your next mw app x

Betty how are you? Do you have any idea how long until you start your next cycle? It's getting close now x

Afm I think I overdone it a little yesterday, I was at a wedding all day (photographer) and realised how much I cannot easily move around all day lol. I had braxton hicks ALL day yesterday and was really uncomfortable! Today I feel like iv had a good work out at the gym, just shows how lazy iv been all pregnancy lol. But baby now seems to have dropped! My bump looks more pear shaped and I can now feel and see my ribs again!
It seems to have took the pressure off where I was getting pain, well mostly but now I'm worried incase it means baby is getting in position for an early appearance!
I have no other signs tho so I will just have to keep an eye out. X
bumski - Take it easy!! :coffee: Hope you've been resting today. My bump was dropping down before I finished work at 35+4 and I ended up 13 days overdue so don't worry about an early appearance! Baby will keep dropping and coming back up if your LO is anything like mine was! :thumbup: As for the water, I know everyone is different but I hope you'll find it as great as I did. Just been telling DH that I don't want home birth for any future labours. Soon as the twinges get regular and uncomfortable its straight down hospital as I'll want to be straight in the bath tub as this time was only 2 hours to go from posterior closed cervix to 5cms and they say second labours are often faster :wacko:

Everyone else well?

Think your right about dropping, she's definitely dropped but it doesn't seem as obvious as yesterday so maybe she moved back up a bit. Iv also hardly ached at all today :)
Yeah the water sounds great!! Not sure what I will be allowed yet and don't get to do my birth plan for nearly 2 weeks with mw, hopefully she will go through my options with me although I always feel rushed when I go to see her.
How's baby korbin doing? :) x
Hey girls glad you are all doing ok :)
Hope I absolutely love heavy rain I would have loved to have still been in shields and sat at the sea front and watched the waves, I even remember the massive storm you had that came out of no where and the place got flooded I was so jell not being there lol we seen it all on the news tho :0

Tryandwish you have me Going to look Into a water birth too but would like to actually have the baby on the bed and just use the bath to ease the pain, only problem is we only have 2 pools and I can already see that come November the ward is guna be soooo busy I know off already about 20 people due in November one is my friend there's 5 days between us lol

Bumski eeek not long until you make your birth plan , I can't wait to do mine too. Hope your guna be taken it easy it after your busy weekend :hugs:

Nimbec hey lovely to hear from you hope you are keeping well :hugs:

Afm well am stuffed up with the cold again :dohh: am hoping it doesn't get as bad as the last time. Got my 16 week midwife apt on Wednesday really looking forward to that, then my next appt will be my 20 week scan eeek - the other night I felt baby swim along the bottom of my tummy what an amazing feeling I was actually crying lol really hope the hard kicks aren't too far away now!

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